Author Topic: Paint Scheme Help  (Read 2891 times)


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Paint Scheme Help
« on: 27 January 2017, 17:26:47 »
I hope this is the right place for this.

I am wondering if anyone here would be up for giving me advice, help, and/or ideas on developing a paint scheme for battle armor and aerospace assets to go along with my Avatar, specifically the Black Skies Industries part.

Fiction for the stuff is still being written and put together in a way that makes sense to more than just me. The basic idea of the group is that when Amaris took over way back when, they faked their own corporate death and went sort of underground and into espionage. The two sides to them is that they develop manufacture both battle armor and aerospace assets, and are mostly supported by their parent company, Universal Exports. Up until the republic era they were the only users of their products, and managed to stay out of site during their operations.

I was thinking of having some kind of paint scheme that simulates a star field. However, I do have some problems: I am very inexperienced painting models, and barely understand terminology (when I do at all). I could use some advice, or possibly other ideas.

I'll welcome any kind of discussion about it, and any ideas people have about how these miniatures should look. (In case it wasn't clear all of this groups units are either aerospace (fighters all the way to warships) or battle armor, with a very small number of support vehicles, and much later quadvees. Primarily it is battle armor and aerospace assets.

I'd also welcome any suggestions for good instructional stuff for learning how to prepare and paint models correctly.

