Author Topic: Price of Duty  (Read 3883 times)


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Price of Duty
« on: 27 July 2021, 03:51:39 »
Alright time for a proper review for a book i wasn't expecting to read but am thankful for reading it.  It had all the stuff that was part of the legion mythos.   Legion was always famous for being fanatical when it comes to there contracts as it they never back down on broke to the point that cause them man and machines.  from another thread someone talk about how absorb that a junkyard would have a clan mech but let face it after nearly100 years of near constant warefare a clan mech should turn up in yards like that once in a while.  Of course such machine would had been sold quickly on auction to the first tech group that thought they could fix it but that not here or there.  A solid mech but not exactly a meta clan mech as it over engine.  So that being found lost somewhere in the war isn't that far fetch.  If i was to guess it was a wolf machine most likely a wolf in exile. 
The other two machines, hatchetman and bushwhacker are also machines that would had seen lot of action in that theater so again no surprises there. 

the formation of the Tamar pact made sense.  It was something all of us speculate after hour of the wolves.  With the jade falcon toman destroy on earth they would lack the resources to hold their worlds.  Someone is bound to reach out and grab them.

So back story seem solid.  Character were solid.  We got our mustache twirling villian who there to show how something like the tamar pact could happen.  When all your commander are saying Move and you got an asshat who rather sit on his hand cause he afraid he going to get a booboo then the theater bound to have some adventurous commander. 

Wagner did a disservice to grayson claiming he wasn't sneaky.  Half his victories were his sneakiness appear when no one expected was the legion forte .  they often lack the mech mass to go for a stand up drawn out fight. So the great grandson is a chip off the old block in that that the mission is imporant not how it is done.   Overall a very enjoyable read


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #1 on: 27 July 2021, 07:11:20 »
  Marveryn your review is spot on. I just brought and read story yesterday. I love it but is was short. One thing is how far House Steiner have fallen.How Lyran Commonwealth will fracture like House Marik. Do you think fat Timmy is a social general or worst ? I think he worst. On whole a good start for the new GDL.


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #2 on: 27 July 2021, 08:05:02 »
Ok. Buying it now. Thanks for the review!


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #3 on: 28 July 2021, 13:13:34 »
I loved it!  (Missed the GDL, and am glad they are coming back)  The only minor niggle was, it was too short.  Time to write a new series focused on the continuing exploits of the new Grey Death Legion!!!


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2021, 14:28:14 »
I loved it!  (Missed the GDL, and am glad they are coming back)  The only minor niggle was, it was too short.  Time to write a new series focused on the continuing exploits of the new Grey Death Legion!!!
I just found out from a post from trboturtle that this part of a 3 part story like the Kell hounds. So is going be 2 more story on the New GDL  :drool:

Dr. Banzai

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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #5 on: 28 July 2021, 14:47:54 »
Wagner did a disservice to grayson claiming he wasn't sneaky.  Half his victories were his sneakiness appear when no one expected was the legion forte .  they often lack the mech mass to go for a stand up drawn out fight. So the great grandson is a chip off the old block in that that the mission is imporant not how it is done.   Overall a very enjoyable read
I tacked the "sneaky" comment to the legend that built up around Grayson and crew. At the time, a lot of what they did was sneaky (sailing a DROPSHIP on the OCEAN under a STORM), but as the tales grew, the "sneakiness" wore off and was replaced with "brilliant tactician".

I am not the Dr. Banzai from Facebook/Youtube. That person is a hateful person that does not represent the spirit of Buckaroo Banzai nor its fandom.


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #6 on: 28 July 2021, 17:28:39 »
Really enjoyed this one. Will wait for more. the Tamar pact being one of the spinoffs of the Falcons leaving their worlds empty is nice and seems like a good reason to have them around. Seems they are weak as a power, though, so the Horses should steamroll them. But I suppose they will be beefed up, and the Horses and bars will be doing other stuff. that, or the tamar pact is just squashed and then we have a HH vs GB war.

I thought Wagner was a competent commander, maybe, but she should have known better than to have her weak elements left alone. So she did not seem that competent to me.
And yes, the original GDL was sneaky.


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #7 on: 30 July 2021, 11:07:05 »
Price of Duty is definitely worth a low price it has. It is a solid story. Too bad it don't have a real tough opponent, just unfortunate circumstances and a lazy, social to the extreme general with a shiny face to slap. It really shows a degenration of LCAF, so I guess someone else is going to grab Falcons OZ.

spoiler: I wish at least someone would be killed, or at least heavily injured. It's a 'Mech combat after all.


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Re: Price of Duty
« Reply #8 on: 31 July 2021, 01:11:20 »
Price of Duty is definitely worth a low price it has. It is a solid story. Too bad it don't have a real tough opponent, just unfortunate circumstances and a lazy, social to the extreme general with a shiny face to slap. It really shows a degenration of LCAF, so I guess someone else is going to grab Falcons OZ.

spoiler: I wish at least someone would be killed, or at least heavily injured. It's a 'Mech combat after all.

but it make sense in this battle.  cause the obeject wasn't to kill but to delay which means the delaying lance would had choosen the point of blocking where they have some cover while allowing there machines complete view of the opposing field.  While the opposing group having no knowledge of it really just 3 mechs or more would had been cautious with the push.  Being light they also would had try to avoid going directly against the possible firepower.  remember this battle wasn't in an open field.  In the open field where light can manuever freely then it be a different story.