Flamers are remarkably useless against anything other than conventional infantry.
IMHO Flamers were nerfed a good bit when they removed the " Fire and Smoke " rules from
standard play by not including them in TW .
If more advanced rules are in effect lighting fires can turn the tide of a game .
In the early days of when the clans showed up lighting woods on fire was often
used to limit their range advantages .
Under the standard TW rules flamers can be used to transfer heat to a target mech .
Post double heat sinks that doesn't mean much but in a 3025 era setting a Firestarter's
3 flamers can have quite an effect on some of the most popular heavies of the era.
( like slowing them down , forcing ammo explosion rolls, shutting them down , forcing them
to fire less weapons to stay cool , forcing heat penalties to to-hit rolls ,ETC. )
Combine with SRM infernos for even more fun !