Author Topic: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?  (Read 5500 times)


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #30 on: 11 July 2014, 15:43:17 »
As a kid, we didn't go to the movies, and we weren't allowed to watch much tv.  Dad hated tv and thought it a waste of time.  No scifi, fantasy, or comics around the house - entertainment was largely religion-based at that time in our lives.  I can remember the other kids talking about Start Wars, but having no idea what they were going on about.  I think Empire Strikes Back was first movie I got to pick and go see on my own.  I read a lot in elementary school, but didn't discover scfi and fantasy until junior high.  We moved at the end of 6th grade, and the new school had a much smaller library, but it was for 7th and 8th grades, and had a good bit of stuff in it.  I distinctly remember John Carter of Mars, the Star Trek novelizations, and the Dragons of Pern.  The local city library also had a great paperback scifi section, and I found Conan, Gor, and a load of 50s and 60s scifi in it.  By this point I was in love with fantasy and scifi, and have never turned back.  I remember reading a lot more scifi than fantasy back then, with Asimov and Heinlein being favorites.  Speculative fiction, more than warfare, was what I wanted then.  History texts, from Greece to the the Hundred Years War fascinated me, and I read everything I could get my hands on.  I remember Buck Rogers and tv, and even more fondly remember Wilma Deering.   {>{>  About this time I found the Lord of the Rings, and soon after was introduced to AD&D by one of the other nerds in my class.  I loved it from the start, even though we rarely actually played.  Made a random character generator as project in computer class using BASIC on an Apple II.

Moved to a new town, made new friends, and they did AD&D and Traveller.  Like before, we rarely played, but we all loved the games and read the Dragon magazine from cover to cover when it appeared in the school library each month.  I still miss Wormy.  Helped start a gaming group in high school.  Started watching Star Trek reruns after school.  Moved again, this time during senior year.  By this point I'm making my own homerules to AD&D because I saw so many problems with it.  Bought the Harn world setting, and realized just how lacking the Greyhawk setting really was.  I've been a Harn fanatic since it first came out.  Just before starting college I was introduced to the Hero/Champions system for superhero gaming, and shortly after starting college, found another group that used this brand new thing called Fantasy Hero.  AD&D was tossed at this point, and I have only played it under duress since then.  Started collecting comics at this time, mostly Marvel.

Changed my college and degree, and found a new gaming group.  Finally, a group of people I didn't mind hanging out with and that met on a weekly basis.  Mostly Champions, but we did a bit of Fantasy Hero as well.  The GM also did a lot of Battletech, but I didn't have the time to join in that. The roommate did get me to play a time or two, and we had Crescent Hawks and the earliest Mechwarrior game for my Commodore 64.  Somewhere in this timeframe I found the Grey Death Legion books. 

After starting grad school, I had to give up gaming because of a severe lack of time, but kept up with the comics and novels and movies.  Fast forward some more years, and I buy Mechwarrior II and Ghost Bear.  I'm loving the games, but the only setting details I know are in the game.  Seems to have little relation to Grey Death and Crescent Hawks to me, but I still like it.  Then my college roommate gets me to start playing Battletech with him.  That was fun for a while, even if we have very different playing styles.  Started collecting all the BT novels, and bought some sourcebooks, minis, and TROs.  Sold all my AD&D books, but I did sit in a couple AD&D sessions, just in order to hang out with friends.  But, life, marriage, family, distance, etc......tabletop gaming stopped.  Still play the computer, still read books, but time is lacking to do either, and I just don't feel the need to actually do a game anymore.  Realized a few years ago that I wasn't reading the comics I did buy, so stopped that as well.

I like to think that I've moved on to the next evolutionary step.  It sounds better, anyway.  I no longer play the game, I design/expand settings and scenarios.  I might tweak a rule here and there for hypothetical rule system rewrites, but never actually test them out.  It is the setting and characters that drive me, not the rules.  Sometimes it is for established settings (Battletech, Harn, Forgotten Realms, Traveller), sometimes it is my own stuff, whether it be superhero, urban fantasy, sword and planet, or fantasy.  I've had a small bit published as canon for Harn, did some fanon stuff that was actually published on the net, but most of my stuff is only seen by friends.  I'm a sloooooow writer, and I find that about the time I am 85% done, I start getting bored and start working on a new project.  I will often go back and add things later, but almost everything is a work in progress.  If/when I ever get to retire, I plan to sit down and finish some of the stuff.  I think my setting, character, and scenario stuff is pretty danged good, but my short-story writing is somewhere between lousy and crappy.  I'm trying to work on that as well, but seem to be accumulating story tidbits, rather than actual stories.
Game mechanics are a way of resolving questions in play, not explanations of the world itself.


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #31 on: 11 July 2014, 21:18:53 »
BattleTech did.
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #32 on: 12 July 2014, 14:20:22 »
Boring bus ride on a school trip in 5th grade. Friend of mine broke out the four Battletech novels he had in his backpack and shared them around...


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #33 on: 14 July 2014, 17:12:11 »
Tolkien to Jordan and Saberhagen, then Weber Ringo and Kratman. Various shows books and movies in between them but that was the key points. Ran into a BT demo game after playing MW2 on the computer and haven't looked back. ;D
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #34 on: 19 July 2014, 16:01:36 »
Oddly enough, I got started on the DOOM movie a while back. This got me suitably hooked, but then I started investing time in the Halo series, and allowed my experience with the Science-Fiction Genre to blossom. Eventually, my tastes switched to RPGs. At the present, it is a mix of the two genres that I enjoy.
A furry playing battletech? Kinda strange, in my experience.

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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #35 on: 19 July 2014, 18:54:02 »
I was 9 the first time I played D&D. I was hooked. It was 1981 and the birth of the industry. I wound up joining a miniature/RPG group in Sioux Falls, SD when I was 10, the only kid in an adult club. I can't tell you everything  we played but the love of gaming was nurtured. Star Frontiers from TSR and Star Trek from FASA are the first true Sci Fi games I remember playing, that was in Germany when I was 12. Since then I have played a little of everything it seems.

Since then I not only play but I collect RPG's. Obscure, mainstream, it doesn't matter. I want it just to have it :D
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #36 on: 21 July 2014, 10:10:20 »
Like many in my generation, I came to Sci-Fi as a kid via Star Wars, though it was WH40K (which I left behind many yeas ago) and BattleTech that properly dragged me into the Sci-Fi world.
Youngling!    ;D

If I can point to any one thing that started my love of SF, it would be the old B&W Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials they used to show on Saturday morning TV when I was a kid back in the 60's.  I loved those shows and got up early every Saturday to watch them.  From there I moved on to other SF movies on TV and reading "Juvinile" (aka Young Adult) SF books from the library. 

My first experience with SF RPGs was the old TSR Gamma World game.  Although I only actually played it a couple times (it was never as popular as its fantasy brother) it was an intersting setting.  After that, I moved on to dabbling with Traveler before branching out to a number of other SFRPG games.  These days, the only "SF" I play with any regularity is superheroes with Mutants & Masterminds (a D&D v3 adaptation)

However, I first started out in Fantasy with Fighting Fantasy choose your own adventures and then graduated up to Dragon Warriors, a game system and world I still love to this day and is luckily still in print in an updated format.
For me, my very first exposure to RPGs was the old, original D&D (pre-AD&D) game in high school.  My friends and I tramped through endless miles of caves and dungeons using those rules.  Later, we transitioned to AD&D and enjoyed that for many years, too.  After graduating college, I got into GURPS.  I have amassed quite a collection of supplements for 3rd and 4th ed GURPs, but I don't play it much anymore.  When I do play fantasy RPGs, its most often Pathfinder (aka D&D v3.5) these days

I did have some time with AD&D and the Ninja Turtles RPG game, but once BT came along, it and military (especially naval) wargaming become my primary focus.
I picked up a couple of BTRPG books for background information, but I never really role-played this setting. 

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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #37 on: 22 July 2014, 13:35:09 »
My gateway drug would have to be Doctor Who (Tom Baker forever!) I must have been about 6. I loved it at once, but what really blew me away was seeing my first regeneration. I explored a lot of fantasy via my local library - I think Andre Norton was probably first, then stumbled into SciFi via Clarke & Wyndham.

For gaming it was the Steve Jackson/Ian Livingstone choose-your-own-adventure books. I had friends who were into Warhammer & 40K, but I couldn't afford it. I still have much affection for Space Hulk played with whatever toy soldiers happened to be about though - Lego spacemen made great mini-marines  :D

I didn't get to play a proper RPG until almost the end of my university career. There had been a D&D club after school, but I couldn't get home unless I took the school bus. I looked for D&D at my first uni, but the only gamers I could find were hardcore cyberpunk players, and quite unfriendly. After I fell out of my degree program and changed uni's, I found a guy on the uni LAN chat with the handle Jade_Falcon. I asked him where the name came from and he said it was a gaming thing, then added that that game wasn't running right now but there was a space in their Shadowrun game if I was interested? That was 1993.
I didn't actually get to Battletech until '95, and MW2 on the PC, then I found a local gaming club later that year and have been playing there ever since.
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #38 on: 22 July 2014, 16:46:04 »
I didn't actually get to Battletech until '95, and MW2 on the PC, then I found a local gaming club later that year and have been playing there ever since.

So, you've been gaming steadily then, since '96?  ???

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Just kidding!  But it sucks for ME that I gamed steadily from about '85 to early '92, when I went Active Duty Army.  When I got out in December of 2000 it was to find that most of my friends had either scattered to the 4 winds, or no longer had any interest in gaming.  :'(   Since '11 I've been visiting some friends in Memphis about once every 3-4 MONTHS, but that's a 4-hour trip for me, one way.   :(   Jealousy is an ugly thing!  :D
To me, Repros are 100% Wrong, and there's NO  room for me to give ground on this subject. I'm not just an Immovable Object on this, I'm THE Immovable Object. 3D Prints are just 3D Repros.

Something to bear in Mind. Defending the BT IP is Frowned upon here.

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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #39 on: 22 July 2014, 17:24:02 »
I for
So, you've been gaming steadily then, since '96?  ???

Since '94. When I got back from Uni in started my own Shadowrun group, and that dissolved (3 out of 4 players leaving for uni) about a week before I discovered the other club via a noticeboard at work.
I didn't get to play tabletop MechWarrior/Battletech until '97 as the only MW/BT GM at the club was also running an AD&Steve campaign.

"We hates Bilbo Euphonium! Hates him forever!"   #P


Since '11 I've been visiting some friends in Memphis about once every 3-4 MONTHS, but that's a 4-hour trip for me, one way.   :(

I hope you find something closer soon! I think the main reason we've got a good, stable group is that we have one large high-tech employed in the middle of an isolated, rural county, so while members come and go, we have a steady supply of new science & engineering geeks being recruited, and few local distractions. We have about 2 dozen regular members, and another 6-8 who come or go depending on what's running each session.
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #40 on: 21 August 2014, 21:10:27 »
not sure what initially got me interested.  learned to read at age 3 on my gramma's lap.  basically read everything that wasnt nailed down.  pretty heavy into the 80's comic scene.  started playing rpg's in 86 with Battletech and AD&D 1st Ed.  played regular until 96 when my last group broke up.  three day game marathons over holidays and school breaks with weekly games every friday.  occasional games after until 99.  I havent been on a table in years.  much as I love BT I prefer to play it with the RPG component included in everything.    been lurking around here through multiple forum deaths for over 12 years now to get my fix.


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #41 on: 21 August 2014, 22:15:37 »
I...really don't remember.   :-[
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #42 on: 21 August 2014, 23:17:17 »
I remember seeing Star Wars at the drive in when I was five.  Started playing D and D in 1980, but moved to England in 1981.  Dad was in the Air Force.  Watched a lot of Dr. Who, discovered Avalon Hill games, played a little bit of everything.

Then I read Ender's Game, which is the first book I remember reading that had an impact.  Then I got a copy of Battledroids for Christmas in 1984, and have had an on again/off again with Battletech.  Since then I've done a lot of gaming, watched a decent amount of sci fi, read a lot of sci fi.  Battletech has been the one constant game, usually through the novels when the rest of the universe wasn't interesting to me.  But I'm  an equal opportunity gamer, from Ancients to Sci-Fi.  Lately I've had more fun creating it and reading it though.

Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #43 on: 22 August 2014, 00:14:34 »
I was introduced to scifi long before RPGs via Andre Norton's books along with other classics such as Starship Troopers and the Forever War, then on TV there was Dr Who (did not like, and still don't, but it at least it was a scifi TV show) and Star Trek (spoiled only by Kirk/Shatner), plus movies such as 2001, Forbidden Planet, etc, with Star Wars eventually coming along.

A friend got me started on RPGs back in '82. He'd just begun playing D&D & got me interested soon after, his descriptions evoking images of the old Ray Harryhausen movies such as Sinbad and Jason and the Argonauts. Like most back then, Traveller was my first scifi RPG, followed by Space Opera.


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #44 on: 22 August 2014, 01:01:25 »
Then I got a copy of Battledroids for Christmas in 1984, and have had an on again/off again with Battletech.

You Lucky Duck!   O0  Do you still have it?   I didn't get a Complete set until last year!   :(
To me, Repros are 100% Wrong, and there's NO  room for me to give ground on this subject. I'm not just an Immovable Object on this, I'm THE Immovable Object. 3D Prints are just 3D Repros.

Something to bear in Mind. Defending the BT IP is Frowned upon here.

Remember: Humor is NOT Tolerated here. Have a Nice Day!

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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #45 on: 22 August 2014, 06:40:42 »
Science fiction -  I would say the big giant Robot Shows from 1970s to be honest with you.  New England was blessed with host of these shows on the air and a early importer toy store in Massachusetts to support it into the 1980s.

Star Trek, but also Force Five Japanese cartoon block, with Battle of the Planets (heavily edited Gatchamen.) and last but not least...Star Blazers / Space Battleship Yamato!

I'll have to admit, Robotech, despite its nature was primary reason i stayed with science fiction and lead me ultimately to rpg and my current mature taste of anime.  I was big Robotech fan, but then Harmony Gold broke my heart when they started going nuts with the franchise canceling the comic book lines and falling apart from there. 
« Last Edit: 22 August 2014, 20:02:03 by Wrangler »
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #46 on: 22 August 2014, 18:37:00 »
I wish.  When we moved from Germany to Montana in 88 (culture shock) I had the Battledroids set, and 1st Edition Box Sets of Battletech, CityTech, and aerotech.  I sold them all to a gamer friend in 1995 for a nice sum of money.  I still have most of my collection though.


You Lucky Duck!   O0  Do you still have it?   I didn't get a Complete set until last year!   :(
Kiiro no Torii, a Battletech AU, found here:,7316.0.html
Interview with a Mercenary, found here:,319.0.html
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #47 on: 24 August 2014, 09:03:31 »
The first ever novel in English I read was DaTR. Took me about a year in... 7th grade? I'm terrible at languages.

But by then I had already played (Swedish) RPGs, a bit of DnD and Champions, and Car Wars since 4th or 5th grade. And my favorite TV show was Once_Upon_a_Time..._Space.


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #48 on: 24 August 2014, 10:46:05 »
It was in the blood. Any sort of sciency nerdy tech got me as a kid.


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #49 on: 24 August 2014, 11:31:09 »
Star Trek TOS was more or less an autonomous babysitter for me growing up.  Mom was a fan and so transmitted that fandom on to me.  Another memory from long ago is watching the Voyager/Saturn encounter on TV in the early eighties and my dad explaining the Solar System to me, and the odyssey that that opened up for me.  I had most of the original space lego sets of that era, too.  I was firmly a Space Cadet before the mid eighties. 

I got into DnD with a good sized group from school, and then learned of BT from from them.  I've been a fan ever since, though BT did not always take precedence as a gaming system and storyline to follow.  I haven't done anywhere near as much playing as I have reading, of course, but that's fine with me as the fiction surrounding this game beats the hell out of the fiction around other game systems, even the great progenitor game, DnD and its associated fiction. 

Basically, I had no hope and little choice in the matter.  Sci-fi and fantasy fiction and gaming chose me.  I accepted gladly.  O0
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #50 on: 25 August 2014, 16:32:18 »
I was already an avid D&D and Battledroids/Battleyech player/collector before getting married and moved to SW Florida in 1995. That is when I met TheMaster1955, Saint, Fidel Cashflow and the other guys in our gaming group. All went down hill from there.  ;)

Classic Battletech
Mechwarrior RPG
Star Fleet Battles
Babylon 5 fleet action
Various board games

Complete Gaming madness!  O0

Battletech collector/player since 1987
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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #51 on: 25 August 2014, 21:06:48 »
For me it was in grade 4 (30 odd years ago) with a little game called Traveller then a few weeks later an other called Twilight 2000 it was still a few more months before I tried Basic D&D and Dragon Warriors.


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Re: What got you hooked on Sci-Fi and RPG Games?
« Reply #52 on: 25 August 2014, 21:07:24 »
I can't really say it was any one aspect of the sci-fi genre that hooked me, nor any one real RPG that inclined my gaming sensibilities toward role-playing for a hobby.

Though, I do know that the original release of TSR's Star Frontiers RPG certainly helped things along.
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