Author Topic: Using the ASC to customize your gaming experience.  (Read 1546 times)

Von Ether

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Using the ASC to customize your gaming experience.
« on: 01 August 2014, 11:21:47 »
I'm thinking of running two different events soon and using different optional rules to give the games completely different flavors. It's assumed that both games will have Alt Munitions in play.

Showdown at the Corral: This would be the most radical departure from AS proper.
Rules used: Variable damage, Lance Construction (BattleStar), PSAs (One pilot per lance), Design Quirks (For each mini)
Unit Choices: At least two models per side that had OVL and/or OV, Mini by mini activation.
Goal: I've had interest in some old timers who see BT as just 1 lonely lance vs another one across the field of death. They may not married to TW paperwork or the idea of getting a game done in 45 minutes (when they've forgotten half the charts and mods over the years) appeals to them. This might also be a good Con style game.

Historical "Re-enactment:"
Rules used: Lance Construction, PSA, Battlefield Intelligence, ASC scenarios, Lance by Lance activation.
Unit Choices: Figs will be chosen more on Role and Speed than individual performance.  Probe, Narc and Recon will be tempting though.
Goal: Live and Die for the Corps as it goes Company vs Company or even bigger. This will be more straight up SA game, but SAs for pilots and units should keep things spiced up as I use the ASC scenarios to re-create a large BT engagement. PSA will be chose to add the right flavor to a unit's history and fluff. Sure lights will probably pop like light bulbs, but there's more to take their place.

Any suggestions on how to mix and match all the new and old rules to get a different experience?
"New players, regardless of age, need to know two things about a wargame. How to blow stuff up and what faction is painted in his favorite color. All the rest can come later when they are hooked." -- A.G.
"But the problem is that it seems to have been made by someone who equates complication with complexity, and that just ain't so." -- iamfanboy

