Author Topic: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA  (Read 3530 times)


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Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« on: 25 December 2014, 09:35:16 »
It's been noted in canon that some of the really big companies and megacorps throughout the Inner Sphere have permanent guard forces of their own, up to and including BattleMechs, to protect their most important facilities such as the BattleMech factories on Hesperus II and Kalidasa. It's also canon that the Outworlds Charter forbids the hiring of mercenaries within the OWA except by the national government.

So, let's say that it's around 3020-3025 and one of the big defence contractors in the OWA like Praxton Fusion Products or Lushann Industries Ltd get a big contract for their wares and get enough funding up front to increase their production in order to meet the contract. Seeing as how the OWA's worlds are frequently attacked by pirates the company wants to raise their own security force as the AGDA (Alliance Ground Defence Arm) is spread way too thin already, and due to the Outworlds Charter they can't hire an outside mercenary group. What options do they have?


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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #1 on: 25 December 2014, 10:08:52 »
Most likely they would ask the government for a special waver, once they have it they could hire a small merc force. I would not think it would be allowed more than a Lance of mechs.
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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #2 on: 25 December 2014, 11:54:25 »
Of course, it depends on how that mercenary restriction reads exactly. It may be illegal for them to hire a mercenary force to go raiding/defending against raiding, but if they hire someone to be permanent security, then that isn't exactly the same thing as hiring mercenaries.


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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #3 on: 25 December 2014, 16:51:29 »
The OWA is big on defence.
To defend a major factory their would not be a problem hiring a merc unit.
The problem only comes about for offensive ops.
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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #4 on: 25 December 2014, 19:46:19 »
Could the company raise a unit that is officially part of the planetary militia as their defence force? Basically they pay for the unit's equipment and expenses such as personnel (there's a lot of people who serve their mandatory four-year term in the Alliance military and then muster out), it's officially named part of the planetary militia but its only role is to protect the factory in question.

Also, as far as BattleMechs go, I'd assume the company wouldn't want them as part of the defence force for fear of PR backlash - the Outworlders really dislike BattleMechs and Mechwarriors.

Does that sound like it could work?


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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #5 on: 25 December 2014, 20:37:31 »
Could the company raise a unit that is officially part of the planetary militia as their defence force? Basically they pay for the unit's equipment and expenses such as personnel (there's a lot of people who serve their mandatory four-year term in the Alliance military and then muster out), it's officially named part of the planetary militia but its only role is to protect the factory in question.

Also, as far as BattleMechs go, I'd assume the company wouldn't want them as part of the defence force for fear of PR backlash - the Outworlders really dislike BattleMechs and Mechwarriors.

Does that sound like it could work?
Not impossible but unlikely. There could be a conflict in interest if the militia needs help elsewhere and the corp wants them to stay. Also on who is really the boss the guy that pays you or the guy that is giving you orders you don't like and may get you killed.
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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #6 on: 25 December 2014, 22:39:09 »
So it would actually be more acceptable to the OWA government and planetary government if the defence force was separate from the planetary militia?


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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #7 on: 25 December 2014, 23:12:50 »
Yes, but they would also be restricted to corporate property. The government would want to know what type, model and weapons load of the mech. Also who was piloting which machine and a complete dossier of the warriors.

That does not mean the corporate security force could not be called upon in a dire event .
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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #8 on: 12 January 2015, 08:30:37 »
Corporate Security forces would not be considered "Mercenaries", they'd be "security guards", hired as regular employees by the corporation, probably with some serious restrictions by the OA to insure that they don't pose a direct military threat to the planetary government.  That most likely means a lance or two of tanks and some foot sloggers, possibly with one or two Battlemechs at most to add some "teeth" to the unit if they can get permission in the form of a local waiver.  As pointed out, any 'Mech units would likely be restricted to corporate property, or perhaps only ICE-powered security 'Mechs might be allowed.

The legal shades of difference between "Mercenary", "Militia", and "Security" need to be hashed out in detail by lawyers over a period of time, in order to define (then test and redefine) what falls into which category, and even then, many lawyers have been known to leave themselves "loopholes" for various reasons (either good or bad).  In the absence of that process, a little bit of flexibility in the rules is probably OK.


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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #9 on: 13 January 2015, 10:06:21 »
it also depends on the planet, they will be more restrictive in more high tech(core world) type, but more laid back in frontier environments'. So planets would gladly give incentives to Companies hiring security guard's, as they can defend there own instalations(the most likely target) with little or no help from local militia. imo  :)

have a nice day :)


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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #10 on: 15 January 2015, 20:29:33 »
I seem to remember (and I could easily be wrong) that the Outworlds Alliance was pretty loose on that provision as long as individual planets didn't attack each other.
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Re: Corporate Guard Forces in the OWA
« Reply #11 on: 16 January 2015, 09:30:05 »
Considering that the OA's primary military focus is/was (before they turned into a "pseudo-clan") on keeping enemies from landing in the first place, the ground elements aren't all that critical anyway, in many or most cases.

I'm pretty sure that the main point is that "mercenaries" have no long-term ties to the planet, and can't be trusted, whereas security forces belonging to the "target" corporation live and work there, and can (usually) be trusted not to try to loot the place or try overthrowing the government.

