Author Topic: Campaign Companion cover Art  (Read 4887 times)


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Campaign Companion cover Art
« on: 29 October 2015, 23:50:55 »
Does anyone know if Catalyst is set to go print with the campaign companion using the cover art given here:

I hope that's not the case.  Of all the BattleTech books only AToW and TRO 3057 and some of the plot books have anything featured on cover other than a mech.  Since the BattleTech rule-set covers so much more territory than just mech combat I had hoped that they would have went with a more expansive theme for the cover, like maybe this image:

Here's why I mention it. 

For years I piddled around with BattleTech, playing only when someone else set up the maps and mini's.  It wasn't until I saw the Strategic Operations cover in my FLGS that I became intrigued enough to start checking the system out for myself.  My first thought was "Spaceships?  I though they only had mechs".   Then I flipped to the fluff section on "How not to board a gravdeck" and was hooked.

Anyway, you never know what will initially catch someone's eye and mech covers have been done ad nausium.  Almost anyone that's going to be attracted to BattleTech for the big stompy robots has already laid eyes on enough products covered with mechs to bring them over if they have the inclination.  But the BattleTech universe is big and can handle everything from bar fights to orbital bombardment and I'd like to see fans of all types of combat show up.  The more they buy, the more cool products Catalyst can make.  That one cover decision has driven well over $1K purchases from me since 2011.  They brought in a new person because they did something different. 

I think the second image above has a chance to attract more general SciFi gamers, the first one, well it's just another mech cover and not even a nice rendering of a warhammer to boot.  I hope they are in the mode to bust out of their art rut a little bit on this book, as it fills a special niche.   Heck, this is were we get the good planet building rules.

What's everyone else opinion?  Would you be okay with the Campaign Companion featuring something other than a mech on the cover?  If so, what would you put on there? 

Maybe a poll would be in order.
« Last Edit: 29 October 2015, 23:58:26 by bytedruid »
Hat tips to Slightlylyons who fixed aerotech in one post and to Daryk for organized cool stuff.


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Re: Campaign Companion cover Art
« Reply #1 on: 30 October 2015, 00:36:28 »
BTU never ignored areospace aspect;

The big draw of the game has always been ground pounding. While many have express interest in revisiting Battlespace and Aerotech (Fasa era rule range from OK to OH GOD, WHY! ) Not sure if the existing rules enough to pull fans from the current space base game outside of awesome fluff.

But considering we just stats for a new Leviathan space destroyer in the latest XTRO (while illegal for games, it exist in universe)  it wouldn't surprise me to see a new Battlespace inspired cover in the near future 
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Re: Campaign Companion cover Art
« Reply #2 on: 30 October 2015, 07:26:15 »
Unless the Campaign Companion is a pdf only product, I doubt that will be the cover. CGL typically doesn't recycle cover art for print products. The XTRO series is the one place where they do recycle cover art.


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Re: Campaign Companion cover Art
« Reply #3 on: 30 October 2015, 09:08:07 »
Does anyone know if Catalyst is set to go print with the campaign companion using the cover art given here:

Considering I've not even done art notes for the book, never mind solicited it yet? No. I haven't even bothered thinking of the cover yet. It will most likely tie into the fiction that will lace through the book itself.


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Re: Campaign Companion cover Art
« Reply #4 on: 30 October 2015, 12:01:14 »

It's interesting that you're posting that cover in particular. For a while, Interstellar Operations had the same image on its preliminary cover which was eventually replaced by an original piece that was much different. I expect Campaign Companion will have an original piece as well, since that one was already used for the 25th Anniversary Box Set.