Author Topic: Skill Xp Values  (Read 2907 times)


  • Sergeant
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Skill Xp Values
« on: 23 January 2016, 22:29:45 »
In “A Time of War” It is easy to know when you have enough xp to obtain an increase in an attribute or unlock a trait. This is because both mechanics operate by a division of 100 which is an easy number to calculate. Skills however are a different beast. To calculate the xp needed for a skill level in A Time of War you can use the formulas

f(Skill level) = 5 * ((Skill level + 1) ^2 – (Skill level + 1) + 4)


f(Skill Level) = {
f(0) = 20
f(n) = n * 10 + f(n-1)

(I am guessing the second formula is the one the designers used)

Moreover, the xp needed to advance to the next skill level is equal to

f(skill level + 1) = (skill level +1) * 10

Skill level 0 and 1, are special cases.

Example of this pattern
Level 2 to 3, needs 30 xp
Level 3 to 4, needs 40 xp
Level 4 to 5, needs 50 xp

Level 9 to 10, needs 100 xp

Breaking this problem into more digestible steps, using a currency called a skill point which is equal to 10 xp for standard, 8 for faster learner, and 12 for slower learner. It is easier to calculate the amount of xpI need to advance my skill to level 5. Namely I will need 5 skill points, then multiply by my characters learning modifier. I think personally this is much easier than trying to remember the “Experience Point Cost Table”.

This strategy applied to the modules unfortunately does not work as skill xp are intervals of 5 rather than 10. Which is unfortunate as I think it would be easier to make a character by recording hash marks next to skill names and multiplying by 10 to find your skill level. Than a bunch of addition/subtraction.

Thoughts on this strategy? I may just be slow on the upkeep and never noticed the skill advancement pattern.


  • Colonel
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Re: Skill Xp Values
« Reply #1 on: 23 January 2016, 23:40:08 »
The pattern is pretty predictable but it does get a little screwy when you start having multiple traits that impact how much XP equals a skill rank.

You can see what I mean with the table at the bottom of the first post of the third link in my signature.

But anyway, your method will work as long as you do keep it to the three basic options.

