Author Topic: Fun with Spreadsheets - 3039 Deployment Table  (Read 1060 times)


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Fun with Spreadsheets - 3039 Deployment Table
« on: 03 August 2017, 06:15:34 »
Hello all,

So recently I decided to pull my finger out and organise my BTech miniatures into five discernable forces (Combine, Fedsuns, Lyran, Capellan, and Clan Wolf), initially 2 companies each and working on a third (the doggies just get whatever clan mechs I have.) My games are usually late Succession Wars, and occasionally early Clan Invasion, and more often than not I am providing OPFOR for one of my friends' roleplay forces (two new players started out with Sword and Dragon forces, and once they finish the starterbook campaign will move on to co-op some Clan Invasion action), or both sides of a pickup match.

Basically I wanted the composition of each force to have some grounding in canonicity, so I played around with MUL, some RATs from various sources, and a few other ideas, but wasn't completely happy with what I was getting out of them, so I decided to knuckle down and just RTFTRO. Turns out there's a lot of info in there. So I collated the information in TRO3039's Deployment paragraphs for each 'Mech, and put together a spreadsheet because spreadsheets please me.

For each 'Mech (including First in Centuries and Star League sections), there is a column for all five Successor States, plus Free Rasalhague Republic and Comstar. I have tried to indicate in each column which designs are in common use (marked with a *) and which houses are the primary user of most types (marked with a ^).
'Mechs are now rated on a scale of 0-3 with 0 being rare to non existent, and 3 being most common
 If a faction has a penchant for a particular variant outside of the standard one, I have put that in, too. Default sorting is by weight, but you can sort by column to get all of a particular faction's favourite 'Mechs to the top of the list together.

What this allowed me to do is make decisions like "I have three Javelins, Davion love those bad boys, so they will get two, and one will go to one of their enemy neighbor houses, because they probably salvaged it or whatever." So once everything is painted (LOL), It will be really easy to either diceroll or hand pick a canonically legit force.

I have provided a link below for anyone who wishes to take a look at my work, and welcome any comment/criticism/suggestions/hurling of rotten vegetables. What I particularly want to know is:

1) Is this useful to you?
2) Do you find it accurate? Seriously. Get brutal. I want it to be spot on.
3) Has someone else already done this, and I'm just doubling down on their hard work through my own ignorance?
4) Are there any further sources I should add, noting that the data is based solely on my interpretation of the text in TRO3039?
5) Can you think of a better way for me to represent the information within the current format?
6) Would you like to see 3050?
Find the answers to these questions and more at the link below!

Also, If you find yourself so in love with my handiwork that you wish to adapt it to a later era/earlier era/specific minor conflict/vehicles/space, your own fanfic-based-hentai-catgirl-ponyverse campaign/whatever, then you have my permission, blessing, and best wishes to adapt it to your needs.

Also, if anyone is interested, I have the spreadsheet I use to organise miniatures into factions, companies and lances, please let me know if anyone wants a blank of it so you can organise your life with spreadsheets like me.

Also, I'm working on a rough timeline outlining major conflicts and events, but that's pretty embryonic right now. As above, let me know if you want to see it, or if someone has already done a better one and I should just stop. Current scope for the timeline is formation of the star league -> Fedcom Civil War.
« Last Edit: 04 August 2017, 11:49:21 by Phobos101 »


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Have you seen Xotl's RATs?  They're extremely detailed...


  • Master Sergeant
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Have you seen Xotl's RATs?  They're extremely detailed...

I have and they are delicious. The rarity tables in the later half are the closest thing I have found to what I was trying to achieve. Trying to make my painted forces reasonably compatible with Xotl's RATs is a large part of why I made this.

Adrian Gideon

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Welcome to the near-infinitely fractal world of BT resources ...

I admire what you've done, but I do feel there's a fundamental flaw based on just working with the one source, TRO 3039. Let's take a single example: the Marauder.

From your list, youv'e got the 3D in Davion service, 3L in Liao, and 3M in Marik. But where's the 3R serving? Historically, the Marauder is common across all Successor States, having been in production continually for close to three centuries at this point. According to this version of your table, Duke Hassid Ricol couldn't be using his trademark red & black Marauder, because the CC doesn't have a named version, and you're not allowing access to the 3R.

(Similarly, the FWLM has captured so many Banshee 3Es it's a common occurrence, including in Xotl's tables.)

Now other folk have taken different approaches, myself being one of them. But let's look at one other first - the MUL approach.

Within the MUL, it tags 'Mechs (and vees, ASF, etc) as being available either to specific factions, or to the category "inner sphere general". Now it's worth pointing out that the MUL is largely founded on Xotl's RAT tables to begin with. However, they decided to do away with the frequence/commonality of origin. So the MAD-3R is tagged as "Inner Sphere General" for late Succession Wars (covering 3039), while the MAD-3M is tagged as Free Worlds only at that time.  So it's pretty easy to say from this that any faction can have a MAD-3R appropriately, but if you want to make your MAD fit even more into a Marik company, consider it a 3M.

(Side issue, I'm doing what you're doing, but with combined-arms battalions in mini form. I'd be happy to talk about how I approach building period- and faction-appropriate units; PM me if you'd like to discuss).

Now for a different approach, I also started with Xotl's RATs when I did my Army Report 3025 series - 6 years ago now. My intention was to provide the sort of information players from games with army lists & the like might find providing some structure, rather than having to drink from the firehose of background canon.

Now Keith's tables at that time didn't differentiate between "general" and "faction" - each faction's RAT had what was available to that faction, with his excellent research into availability reflected in the d1000 breakdowns. I took an approach based on the MTG system:

* The most frequent designs were massaged into a 2d6 RAT format, and considered Common. The assumption was that it would be totally unsuprising to see these designs fielded by that faction.
* Any other designs listed in Xotl's table for that faction were fitted in the category Uncommon. Ie not expected, but not totally bizarre.
* And anything not listed in that faction's table was Rare.

So for example, looking at the AR:3025 for FWLM, the Marauder isn't a "common" heavy design (see 2d6 RAT in p19). That's based on Xotl's tables - he has the MAD-3M with a frequency of .6%, and the 3R with .7%, compared to the ARC-2R's 13.2%, or CRD-3R's 11.3%, etc, etc.  So the ARC-2R & Crusader 3R are "common" for the FWLM in that period, while the MAD-3R and -3M are "uncommon".

Likewise, the BNC-3E is "common" - we sure capture a lot of them! The BNC-3M conversion is "uncommon", and at this time the BNC-3S is simply not available in any numbers to the League.

I then went a step further, and came up with a simple balancing:
* A unit can contain any number of Common designs.
* One unit in each Lance can be an Uncommon, freely.
* One unit in each Company can be a Rare.

I was more worried about playability, and not making people "forbidden" to put minis they had down on the table in some form.

Okay, a bit of an epic skald. Hopefully it comes across as a discussion on alternate viewpoints. At the end of the day, no-one's right or wrong - CGL get to dictate canon, but we can do what we want on our tables.

* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


  • Master Sergeant
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Thanks Worktroll, you've given me a lot to digest when I get home.

When I put the list together, I haven't really marked anything as unavailable, a blank cell only indicates that a mech is not common enough to rate a specific mention for that faction. I'm also working on the assumption that the "vanilla" of each type is available to all factions, even if they have their own variant. I really need to sort out the hierarchy of availability a bit better, and also indicate non-availability, as this is currently not shown at all. Maybe 0-1-2-3 with 0 as unavailable,1 as normal availability, 2 as common, 3 as primary user/ manufacturer?

 I thought about having each Variant on its own line, but I really want to avoid that, as I like to see them as sub-options, for example "I've decided on a marauder, now which variant is a likely suspect?". I'll have a sit down and re-read your post this afternoon, and do a little bit of reworking, because I'm stabbing away on my phone here in between crane jobs, qhich is not ideal, so I apologise for this post being a bit of a dump stream, I'll jump on an actual PC and edit tonight.
« Last Edit: 04 August 2017, 09:36:00 by Phobos101 »


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No apology necessary! There's always an issue where implicit assumptions aren't always visible to others. Affects the published matter just as much!

I confess I do want all the variants to feature somewhere. When I'm building my battalions, I'm mainly trying to use up my backstock of minis, so it's a case of:
* Use the MUL, filtering on Faction+IS General, and Availability era
* Looking down the lists for things I have
* Looking for interesting variants I haven't built before.

(Confession: I'm not at all WYSIWIG. I just love modding minis.)

* Fitting them into lances, and trying to fit within lance roles from the Alpha Strike Companion.

It all goes in a multi-sheet Excel file, along with an out-of-date inventory, and list of things (mainly vehicles) I need to buy. Currently have about 90% of the minis to finish 9 battalion, a Level III, and a Clan Cluster, thanks to DA plastic infantry & vehicles ;) Not just a hobby - a way of life! O0

* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


  • Master Sergeant
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Infinitely fractal indeed... So I just made some changes to the layout:

-added separate column for local variants. this column doesn't mention the primary, mainly because I didn't want to populate all the cells and make it a busy mess.
- converted previous arcane system of hieroglyphics into numbers:
    0=Type is either rare for that faction or non existent
    1=Type is available, but not overly common
    2=Type is common for that faction
    3=Faction is the primary user of, or a major manufacturer of the type
-added a key to make things a little more transparent
-cell colour intensifies as availability goes up because COLOURS!!

So the next thing I need to do (not at local time 02xx) is audit the numbers, as what you see now is just a quick and dirty conversion from what was there before, and nothing is marked as rare yet, because that wasn't a thing under the old (yesterday) system. I also haven't looked deeply into factory locations yet, and I wouldn't mind factoring this into the numbers. And then go down the fluff book rabbit hole looking for amplifying comments.
And then I'll move to another era, if I haven't driven myself mad.

WT - I also had a read of your 3025 Army books. I wish I had seen these a couple of years ago, when I was starting out! I'll be making them known to my group, because I think they are good gateway material, and I don't think any of the guys are too keen to go sourcebook diving yet! I have always thought the perfect starter set would look like a faction-flavoured company of miniatures fitting the Alpha Strike lance profiles, and a short book with army background, record sheets and a couple of scenarios. maybe even a unique map sheet. Similar to the flames of war plastic starter armies. I live in hope.