Author Topic: The Wheel of Time anyone?  (Read 3833 times)


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The Wheel of Time anyone?
« on: 17 October 2019, 04:15:28 »
Has anyone read this long series of books? All of them?? My mom tried a few years ago but couldn't make it past the 8th book. I still need to get a copy of the last 2 or 3. Had to go to the library to finish the ones I don't own. Great series though!


If you DID manage to finish every book and enjoyed all of it you might be in luck. It would seem Amazon is doing its usual tv series treatment to the IP, and if no delays, is supposed to have it released by 2021.

Having found this I am a bit excited. I just hope they don't screw it up. Anyone else has any thoughts or have any rumors to share?


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #1 on: 17 October 2019, 05:24:14 »
Read it all through. I like the world building and the magic system, but there's a point in the story where the main protagonists were wandering about in the Aiel desert. I felt the story meandered seemingly aimlessly there and got less interesting for a time. Several people I know dropped reading the series around that time. Once they leave the Aiel waste behind, things take up speed again.

I'm not looking forward to a TV series though. Just take a look at the precedents:

Dune was deemed unfilmable, and rightly so. Some respectable attempts were made, but if you haven't read the book then you're missing out on, well, almost everything but the most basic touchpoints of the story. (I only ever read the first book myself.)

Lord of the Rings was tough for me because I love the book so much. I don't hate the movies, but they butchered the finer points of the novel - what's the point of basing your movie on a good story when you're going to rewrite it anyways?
(The Hobbit movies should never have been made in the first place as they never had a chance to live up to the LotR hype, and once I got beyond the pain of watching them I actually delighted in seeing them fail and betray the original Tolkien material in new, inventive ways at every corner. Tauriel was hilarious.)

Game of Thrones had one great advantage, namely that I hadn't read the books and thus couldn't be disappointed by poor adaption. And after the Wheel of Time I won't begin reading a big cycle again before the author has actually finished writing the books.
(For the record, I liked the gritty and "realistic" world very much like having swords that can actually be used, and fights being short, brutal, and non-flashy most of the time. The final season was a letdown as far as storytelling goes, but the bar was set very high and they did properly finish the story after all.) BattleTechWiki Admin
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #2 on: 17 October 2019, 06:20:28 »
Well tWoT books go at a snails pace in nearly all of them. It is a great story and I have read most of the books twice (the last three had not been released the first time I read the series).

You might want to add Eragon and Earthsea to that list as well. I have read the books to both and did not care for Eragon but I did like how they merged the first and second book of Earsea to make something unique.

For Lord of the Rings I have read the books and have the extended release for the movies. Both of which I love. As for Dune... I have seen the original theatrical release, which I enjoyed, and watched what was aired on SyFy which was ok. Haven't read the books but would like to at some point.

Between this and the new Witcher series on Netflix I hope no one screws this up. I would really like to see both done well, especially The Wheel of Time. Though I suspect it will prove more difficult than other books due to the total length of the IP.


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #3 on: 17 October 2019, 08:28:26 »
I found the TV Dune miniseries to be like the attempted Psycho remake, trying to replicate the book too closely.  And the first one was more stage play than movie.

Still waiting for a decent implementation of the Conan books.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #4 on: 17 October 2019, 08:46:47 »
I could only make it to the 8th book. Books 5 and 6 killed it for me as they were so very slow paced and seemed to drag forever.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #5 on: 17 October 2019, 08:55:04 »
I have the entire series (picked them up at discount) including Brandon Sanderson's endcap to the series. But I got to perhaps Book 4 & dropped it. It was taking way too long to unfold & reach a resolution. I don't mind long book series, but this was a bit much...

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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #6 on: 17 October 2019, 10:54:00 »
I read most of them, but I think the best one was a parody fic of it all - at one point Nynaeve has tugged on her braid so many times it tears loose.  So she uses it like a whip against trollocs.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #7 on: 17 October 2019, 13:18:12 »
I too only made it to book 6. So much hair washing ...

I did at one point collect all the books with the original crappy covers done by the author's friend. But then I looked at them again, and sent them to the local op shop (thrift shop).

For a massive complex series, I can only recommend Steven Erikson's "Malazan Book of the Fallen". Incredible, complex, sprawling, and actually 100% lives up to the promise, and brings it all back together at the end. 10 "big thick books" long.

More approachable is Glen Cook's "Black Company" series - 11 more medium sized novels, with the most brilliant evil baddies "The Ten Who Were Taken".
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #8 on: 17 October 2019, 15:54:20 »
Read and enjoyed all of them multiple times.  I really enjoy the series.


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #9 on: 17 October 2019, 16:18:11 »
I got to book 8 IIRC. I honestly didn't have a problem with the length and sidetracks, what got me to give up was just how STUPID everyone was. I mean, it gets silly with super-Sherlock-Holmes solving everything in five minutes, but here you had cases with very obvious bad guys waltzing right past oblivious heroes - and vice versa as well!

At the end half my enjoyment was figuring out how to use low-level DnD party to kill all the main characters, since they were obviously being played by 5-year-olds...


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #10 on: 17 October 2019, 16:48:31 »
I tried reading one Wheel of Time novel.  Struggled through it, looked at just how many other novels of equal size were in the series, and decided that since I could read three novels I actually enjoyed in less time than it had taken me to read that one that I hadn't, I wasn't going to bother continuing.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #11 on: 17 October 2019, 18:10:59 »
Frabby: you'll probably want to skip books 2 and 3 of the Dune series, but God Emperor of Dune (book 4) was interesting, and I honestly think books 5 and 6 (Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse: Dune) are the best by far.  As a warning: books 1-3 are in the same time frame, book 4 is 3,500 years later (but has two characters from the first 1-3), and books 5 and 6 are thousands of years in the future again (but with ONE familiar character still, though by the same mechanism as book 4, with a twist).

Worktroll: +1 for the Black Company books... they got weird at the end, but that seems to be a pattern with these longer series...


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #12 on: 17 October 2019, 18:55:45 »
Has anyone read this long series of books? All of them?? My mom tried a few years ago but couldn't make it past the 8th book. I still need to get a copy of the last 2 or 3. Had to go to the library to finish the ones I don't own. Great series though!


If you DID manage to finish every book and enjoyed all of it you might be in luck. It would seem Amazon is doing its usual tv series treatment to the IP, and if no delays, is supposed to have it released by 2021.

Having found this I am a bit excited. I just hope they don't screw it up. Anyone else has any thoughts or have any rumors to share?
I've read the series multiple times and am re-reading it currently.  I discover something new each time and have successfully convinced both my wife and step-mother to read it.  I recognize it is not everyone's cup of tea but I still recommend it to anyone...even to pick it up again for another try.

As for the TV series, there are a lot of ways it could go wrong.  I know full well that it isn't completely going to be what I want or expect;  I remain hopeful, though.


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #13 on: 17 October 2019, 21:54:13 »
I’ve read the whole series, including the “World of the Wheel of Time” lore book. 

The opening trilogy went well enough, though it became clear that Jordan only originally planned a trilogy, then expanded when sales were good.  He kept adding characters and plot lines, and didn’t show much of Martin’s proclivity for slaughtering characters, so the later books dragged as he tried to keep up with each of up to ten different groups wandering around following different quest lines.  The bloat meant each storyline was only able to make a small amount of progress in each novel.  (I recall finishing book 8 and commenting “This is the first 600+ page novel I’ve read where nothing happened.”)

I enjoyed the series more when marathoning my way through during my rail commute, because the storylines could be seen to progress faster without the multi-year waits between books.

There are some strong similarities between aspects of the Wheel of Time and BattleTech. 

Artur Hawkwing = Aleksandr Kerensky
Seanchan = The Clans
The Return = Clan Invasion
Aes Sedai = ComStar (right down to the doctrinal split and civil war)
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #14 on: 17 October 2019, 22:49:22 »
The best part of WoT series at the end there are about 33 main characters,   30 of them live past end of the series,  but 7 died
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #15 on: 17 October 2019, 23:09:41 »
 I was introduced to it back when the second book came out in paperback. Finally read the whole series through last year. I was surprised at the end by who didn't make it through and who did. Overall it was good but not on the same level as Dune or Lord of th Rings.
 Daryk - You are absolutely on the money about the books in the Dune series.


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #16 on: 18 October 2019, 04:32:25 »
Never finished the whole Wheel of Time series -- made it up to about book 5 or so before fatigue set in. I honestly can't remember much about it, which is probably not a great sign. The cast photo for the show gave me Elfstones of Shannara young and pretty and vapid vibes though, so I'm not too hyped.

More excited for the Witcher series honestly, which from what they've shown us so far seems to have nailed some of the atmosphere that made the books and game popular. Even if some of the costume design has been, hm, controversial.

The Lord of the Rings show I am definitely not expecting much from. I thought the movies were excellently made but poorly scripted -- listening to interviews from the extended editions made the two scriptwriters sound a bit shallow, a bit heroes journey and story beat 101ish. (And don't ever ask me about the Army of the Dead or Sam speechifying). So that's not given me much confidence Tolkien can be adapted, much less that entire stories can be made from scraps of the appendices. I mean, have you seen the Hobbit movies? Shudder.

The upcoming Dune movies I'm cautiously optimistic about, mainly on the strength of the director, Villeneuve. The movie was very Lynch and its own thing but I appreciate it had a distinctive style. The miniseries was serviceable, but the tiny budget was painfully obvious. It'll be interesting to see what Villeneuve brings to the table.

Also GoT was great for four seasons or so, but I think became a victim of its own success. They started to insert surprises and twists where none were needed or sensible, because that's what made it shareable and a social media darling.
« Last Edit: 19 October 2019, 21:50:31 by Dubble_g »
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #17 on: 18 October 2019, 06:58:21 »
GoT became less watchable when it went past the novels in the timeline and when it left people alive who were killed off in the books, one character glaringly so.
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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #18 on: 18 October 2019, 13:37:43 »
The upcoming Dune movies I'm cautiously optimistic about, mainly on the strength of the director, Villeneuve. The movie was very Lynch and its own thing but I appreciate it had a distinctive style. The miniseries was serviceable, but the tiny budget was painfully obvious. It'll be interesting to see what Villeneuve brings to the table.
I admit I would have preferred Deakins for cinematography but they got Greig Fraser, who shot Rogue One gorgeously.  I think he's got the chops for sci-fi and making you really feel immersed, so I'm looking forward to it.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #19 on: 24 October 2019, 16:29:06 »
I dumped Wheel of Time 90210 after book 6.

If I wanted teeny angsty stuff I'd watch Beverly Hills 90210.


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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #20 on: 24 October 2019, 16:49:22 »
Got halfway through book 1 and then saw what I was in for. Donated my copy the next day. I don’t recall strongly disliking it but I am generally not down for that kind of commitment

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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #21 on: 24 October 2019, 17:23:57 »
I've read it all a couple of times. Drags pretty much from book six up until Sanderson takes over. The world building is brilliant, but ill placed in this case. Books upon books of world building when we're supposed to be rushing towards the end times breaks my suspension of disbelief.

Hopefully they take this into account when making the series. There's a lot of dead weight that can be trimmed off.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #22 on: 26 October 2019, 00:12:50 »
I managed to slog my way through the first book, but didn't see any real point in continuing. I just found it to be so staggeringly dull and overly wordy.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #23 on: 29 October 2019, 09:37:38 »

I read the series, and enjoyed it, enough that it is one of the few series I have in entirety in hardback.  Though, yeah, Jordan had diarrhea of the typewriter  there for a lot of the middle section.  When you don't go back to the narrative thread of your main main character until 500+ pages into a book...

I don't hold out much hope for the series.  Just in the casting they've made some choices that makes me think they missed the point and that this is going to be "Pretty People with Problems:  Two Rivers Style"
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #24 on: 29 October 2019, 13:51:57 »
The unusual thing in wheel of time is how each culture developed a very different answer to how to deal with the "power".  2 Groups allowed them to share power,  one suppressed it  any use, another restricted  it use.
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Re: The Wheel of Time anyone?
« Reply #25 on: 29 October 2019, 16:18:48 »
I don't hold out much hope for the series.  Just in the casting they've made some choices that makes me think they missed the point and that this is going to be "Pretty People with Problems:  Two Rivers Style"

This is my biggest fear from what I've seen.

