Author Topic: Tournament Suitability  (Read 1309 times)

Shapiro Keats

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Tournament Suitability
« on: 19 July 2019, 12:48:02 »
Just curious if any of you have experience running tournaments using the Alpha Strike rules?

I've been playing Battletech for almost 30 years now (!) and one of the frustrations I've often seen among new players is the lack of easy force balancing, as well as the game's emphasis on smaller-scale play. Now for experienced players I don't think either of these are big concerns, but I do feel that they have traditionally prevented Battletech from "blowing up" to be as big as it could be, especially among the tournament crowd.

When I discovered Alpha Strike on its release, I felt that maybe it was the solution to these issues. I was also hoping that it would open up a tournament scene for the Battletech IP. Unfortunately, after the first big errata changed some of the mechanics, my group stopped playing the game and went back to Battletech. Now that the Commander's Edition has been released, we are getting excited about the game again.

If anyone has run tournaments, what sort of advice do you have? Are there any rules in particular that could cause problems and shouldn't be used? Guidelines for force creation besides a straight points system?



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Re: Tournament Suitability
« Reply #1 on: 19 July 2019, 13:25:18 »
Cliffs notes version since I'm posting on a phone at work during my lunch break:

1) don't use many optional rules, the ones you do use should be clearly described before lists are submitted
2) limit numbers of units, both ways; a million infantry is just as annoying in AS as in TW.
3) make sure terrain is relatively consistent across tables
4) pick a game size that can be finished quickly so you're not stuck there all day.  Something like 300 PV and 5-12 units to start.
5) set time limits.  Some people will take every second offered.  That's fine, everyone is different and enjoys the game their way.  But small games like the above size need to be done in two hours, not four.
6) have scenarios that reward different kinds of lists.  A pure Deathmatch format is going to favor small numbers of high skill high damage bruisers.  A map full of a dozen objectives you get points for controlling each turn naturally favors lots of small fast things.  Strike a happy medium.
7) ignore era and faction to start.  Just play games, get used to the fact that previously unshakeable truths under Total Warfare aren't necessarily true in Alpha Strike.

More when I get home if it isn't already covered.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.