Author Topic: Dumb BattleTech jokes  (Read 45250 times)


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #180 on: 13 February 2015, 11:17:38 »
What do you call Clan Wolf Elementals riding on Clan Wolf Omnimechs?
Fleas on a mangy dog.  >:D
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #181 on: 13 February 2015, 17:39:53 »
What do you call a bunch of Snow Ravens who invaded your planet, and managed to steal every lawnmower, pogo stick, cordless drill, motorcycle and air conditioner on your block in under ten minutes?

A Green R-Team.  A Veteran R-Team would have been done in five minutes. 
« Last Edit: 13 February 2015, 17:41:59 by rebs »
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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #182 on: 14 February 2015, 12:49:45 »
A Green R-Team.  A Veteran R-Team would have been done in five minutes.
I'll bite, what in the world is an "R-Team" ?   ???

I'm guessing it's NOT a group of pirates that run around yelling "ARRrrrr!".  :D
To me, Repros are 100% Wrong, and there's NO  room for me to give ground on this subject. I'm not just an Immovable Object on this, I'm THE Immovable Object. 3D Prints are just 3D Repros.

Something to bear in Mind. Defending the BT IP is Frowned upon here.

Remember: Humor is NOT Tolerated here. Have a Nice Day!

Hey! Can't a guy get any Privacy around here!


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #183 on: 14 February 2015, 13:00:11 »
I'll bite, what in the world is an "R-Team" ?   ???

I'm guessing it's NOT a group of pirates that run around yelling "ARRrrrr!".  :D

A Snow Raven team that salvages everything they can get their claws on, even in the midst of battle.  They are known to scrounge the field for anything recoverable.  And the Ravens are known for their extreme senses of economy from having had it rough for most of their history, so R-Teams are really the ultimate expression of that. 

Not sure how accurate that one was, but I thought it was a little funny because enough added up I guess I could say.  Sadly, it was original, or as original as any joke can be.
« Last Edit: 14 February 2015, 13:07:31 by rebs »
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Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #184 on: 15 February 2015, 12:27:31 »
Well, just because this is the Dumb BT Joke thread...

It is said statistically* that during the height of the Wars of Reaving someone in the Clan Homeworlds was a victim of or witnessed ortillery fire every .4 days, or was infected by a Society engineered virus every 2 minutes, or became a guinea pig for Society experimentation every hour.

It must have really sucked to be that dude.

*Data supplied by Tanite Brain Slug.
« Last Edit: 15 February 2015, 13:13:50 by rebs »
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Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #185 on: 26 February 2015, 19:18:45 »
A young Capellan walks into a library where she asks for a book about the Fourth Succession War.  The Librarian replies "Sorry, but we lost that one."
Playing Guitar On My YouTube Channel:
Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #186 on: 25 August 2020, 18:04:16 »
I had to post this joke after finding it on the web again after a few years of not seeing it anywhere.

The World of Battletech explained with The Two Cows Analogy:

Star League-ism: You have two cows. A goat takes over the barn. One cow blows up the goat's home, then fights with the goat over the barn. The goat is killed. The fighting cow leaves the farm while the other cow proceeds to systematically nuke parts of the farm for the hell of it.

Rim Worlds Republic-ism: You have two cows. They are nuked along with the rest of your nation because of what your goat did.

OutworldsAlliance -ism: You have two cows. They are pacifists who also happen to be ace fighter pilots. You are invaded by Combine cows. You slice off the heads of some of the cows and drop said heads on remaining Combine cows. You still are pacifists.

Taurian-ism: You have two cows. The cows openly carry nuclear weapons. No one messes with you because you will nuke their asses if they look at you sideways.

Magistry of Canopian-ism: You have two cows. One buys rank in your military, the other tours human space as a novelty in a "pleasure circus."

Free Rasslhague-ism: You fight for hundreds of years for freedom for your two cows. You win freedom for you and your cows. Your cows are subsequently made Bondscows to Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. Your life sucks.

St.Ives-ism: You have two cows. You commit treason. You and your cows are seen as good guys. You are also seen as an independent nation. Neither statement is true.

Free Worlds League-ism: You have two cows. That's it. No one cares.

Lyran-ism: You have two cows. One starts a business and becomes insanely rich. The other buys rank in your military and subsequently loses three assault regiments and two worlds to a band of pirates in Locusts.

Draconis Combine-ism: You have two cows. One charges a Smoke Jaguar Dire Wolf in a Phoenix Hawk. He dies honorably and quickly. The other refuses to charge and is ordered to slice open his belly to atone for dishonor and having a brain. You are messed up.

Capellen-ism: You have two cows. Your Celestial Wisdom orders them to participate in cow wave attacks against the FedSuns. You still lose half your nation.

Davion-ism: You have two cows. One joins the military and is hailed as a hero. The other sits on the impoverished farm. You don't care about the second cow.

ComStar-ism: You have two cows. They are neutral in all things. They run a telecoms company. Those are unusually tanky looking cows though...

WoB-ism: You have two cows. They walk around in robes with math symbols. Everyone makes fun of the cows. The cows nuke everyone.

FedCom-ism: You have two cows. One can't fight but is rich. One fights expertly, but is poor. Instead of working together, your cows blame each other for their faults and fight a war with each other.

Wolf-ism: You have two cows, distantly related. Both are ************, one has a good PR agent. They beat the crap out of each other and sit in opposite corners of the room, refusing to speak to each other.

Jade Falcon-ism: You have two cows. One gets his entire Cluster killed by a guy with an physically impossible explosion. The other kills the best Mechwarrior in human space with a jump jet to the head. People can't decide if you are munchy or unlucky.

Smoke Jaguar-ism: You have two cows. Both think that Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now was an appropriate role-model. You slaughter any cow who so much as moos in your direction, then wonder why the farm teams up to crash your barn and put you the ****** down.

Ghost Bear-ism: You have two cows. You have good PR. Everyone sees the cows as nice. They ignore the fact the cows threaten massacres more often than the Jaguar cows.

Steel Viper-ism: You have two cows. Both are super-elite. You exist to lose to the Falcon cows. Sorry.

Snow Raven-ism: You have two cows. They can't fight their way out of a paper bag on the ground. Good thing you won't let anyone reach the ground.

Goliath Scorpion-ism: You have two cows. Both are stoned.

Cloud Cobra-ism: You have two cows. They are almost as messed up as the Scorpion cows, just without the drugs. What was that Marx said about religion being opium?

Nova Cat-ism: You have two cows. They see things more than the Scorpions do, without the drugs.

Star Adder-ism: You have two cows. They build an insane army and navy. They just sit there, doing nothing.

Coyote-ism: You have two cows. Both are perceived as losers. You pioneer all the funkiest new farm-yard equpment. You are still seen as losers.

Blood Spirit-ism: You have two cows. They sit at home and talk to no one.

Fire Mandril-ism: You have two cows. They fight with each other more than with anyone else. People ignore you.

Diamond Shark-ism: You have two cows. Both are part of a warrior society that disdains everything else. Both cows still focus on money.

Hells' Horse-ism: You have two cows. They follow combined arms doctrine. People drop Inferno IV missiles on your cows and have ribs for a month.

Hellion-ism: You have two cows. One has a temper tantrum and is ridiculed by all others. The other cow only fights to the first hit thinking that alone determines the victor, he is quickly destroyed by enemy cows.

Wolverine-ism: You had two cows. Both got sent to the abbatoir for being unruly. All that remained of them was a single hoof that hopped off and told anyone who would listen that someday it will rule the galaxy

Nueva Castile-ism: You have to cows. One speaks Spanish and has been around for a long time. The other cow speaks Arabic, though it is not Arabic, and invaded some two hundred fifty years form somewhere that it does not even know. The Spanish speaking cow dreams about the reconquista, while the other tenuosly holds on to the lands that it took from the Spanish Cow.

Hanseatic League-ism: You have two cows. Both are Captain-Generals, vying to force each other out of business while keeping their markets closed to outsiders, by force, if necessary.

Pirate-ism: You have two cows. One has a pegleg and a hook on one of his orns, the other a patch over one eye and parrot on his horns. Both mercilessly raid the other cows for hay and water.

Marian Hegemony-ism: You have two cows. One wears a toga and believes he is a great ruler from Terra's ancient past. The other cow is a ruthlessly oppressed slave who plots to win his freedom. His name is Spartacus.
Kell Hound-ism. You have two cows. They face each other in combat. One cow is about to destroy the other cow when the other cow disappears from the first cow's "sights." The first cow chops off his horns, throws them at the second cow's hooves, and goes off to form a military unit. The second cow hides himself in a barn for a few years.
« Last Edit: 25 August 2020, 20:58:33 by rebs »
Playing Guitar On My YouTube Channel:
Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #187 on: 25 August 2020, 20:08:15 »
Nova Cat-ism: You have two cows. They see things more than the Scorpions do, without the drugs.  For reasons no one can understand, you think hanging out in the Draconis Combine's feedlot is a good idea.

Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

"When in doubt, C4." Jamie Hyneman


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #188 on: 25 August 2020, 20:29:55 »
That is better.  Thanks, Ogre.
Playing Guitar On My YouTube Channel:
Current cover tune: "The Wind Cries Mary" (by Jimi Hendrix)

"Thou shalt not create a machine in the image of the human mind." ~ The Orange Catholic Bible, Dune, Frank Herbert


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #189 on: 26 August 2020, 07:03:23 »
Jonathan was part of a jazz quintet in the Free Worlds League. When he first heard about the Clan Invasion, Jonathan couldn't stop watching the news. Jonathan watched a holovid of a Timber Wolf taking down Lyran 'mechs, one by one.

"Woo!" Jonathan exclaimed. "That is one mad cat!"


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #190 on: 06 September 2020, 13:25:30 »
I have some more:

Maximilian Liao goes for a walk and finds a bottle lying in the sand.
He opens it and out comes a Genie.
The Genie says: "You have liberated me. Therefore I grant you three wishes."
Max: "I want The Outworlds Alliance to invade the CC."
The Genie snaps his fingers and the OA invades the CC.
The Genie: "Your second wish?"
Max: "I want The Outworlds Alliance to invade the CC."
The Genie snaps his fingers and the OA invades the CC.
The Genie: "Your third wish?"
Max: "I want The Outworlds Alliance to invade the CC."
The Genie snaps his fingers and the OA invades the CC.
Then the Genie asks: "Why did you want the OA to invade your own Successor State"
Max smiles: "Because they had to first ruin a lot of Davion planets to reach the CC."

A guy is sitting before his Mask interrogater barely clinging to life.
The Mask guy looks up after reading the file and says: "I admit, the joke you told was pretty good. I hope it was worth it."

These jokes are from the german magazine Heavy Battle: (And they hated the Marauder mech, just saying)

If a Mechwarrior takes his girlfriend out for dinner, where do they end up?
Mech Donalds, of course.

Natasha Kerensky talks about death: Dying is not the problem. But the next day you feel so dead.

You know you play too much Battletech if you make a piloting skill roll before leaving your bed

There are many phobias. Arachnophobia, claustrophobia.
And the infantry has MECHnophobia

Atlas in the morning brings AC20 and worries

It is false that the Hollander moves d6 hexes backwards when he fires his Gauss rifle
It is true that the Hollander is known among mechwarriors as Flying Dutchman (Holländer is a german description for people from the Netherlands aka Dutch)
It is false that the Hollander extends partial wings like the Marauder II when firing his Gauss rifle

How does an Urbanmech hide in a city?
He disguises himself as hydrant.

How does a Flea hide in a city?
He disguises himself as letterbox.

How does an Atlas hide in a city?
WTF? An Atlas doesnt need to hide!

Mechwarrior 1 to 2: Do you have something against Marauders?
Mechwarrior 2 to 1: No, but if you invent something I am the first to buy.

Ghost Beer - from beyond the Periphery.

May the Mech be with you.


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #191 on: 03 October 2020, 06:55:16 »
Got another lightbulb joke:

"Let´s go to red alert!"

"Are you sure, Sir? It means changing all the lightbulbs ..."
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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #192 on: 03 October 2020, 09:52:44 »
Ah, Out Worlds Alliance.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

"When in doubt, C4." Jamie Hyneman


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Re: Dumb BattleTech jokes
« Reply #193 on: 05 October 2020, 07:22:24 »

How the clans deal with broken lightbulbs (from

Il-Khan: I have my Khans, shall they deal with it.

Khans: I have my Sa-Khans, shall they deal with it.

Sa-Khans: I have my Galaxy Commanders, shall they deal with it.

Galaxy Commander: I have my Star Colonels, shall they deal with it.

Star Colonels: I have my Star Captains, shall they deal with it.

Star Captains:I have my Point Commanders, shall they deal with it.

Point Commander: I have my MechWarrios, shall they deal with it.

Mechwarrior: Tech. That bulb is out; fix it.
"Nemo my name forevermore"
Nightwish - Nemo

