Author Topic: 'Mech Duel Rules Conversion  (Read 1509 times)


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'Mech Duel Rules Conversion
« on: 21 October 2020, 22:09:24 »

I'm an old tabletop player from '86 or so and I'm just getting back in. I hope I've done my due diligence here, but after scanning both the core and optional rulebooks (as well as the forums), I don't see the old S7 Duel Rules.

I know this is not the most popular ruleset, but it was our "go to" for any encounter that was lance v lance or smaller.

I was thinking of writing a conversion, but before I do:

1) Is this type of "Fan Rules" creation (resurrection) verboten? It wouldn't be wholly original work.

2) Is it really necessary? A scan of the books seems to reveal a lot of clarification and streamlining and not a lot of revision or wholesale reworking of the original ruleset. There may need to be some assigning values to newer weapons and equipment and a few calls on new mechanics for that gear.

3) Has it already been done and I've somehow missed it?



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Re: 'Mech Duel Rules Conversion
« Reply #1 on: 23 October 2020, 18:23:28 »
What version of the RPG are you running.

If it's 2nd them the S7 rules should still work fine.

If 3-4th then the Mechwarriors Guide to Solaris VII has a large section on dueling rules with updated weapons.

Both rulesets could easily be used as straight boardgame mechanics with some small modification.


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Re: 'Mech Duel Rules Conversion
« Reply #2 on: 25 October 2020, 20:51:05 »
Thanks for the heads up! I'm actually not playing the RPG. I'm going to start up some Battletech TT gaming in my local circle again. Most are old friends I played with before and will want to play Duel rules.

We could get away with playing any version of the core rules, really. Still, having the duel rules agree with the most current set would be ideal, and if I was going to go through the trouble,  why not stick them out there for others to use. Other than delays and converting the ranges, there doesn't seem to be much to do. Still picking through it though for any timing-critical new rule or equipment that may need a clarification on, given the 1/4 time scale.

I will check that sourcebook out, but I suspect it's mostly adapting the old Duel Rules from the Solaris boxed set.

Thanks again!

