Author Topic: Character Creation Sheet (Completed)  (Read 2568 times)

anemic spice

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Character Creation Sheet (Completed)
« on: 17 October 2020, 03:43:53 »

I've only recently been introduced to Battletech, and I'm absolutely loving it so far :)
Me & my partner want to get into a more narrative playstyle, and we've decided to go with a homebrew mix between Time of War and Classic Battletech Mercenaries/Campaign Operations. But the character generation is kindddd of daunting, and the only sheets available that I could find were all either half-completed or just abandoned. I stumbled upon one that was atleast complete enough to be a good base ( - Thank you, Person!) to build off of.

It's not fancy and I'm sure someone else will one day make something better, or maybe one already exists that I didn't find. But maybe it'll help save someone else a little bit of time and make the process less daunting.

It's got 4 simple sheets in them, with simple calculations and totals to make life easier.

The Character Generation Template (For creating a character with life modules or the XP pools)

The Character Summary Sheet (Summarises the creation sheet to just the actual stats of your character; Intended for use while playing)

The Equipment Sheet (Used for tracking different equipment and their cost/mass/quantities/whatever. It has three sections for On Person, In Vehicle or At Base)

They're about as pretty as you can make them using Google Docs ;D

It's complete insofar as it has everything immediately necessary to create a character, but this was a half-day project that I made for myself & my partner so any bugs/errors with it I've been fixing as I encounter them. But I hope someone finds a use for it! Best of luck, everyone.

