Author Topic: Cate's Hold Expeditionaries  (Read 1376 times)


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Cate's Hold Expeditionaries
« on: 26 May 2021, 22:36:32 »
The Cate's Hold Expeditionaries:

Originally the first Battalion of the Cate's Hold 5th Infantry Regiment, the group went mercenary in 2850 after the local government failed to pay out two years worth of wages.

Renaming themselves the Cate's Hold Light Infantry the battalion served the Free Worlds League for much of the succession wars, and almost falling victim to the company store scheme several times. Only narrowly rescuing their company through good fortune and keen intuition. Early on, the battalion showed their ingenuity when, in a daring night raid, the three companies of jump infantry captured an entire regiment's worth of battlemechs by stealing several dropships belonging to the Capellan Confederation from their launch pads. Over time the unit would gain a reputation for high success in raiding and boarding actions. The succession wars would make the CHLI wealthy, and they would expand their ranks considerably, growing to a full regiment by 2963.

Although the regiment would diversify, adding three battlemech companies and devoting an entire battalion to aerospace fighters, they steadily gained the typecast of the ones to call when you needed to capture aerospace assets. This inevitably led to the anti-piracy missions they would become most famous for, and would eventually bring them their largest hedge against future attempts by employers to bankrupt them. Where many commands would strive to avoid exclusive anti-piracy contracts, the CHLI would embrace their expertise. Changing their name to the Cate's Hold Expeditionaries, they have become the ones to call when you need a regiment that can chase pirates into the unknown and come back with loot.

In 3049 the regiment was conducting antipiracy operations in the coreward periphery, they would find themselves suddenly deep behind enemy lines as the clans invaded. The regiment would be forced to fight their way back to the inner sphere, only making it to friendly space late in 3050, when it became known to them that their employer no longer existed.

With replenishment desperately needed and their coffers empty, Colonel Costanzia Cruz sought new contracts. They would find themselves part of an ill-fated FedCom counter attack beginning in June of 3051. After some initial success the battlegroup would meet massive resistance as the jade falcon garrison forces on Zoetermeer were bolstered by the returning clans. The regiment would suffer the greatest losses in their history during the retreat. Losing several dropships, two jumships, half of D Company, and most of second battalion, the survivors of which were only saved by the daring rearguard action of Ensign Crystal knight, who, piloting his personal hatchetman, drew the pursuing Jade Falcon Trinary into dense urban terrain and, playing to the strengths of the very non-standard hatchetman, proceeded to decimate them in close combat.

Again, cut off from friendly forces and surrounded by enemies, the Cate's Hold Expeditionaries did what they do best: raiding and boarding actions. although meeting with difficulties against clan elementals and armed jumpships, the third battalion, having suffered the fewest casualties, provided the vital aerospace cover necessary to engage the clan aerospace assets on relatively even footing. in April 3052, the battered regiment appeared at the jump point in Pandora, with several captured clan jumpships, including an Odyssey, eight captured dropships laden with an entire cluster's worth of clan omnimechs, and more than twenty clan mechwarriors and aerospace pilots taken as prisoners. the force was so large the defending Gray Death Legion stationed in Pandora initially thought it was another Jade Falcon Incursion.

Fortunately, this time the regiment would have back pay waiting for them. While the offensive was a military disaster, the general responsible was able to redeem himself with the amount of spoils the Cate's Hold Expeditionaries brought in. Not only was the regiment paid for services rendered, but was offered trade-ins for all clan equipment, netting the regiment three new jumpships, seven dropships, and enough mechs and new production battle armor to completely rebuild the regiment. by this point the regiment had sustained such enormous attrition that the only ranking officer left was the Brevited Colonel Crystal Knight, who presided over the complete rebuilding of the Expeditionaries.

in 3056 After completely reorganizing the regiment into battle-armor equipped infantry, rebuilding the almost-completely wiped-out battlemech companies, and upgrading all forces with the best equipment they could find, Colonel Knight stepped down as commander of the Expeditionaries and retired from mercenary work.

as of 3090 the regiment has returned to the Rimward periphery, conducting missions against pirates on behalf of the Majesty Metals and Manufacturing.

as of 3040 their force consisted of:
six infantry companies trained as both jump troops and marines
two striker battlemech companies
one special purpose mech company
seven ASF squadrons
twelve landing craft
twelve Union Dropships
one Scout, Ernard Bay, formerly property of the Capellan Confederation, taken as a prize during the Third Succession war.
one Jolly Roger, Taff, taken as a target of opportunity during operations against the Marian Hegemony.
one Invader, Bowmanville, originally recaptured for a private employer, retained as payment when employer disappeared.
one Star Lord, Sweet Lilly, formerly of the FWL, taken as spoils when employer reneged on payment.

as of 3060, the Regiment is now made up of:
six Battle Armor companies equipped with Gray Death Scout armor
two striker battlemech companies
one special purpose mech company
seven ASF squadrons
twelve landing craft
twelve Union Dropships
two Scout jumpships, one formerly property of the Capellan Confederation, one received in exchange for clan jumpship.
one Jolly Roger, taken as a target of opportunity during operations against the Marian Hegemony.
two star lords, received in exchanged for captured clan jumpships.
« Last Edit: 29 May 2021, 08:20:28 by Emcha »


  • Major
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Re: Cate's Hold Expeditionaries
« Reply #1 on: 28 May 2021, 00:09:00 »
interesting unit, I would love to learn more how they slowly expanded to what was the 3040 era model

also  :D you need to check the dates, you have a # of 2000's that I think should be the in the years of 3000
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Sergeant
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Re: Cate's Hold Expeditionaries
« Reply #2 on: 28 May 2021, 22:35:53 »
interesting unit, I would love to learn more how they slowly expanded to what was the 3040 era model

also  :D you need to check the dates, you have a # of 2000's that I think should be the in the years of 3000

they began with three infantry companies and one headquarters company halfway through the 2nd succession war.
they did a lot of ****** on their own initiative that their employers let slide because they always came back with lots of equipment stolen from the enemy.
this made them very useful, and also wealthy, to where they were able to expand into a second battalion, and upgrade their infantry kit.
becoming adept at "battlefield acquisitions" they eventually stepped up into capturing whole ass dropships, and from there they started capturing jumpships when possible.
almost all of their Aerospace fighters were salvaged or stolen from the various people they fight. especially pirates, many of their mechs came to them with the mechwarriors who they hired to fill out the three mech companies, the rest were captured or salvaged.
their dropships were sourced as needed, all of their jumpships taken prior to 3049 were taken in boarding actions.
in-between succession wars they mostly stayed in the periphery hunting pirates. they rarely deployed their entire regiment in one area, choosing to combine their forces into combat teams which operated more or less independently.
striker teams are just each of the two striker companies, their attached dropship, and two ASF fighters and deployed as normal mech companies
the light expeditionary team is a jump company, ASF squadron, VTOL lance, two small craft, and the dropship. they do raiding, and expeditionary work.
the recapture team is a marine company, ASF squadron, two small craft, and a dropship equipped with naval tug adaptor. they specialize in boarding actions and pirate hunting.
the special purpose company is one scout lance with four fast light mechs, and two fires lances who are all deployed on an as-needed basis.
this growth took place over the course of 190 years.


  • Major
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Re: Cate's Hold Expeditionaries
« Reply #3 on: 29 May 2021, 00:20:36 »
Interestibg unit! Well done sir.

