Author Topic: LB-X APDS rounds  (Read 1846 times)

Hominid Mk II

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LB-X APDS rounds
« on: 10 August 2021, 00:00:40 »
These aren't my idea - they were in a compilation of fan-created new weapon systems I came across on the net many years ago. (It was called MunchTech, short for Munchkin Technology, IIRC.)

APDS stands for Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot, as with real-world small-arms ammunition. (Nothing to do with the RISC Advanced Point Defense System.) They can only be fired by LB-X Autocannons. The description of what they do was short and sweet:

"Has all the advantages of a Davion Armor-Piercing round and none of its disadvantages."

They cost 10x the price of LB-X Slug ammo.

I've been toying with the idea on introducing them to my AU for a while now, but... I'm wondering if anybody else here has ever employed any technology along these lines in their games. And if so, did they enhance the fun quotient or subtract from it?
« Last Edit: 10 August 2021, 22:19:12 by Hominid Mk II »
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Re: LB-X APDS rounds
« Reply #1 on: 17 August 2021, 01:10:01 »
I would suggest that if you wanted to use SABOT rounds to replicate a real thing, the SABOT would do less damage than an equal weight AC version, but have double the ammo.  SABOT is lighter than an equal round using the entire chamber after all, it packs the round to fit the larger shell size.

Thus, LBX Sabot dont lose half their bin, but deal damage based off the average cluster size of the LB while retaining the exact same crit roll bonus.  A 3 point LB5X SABOT with 20 shots per ton, versus a 5 point AC/5 AP with 10 shots per ton.

