Author Topic: Converting centurion cn9-a and Orion on1-k  (Read 3569 times)


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Converting centurion cn9-a and Orion on1-k
« on: 03 March 2022, 11:25:30 »
Hi there. I just wanted to check if my result of converting this the mech to MW: Destiny is correct

Centurion cn9-a
Heatsink 2

Head 3/1
Torso 6/5
Arms 5/3
Legs 5/4

Punch/kick 2/3
Each weapon is one slot, so no groups.

Orion on1-k
Heatsink: 2

Head 3/1
Torso 12/8
Arms 8/4
Legs 11/5

Punch/ kick 3/5
2x med lasers: dmg 3, ht 1.
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