Author Topic: RW: Canopian Front  (Read 3109 times)


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RW: Canopian Front
« on: 04 July 2011, 11:48:46 »
A coupe of thing I guess.

The first was brought up by Trace Coburn. Was there a name for the Operation?

Second is mostly about forces. The Star League VII Corps is listed as being 3 Divisions + 4 Independent Regiments, totaling 31 `Mech regiments. That seems rather high, with the numbers outright showing that the 3 Divisions are 100% Pure `Mech. While it is technically possible, it seems rather dubious since pg. 27 states that the most numerous unit in the SLDF was the Regular Regiment, which was a combined arms regiment at the start of the conflict, only to change later into a "Pure" unit (2577 seems early for this to have occurred?). So were these units pure `Mech all the way through?

Third is about the Cranston conflict on page 98.
Quote from:
On Cranston, the nine ‘Mech regiments of the Fifty-eighth Brigade expected a hard fight and the defenders didn’t disappoint.

9 `Mech regiments for a single Brigade seems..excessive? Though later on the similar numbers are used when the force is split into 2 forces of 6 and 3. Should this maybe be "9 regiments of the Cranston task Force" or something, rather than of the Brigade? To make it more confusing, the deployment tables in the back only show the 58th Division, the 1st Marik Militia and the 2nd Orloff Grenadiers on Cranston, which is a total of *5* `Mech regiments.

And finally, on to Canopus.
Quote from: Reunification War p. 104
Elsewhere the MAF came off significantly less well—the First Grenadiers found themselves with their backs against the Thetis River and were systematically reduced by their opponents in the Fifty-eighth Brigade. Only two companies were able to force a crossing and were later absorbed into the Second Grenadiers to make good that unit’s losses against the Sixtieth Brigade.

The Second Grenadiers weren't on Canopus, they had been destroyed the previous year during the raid on Thurrock that went bad for the MAF. There isn't any "Second" on the Canopian side, and the fluff doesn't pick out who exactly fought against the Sixtieth, so who were the survivors folded into?

Chris Hartford

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Re: RW: Canopian Front
« Reply #1 on: 05 July 2011, 07:13:19 »
The first was brought up by Trace Coburn. Was there a name for the Operation?

Not that has survived in the modern (3080-era) records.

Second is mostly about forces. The Star League VII Corps is listed as being 3 Divisions + 4 Independent Regiments, totaling 31 `Mech regiments. That seems rather high, with the numbers outright showing that the 3 Divisions are 100% Pure `Mech. While it is technically possible, it seems rather dubious since pg. 27 states that the most numerous unit in the SLDF was the Regular Regiment, which was a combined arms regiment at the start of the conflict, only to change later into a "Pure" unit (2577 seems early for this to have occurred?). So were these units pure `Mech all the way through?

Yep, it's high and suggests that each VII Corps brigade had the equivalent of 3 regiments of 'Mechs (plus conventional forces). There was a reference to the VIIth being overstrength in "The League's Might". The current force listing isn't explicit on the strength of each division but the original had a bit more detail - let me check if I can post that.

(As an aside, the size of VII corps is a conceit to reconcile the existing figures for the force sent against Canopus with this only being a single Corps; the assumption is that Marian 'used her authority' as a council member to best advantage and hoovered up a chunk of the reserves)

Third is about the Cranston conflict on page 98.
9 `Mech regiments for a single Brigade seems..excessive? Though later on the similar numbers are used when the force is split into 2 forces of 6 and 3. Should this maybe be "9 regiments of the Cranston task Force" or something, rather than of the Brigade? To make it more confusing, the deployment tables in the back only show the 58th Division, the 1st Marik Militia and the 2nd Orloff Grenadiers on Cranston, which is a total of *5* `Mech regiments.

Good catch. I'll need to check my notes but that should probably be "9 regiments" (not 9 'Mech regiments).

And finally, on to Canopus.
The Second Grenadiers weren't on Canopus, they had been destroyed the previous year during the raid on Thurrock that went bad for the MAF. There isn't any "Second" on the Canopian side, and the fluff doesn't pick out who exactly fought against the Sixtieth, so who were the survivors folded into?

Oops. That should be the Canopian Cuirassiers (my bad - the original draft had elements of the Second Grenadiers in the Canopus fight).
Chris Hartford


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Re: RW: Canopian Front
« Reply #2 on: 05 July 2011, 13:32:43 »
Hmm, thanks for the heads up. Shame about the lack of a campaign name. That seems quite odd to have been lost to the ravages of time.

Look forward to any info you're able to dig out and post :)