Author Topic: CO Environmental Specialist SPA  (Read 1213 times)


  • Major
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CO Environmental Specialist SPA
« on: 08 January 2023, 23:44:01 »
Corrected 3rd printing, p74

This comes from the bold section of the following text.
An Environmental Specialist reduces by half (rounding down) all
movement and Piloting Skill penalties related to the environment
they are specialized in
, when operating under such conditions.

1. For a Rain/Snow specialist would the mp cost for mud/ice/snow be part of that which would be halved? ie Gusting rain causes the entire map to turn into mud (p57, TO:AR) The -2(CI) movement for rain specialist would be cut in half to -1, and as the mud is a part of the weather condition would it also cut the +1MP in half? This would also have the same affect for snow specialist, movement in snow would be halved as well as movement over ice/black ice as they are part of the weather condition

Heavy Snowfall TO:AR p58
Thin/Deep Snow: At the start of Turn 5 (if the scenario lasts
long enough), heavy snowfall includes all modifiers and effects of
thin snow (see p. 50). At the start of Turn 15...

2. Deep Snow (TO:AR p32) lists Wheeled vehicles as prohibited, would this SPA allow wheeled vehicles to be used in deep snow?

3. For the first quote, would these same hexes (mud, snow) also have their PSR modifiers adjusted in the same way as movement? If so, would the modifiers be totaled first or halved separately?
ie Wheeled vehicle in gusting rain has a combined psr modifier of +3 and +1. If combined for a +4, the halved psr is +2, but if separate they become +1 and +0 ( .5 round down)


  • Major
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  • Posts: 5554
Re: CO Environmental Specialist SPA
« Reply #1 on: 19 August 2024, 16:45:36 »

