Author Topic: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions  (Read 8678 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 212
[Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« on: 18 December 2020, 08:50:29 »
I'm interested in seeing what MechWarrior: Destiny can do in eras other than Succession Wars/Clan Invasion, mostly because my Clan of choice wasn't active in the Inner Sphere until later. So I decided to convert a later Nova variant into Destiny. Unfortunately, I chose the H (because I'm fond of self-immolating overkill, apparently), whose Heavy Medium Lasers are not listed in Destiny.

However, it had Damage, Heat, and Range profiles identical to various already-existing weapons, so I used those. In the process, I discovered that the formulas for multiple weapon Damage and Heat can be used to convert single weapons from Total Warfare to Destiny (and probably were, to be honest). Range is undoubtedly best-guess based on similar weapons, but it's pretty vague in Destiny anyway. Other than that, all I needed to do was reverse the sign on the penalty and add it to the range brackets. Thus, the finished Heavy Medium Laser:

Weapon                Heat    Damage    Type    Pointblank    Short   Medium    Long
Heavy Medium Laser    H(7)    4(10)     E       -1            -1      -3        ---

With that in place it was easy to modify the existing Nova Prime to the H variant--the only thing which needed to be changed other than the weapons loadout was the Heat Dissipation:

Nova (Alternate Configuration H)

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 8

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration H):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
3 Heavy Medium Lasers   10      E       HHHH    RA         -1           -1      -3      ---
2 Heavy Medium Lasers   7       E       HHH     RA         -1           -1      -3      ---
3 Heavy Medium Lasers   10      E       HHHH    LA         -1           -1      -3      ---
2 Heavy Medium Lasers   7       E       HHH     LA         -1           -1      -3      ---

Jump Jets

It seems to be a good conversion--it can still fire one full arm's worth of Heavy Med Lasers and jump without building up heat, so it appears to perform the same as in TW. The Prime's Tags are all still applicable, perhaps even more so.

Has anyone else converted newer weapons or tech into Destiny? Any favorite 'Mechs you've felt the need to convert? I'd be interested in seeing them, and as I convert other weapons and/or 'Mechs I'll post them here as well.

EDIT: Adjusted Kick damage per Errata.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2021, 10:57:54 by Mendou »


  • Master Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 212
Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #1 on: 30 December 2020, 09:32:26 »
I've converted the other Nova variants from RS3050U into MechWarrior: Destiny. I didn't change the Tags from the Prime; they apply to the chassis rather than to any single configuration, in my opinion. Here are the variants:

Nova Alternate Configuration A

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration A):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
ER PPC                  5       E       HHH     RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
ER PPC                  5       E       HHH     LA         OK           OK      OK      -2
Medium Pulse Laser      3       E       H       T          +2           +2      OK      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (AMS): T (CASE)

The A configuration looks like it might be fun to play--my Lyran background makes me very fond of headchoppers.

Nova Alternate Configuration B

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration B):
Group                   Damage       Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4          ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Ultra AC/5              2+M (Max 4)  B       ---     RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
Large Pulse Laser       4            E       HH      LA         +2           +2      +2      OK
ER Small Laser          2            E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
2 Machine Guns          2            B       ---     T          OK           OK      ---     ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (Ultra AC/5): RA (CASE)
Ammo (Machine Gun): T (CASE)

Not so much a fan of the B, though. That much ammo is asking for trouble. . . .

Nova Alternate Configuration C

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration C):
Group                   Damage       Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4          ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Gauss Rifle             5            B       ---     LA         -2           OK      OK      -2
SRM 4                   2+M (Max 4)  M       H       T          OK           OK      -2      ---
Small Pulse Laser       1            E       ---     T          +2           +2      ---     ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (Gauss Rifle): LA (CASE)
Ammo (SRM 4): T (CASE)

The C wastes a lot of the built-in heat dissipation, so it's not a favorite, either.

Nova Alternate Configuration D

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration D):
Group                   Damage       Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4          ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
LRM 20                  4+M(Max 7)   M       H       RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
LB 5-X AC               2 (C2)       B       ---     LA         -2           OK      OK      -2

Jump Jets
Ammo (LRM 20): RA (CASE)
Ammo (LB 5-X AC) Slug: LA (CASE)
Ammo (LB 5-X AC) Cluster: LA (CASE)

Not fond of putting a huge missile system on a brawler chassis. Not fond of missiles in general, to be honest. . . .

Nova Alternate Configuration E

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration E):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
ATM 12                  below           M       HH      RA         below        below   below   below
--Standard              4+MM (Max 8 )   M       HH      RA         -2           OK      -2      ---
--Extended-Range        2+M (Max 4)     M       HH      RA         -2           OK      OK      -2
--High-Explosive        6+MMM (Max 12)  M       HH      RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
3 ER Medium Laser       7               E       HHH     LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (ATM 12): T (CASE)
Ammo (ATM 12 ER): T (CASE)
Ammo (ATM 12 HE): T (CASE)

I had to guess on the ATM's stats. If anyone has any better suggestions, I'm open to them.

Nova Alternate Configuration F

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration F):
Group                   Damage       Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4          ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
HAG/20                  7(C7)        B       H       RA         -2           OK      OK      -2
3 ER Medium Laser       7            E       HHH     LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (HAG/20): RA (CASE)

I was guessing on the HAG/20 as well, and am not sure if my solution was the correct one. Any ideas?

Nova Alternate Configuration S

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration S):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
3 Medium Pulse Lasers   7       E       HH      RA         +2           +2      OK      ---
3 Medium Pulse Lasers   7       E       HH      RA         +2           +2      OK      ---
4 Machine Guns          2       B       ---     T          OK           OK      ---     ---

Jump Jets
Active Probe
Ammo (AMS): T (CASE)
Ammo (Machine Gun): T (CASE)

I've heard good things about the S, but have never used it. I'm a bit leery of Machine Gun ammo, though, so you'd have to do a lot of convincing me to take it.

As I've nearly run out of Novas, are there any other 'Mechs people want to see Destiny stats for?

EDIT: Adjusted Kick damage per Errata.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2021, 10:59:57 by Mendou »


  • Master Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 262
Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #2 on: 30 December 2020, 17:23:02 »
The ATM conversion looks good.

HAGs are basically like ballistic LRMs in Total Warfare so I'd make the HAG-20 identical to the LRM 20 rathern than a long range LB 20-X AC.


  • Master Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 212
Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #3 on: 30 December 2020, 18:39:44 »
The ATM conversion looks good.

HAGs are basically like ballistic LRMs in Total Warfare so I'd make the HAG-20 identical to the LRM 20 rathern than a long range LB 20-X AC.
Okay. I've revised the damage to match the LRM 20:

Nova Alternate Configuration F

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration F):
Group                   Damage       Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4          ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
HAG/20                  4+M (Max 7)  B       H       RA         -2           OK      OK      -2
3 ER Medium Laser       7            E       HHH     LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (HAG/20): RA (CASE)

I also rounded up the last three Nova configurations which I hadn't tackled yet:

Nova Alternate Configuration U

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration U):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Spot Welder             4       ---     ---     RA         OK           ---     ---     ---
Sword                   2       ---     ---     LA         OK           ---     ---     ---
8 Machine Guns          6       B       ---     T          OK           OK      ---     ---
3 Heavy Medium Lasers   10      E       HHHH    RA         -1           -1      -3      ---
3 Micro Pulse Lasers    1       E       H       LA         +2           +2      ---     ---

Jump Jets
ECM Suite: H
Liquid Storage (2t): T
Light Active Probe: T
Ammo (Machine Gun): T (CASE)
HarJel: T

The U is insane. I have no idea what to make of its weapons loadout, other than it's used in space boarding efforts. I can't imagine fielding it in BattleTech or in Destiny.

Nova Alternate Configuration I

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 8

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration I):
Group                            Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick                       2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
ER PPC                           5       E       HHH     RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
3 Improved Heavy Medium Lasers   10      E       HHHH    LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
2 Improved Heavy Medium Lasers   7       E       HHH     LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets

I can easily get behind the I--it's a good synthesis of the A and H. I'll be adding it to my mini collection soon enough (assuming I actually get the mini built when it arrives ^_^;; )

Nova Alternate Configuration T X

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 7

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration T X):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
3 ER Medium Lasers      7       E       HHH     RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
3 ER Medium Lasers      7       E       HHH     RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
TSEMP Cannon            0       E       HH      LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets

To be honest, I've no idea how to use the TSEMP; I imagine there will be some rules to translate its mechanics into Destiny at some point. I just translated the stats from the record sheet.

EDIT: Adjusted Kick damage per Errata, and changed the T's designation to X per MUL.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2021, 11:02:10 by Mendou »


  • Master Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 212
Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #4 on: 08 May 2021, 11:16:54 »
I finally got the ilClan Recognition Guides, and found a plethora of Novas! Needless to say, I had to adapt them. . . .

Nova Alternate Configuration G

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration G):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
4 ER Sm. Lasers         7       E       HH      LA         +1           +1      ---     ---
3 ER Sm. Lasers         5       E       H       LA         +1           +1      ---     ---
ProtoMech AC/8          3       B       ---     RA         +1           +1      -1      ---
2 Imp. Hvy Med. Laser   7       E       HHH     T          +1           +1      -1      ---

Jump Jets
Targeting Computer
Ammo (Proto AC/8): RA (CASE)

I don't think I'll be doing much with the G, given its reliance on ER Small Lasers.

Nova Alternate Configuration J

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration J):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
ER PPC                  5       E       HHH     LA         OK           OK      OK      -2
--w/Capacitor           +2      E       +H      LA
Streak LRM 15           5       M       H       RA         OK           OK      OK      -2

Jump Jets
Ammo (Streak LRM 15): RA (CASE)

I had to guess on the effects of the PPC Capacitor, so I just treated it as added damage and heat.

Nova Alternate Configuration K

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration K):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Rotary AC/2             2+M (Max 4)     B       H       LA         OK           OK      OK      -2
ER Large Laser          4               E       HH      RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
2 ER Med Laser          5               E       HH      T          OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (RAC/2): LA (CASE)

Again, I had to guess on the Rotary AC/2.

Nova Alternate Configuration L

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration L):
Group                   Damage            Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4               ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Imp. Hvy Large Laser    5                 E       HHHH    LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
Plasma Cannon           2+M (Max 4) Heat  E       H       LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
Imp. Hvy Large Laser    5                 E       HHHH    RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
Plasma Cannon           2+M (Max 4) Heat  E       H       RA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (Plasma Cannon): T

The Plasma Cannons gave me headaches as well. I treated them like missiles or Ultra ACs, just producing heat rather than damage.

Nova Alternate Configuration R

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration R):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
3 AP Gauss Rifle        3       B       H       LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
3 AP Gauss Rifle        3       B       H       LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
2 Med Re-Eng Laser      4       E       HH      RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
2 Med Re-Eng Laser      4       E       HH      RA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (AP Gauss): LA (CASE)

Not quite the sort of thing I'd use, but it could be worse.

Nova Alternate Configuration T

Weight: Medium
Tonnage: 50 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3(J)
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Second Fiddle - Uncommon - Over-Armed - Heat Monster - Jack of All Trades

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/5
R/L Arm: 5/3
R/L Leg: 7/4

Weapons (Alternate Configuration T):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/4     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
3 Med. Chem. Lasers     5       E       H       RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
3 Med. Chem. Lasers     5       E       H       RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
3 Med. Chem. Lasers     5       E       H       LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
3 Med. Chem. Lasers     5       E       H       LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Jump Jets
Ammo (Med. Chem. Laser): RA (CASE)
Ammo (Med. Chem. Laser): LA (CASE)

A Nova which can fire all of its lasers and jump with minimal heat gain? Sign me up!

There were definitely some interesting Nova variants in Recognition Guide ilClan Vol. 14! I think I like the T the best, given its similarity to the Prime, but there are some truly out-there configurations!
« Last Edit: 09 May 2021, 07:10:51 by Mendou »

Lyran Wolf

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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #5 on: 08 May 2021, 16:56:29 »
Bit late to the party but I will throw out some of my thoughts from when I tried to convert the ATM and HAG

ATM - In the vein of keeping things simple I went with a single weapon line instead of one for each ammo type.  Standard as baseline damage calculation with one M die.  To-Hit line based on the Extended range.  Add to base damage at short range.  Reduce base damage at Long range.
That would keep things simple while simulating the ATM feel.  Only one ammo line needed on the sheet.

HAG - Similar to what was discussed, with the same more damage at short, less at long as the above ATM.  Keeps the feel of the HAG cluster hit rules, while keeping things at the abstract level.  Could also give a penalty to the M roll at long, and bonus to the roll at short.
CDT Agent #1000
Author - The Weight of a Name (Shrapnel #4), Hard Choices (Shrapnel #14)


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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #6 on: 09 May 2021, 07:07:42 »
Bit late to the party but I will throw out some of my thoughts from when I tried to convert the ATM and HAG

ATM - In the vein of keeping things simple I went with a single weapon line instead of one for each ammo type.  Standard as baseline damage calculation with one M die.  To-Hit line based on the Extended range.  Add to base damage at short range.  Reduce base damage at Long range.
That would keep things simple while simulating the ATM feel.  Only one ammo line needed on the sheet.

HAG - Similar to what was discussed, with the same more damage at short, less at long as the above ATM.  Keeps the feel of the HAG cluster hit rules, while keeping things at the abstract level.  Could also give a penalty to the M roll at long, and bonus to the roll at short.

I'm interested to see your stats for these--I'm open to any improvements in these statblocks! (Obviously I'm going to have to start working on more than Nova variants as well. . . .)

Lyran Wolf

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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #7 on: 09 May 2021, 11:52:36 »
Rebuilt them both from my old attempts.   This makes the ATM very reliable at short range.  You could change it up to be more missile dice like you did for the ATM 12 HE.  I noticed though that the base LRM 20 starts at 4+M instead of 2+MM.  Some some playability was taken into account instead of 100% simulating the Cluster hit table results. 

WeaponDamTypeHeatPoint BlankShortMediumLong
ATM 31+M (Max 2)M-OK [Max 3]OK [Max 3]OK-2 [Dam 1]
ATM 62+M (Max 4)MHOK [3+M (Max 6)]OK [3+M (Max 6)]OK-2 [1+M (Max2)]
ATM 93+M (Max 6)MHOK [6+M (Max 9)]OK [6+M (Max 9)]OK-2 [1+M (Max3)]
ATM 125+M (Max 8')MHHOK [6+MM (Max 12)]OK [6+MM (Max 12)]OK-2 [2+M (Max4)]
HAG 204+M (Max7)BH-2 [5+M (Max 7)]OK [5+M (Max 7)]OK-2 [3+M (Max 6)]
HAG 305+MM (Max 10)BH-2 [6+MM (Max 10)]OK [6+MM (Max 10)]OK-2 [4+MM (Max 8')]
HAG 406+MMM (Max 14)BHH-2 [7+MMM (Max 14)]OK [7+MMM (Max 14)]OK-2 [5+MM (Max 11)]
CDT Agent #1000
Author - The Weight of a Name (Shrapnel #4), Hard Choices (Shrapnel #14)


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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #8 on: 22 May 2021, 14:27:23 »
This may just be me, but I'm failing to see how changing the damage at each range increment is keeping things simple. . . . Though I am all for playability over trying to simulate the mechanics completely, especially in an RPG which I'm hoping to run at some time this year!

Also, I've translated the Adder variants into MWD as well:

Adder (Alternate Configuration A)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration A):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
LRM 20                  4+M (Max 7)     M       H       RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
LRM 20                  4+M (Max 7)     M       H       LA         OK           OK      OK      -2
2 Small Pulse Lasers    2               E       H       T          +2           +2      ---     ---

Ammo (LRM 20): RA (CASE)
Ammo (LRM 20): LA (CASE)

I'm not fond of missiles in general, so obviously this isn't the configuration for me.

Adder (Alternate Configuration B)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration B):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
Large Pulse Laser       4               E       HHH     RA         +2           +2      +2      OK
LB 5-X Autocannon       2 (C2)          B       ---     LA         -2           OK      OK      -2
2 ER Med Lasers         5               E       HH      T          OK           OK      -2      ---

Ammo (LB 5-X): LA (CASE)

Again, I like keeping energy boats as energy boats, so again not likely to use.

Adder (Alternate Configuration C)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration C):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
Medium Pulse Laser      3               E       H       T          +2           +2      OK      ---
LRM 15                  2+M (Max 5)     M       H       RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
LRM 15                  2+M (Max 5)     M       H       LA         OK           OK      OK      -2

Ammo (Narc): T (CASE)
Ammo (LRM 15 Narc): RA (CASE)
Ammo (LRM 15 Narc): LA (CASE)

Another missile boat, so not my thing. I added Narc as equipment because I wasn't sure how else to do so.

Adder (Alternate Configuration D)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration D):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
2 Streak SRM 2s         4               M       H       T          OK           OK      -2      ---
Ultra AC/5              2+M (Max 4)     B       ---     RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
ER Large Laser          4               E       HH      LA         OK           OK      OK      -2

Ammo (Streak SRM 2): T (CASE)
Ammo (Ultra AC/5): RA (CASE)

Another "Reach out and touch you" variant, again laden with too much ammunition-using weapons.

Adder (Alternate Configuration E)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration E):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
ATM 9                   below           M       HH      RA         below        below   below   below
--Standard              3+MM (Max 6)    M       HH      RA         -2           OK      -2      ---
--Extended-Range        1+M (Max 3)     M       HH      RA         -2           OK      OK      -2
--High-Explosive        4+MMM (Max 9)   M       HH      RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
ATM 9                   below           M       HH      RA         below        below   below   below
--Standard              3+MM (Max 6)    M       HH      LA         -2           OK      -2      ---
--Extended-Range        1+M (Max 3)     M       HH      LA         -2           OK      OK      -2
--High-Explosive        4+MMM (Max 9)   M       HH      LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
4 Micro Pulse Lasers    4               E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---

Ammo (ATM 9): RA (CASE)
Ammo (ATM 9): LA (CASE)
Ammo (ATM 12 ER): LA (CASE)
Ammo (ATM 12 HE): RA (CASE)

ATMs give us three times the ammo per launcher, with no other long-range firepower on a sniper 'Mech.

Adder (Alternate Configuration H)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration H):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H  E       H       T          +1           +1      ---     ---
Heavy Large Laser       6       E       HHHH    RA         OK           OK      -2      ---
Heavy Large Laser       6       E       HHHH    LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Targeting Computer

This one is much more in my comfort zone, though very prone to overheating. . . .

Adder (Alternate Configuration I)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration I):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
2 Imp. Hvy. Med Lasers  7               E       HHH     RA,LA      OK           OK      -2      ---
4 ER Med Lasers         10              E       HHHH    RA,LA      OK           OK      -2      ---
2 SRM 6s                4+MM (Max 8 )   M       HH      T          OK           OK      -2      ---

Ammo (SRM 6): T (CASE)

Getting into the Recognition Guides now, with a short-range variant which scares me a bit.

Adder (Alternate Configuration J)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration J):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
HAG/20                  4+M (Max 7)     B       H       RA         -2           OK      OK      -2
2 AP Gauss Rifles       2               B       ---     LA         OK           OK      -2      ---
2 AP Gauss Rifles       2               B       ---     LA         OK           OK      -2      ---

Ammo (HAG/20): RA (CASE)
Ammo (AP Gauss Rifle): LA (CASE)

The HAG/20 is an interesting weapon, especially for a Hell's Horses supporter like me, but again I miss my overheating overkill. . . .

Adder (Alternate Configuration K)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration K):
Group                   Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H          E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
ER Large Pulse Laser    3               E       HHH     LA         +2           +2      +2      OK
Rotary AC/2             2+M (Max 4)     B       H       RA         OK           OK      OK      -2

Laser AMS
Ammo (Rotary AC/2): RA (CASE)

My major concern with this one is the RAC/2, which I wasn't quite sure how to stat.

Adder (Alternate Configuration L)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration L):
Group              Damage     Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick         2/3        ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer             1 or H     E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
2 Streak LRM 5s    4          M       H       RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
2 Streak LRM 5s    4          M       H       LA         OK           OK      OK      -2
2 ER Med Lasers    5          E       HH      T          OK           OK      -2      ---

Ammo (Streak LRM 5): RA (CASE)
Ammo (Streak LRM 5): LA (CASE)
ECM Suite

Long range, and more of a sniper than standard LRMs, but still not one I'm thrilled with.

Adder (Alternate Configuration S)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration S):
Group                Damage     Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick           2/3        ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer               1 or H     E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
4 Med. Pulse Lasers  10         E       HHH     RA,LA      +2           +2      OK      ---
6 Machine Guns       4          M       ---     RA,LA      OK           OK      ---     ---
10 Machine Guns      7          M       ---     T          OK           OK      ---     ---

ECM Suite
Active Probe
Ammo (MG): RA (CASE)
Ammo (MG): LA (CASE)

The war-crimes variant, this one has too many machine guns for my peace of mind.

Adder (Alternate Configuration T)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration T):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H  E       H       T          OK           OK      ---     ---
ER PPC w/Capacitor      7       E       HHHH    RA         OK           OK      OK      -2
ER PPC w/Capacitor      7       E       HHHH    LA         OK           OK      OK      -2

Coolant Pod: T (CASE)

Clan ER PPCs with capacitors? Yes, please! Its heat dissipation is more than a little low, though. . . .

Adder (Alternate Configuration TC)

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 t (3 Hardware Points)
Movement: 3
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Sniper - Common - Feared - Heat Monster - Distinctive Hood

Head: 3/1
Torso: 5/4
R/L Arm: 4/2
R/L Leg: 5/3

Weapons (Alternate Configuration TC):
Group                   Damage  Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick              2/3     ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Flamer                  1 or H  E       H       T          +1           +1      ---     ---
10 Machine Guns         7       B       ---     RA,LA      +1           +1      ---     ---
Small Pulse Laser       1       E       ---     T          +3           +3      ---     ---
Large Pulse Laser       4       E       HH      T          +3           +3      +3      +1

Targeting Computer
Anti-Missile System
Active Probe
Ammo (MG): RA (CASE)
Ammo (MG): LA (CASE)
Ammo (AMS): T (CASE)

Another war-crimes variant, with its machine guns and Small Pulse Laser--and a targeting computer as well!

I think I'm far more likely to choose the Prime over any of these, but it is fun having the option of using any of them in MWD!


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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #9 on: 20 June 2021, 08:10:18 »
Now for one of the more maligned 'Mechs out there: the Parash. I'm very tempted to try one of these should I ever manage to play in a Destiny game. . . .


Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 tons (2 Hardware Points)
Movement: 4(J)
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Scout · Clan Hell's Horses · One Weapon · Vehicle Support Unit · Well-Armored

Armor/Structure Configuration
Head: 3/1 pips
Torso: 5/4 pips
Right/Left Arm: 4/2 pips
Right/Left Leg: 5/3 pips

Weapon                      Damage    Type  Heat  Loc     Pointblank  Short  Medium  Long
Punch / Kick                2 / 3     —     —     —       OK          —      —       —
Primary: Large Pulse Laser  4         E     HH    RA      +2          +2     +2      OK

Jump Jets
Active Probe
ECM Suite
Clan TAG

Nothing unusual in this one, just a quick Clan Light with one gun.

Parash 2

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 tons (2 Hardware Points)
Movement: 4(J)
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Scout · Clan Hell's Horses · One Weapon · Vehicle Support Unit · Well-Armored

Armor/Structure Configuration
Head: 3/1 pips
Torso: 5/4 pips
Right/Left Arm: 4/2 pips
Right/Left Leg: 5/3 pips

Weapon                         Damage    Type  Heat  Loc     Pointblank  Short  Medium  Long
Punch / Kick                   2 / 3     —     —     —       OK          —      —       —
Primary: ER Large Pulse Laser  4         E     HHH   RA      +1          +1     +1      -1
Improved Heavy Medium Laser    4         E     H     LA      OK          OK     —       —

Jump Jets
Watchdog CEWS
Clan Light TAG
CASE (Left Arm)

This one has a lot of advanced tech, but is still pretty much in the same role.

Parash 3

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 35 tons (2 Hardware Points)
Movement: 4(J)
Heat Dissipation: 4

Tags: Scout · Clan Hell's Horses · One Weapon · Vehicle Support Unit · Interface Cockpit

Armor/Structure Configuration
Head: 3/1 pips
Torso: 5/4 pips
Right/Left Arm: 4/2 pips
Right/Left Leg: 5/3 pips

Weapon                      Damage    Type  Heat  Loc     Pointblank  Short  Medium  Long
Punch / Kick                2 / 3     —     —     —       +1          —      —       —
Primary: Large Pulse Laser  4         E     HH    RA      +3          +3     +3      +1

Jump Jets
Bloodhound Active Probe
Angel ECM Suite
Clan TAG
Interface Cockpit

This is where it gets weird, and what attracted my attention to the 'Mech in the first place. I love the thought of playing an overgrown ProtoMech! Of course, we need something else to make it work. . . .

Clan Interface Armor

Weight: Light
Tonnage: 200 kg (1 Hardware Point)
Movement: 1

Tags: - Clan Hell's Horses - BattleMech Neural Interface Unit - Word of Blake Technology - Light Armor - Infiltration

Armor/Structure: 1(6)/1

Weapons (Personal Scale)
                    Damage          Close  Near  Far
Armored Glove       2(+STR Bonus)F  OK     —     —
Machine Gun         4*              OK     OK    OK
*May attack up to two different targets per Narration

Weapons ('Mech Scale)
                 Damage         Type  Pointblank  Short  Medium  Long
None             —              —     —           —      —       —

BattleMech Neural Interface Unit
Mission Equipment Storage

This is about as minimal as one can get and still call it Battle Armor,except for the Neural Interface Unit. The bonus of 1 to Piloting and Gunnery in 'Mech is a bit overpowered, but it lets the Parash punch a bit above its weight!

I'm looking forward to trying this thing in post-Jihad/ilClan-era games!


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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #10 on: 24 June 2021, 15:15:22 »
Just wanted to say pop in to say that this is a fascinating thread! I put a lot of work in to the MW:D combat system, so it's great to see all of these conversion discussions!

Philip A. LeeManaging Editor of Shrapnel, the Official BattleTech Magazine. Author of BattleCorps stories A Wolf in the Eyrie, Half of a Warrior, Seeds of Loyalty, Whispering Death, Fragments of History, A Living Epitaph, Double Down, So Costly a Sacrifice, Rain Dance, Quail Hunting, A Show of Force, and A Keystone Arch, Seven Years' Bad Luck, High Value Target, The Face of the Enemy, Horn and Fang, and A Measure of Clarity
Twitter: @JoeChummer
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Lyran Wolf

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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #11 on: 22 September 2021, 22:34:29 »
I was thinking about ATMs again for destiny and I tried a path similar to what you took here.  But I noticed that due to the accuracy line there would never be a situation that Standard missiles would be used over ER and HE.

So at first I simply removed standard as an option to cut out a stat line.  Then I thought about it some more and looked at abstracting the line between the 3 missile types.  I kept it at 2 lines, Long Range, and Short Range but averaged them with the damage from the Standard missiles.  Abstraction being that the pilot would use the most advantageous missiles.  So sometimes the long range bracket would be shots with the ER and sometimes with the Standard.  With the same assumption for the short range 50/50 Standard or HE.  This also had the effect of giving it a bit more punch at long range, and toning down the brutality at short.

Just thought I would throw out that as an option to discuss.

I also converted a RAC/5 for an Argus.
Damage: 4+MM (Max 10)         Assumes 2 hit minimum and the max would be 10 damage for all 6.
Type: B
Heat: H
Point Blank: OK
Short: OK
Medium: -2
Long: -4

Does the RAC look right to everyone else?

CDT Agent #1000
Author - The Weight of a Name (Shrapnel #4), Hard Choices (Shrapnel #14)


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Re: [Destiny] 'Mech and Weapon Conversions
« Reply #12 on: 04 March 2023, 09:37:28 »
After seeing the Proliferation Pack coming out soon, I got inspired to convert my favorite first 'Mech into MW:Destiny stats! Given my Inner Sphere faction has been House Steiner since the first time I laid eyes on BattleTech, I'm of course going with the Ymir, which looks absolutely amazing even if its variants aren't.

BWP-2B Ymir

Weight: Assault
Tonnage: 90 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 2
Heat Dissipation: 3

Tags: Lyran Commonwealth - Obsolete - Stable - Under-Armored - Missile Boat

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/10
R/L Arm: 6/5
R/L Leg: 8/6

Group                     Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick                3/6             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
2x LRM 5                  2+MM (Max 4)    M       H       T          -2           OK      OK      -2
4x SRM 2                  4+MMMM (Max 8 ) M       HH      T          OK           OK      -2      ---
1 Large Laser + 1 AC/5    5               B,E     HH      RA,LA      -2           OK      -2      -4
1 Small Laser             1               E       ---     LA         OK           OK      ---     ---

Ammo (AC) (LA)
Ammo (SRM) (Torso)
Ammo (LRM) (Torso)

A lot of little weapons, so not a lot of punch for this one.

BWP-2E Ymir

Weight: Assault
Tonnage: 90 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 2
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Lyran Commonwealth - Obsolete - Stable - Under-Armored - Sniper

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/10
R/L Arm: 6/5
R/L Leg: 8/6

Group              Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick         3/6             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
LRM 10             1+M (Max 4)     M       H       T          -2           OK      OK      -2
SRM 6              2+M (Max 4)     M       H       T          OK           OK      -2      ---
PPC                4               E       HH      RA         -2           OK      -2      -4
PPC                4               E       HH      RA         -2           OK      -2      -4

Ammo (SRM) (Torso)
Ammo (LRM) (Torso)

The -2E decided to add the punch in, but didn't consider how much heat it added.

BWP-3A Ymir

Weight: Assault
Tonnage: 90 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 2
Heat Dissipation: 6

Tags: Lyran Commonwealth - Obsolete - Stable - Under-Armored - Brawler

Head: 3/1
Torso: 10/10
R/L Arm: 7/5
R/L Leg: 9/6

Group              Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick         3/6             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
Medium Laser       2               E       H       H          OK           OK      -2      ---
LRM 10             1+M (Max 4)     M       H       T          -2           OK      OK      -2
SRM 6              2+M (Max 4)     M       H       T          OK           OK      -2      ---
2 Large Lasers     6               E       HHH     RA,LA      OK           OK      -2      -4

Ammo (SRM) (Torso)
Ammo (LRM) (Torso)
Artemis IV FCS (Torso)

The -3A took heat into account in a big way! If it weren't extinct, I'd be tempted to run this one even in the ilClan era.

BWP-X1 Ymir

Weight: Assault
Tonnage: 90 t (4 Hardware Points)
Movement: 1
Heat Dissipation: 3

Tags: Lyran Commonwealth - Primitive - Stable - Under-Armored - Missile Boat

Head: 3/1
Torso: 8/10
R/L Arm: 6/5
R/L Leg: 7/6

Group                     Damage          Type    Heat    Location   Pointblank   Short   Medium  Long
Punch/Kick                3/6             ---     ---     ---        OK           ---     ---     ---
2x LRM 5                  2+MM (Max 4)    M       H       T          -2           OK      OK      -2
4x SRM 2                  4+MMMM (Max 8 ) M       HH      T          OK           OK      -2      ---
1 Large Laser + 1 AC/5    5               B,E     HH      RA,LA      -2           OK      -2      -4
2 Vehicle Flamers         2 (or HH)       E       H       RA         OK           OK      ---     ---

Ammo (AC) (LA)
Ammo (SRM) (Torso)
Ammo (LRM) (Torso)
Ammo (Vehicle Flamer) (RA)

The primitive version which started it all. Not one I'd personally choose.