I was thinking we could also have a Classic Heavy Lance Box Set, but we currently only have the GFR and TDR. cry We still need the new CRD and RFL.
For anyone wondering, here are the old FASA/RP Lance Box Sets.
10-801 Recon Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-831, 20-833, 20-844, 20-844 / 4 Unseen – 2 Locusts, Stinger and Phoenix Hawk)
10-802 Light Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-831, 20-832, 20-833, 20-835 / 4 Unseen – Stinger, Wasp, Griffin and Wolverine)
10-803 Medium Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-831, 20-834, 20-836, 20-837 / 4 Unseen - Wasp, Shadow Hawk, Wolverine and Crusader)
10-804 Fire Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-833, 20-841, 20-842, 20-842 / 4 Unseen – 2 Archers, Phoenix Hawk and Rifleman)
10-805 Heavy Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-834, 20-835, 20-839, 20-841 / 4 Unseen – Griffin, Rifleman, Crusader and Thunderbolt)
10-806 Assault Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-838, 20-840, 20-840, 20-843 / 4 Unseen – Battlemaster, Marauder and 2 Warhammers)
10-807 Regimental Command Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-845, 20-856, 20-863, 20-874 / Unseen Ostscout, and 1st sculpts of the Atlas, Zeus and Cyclops)
10-808 Pursuit Lance Boxed Set
(Inc. 20-865, 20-865, 20-869, 20-886 / Two 1st Sculpt Commandos, 1 Jenner and 1 Vulcan)
Aside from the Assault Lance, we
Could have the Light Lance, "If CGL would let IWM make the new
Ok, further Investigation shows we'd need a new
Stinger also.
Here are the Classics we've got new sculpts of.
BattleMaster BLR-1G / 1Gb
Catapult CPLT-C1 / K2
Catapult CPLT-C3 / C5
Commando COM-2D
Griffin GRF-1N
Locust LCT-1V / 1E / 1Vb Royal
Marauder MAD-3R/5M
Ostscout OTT-7J
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H
Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb
Shadow Hawk SHD-2K
Thunderbolt TDR-5S
Wolverine WVR-6R / WVR-6D
Wolverine WVR-7M / 7M2 / 7K
I think they've still got 1 or 2 COM Variants in the works, so the Pursuit Lance
Could have 2 different COMs in it.
And I Realize that Mike Noe is as much "Old School" as I am, but maybe if he knew other people were wanting new Classic Box Sets, it would give him that much more incentive to make them?