Author Topic: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop  (Read 2392 times)


  • Colonel
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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #30 on: 12 May 2024, 11:42:08 »
Cathay Sports Center…

Natalie Roshak ducked to the side, as her opponent unleashed twin bolts of cyan followed by azure pulses.  This one wasn't for standing in the League, or in the Games.

This was about, for Lavonne Roshak, eliminating a traitor to the Clan, one whose perfidy stained the entire Bloodhouse.

This wasn't for points, it was for blood.

The Warhammer Natalie had borrowed for the games was well suited for the tight circle of equals that were the Solaris arenas.

Her opponent was piloting a Hellbringer Prime.

It had the mobility and even a range advantage.  But because the arenas were all designed to keep opponents in close contact with each other that did not matter.

The pulse lasers of the heavily modified Warhammer showed why it got the nickname it did, the Sledgehammer.

Her opponent rocked back as the SRM follow up helped further destabilize the mech but it did not fall as it shot out another PPC blast that melted off some left torso armor.

"Persistence, fledgeling," Natalie breathed in the hot cockpit, laying a brutal pattern of pulses into the Hellbringer's compromised side-torso.  "Real battles are won more often than not on persistence and commitment."  She was rewarded as the Hellbringer's left arm toppled off the mech, to bounce in the dirt.

With much of the heat burden removed her opponent laid into the triggers that still worked much harder.

The arcs of damage to the armor started showing as dangerous in some areas.

Natalie stepped INTO the hose-cone of fire, delivering one pulse, two steps, one pulse, hammering in a race between her 'mech's armor plating, and the internal structure of the falcon-built Hellbringer.  "We came to the Inner Sphere to restore the Star League, and that was done," she snarled over the channel.

“Neg!  It was to be in our image!  Not the creation of tainted traitor lords!”

It was an old argument.  Natalie had impressed so many, in the run up to Revival, with her impassioned humanitarian defense of the Operation, and the Crusader cause.  THAT meant her becoming a Lyran was doubly offensive to many Trueborn, especially the ones who read those words and were moved by them…

"With us, or against us, they are united for the first time in centuries.  The operation was a success, if the present leadership can not take advantage of it, that is a failing of the CLAN," she spat, and SRM's slammed into the other machine's weakened interior, rewarding her with a gout of engine plasma and evaporating coolant from the wound.

The engine in the Hellbringer sputtered before finally dying after a moment.

Natalie stepped back, and raised her cannon-arms. "THINK-numbers, millions to one, but they listen now," she said.  "Leaders across the inner sphere listen to Clan advisors, Clan warriors, they structure everything to face us.  We are winning."

“You still carry the stain of dishonor from Blackjack.  It was your actions that allowed Henrietta Ngo to escape and come back as a plague upon us.”

"You will not scrub that today," Natalie told her.  "Maybe tomorrow… but I am the reason she allows her victims to live.  I taught her to be more than a rabid killer.  I offer Hegira here, in this place.  Gather your star mates and recover your damage and your wounds… and learn."

“The ways of the Clans are changing.”

"All interaction changes things, the strength of looking with Turkina's eyes, is in leading the change you want, rather than bemoaning the change you cannot lead."

“When we become the ilClan, your new master that has tamed you will be no more.”

"When Jade Falcon becomes the ilClan, then it will mean the right people led the change rather than resisting and being rolled over for it.  Strategy beats tactics.  Look with Turkina's eyes and see the world as it is, before fantasizing it as you would like it to be.  BE the change you want to see.  The Objective was to restore the Star League, and eventually, to lead it into a golden age.  What have you done to accomplish this?"  Natalie waited a breath.  "You are defeated, do you accept Hegira?"

“Aff.  The battle is over and victory is yours.”

"Glad we had this chat.  I look forward to seeing your progress."  Natalie walked off the field, bloodname intact, and five challengers laid low behind her.
Mama Ji's, Saigon Strasse…

She laughed, and for a moment, he could see the innocent girl she must have once been.  "You're a charmer!" she said.

"I do my best," he confided.

I have to assume I’m being watched and monitored.

In a way, that was to be expected.  ROM pegged the restaurant as a possible intelligence front months ago.  The food was… off compared to what he remembered from visiting such a place on Earth in his youth.  'Slightly to the side' of actual Southeast Asia sector Hanoi's lunch-establishments.  The spicing was just a bit… odd.  "Have you ever actually had Vietnamese cuisine from actual Vietnam?" he asked.

She shook her head, "Nope, never visited Sol system. In fact, I think nobody in the family has since our ancestors left… no, wait, not totally true, one of my ancestors was with 1st Coast Guard during the Liberation battle.  She led boarding teams on Titan for Kerensky's forces."

“A shame.  And all that time where it was a closed system.  Real pho is hard to come by, and this, well it tries and I must give it respect for effort and coming close.”

"But the spices are wrong?" she asked him.  "Yeah, some of the herbs in the historical recipes just don't grow in Kowloonese soil."

“Nor Solaris soil apparently.”

"Nah, that's more adjusting for Heinie palates, everything's so bland because most of the universe can't take a bit of bite.  Their pho is better than their attempt at Nha Plam though."

“I may have to convince you to go on another date.  See how bad it really is,” Perseus laughed.

"I may find myself saying yes," she inclined her head agreeably.  "This is fun."

“An attractive woman, acceptable weather, questionable food.  All that is missing is a bad horror tri-vid.”

"I've got the sixteenth edition of 'Planet of the Dead' on Threevee at my place?" she urged.


The day was going very well, in Henrietta's eyes.



"This can't be good," Leni commented.  "There's the wrong kind of movement going on.” 

Packing, Sophie gestured.

“Hai,” Hideki the Younger nodded.  “They’re getting ready to move.  Those cargo haulers over there.  I figure we only have a couple days at most.”

"Well… the boss isn't going to like it, but I'm going to suggest we need to move tonight, tomorrow at the latest," Leni stated.  "Later than that, and it's going to be a dry hole."

“We will be ready to do our part,” Hideki the Younger said.

“One thing is going for us.  Their security is not much better than an actual stable’s.  At least not on the surface,” Hesmana noted.

“Means they have some nasty surprises deeper in that we can’t see,” Leni countered.

“Agreed,” Hideki the Younger looked at Leni.  “When this is over, would you like to get some udon with me?”

“I uh… Okay,” Leni nearly stammered.

Sophie smiled.

“Okay so how do we play this?” Hesmana asked.  “We really don’t have much time to finalize a plan.”

“We have to interrupt Henrietta’s date don’t we?” Leni asked.

Sophie frowned as she nodded.


Perseus was still expecting the spec ops team and heavy hood to pop out when he entered the small apartment.

“You don’t need to be so nervous.  It’s just us.”

“Perfect.”  Perseus was doing his best to not make it obvious that he was checking for listening devices.

Henrietta’s commlink chirped.

“Right at the worst time,” Henrietta complained.  “Stay right there.”

Henrietta stepped into an adjoining room.

Perseus took the opportunity to more thoroughly check the room for cameras and listening devices.

He was certain that if any were present, he’d need tools to find them that he simply lacked.

“Rooting around the place for something particular?” Henrietta made her return known.

“I guess now is the time for confession,” Perseus said.  “I haven’t been with a woman in a long time.  I guess I’m just nervous.”

“Uh huh,” Henrietta almost scoffed.

“Been a while since I’ve had to do this dance as well,” Perseus said.

“What dance?  Tango?  Or something even more intimate?” Henrietta smiled.

“The one we’re both doing right now.  Gauging one another, looking for each other’s vulnerabilities, all while not admitting what we’re really after.”

“Oh I think you know exactly what I’m after.”  Henrietta crossed the short distance between her and Perseus.

“Henrietta, before we do this, there’s something I should tell you.”

“That you’re a Blakist?  That you have my sister?  Yeah.  I know,” she whispered in his ear.  “But that you came anyway…  Without backup?  That says something about you too.”

“Then you know time’s of the essence.”

“Yeah.  I got the confirmation, you’re moving out.”

“Not just that…”  Perseus found himself hesitating.  “The orders came in just before you called.”

“Then if we both survive this, I’m definitely collecting on the sex we’re both due,” Henrietta sighed.

She pulled out the commlink and tapped on it.

“Command post,” Leni’s voice came from the device.

“We’ve got some unexpected help.  Perseus confirmed much of what we already knew.”  Henrietta looked at Perseus in a way he hadn’t been looked at before.

He found it both alluring and unsettling.

“To maintain our cover as a stable we only have six mechs and mechwarriors.  But what we keep out of sight is a full Level II of Battlearmor.”

"Hm, that CAN get complicated."

“There’s a way to deal with that.  To keep it concealed, it’s held in a special storage area.  It’s possible that the pilots can be separated from their armor,” Perseus said.  “It’s on sub-level one on the south east side.  If you can get a slicer in undetected… You might have a chance.”

"Leni, get Sophie and have Tommy bring out his working clothes with the rest of his fireteam.  We've got to neutralize a company level Battlearmor threat, preferably without letting them get their suits up."

”Got it.  Hideki the Younger is volunteering for it already,” Leni said.

"Work the Coasties into his plan as support and backup, then.  This is Ryukan's show, we're just supporting cast, but definitely identify points of entry and egress."

Perseus asked, "Coastie?"

"Kowloon Coast Guard, kind of my family's 'domestic troops that we don't officially admit we have'."

“Ah.  Well I suppose I should technically correct my earlier statement, since the forces are down one Mechwarrior and ‘mech.  The next major threat you need to watch for is the chief of security for the site.  Adept Athena.  She’s the quiet fixer, knife in the dark, the scalpel of the operation.  She’s good.”

"You know the fun thing?  Bring a scalpel into a hammer fight."  She paused, "Nobody gets out of those unhurt.  This is going to be messy."

“Then I better get back.  That way I can have some control over the safety of the girls.”

She tippy toed up and kissed him, "For luck. See you soon."

“I intend to collect on more.”

"I expect so, Mister," she slapped his ass.  "Let's hope you don't get too worn out before then."

Perseus nodded and smiled as he left the apartment.


"And here I thought…

…I'd get to be idle and lazy for the rest of the month." Thomas Deen is a big man.  This is especially so, given where he's from.  In the inner system of the Kowloon binary, there’s an airless rock the size of Mars that masses just shy of 1.15 times as much as Earth itself.  The place is called "Mad Hatter”  Around two hundred fifty million people live in the mines and tunnel systems of Mad Hatter, and have since they started digging for heavy elements back in the late 26th century.

Hatters are Rokkajakkah, from a heavy gravity environment.  Almost a contrast in contrasts.  Tommy joined AFFC specifically to get out of the mines and see skies that weren't just blue and white paint on a ceiling next to a solatube.

Hikkaru’s offering of people to the operation was far more limited.

Hideki the Elder, Hideki the Younger, Hesmana, and Clara were all he could muster.

"Any of you familiar with suits?" Tommy asked, "If not, say so now, an untrained operator can have broken bones and worse in suit… just by trying to walk."

“I apprenticed some mining operations at Al Na’ir,” Hesmana said.

"Plainclothes, got it.  Alright, you set the plan, we cover you and execute the plan.  I've got twelve marines who ARE suit qualified.  How about commo?  You guys familiar with SLDF Mark Twenty Two helmets and voders?"

“Yes,” the Hidekis said in unison.

"Good, all right.  Light infantry will be the center of the push-the heavies in the suits will be door-kicker and bodyguard-huds are linked, and it's a new model so normal walls and barriers won't be a major issue."


"OUR assignment is to get you in, get you through, and get you out alive.  This is Corpsman Trinh Vienh.  She's going to check your helmet fit and nag you about ergonomics and safety, but if you get shot or something, she's pretty damn good at keeping you alive for the extract."

“Then you will be who I shall be staying near.  Hatsumi Clara, I also have some medical expertise,” Clara bowed.

"More hands are always better, Doctor Hatsumi," Vienh said respectfully.  "These guys like to get shot a lot," she added with a smirk.

"DO NOT!!"

"Tommy, I've pulled enough fragments out of you to build a statue of you-life sized!!"

"She exaggerates. It wouldn't reach YOUR kneecap."

Hideki the Elder let out a short boisterous laugh.

Hideki the Younger also got a look at the suits.  "Gray Death Legion pattern?"
"Same tooling… these are better-they're waterproof."

“Interesting,” Hideki the Elder said, rubbing his chin.

"Also vacuum rated, but that only matters in the Guard," one of the quiet ones said.  "Heinies don't do hard vac ops with suits."

“Our plan is fairly simple.  I shall make a modest distraction at the main gate, just enough to draw most of their attention without causing too much of a ruckus.  My grandson will take advantage of the distraction to gain stealth entry and seal the cache of battlearmor.  Once that is complete we then effect Noisy Thief technique.”

"Blowakop out 'em an' run?" one of the weapons soldiers… Marines asked.  "Mean, that be wot a noisy thief'd end up doin’…"

“Yes.  Kick down the door, run roughshod over anyone there, incapacitate or kill them before they can react, get what we’re after, then get out,” Clara nodded.

Weapons were handed out, checked, the 'artoo' (RTO) checked the commlinks and verified encryption, and diagrams were brought up for the trip in.

Hideki the Elder stood and bowed to the gathered men and women.

“We are in your debt.”  He straightened, then made for the door.

"Hey, we're here to help you, but it's helping ours too-retrieve Her Nibs with your girl, or at least, her Nibs' body.  If it's the body, then she's gotta be brought home.  It's tradition."

“Hai.  Death is as light as a feather, duty is heavier than a mountain.”  Hideki the Younger stood and bowed and moved out as well.

“What does that mean?”

“I believe a proper translation is you don’t win a fight by dying for your country, you win it by making the other side die for theirs.”

Main Gate
Champions of Olympus Stables

Hideki the Elder was doing his best to give the impression of a crippled old man as he walked up to the main gate.

He picked out the young female guard on the southside of the entrance as his target.

“Excuse me young lady, could you tell me how much it is for a night?” he said as he walked up to her faking a limp.

“This isn’t a hotel old man.  Bugger off,” she said dismissively.

“Oh, I’m sorry.  I must be confused.  I thought this was Madam Trang’s.  At least that’s what the message in the bathroom said.”

“You think this is some brothel?  Ew.  Get out of here old man.”

“What’s going on here…” the other guard said before he suddenly stopped.

Before he could trigger his commlink, he was on his ass.  The female guard tried to step back from Hideki but his hands were on her before she collected herself and was stunned on the ground too.


Security Office

Adept Athena looked up at the sudden commotion on the monitor.

“What the…”  She looked at the monitor closer.  Then she reached for the alarm button, slapping it.

She dashed to Precentor Cadmus’ office.

“Hatsumi Hideki, the Red Spirit, he’s at the gate,” she reported.

“By himself?” Precentor Cadmus asked calmly.

“It would seem so.”

“Then deal with him yourself,” Precentor Cadmus commanded.

“Protocol dictates we should marshal a full response,” Adept Athena said.

“Fine.  I’ll deploy the garrison but you shall take charge of the main gate.”

Athena frowned and bowed.

She went back into her office where she kitted up with her standard infantry kit.

It was a modified Star League kit and it did not mess around in terms of balance of protection and mobility.


Battlearmor storage facility

Senior Adept York tapped his code into the door.  It spat back an error.  He tried again.  Again an error.  He stepped back and examined the electronic lock.

The auxiliary access port was open.

“Shit.  We don’t have time for this.”  He tried the emergency manual release.

The lock disengaged but the door didn’t budge.

“What the…”  He examined the door.

At the corners was some sort of black almost growth.

He examined it.

Then he remembered rumors about a similar incident from the War of 3039.

He chipped off a small piece of the growth and smelled it.

The acidic smell confirmed it.

A trick of the Red Spirit.  It was a chemical cocktail that reacted with most metals that melted and bonded doors to their frames as effectively as thermite but because it was more acid based it did not set off smoke alarms or carbon monoxide sensors.

“******.  Check the secondary access hatch!  Quick!”  He dispatched one of his adepts.


Secure Workshop

“Go on.  I got this,” Perseus dispatched the other guards.

Yurika looked at him suspiciously.

“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry it took me so long to realize what I was doing was wrong,” he said to the girl.

Whatever Adept Perseus was about to say, was interrupted by the thunk of a blackjack on the back of his head.  "We'll fix that with him later," the old guy who ran the place said.  "Your experiment is terminated."  He was holding a silenced pistol.  "Please step aside."

"No," Yurika stated, standing her ground.  "I'm not done yet."

"Well, it's a small loss…"  He raised the pistol to eye level and aimed.


The vent grille behind her spoke, followed by clatter as the old guy fell down.  "Yurika! We need to Go!!"  Hideki the Younger was coming out of the vent.

"I'm not done yet!!" she howled at him in unanticipated rage, like a color she'd missed for months.

“Yurika… There’s about a hundred of them still loose and just me to protect you.”

"I…have NOT…FINISHED!!  MY WORK!!!"  she gestured and he saw it.

The younger Ngo woman, life support tubes and restraints, unconscious.

“Great…”  Hideki shook his head as he could recognize the girl was still alive but in no shape to be moved soon.

"Tommy, my vid channel, we've got a complication," Hideki said.  "We're going to need time."

"Jesus, the baroness… We'll buy you your time, make the most of it."

“Okay Yurika, what do we need to finish your work in a hurry?”

"See, Lizzie?  They can learn..." Yurika said to the unconscious woman.  "Stay out of my way while I work, and fetch what I tell you, Hideki-sama."


Outside the lab, gunfire and screams echoed.


The Federated Barrett is a highly modifiable weapon, capable of being anything from an Assault Rifle to a full on Support Machine Gun.  Tommy's was modified for the 'show'. It had a buttstock and rifle controls because his suit had strength augmentation and internal padding to compensate for the recoil.

Right now, he was using it indoors-which is not where you're supposed to use those, on men in body-armor that even dialed down to the minimum, presented no real challenge to the nickel-iron slugs it spat.

"Should've brought lasers," Lance Coffrey commented.  "Lasers would be better for this."

"Couldn't get them in time."  Coffrey had a squad machine-gun, fitted up like a rifle for his own suit.  "These guys, they're going to find a way to flank us, or collapse the ****** corridor."

"I know."

An antiarmor rocket filled the passage with smoke before detonating at the corner, a miss that would deafen and blind an unprotected man, with hot smoke and fragments that would put him in the morgue anyway.

"Call the boss?"

"Boss is called. It's not going to be a quick in and out.  There's gonna be legal trouble for this op."

“Exigent circumstances.  We got a tip that some abducted women were on site.  Verified.  Saw they were going to relocate their operation and intervened,” Henrietta countered.

“Yeah, I suppose when you put it like that…  We’re still going to have to be here longer than we thought and that’s going to be a problem.”

“Okay I’ll see what I can do for additional reinforcements.  For now do what you can.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Another glorious day in the Corps!” one of his fireteam leaders proclaimed.


Adept Athena was now stuck, pinned down by the stairs to the upper offices in the mechbay.

Senior Adept York was with her.

“One of my men is rigging a warhead from an SRM as an improvised shaped charge to blast one of the access doors to the Battlearmor storage open now ma’am.  Most of my men are being fed into this meat grinder to buy time for enough of the others to get into their suits though.”

“ETA on Adept Reeves’ return from his Solaris match?”  Adept Athena knew that even a beat up mech would be a huge increase in firepower and a turning point for the defense of their operation.

“Five minutes.”


  • Colonel
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  • Posts: 13323
  • I said don't look!
Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #31 on: 12 May 2024, 11:43:19 »

"Reeves, right?" The Commando standing in the street in front of the 'mech transporter still had blank patches where the AFFC insignia had been removed and not fully painted over.  "You're supposed to be a hotshot."

“I need to get back to my stable.  Someone’s causing trouble there.”

"Yahhh… no, not happening, Reeves.  See, your stable's holding my boss's little sister and you're not going to interrupt her getting the Baroness Spider Moon back."

“I don’t know who all you bribed to get that mech out here on the street unauthorized but if you try and stop me, no one’s going to bat an eye if I defend myself.”

"So call the cops." Moshe said easily, "or get in your ride, hotshot.  I can wait."

Adept Reeves scampered over to his Phoenix Hawk and climbed in and started warming it up.

"New model,right?  Project whatchacall'm, Phoenix?"

“Yeah, what’s it to ya?”

"Is it tougher than a Cougar?"

“I just took down an Enforcer with it.”

"Yah, but those guys are slow, and the gun's unbalanced on an Enforcer… this is going to be a challenge."

“What about your ride?  That’s not a standard Commando.”

"Mine has a beer cooler, and fuzzy dice."

“Couldn’t afford the hula girl bobblehead upgrade?”

"That's on my list for the next shopping trip.  The boss vetoed the last one because she thought it was undignified.  You know, Nobles and Officers, no taste at all."

“Bunch of stuck up prudes, the lot of ‘em.”

The larger mech finally stood from the transporter.  It was clearly battered from the match that ended not long ago.

"Let's do this thing."

“Come get some!” Reeves back peddled his mech down the street.

There is a stereotype about light 'mech pilots… and these two were leaning hard into it.

Reeves was not opening fire but he was keeping his mech facing Moshe’s as he continued down the street.

Moshe for his part, strode at a casual walk, keeping the range tight between them, and 'influencing' his opponent not to advance.  Both had their targeting locks going.  It was a game of 'chicken' with the risk of collateral damage and they both knew it.

“Pressure’s more on you.  All I have to do is keep walking.  This thing is faster than on the transporter.”

"Long as you keep walking, you're not getting dragged into business at the Stable, Reeves," Moshe reminded him.  "All I'm here to do is keep you from interfering."

“Then you better figure out how to get between me and the stable.  I’ll be there in two minutes tops at this rate.”

"You okay with stepping on pedestrians and civilian cars? There's a traffic jam on 14th.  Check the trafficams if you don't believe me. Your only clean route, is this way, which is why your lorry driver was going this way."

“Jump jets.  And underground access point on 7th.”

"You pass ninety meters? That's a cool one if you do."

“You really not know the spec sheet for this mech?  It’ll manage 180 meters easy.”

"Low over flat, most of the streets, including 7th, are bordered by ten story buildings, your arc's too shallow at max boost for distance.  Saw a Jade Falcon Puma misguess once, he tripped and landed cockpit-first on… what, was it Blackjack, or Melissia?"

“Either way, for you to stop me, you’ll have to do worse than anything I can do.  Unless you pull your triggers now.”

"Nope.  Got a better one for you-thanks for the tip about the underground access. My boss is getting that secured.  She sent Natalie."

“So I’ll take the one on third instead.”

Confirmed? Moshe silently messaged Sophie at their field command center.

Nat’s at 7th and Yuko is at 3rd.  Henrietta is at 12th.

"*I guess you've got me out-played Reeves, I'll just have to stick here and let you outflank me." Moshe said with a chuckle.  "Too bad, the Enforcer fight was a trip to watch."

“Better luck next time.”

The larger mech ducked down 3rd Avenue.

Tell Yuko she's got a customer.  Phoenix Hawk, late model, some custom work.

On it.


Reeves felt himself smile.  He’d outplayed the annoyance in the Commando and now he would be able to use the underground access to get to the stable in about two minutes with how far out of the way he was going to the access point on 3rd Avenue.

As he brought his mech around to face the direction of travel, something large and hideous came out of the access point.

At one point it was obviously a Dragon.

“Out of my way.  I don’t have a beef with you whoever you are.  Someone’s attacking my stable.”

“But I have a beef with you.  Because I am with those attacking your stable and you have my sister,” Yuko said.  “I am Ryukan Yuko.  Prepare to meet your ancestors.”

The wings on the back of the Dragon almost seemed to spread.

"Aw ******, JUNIORS??"  Reeves was counting on this pilot also wanting to avoid collateral damage but realizing who it was, ruined his plans.

“That is correct,” Yuko triggered her jump jets and the larger machine landed impossibly close.

The gun-arm looked…wrong…and then Reeves realized why.  Someone grafted an arm with a hand-actuator in there, and she whipped out god's own Katana.

SHE could avoid collateral damage and through-shots.

“The Claws and Talons were rather inelegant.  So I made an adjustment since I’ve been doing a lot of Kendo lately.”


Reeves tried to back his machine away, to dodge the sword but like a well practiced samurai Yuko brought it in low and caught his mech’s left leg at the knee.

The prior damage from the fight ment the foot and shin kept going one direction and the rest of his mech another.

"Y'know, Reeves, you should probably surrender before she hits you with that again." Moshe's voice laconically stated, "I'm pretty sure she's got boosted myomers in that thing, and it'll go through your core like beans through a cat."

“******.  Yeah.  I know when I’m beat.”  Reeves relented.

"Good man. Know when it's a losing match.  The nice men in the van over there, they'll just keep you until the business is done, stick around, and you'll probably skate clean."


“Reeves is down.  We’re on our own,” Senior Adept York reported.

“******.  Okay, can we maybe get one of the mechwarriors here to their mech instead?”  Adept Athena pondered out loud.

The look on Senior adept York’s face let her know how ridiculous that thought was.  The two of them were pinned down at the stairs still and only hadn’t been overrun yet by the sacrifice of Battlearmor pilots turned conventional infantry being fed into the meat grinder that was enemy Batlearmor.

“Status on the armory?” she demanded instead.

“Battlearmor storage is now open, but it’ll still be several minutes before we have enough people in suits to turn the battle.  Our heavy ordinance for more conventional arms are starting to run low.  But if we can hold out for that long…”

“We can drive these bastards out.”


Battlearmor storage

The Adepts started filtering into the storage area, setting their sidearms down so they could get into their Battlearmor.

Then screams started outside the door.

In stepped Hideki the Elder.

“Hello.  I am Hatsumi Hideki, the Red Spirit.  I hope you have made peace with whatever gods you believe in for you are about to meet them.”  Hideki tossed a handful of origami dragons made with red paper into the room.

As the Adepts stopped putting on their armor pieces and started going for their weapons Hideki shut the door and jammed the mechanical lock in place.

Throwing daggers came forth quickly afterwards hitting people in the hands or pinning weapons in place.

 The Adepts looked at the old man with a sudden look of fear and determination as he slowly drew his Katana.

Five of them quickly helped one of them finish putting on his armor, the other six formed a barrier and took up fighting stances.

Hideki laughed.

They tried finding and throwing anything they could at him to keep him off balance and at bay.

He dodged or simply absorbed it all.

“Not bad.  You are slowing me down,” he said as he stepped in and slashed one across the chest.
The suit trooper got his carapace almost closed when Hideki winced and covered his ears.  The bang was LOUD in the chamber.  "We've been inside here for several minutes, gentlemen. I would guess one of the marines left a present."

“How’d you get past us?  There are only two doors?”

Hideki tapped the ventilation duct with his sword.

“But now you’re trapped in here with me.”  Hideki smiled.


Adept Athena felt the explosion from below.

“We’ve lost Battlearmor storage,” Senior Adept York reported.


“Reports are unclear.  Survivors are claiming one man got in past them and subdued a dozen of our best Adepts.  Then after he left, the storage area just exploded.”

“******.  We need to get up to the offices at least.  If we can get up there we’ll have better defensive lines.”

“What lines ma’am?  Over half my troops are dead, dying, or too wounded to keep fighting.  If they decide to come for us…”

“******.  This is a ****** cluster ******,” Adept Athena cursed.

“It’s worse than that.  We’ve got your comms encryption and frequency now.  Welcome to radio free Kowloon.  Sit back, relax as we relieve the existential terror of death and surrender with smooth jazz.”  Leni’s voice came over the Blakist’s commlinks.

“******.  I said we needed additional security to protect the facility while we were vulnerable due to moving,” Athena griped.

“What now ma’am?” York asked.

“The only thing we can do.”  Athena threw her weapon out into the mechbay.  “I surrender!  Can you hear me, I surrender!”

York tossed his gun out as well and raised his hands.


Cadmus came to in his office.  He could see on the monitors his people sitting in the mechbay under guard.

“Lovely evening.  I’m guessing it’s Precentor?  It’s usually Precentor for something this big and important,” Henrietta was sitting in his chair.

“Miss Ngo,” Cadmus said blearily, still gaining full measure of his senses.

“Before you try any villainous monologues or speeches about consequences, just don’t okay? I’m just not in the mood.  Fortunately, most of your people had the good sense to surrender rather than die pointlessly or drive up kill counts for no good reason.  Too many people died here today over something incredibly stupid.”

“Say that after you talk to your sister.”

“I will.  Because even if you did completely cure her?  There were better ways to go about it that didn’t require so many lives to be spent.”

“Maybe.  But what she and Yurika gave us?  It will change the Inner Sphere forever.  And there is no stopping it.”

“See, I’m not opposed to change.  What I’m opposed to is ****** like you who think they know what is best for humanity, do what they think is best with no regards to consequences, and are not doing it to better humanity.  Not by any metric I care to measure by anyway.”

“Abducting young women and little girls on top of that?  That’s something I cannot abide by.  I’m strongly considering asking for your head.  But that would be the easy way out for you.”  Hikkaru stepped into the office.  “Since this is a Lyran world and Baroness Ngo supplied so much of the manpower for this operation, I’m instead going to allow her to seal your fate.  I’m certain she can come up with some creative punishments that are worse than death.”

Precentor Cadmus started sweating and working his teeth.

“If you’re trying to find your suicide capsule we removed that while we tended your wounds.  Hideki the Younger did well to make sure his shots took you down without being immediately lethal.”  Henrietta smiled.

“The order will ensure I am dead before you gain anything useful from me.”

“You know what one of the upsides of being related to the owner of one of the largest shipping companies in the Lyran realm is?  I can create a shipping paper trail that will take supercomputers and an army years to fully unravel, and by then you’ll be in a hole so deep and dark even I might not be able to find you again.”  She paused.  "Or, we can try what's behind door number two.  Behind that door, is mystery."

“Mystery sounds far more enticing than Blackgate to me.”

"Smart man.  My grandfather is one of four men who've come out of that hole alive and intact.  'Mystery' begins with the revelation of truths.  It begins with responsibility.  I don't hate you for taking my sister, I want the man who ordered it, and I want that man to be known.  The mystery part, is how far you can spread the truth, because if you spread it far enough, with secret cabals?"  She planted a hand on the desk.  "They stop being secret, and they lose their power.  Give me the name, and you walk out with no hard feelings. Tell me why and all is well."

“That is easy enough.  It was at my behest.  I simply wanted to see what would happen when two minds that broke a well known test would meet.”

"He doesn't get it, does he?" Henrietta commented to Hikkaru. 

“You think I am protecting a superior?  Or a fellow?” Cadmus laughed.

"Important people don't do field work.  She was in  your headquarters, that's field work… but here's what I'm offering you.  Elizabeth wanted a University.  Universities need instructors, your life, is worth what you can teach a generation of farmers, mechanics, laborers and workers about the principles of technology and engineering."

“The irony of it all.  I speak truth and they think I lie!” Cadmus laughed.

She chuckled, "Precentor, I'm Kowloonese.  We know about The Mother Doctrine and how Karpov based Holy Shroud on it.  When I say I want the names, option two, is breaking the doctrine.  Because that's more powerful to the people who put you here, and ran you, than fearing some public embarrassment.  Lizzie loved science since we were little girls.  You play ball, and whatever you were 'borrowing' her for?  She can make it better and you can make up for what you did."

“Names, names, names.  Precentor Julius Delaine, code name Cadmus.  He issued the order.  He is responsible,” Cadmus laughed.

"Well?" Hikkaru asked.

"I still can't make myself kill him," she said.  "I should, given all the rest of this, I should… But I can't."  She stood up.  "We're taking our girls, and we're leaving you with what you've got, the job offer's still open if you want it.  As Lizzie would say, 'we're in a dark age, and it's time to get out'."

“I confess my crime and still it is insisted I am not responsible,” Cadmus was laughing harder.

"Yah, because we both know you have a boss, Cadmus," she said.  "But there's this thing about revenge and killing?  Eventually, someone has to stop."  She touched his forehead, "Forgiven.  Hikkaru may have other ideas, but I'm not doing more than taking my sister home with your confession."

“I gave you his life, you have spared it.  For how long?  Who knows.”  Hikkaru bowed.

"Fair enough…Tommy, tell Sophie to put it on broadcast, we're going home."

Tommy nodded.

At the doorway, Henrietta paused, "Precentor, think about the job offer, seriously, Lizzie wanted to work on something called 'Fuchida's Riddle' and the lab for it's going to be expensive."

“A shame I do not have the transcripts of what she produced for us for ‘Fuchida’s Riddle’.  Even I could recognize how remarkable it was.  And I tell you truthfully again it was I who orchestrated this affair.  Yes, I may have a boss but they gave me a free hand.  And now I seem to only have enough rope to hang myself.  Seems I was right that the Order would ensure you got nothing useful from me.”

"Job's still there when you change your mind," she said.  "We don't have to keep living in the dark ages."

“You think this is a Dark Age?  This is nothing,” Cadmus resumed laughing.  “Precentor Praxis was right.  We’ll never be able to show humanity the way until they are ready to accept it and humanity is not ready.”

"Don't know this Praxis guy.  What I do know is that mankind has lost so much knowledge in the last few centuries, that we don't even have proper names for what we've forgotten.  The way to change that, is to change that.  Have a pleasant rest of your evening sir."

“Praxis is my superior.  I do not know his real name.  There?  Are you happy now?”

"Quite.  Thank you."


"I feel like shit," Liz moaned.

“I’m sorry.  It couldn’t be helped.”  Yurika seemed genuinely distressed.  “Can you forgive me?”

Elizabeth met her eyes, "For what?  You did nothing wrong."

“I didn’t ask permission for rather invasive surgery.”

"Oh, that… forgiven.  Pardoned even.  Let's go get some food and fresh air."

“I’m glad.  There are not many people who understand me. Or that can keep up as well as you have.”

"What's to understand?  You see something that needs doing and you do it.  Might as well hold a grudge against the sun for emitting light."

“Parent alert,” Yurika said as she saw Hikkaru and Henrietta.

“Sister in my case, but judging by the look on her face you might be right anyway,” Liz added.

Henrietta walked up sternly, looked Lizzie over.  "Not a fan of the haircut," she said.  "Come here you!!"  and embraced her.  "We're going home."

"But… but your standings-"

"You kept track?"


"Funny, I'm not interested in that anymore.  Let's go home instead.  Solaris is too complicated for a simple gal like me."

Yurika and Hikkaru simply hugged.

Yuko joined in.

“Thank you.  For everything you have done for my family.  As long as I am Daimyo of Apriki, you will be welcomed guests.”  Hikkaru bowed at Henrietta.

"How would you feel about hosting a science project?  It's big, it's going to be expensive… but I think I have the key to the answer now… do I Liz?"

"It's right it's going to be expensive, and you'll need to have a core forge at both ends."

“Sounds like a prudent investment.  If my daughter and her new friend both endorse it, how can I not?”  Hikkaru smiled.


"Are you certain this will work, Yurika?" her father asked.  Apriki had gained a shipyard.

“Certain?  Not in the absolute definition, but confident?  To a very high degree.”

The timer counted down, as in the outer system, a five kilometer wide ring of Germanium, Selenium, Iridium and Titanium alloy, with  a ring of massive, jumpship grade power plants, fired up.

Space inside the ring bent and within that confined ring, the starfield was completely different.

"...are you guys reading me?  Apriki one, this is Ring Two, do you read?"

”Loud and clear.”

Cheers were audible on the channel.

“You know what this means don’t you?”  Hikkaru asked.

“Yes.  We’ve changed the Inner Sphere.  Forever.  No amount of Mother Doctrine or Holy Shroud can now conceal this from the rest of humanity.  Not with the precautions we have taken combined with proof it works,” Yurika nodded.

« Last Edit: 12 May 2024, 12:02:45 by monbvol »


  • Colonel
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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #32 on: 12 May 2024, 11:49:11 »
And there we go.  This time fully edited by Daryk too!

Big thanks to all the heavy lifting Cannonshop did on this one, my work has been intent on ensuring I have the work load of at least three mere mortals with terribly few respites and that really killed my writing windows and he really picked up the slack there.

We deviated quite a bit from the original planned ending but I'm okay with that, it turns out it is exhausting and hard to write interesting mech fights.

There also wound up being a few characters that got completely under utilized and a few that we were able to just completely excise.

But all in all it was good to write again and I think we did a pretty okay job all in all.


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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #33 on: 12 May 2024, 12:00:47 »
Reply #28 seems to have a stray "center" tag in there (or, more likely, is missing an end tag for that).


  • Colonel
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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #34 on: 12 May 2024, 12:06:12 »
Was just missing an /.  Fixed now! :laugh:


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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #35 on: 12 May 2024, 12:09:19 »
Excellent!  That should make it easier for folks to read... :)


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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #36 on: 12 May 2024, 12:54:31 »
Thank you Cannonshop & Monbvol, that was a very enjoyable read.

And more, this line;
“Let’s make the laws of physics our bitches.”
     gave me the best laugh I've had in a while!
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #37 on: 12 May 2024, 16:27:35 »
Woooow, what a nice story. Well done @monbvol and @Cannonshop. Also well done for the editing @Daryk!  :smilie_happy_clapping:



  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #38 on: 12 May 2024, 17:34:52 »
Thanks!  I only wish Google would have let me in from the get go...


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Re: Heart of the Dragon-Brought to you by Monbvol and Cannonshop
« Reply #39 on: 12 May 2024, 22:33:03 »
Thank you for the story that was awesome!