Author Topic: Mistakes, misjudgments, bad dice...and yet...  (Read 464 times)


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Mistakes, misjudgments, bad dice...and yet...
« on: 02 April 2024, 12:00:20 »
Okay, this is a storytime challenge for you all.

Once upon a time, I got roped into a campaign, where I wound up making the absolute worst of everything from rolling unit selection, to making terribad choices...

and still came out on top despite my dice absolutely HATING me.

How bad?? try making every possible bad choice, screwing up every aimed shot, bungling and blundering every tactical move...yet somehow, despite facing better players whose dice were good, I still eked out a pyrhhic victory of sorts. many of you blundered your way into a win despite...well...everything?
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Re: Mistakes, misjudgments, bad dice...and yet...
« Reply #1 on: 02 April 2024, 12:30:08 »
Solo game

My Highlander fumbled his Jump Landing on a cliff and fell down two(?) Levels… onto the enemy Wolverine making a break with the Pachage we were meant to protect.

Wolverine was crushed Cockpit first and the Highlander luckily survived with minimal damage. My remaining Mech, the Orion, managed to get into distance to protect the Highlander and Package from the enemy Griffin and they won through stalling long enough though the Highlander kept fumbling rolls to get off the Wolverine.


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Re: Mistakes, misjudgments, bad dice...and yet...
« Reply #2 on: 02 April 2024, 15:36:48 »
I can't say that it happens to me personally very often.  But, we have a player in our group who's known for bad dice rolls, and we have another player who is best known for his unwise decisions.

What DOES happen to me, though, and it seems to happen in the campaigns where I have a star character, is that any plans my side has set up will fall apart near the start.  Nothing will go according to plan.  But, then I manage to pull out something of a win due to series of divinely timed rolls.  I'll get a head shot, or the other side will have a crap roll at a key moment.  People who've played with me have come to expect a head shot out of me sometime during a game. 

There was a time where I'd have to work around losing a long string of initiative. 
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Re: Mistakes, misjudgments, bad dice...and yet...
« Reply #3 on: 02 April 2024, 16:54:04 »
I jumped a Fire Jav at an LRM carrier, only to have the OTHER LRM carrier decide I was a better target than what I thought he was going to shoot at.  He hit with most of the missiles too.  By some miracle, I took NO internal damage!