Author Topic: Chaos Campaign: Mercenaries Unit Special Ordering  (Read 84 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 747
  • Brotherhood of Outreach - Until the Sword Breaks
Chaos Campaign: Mercenaries Unit Special Ordering
« on: 15 December 2024, 03:16:39 »
Tired of not seeing the 'Mech you want roll up on the RAT? Need to fill a specific role in your force? Just don't like the offerings that Clan Sea Fox has for you? Here's a subsystem to use alongside the existing availability rule.

While at a hiring hall, instead of rolling to see how many mechs are for sale - and which ones, you may special order a single unit. To do so, it costs an additional 50 sp per weight class (50 for light up to 200 for assault), plus you may spend 50 to 500 SP (increments of 50) to expedite shipping.

When paying maintenance, roll 2d6 and add +1 for every 50 SP you spent for expedited shipping, and add an additional + 1 for every month after the first that has passed. On a 12+, your new unit is available at the hiring hall. If you are in the middle of a contract, when the unit arrives, it will become available to you at the end of the contract. Otherwise, it is added to your roster immediately. If you fail the roll, then you roll again during your next maintenance payment with the appropriate modifiers.

If the delivery time feels too long, adjust the modifier for each month to a +2 instead of a +1.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 111
Re: Chaos Campaign: Mercenaries Unit Special Ordering
« Reply #1 on: 15 December 2024, 16:34:27 »
You might want to consider some kind of "halfway" version for ordering specific variants too; EG, maybe there's not a SHD-2K to be had, but there is a SHD-2H and maybe you can find a particle cannon to put on it  and such.

