Author Topic: Sandblaster Budget Conventional fighter is this a bad design?  (Read 257 times)


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 113
Is this a bad design can it even keep in its gun range?
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Sandblaster Budget Aero Fighter

Mass: 45 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Armor: Standard
     2 Small Laser
     18 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-C
Cost: 552,230 C-bills

Type: Sandblaster
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 268

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         5                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       2
Fuel:                         480                   3.0
Cockpit                                             4.5
Armor Factor                  45                      3

     Nose                    14   
     Wings                 11/11   
     Aft                     9     

and Ammo                      Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
5 Machine Gun                   RWG       2.5      0      2    0    0    0 
3 Machine Gun                   NOS       1.5      0      2    0    0    0 
2 Small Laser                   NOS       1.0      1      3    0    0    0 
Machine Gun Ammo (200)          FSLG      1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
CASE                            FSLG      0.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)     FSLG      0.5      -      -    -    -    - 
5 Machine Gun                   LWG       2.5      0      2    0    0    0 
5 Machine Gun                   AFT       2.5      0      2    0    0    0 


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1861
I think if this was a dedicated ground attack, the range wouldnt matter so much.  It's a bit slow and short ranged for a heavy interceptor as we have the heavy strike fighter to compare to.  For the actual game, seeing as fighters kinda mash up against each other in the middle map, you will be fine.  Using the better radar map rules the short range and speed will again see faster/longer ranged planes score kills versus the sandblaster.


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 38363
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
I think you'd be better off with RL-10s, personally.

