Author Topic: Firing Arcs of Large Aerospace units in SBF  (Read 777 times)

Mostro Joe

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Firing Arcs of Large Aerospace units in SBF
« on: 20 April 2024, 10:26:27 »
In Interstellar Operations: Battleforce pag. 187 it is said that Large Aerospace Units in Strategic battleforce can fire two arcs: "These Elements may fire two arcs at a single target. These arcs may either be the Nose/Fore or Fore/Aft arcs" (and "Nose/Wing or the Aft/Wing Rear arcs" if we have an aerodyne dropship as we see just one text row later).

The large aerospace units have anyway 4 firing arcs on their Alpha Strike cards: front, left side, right side and aft.

It means that during combat only one of the sides can fire? Or I can choose, let's say, that I can fire with the two wings and not with the nose? I mean, if I fire with the nose I can choose only one of the wings, it seems, but can I choose to use both the wings and not use the nose firing arc?
« Last Edit: 22 April 2024, 06:36:12 by Mostro Joe »


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Re: Firing Arcs of Large Aersoapce units in SBF
« Reply #1 on: 20 April 2024, 13:33:44 »
I'm sure both arcs must overlap the same target for the rule to apply.  So that would be a no for both wings/sides hitting the same target. 

::Edit::  if you are using ACS non-hex maps, presume the target is within the arc of only two arcs.
« Last Edit: 21 April 2024, 12:55:20 by Zematus737 »


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Re: Firing Arcs of Large Aersoapce units in SBF
« Reply #2 on: 20 April 2024, 13:54:20 »
You get an attack for each class of weapon bay (capital and sub. cap., missiles, and standard)  per firing arc the unit has, aside from turrets on mobile structures.  Dropships won't have the capital class non-missile weapons.  Warships have 8 in Core, less in Alpha Strike and Battleforce, as the aft and fore side arcs are combined with the aft and side and front arcs to make less arcs.   For Battleforce Large arcs not on the ground, see page 187 of IO:BF.  BF has a max number of attacks listed on pg.188 for each type of large unit.  I might have to review the conversion rules to verify that damage combination of arcs that may just apply to dropships.  I just confused myself. Warships may maintain those 8 arcs.

::edit:: Looks like warships have 4 arcs on the Battleforce pg.325 record sheet.  If you see any record sheet that has only "Side" as the location it is because both sides are equal in their load-outs and damage during construction.
« Last Edit: 21 April 2024, 12:54:25 by Zematus737 »

Mostro Joe

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Re: Firing Arcs of Large Aersoapce units in SBF
« Reply #3 on: 22 April 2024, 00:09:55 »
I'm sure both arcs must overlap the same target for the rule to apply.  So that would be a no for both wings/sides hitting the same target. 

if you are using ACS non-hex maps, presume the target is within the arc of only two arcs.

In Aerotech the two wings fire arcs and the nose fire arc can overlap. It happens in the front row of hexes.

I am using SBF, and it is hexless too! It uses the radar map and the capital map.
« Last Edit: 20 September 2024, 03:46:04 by Mostro Joe »

Mostro Joe

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Re: Firing Arcs of Large Aersoapce units in SBF
« Reply #4 on: 22 April 2024, 00:11:47 »
You get an attack for each class of weapon bay (capital and sub. cap., missiles, and standard)  per firing arc the unit has

Ah you are right here. Indeed, a dropship has 4 attacks, but if it has one target only it can shoot at it with, say, the nose and the aft arc. And waste the other 2 attacks.