I think some of these scenarios maybe need work. I played Reconnaissance vs. Breakthrough this weekend, and I was lucky my opponent didn't have a terribly fast Force. I think Breakthrough, with the ability to Sprint, can be way too easy. Reconnaissance I think actually works pretty well at first glance.
All that said, I don't think you really need to tailor this completely to new players, but I do think you need to consider them. I opposed optional rules in the earlier version of the doc as it takes away from the standard, but I do think a series of optional rules/suggestions in this doc (probably in a text box format or maybe a subsection) would be of great value to new players. That could include some basic advice on force building, certain scenarios to avoid, etc,.
I haven't played Reconnaissance yet, but I worry about it being a sprint fest. The way I interpret the objective is that if I get a unit into base to base contact with one of the buildings I just need to spend the combat phase "scanning".
If I scan, I can't make a weapon attack, but it doesn't say I have to be able to attack to scan (so I'm sprinting) edit: Doesn't work see nckestrel's post below. For what it's worth even with that not working, I still think speedy units are great at this mission, units like spiders, and locusts cover a lot of ground quickly. You take damage during the end phase so there isn't a way to stop it and it doesn't require a roll like the probe does.
I get your point that this ruleset doesn't need to be tailored to new players, I just feel that at the moment it is actually pretty hostile towards them. I'm also not sure how healthy of a meta it would have IMO
10 8 of the 12 missions favor swarm lists, and the other
two four aren't putting them at a disadvantage. I think adding in some missions where size matters would help, and maybe changing destroy the enemy to 1 vp per enemy unit.