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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1200 on: 19 May 2019, 13:21:54 »
a "Tribble" that bothered me recently.  Set during the Clan invasion period, and based/themed on Sabaton's "40:1".  I imagine it would be somewhere in the Free Rassalhague area...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1201 on: 19 May 2019, 17:11:09 »
Uh... going to need a little more detail than that...  ???


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1202 on: 19 May 2019, 20:28:40 »
40:1 is  based on the story of Battle of Wizna, and it is like the 300.. as 700 Poles held off and up 40000 German by making a stand for like 3 days.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1203 on: 19 May 2019, 20:31:50 »
I found Cannonshop's design thread down in the BA forum that explained that... a very interesting battle!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1204 on: 04 June 2019, 01:58:00 »
AUs seem popular here, but I must admit I tend to think on a smaller scale, of little stories you could tell within the existing, published BT universe. Here's two ideas--I'd be interested to know if you thought either had promise, and I may turn it into something longer...


3048, the FedCom/Combine border. The Federated Commonwealth grows stronger each day, its victory just a matter of time ... and a cadre of young noble officers in a FedCom RCT are in despair. There's been no serious fighting since 3039, almost 10 years ago! Hanse and Melissa seem content with the status quo. Their skills are going to rust, and in a hundred years, who will remember their names? The next push against the Combine could be a generation away. How can they earn honor, glory and promotion with nobody to fight?

And so a cabal forms. Their plan: To instigate a war between the FedCom and Combine ... unbeknown to them, on the eve of the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere


2766, the Terran Hegemony. The population watches in bemusement as Rim Worlds Army units begin to move into abandoned SLDF barracks across the planet. Though none of them realize it, the clock is ticking.

It'd be a story about divided loyalties, about how we decide the 'right' thing to do. We'd follow a cast of characters:
- An SLDF officer, struggling with her oath/duty to obey orders, against her instincts telling her the RWA is the enemy
- The RWA commander, conflicted by his conscience and admiration for the SLDF, but aware the political officer is watching over his shoulder...
- An RWA sympathizer whose friends join the resistance -- does he report them or stay silent?
- The resistance -- do they fight, knowing they will invite retaliation and put the lives of their friends and family in danger?
- A wounded and bitter veteran of the Periphery Uprising -- does he help the army he feels are responsible for his wounds, or sit by and watch them die?
Author, "Inverted" (Shrapnel #4), "Undefeated" (#10), "Reversal of Fortunes" (#13) and "The Alexandria Job" (#15)

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1205 on: 23 June 2019, 06:46:33 »
Tribble 583 -

Following the Word of Blake's capture of Terra in 3058 it was discovered that not only had ComStar been reverse engineering Clan technology but they had been quietly developing methods of mass production.  This information quickly came to the attention of The Master, who focused significant resources into the projects.  By mid-3067 this project had borne considerable fruit and mass production of most Clan weaponry was ready.  The projects for other equipment, such as engines and armor, was lagging behind but nearing readiness.  A few months before the 4th Whitting Conference, as provisional members of the Star League, the Word of Blake announced their intent to share this research with the Star League member-states and to begin plans for the removal of the remaining Clans from the Inner Sphere.  This gave the Houses plenty of incentive, both technology and territory, to keep the Star League together for a few more years.
   The 4th Whitting Conference quickly became a war planning session with the WoB assisting greatly with logistics and capital ship support.  The agreed response from many House lords was "I'm glad they hate the Clans more than they hate us…".  Of significant concern to many leaders were the numbers of new formations, so-called Shadow Divisions, that the WoB was contributing and the troops in those units.
   The final removal of the Clans from the Inner Sphere began on July 4th 3068 with simultaneous assaults against the Jade Falcons and the Ghost Bears.
Questions to work through:
- What would the fate of the Wolves-in-Exile and Nova Cats be?  Since the Word really hates the Clans…
- When the removal was complete, what carrots could be used to keep the Star League going?  I'd see the WoB as a key member and the major periphery states benefiting greatly from the technology sharing.  My thoughts are that the Word, Taurians, MoC and Outworlds Alliance all becoming full members of the Star League within a couple of years which would drastically shift the voting.
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1206 on: 23 June 2019, 08:57:35 »
Tribble 584: The Hydraulic Empire.

"The Council Lords have left Terra without agreeing on who shall lead the Star League. It seems they could only agree on my appointment as Minister of Communications... They will go to war, and soon. Somehow, I must guard the remnants of the civilization we so thoughtlessly threw away. I won't repair the communications network only to see it destroyed by those arrogant idiots. I refuse. But how to safeguard the technology? I might find allies... among those like me who understand that our precious technology must not be destroyed. We must preserve the communications that all our worlds need to survive... and when the Council Lords and their so-called Successor States have pounded themselves to dust, we will have the means to save humanity..."

Jerome Blake did not rest idly upon his laurels with his conquest of the Sol system.  Though the crown jewel of the Terran Hegemony was a burned-out warzone, Blake searched for other allies from among the shattered remains of the Star League's bureaucracy.  ComStar had its origins in his remit as minister of communications, but there were others.  The hegemony had maintained a stranglehold on advanced terraforming technology, and while the Houses were doing their best to loot that treasure, Blake could offer a safe haven and an ongoing project-the repair of Venus' shattered sun-shield, would certainly keep them busy, even if it was a tremendous loss of money for the young ComStar. 

It would be under his successor however, that the water-filtering systems of the inner sphere would begin to dry up.  World after world was abandoned, simply because there was not enough water for the people, because water was contaminated, because water fell from the sky in the wrong places.  World after world quietly slipped from the hands of the Successor states, who had never quite found enough details to rebuild the Hegemony's water-works...and into the grasp of Comstar.  Men need water to live, after all, and when the phone company expands into the water company, it's strength is multiplied tenfold.  Some within Comstar's terraforming and hydraulic engineering devisions fumed quietly at the worlds that were never quite abandoned by the great powers-but enough slipped through their grasp, enough for Comstar to swell like a red giant at the end of it's life.  Even the Periphery soon found worlds swinging decisively into the camp of Comstar, especially in the recently settled provinces of the Outworld's Alliance.  But, at the same time, Comstar's grip became ever more absolute, as the dependency of these worlds upon their charity became equally total...
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1207 on: 03 July 2019, 15:14:34 »
Tribble 585

The year is 3028. The Gray Death Legion, infamously guilty of mass-murder during their Sirian campaign have capped their refusal to stand down and face investigation by the FWLM and savage destruction of many towns on their base world of Helm with a vicious attack on Marik while the Captain-General was in residence. Tragically, Duke Garth Marik arrived in time to avenge his cousin but not quite to save him. Among the many casualties was a minor ComStar Precentor named Rachan.

The Duke of Irian has taken up the responsibility of serving the Free Worlds League as their new Captain-General, sending his regrets and representatives to Terra for the wedding of the century as he consolidates his position. Garth's policies have quickly cooled relations with the Concord of Kapteyn allies as he seems intent on remaining out of the current war, a decision that House Steiner and House Davion are entirely willing to accept. House Liao is less happy, particularly as Garth has been more than willing to allow House Halas and House Humphreys free rein to raid Capellan worlds, replacing material losses by the provincial regiments with few questions asked.

Irian Technologies has been more than happy to assist the lord of their homeworld by providing equipment to him and the FWLM at cost and heavily involving themselves in attempts to build a university to rival NAIS. While some of Garth's advisors know that he is refitting the Free Worlds Guards with Star League equipment uncovered in a hidden cache under Helm, only a tiny handful know that he presented IrTech with one of the very few copies of the computer core he found in that cache.

The Federated Commonwealth may be a formidable foe, Garth admits, but in ten to fifteen years when the FWL - unscarred by this war - has re-built its industries and regiments with Star League technology, the balance of power will look very different. For now, he is willing to wait, watch and take whatever scraps of the Capellan Confederation that Hanse Davion doesn't, using them to pay off the support Andurien and Oriente have offered him...
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1208 on: 03 July 2019, 15:17:28 »
Heh... I'm pretty sure that means there won't BE a Capellan Confederation in "10-15 years"...  ^-^


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1209 on: 03 July 2019, 21:23:24 »
Interesting drak, wonder what would happen when the Clans come to town??


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1210 on: 31 July 2019, 04:05:58 »
Tribble 586

This stemmed from a couple of comments made on the Spacebattles forum in a general BT thread. I'll repost for context:

gyrobot said:
So in a hypothetical universe where Tukiyyad ended with the more militant clans winning (aka smoke Jaguar, Diamond Shark, Steel Viper and Nova Cat ) winning or stalemating and Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon and Clan Wolf losing badly against the forces. How does that affect the clan political climate as smoke jaguar argues that the progressive clans caused the downfall of the Clan Invasion?

Captain Orsai said:
I can't really see how that would happen, as it would require the rabidly Crusader Jaguars to acknowledge that the Wolves have a better idea of what's going on than they do; and not only hold their bidding to the same level as Ulric Kerensky's, but fight vastly, vastly more cautiously than they have ever demonstrated the ability to.

So, yeah, first we gotta establish just how the hell that happens.

I think the most likely way for this to happen is for Leo Showers to survive the ramming attack.

The Inner Sphere doesn't have breathing space to move troops around and for Theodore and Hanse to come to an agreement. As a result, the Smoke Jaguars hit Luthien without reinforcements from the Nova Cats but also with no Wolf Dragoons & Kell Hounds, leading to the Theodore being defeated - although he batters the Jaguars pretty well and manages to evacuate enough of the Combine government, surviving military forces and key Luthien Armor Works equipment and personnel that the Combine is just badly hurt not mortally wounded. Takashi dies gloriously but as a last gift to his son accepts all responsibility for the defeat so Theodore can survive the political impact of losing Luthien (relocating to New Samarkand).

Considerably over-estimating the damage to the Combine and now aware Terra is a target, Waterly turns to Focht who unveils his plans to fight a proxy battle. Waterly approves and Focht takes the offer to Ulric Kerensky. Kerensky sees this as a chance to stall the Clan invasion and takes it to the Grand Council where he finds a surprise ally: the ilKhan Showers. With his own clan having taken serious losses but unwilling to accept a reserve clan being activated to share their corridor, Showers sees this as a chance to win the war and 'be the ilKhan who took Terra'.

For the sake of argument, assume that the battle takes place on Tukkayid again but about a year earlier than canon. The ilKhan gets the support of the three reserve Clan's khans by assuring them of a place in the battle: he assigns the honour of landing in a 'first wave' under Ulric's command, while the four main clans will land two days later - Ulric takes an honour guard in the First Wave, but Garth Radick leads the bulk of the Wolves in this Second Wave.

While the ComGuard forces are no smaller, they have had a year less to train and to accumulate supplies. The first wave of landings are shut down hard but tie up enough forces that when the second wave lands there aren't enough reserves left to handle them the same way. Focht keeps his eye on the ball: there are fourteen objectives and he only needs eight of them to win. The Nova Cats, Diamond Sharks and Steel Vipers never get near their targets and only heroic efforts by Ulric leading a galaxy of Clan Wolf committed as his 'honor guard' (Showers allowed this since it means Clan Wolf is much less likely to do well against their assigned targets - and something that surprised Focht, letting Ulric get away with that) manages to extricate about half the Nova Cat and Diamond Shark forces. Six points for ComStar - but ashamed of this disaster the six khans don't make this clear to the ilKhan (while Ulric is rather happy to let the other Clans fail to grasp the scale of this failure - for now).

Of the second wave, the four clans charge for their targets, still eager to gain glory. However, Showers has learned some lessons and coordinates the push between the Jade Falcons and Smoke Jaguars, sharing data on where the ComGuards are. This lets them suddenly divert from their targets and crush three ComGuards divisions between them, weakening defenses to the point that the two Clans are able to take the cities they're after. Four points for the Clans.

So it all comes down to Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Wolf. The former aren't pushing incredibly fast, instead making a deliberate approach with some caution and intent on landing a concentrated punch against resistance. While this lets them crush everything in their path at first, reaching their first target, it also takes long enough that Focht can redeploy and reinforce the other city turning into a nasty looking stand off.

Clan Wolf, under Radick (and effectively Conal Ward) however is out to show that they can do better than Ulric - meaning not using his 'cowardly' tactics. And forgetting that these tactics work. Also not coordinating with the other Crusaders, because as we've often seen, the Wolf rivalry with the Jaguars and Falcons always takes precedence. As a result, the main crusader faction within the Wolves runs right into forces that Focht had focused serious resources, expecting to be up against Ulric's best. It's a slaughter for both sides but the ComGuards can afford that - and the Wolves can't.

Showers finally realises that things are in the balance. He needs the Ghost Bears and Wolves to take all their targets - or at least three, which will make this a draw and effectively go into overtime so he can negotiate with the other Khans to redeploy and take additional targets. Clan Ghost Bear look at their likely casualties and don't see why they have to take these losses for the sake of Showers. The Wolves have lost many of their available leaders and when Showers calls Ulric back, he gets a testy reply that the Khan's currently fully engaged in extricating the survivors of the first wave and is tying down an estimated half of the ComGuards with hit and run attacks from only a single galaxy. If he withdraws, not only will the three landing zones be overrun before the other Clans can evacuate but Focht can also throw a dozen more divisions at the second wave.

Showers tries to personally take command and force the remaining Wolves to push on at their two targets, taking one but breaking the back of the remaining Wolf Crusaders. (No small number of wardens die in the process, but they are assigned 'less glorious' roles that oddly leave them with a lower casualty rate. Faced with reality, Leo Showers is forced to accept the outcome: two clan victories, two draws and three defeats, a total of 8 ComGuard victories, and the 15 year truce that Focht bargained with.

In the aftermath, Showers is politically vulnerable since he's been defeated but he does have some personal glory. The Smoke Jaguar losses are less brutal than in canon and they're facing a much weaker Combine. He is able to 'compensate' the reserve Clans by granting them the right to trial for worlds in the occupation zones of the decimated Clan Wolf and Clan Smoke Jaguar - but avoids the poisonous pairings of canon, with Vipers moving into the Smoke Jaguar OZ and the Cats into the Wolf OZ. The Diamond Sharks can reinforce the Jade Falcons and the Ghost Bears but wind up with only tiny holdings - which they are happy with since it lets them use the enclaves as trading holdings as the OZs transition to long-term Clan rule.

Ulric avoids most of the blame for the defeat since he and Natasha Kerensky were scoring the only 'victories' the Wolves have to work with. With the Wolf Crusaders mostly dead, Ulric uses Phelan (not bloodnamed in this scenario) as point-man for recruiting Inner Sphere warriors into the Clan and rebuilding their ranks as a 'short term measure' until new generations of trueborn warriors can be raised. With the Jade Falcons smarting at the outcome of Tukkayid while still ebullient over their own successes there, there's potential for a very nasty conflict on that frontier so the Wolves can't afford even short-term weakness.

On the other side of the divide, the AFFC has finally redeployed to stall an invasion that now doesn't appear to be coming. They have breathing space and Hanse Davion is still in control (a full year before his canonical death which may potentially be handwaved). The Combine is weakened and effectively a buffer-state against the Clans (while Hanse recognises he could smash Theodore right now, that then leaves him occupying hundreds of hostile worlds and having to face the entire Invasion when it resumes in 3066 (fifteen years from the earlier date of the battle). With no one year lull, the leaders of the Inner Sphere couldn't leave their capitals for a conference on Outreach and the Wolf Dragoons didn't save Luthien so right now Jaime Wolf is on rather thin ice. Also the Free Worlds League isn't selling arms to the Federated Commonwealth on credit.

If Romano does assassinate Justin as in canon (possible but less likely without the arguments on Outreach to spark her to actual action) or perhaps actually kills Candace too, it's likely the Federated Commonwealth can mobilise and crush them quickly. Whether this leads to annexation, an Allard-Liao ruled Confederation as an ally or dividing Capellan worlds between the FedCom and a larger St Ives Compact is an open question.

And Myndo Waterly still winds up getting shot in the face by Focht, because I can't see her not attempting Scorpion.

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1211 on: 31 July 2019, 04:37:39 »
I second the Right Honourable Member for New Avalon's theory and move that it be accepted by acclamation.
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1212 on: 31 July 2019, 05:13:08 »
One of the two things I'd like to know more clearly about the Battle of Tukayyid is did the ComGuards take bondsman (which is not relevant here) and how much did they adhere to zellbrigen? This point is very much at the heart of the matter of how the Clans could have won this climatic battle. To me even in canon the ComGuards did not engage in an honorable Clan style duel and therefore could very well have been subject to a gloves off approach by any or all of the Clans involved. Now I am not even going to the point of screaming orbital bombardment but rather calling off your initial bids because of their dishonorable behavior and resorting to combined fire. However one could say the stakes deserve to be raised further after Operation Scorpion which if any Khan has knowledge of during the battle could raise the stakes beyond ComStar's capability to fight this battle.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1213 on: 31 July 2019, 06:34:06 »
Judging by the Tukkayid Sourcebook, the ComGuards used every dirty trick available tactic they could lay their hands on.

I think Zellbrigen on the day was to be offered and if rejected the gloves came off, so I think for a lot of Tukkayid, especially for less hidebound Clans, they played pretty fast a loose from the get-go and still lost.
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1214 on: 31 July 2019, 11:24:50 »
I agree with your assessment Nova. The ComGuards weren't following Zell but there actions were not wholly dishonorable. The treachery of Primus Waterly and Operation Scorpion if factored in could have bought escalation which ComStar couldn't have matched.

Two things may play into a reason it never did.

1. Scope - this battle was one of the largest Mech conflicts ever fought and all the participants knew it. Conduct therefore would be above reproach in this legendary battle.

2. Clan Perception - with seven Invading Clans partaking often in competition with each other none would likely commit an action which would taint their victory.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1215 on: 31 July 2019, 15:10:28 »
If Hanse lives, things go VERY differently in all kinds of ways...  Katherine might have been able to assassinate her mother, but her father was a rather harder target.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1216 on: 31 July 2019, 18:08:42 »
If Hanse lives, things go VERY differently in all kinds of ways...  Katherine might have been able to assassinate her mother, but her father was a rather harder target.

Yeah, Katherine is an opportunist. She would take what opportunities she could at the lowest cost. With Hanse and Melissa living longer, those opportunities would change, and we might see a very different Katherine, or very different Katherine driven machinations.
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1217 on: 01 August 2019, 09:53:30 »

Forces are sent to help support the fight against the Clans, both to help protect the Inner Sphere, raise the sullied reputation of the Confederation, and to deal with unrelibale troops by bleeding them against the Clan razor. Inspired, individual Free Worlds League governmnets follow suit, sending forces to support the Commonwealth and the other allies, and in the leadup to the battle of Tukkayyid, the Clans face a far more united Inner Sphere ... thanks to a few malfunctioning explosive bolts ...

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1218 on: 11 August 2019, 05:26:59 »
#587 - How Much For Just The Inner Sphere?

I spent part of yesterday looking at possibilities for shaking up the Clan Invasion set up, starting from the trials to decide which clans would participate. the mechanism would be adding one Clan warrior who was sufficiently skilled to tip the balance a little in these trials. After some reflection I decided to add the warrior to Clan Diamond Shark.

Per canon, the Diamond Sharks lose to the Star Adders, conceding rather than taking heavy losses, but beat the Hells Horses and the Goliath Scorpions. (This is actually pretty plausible - the Star Adder-Diamond Shark was the only first round Trial that wasn't a grudge match so the Sharks probably came out relatively unscathed compared to their subsequent opponents.) After the three rounds of the main trials, this leaves the Diamond Sharks as one of the six finalists and in canon they lost to the Steel Vipers. Here the warrior who was added turns the tables and they beat the Steel Vipers, moving on to the final match, which pits them against the Ghost Bears over which Clan will get a corridor and which is the reserve. In canon the Bears beat the Vipers but here the Sharks beat the Bears.

This means the four invaders are the Wolves (no score, automatically on Beta Corridor), Jade Falcons (4-0, get the much desired Alpha Corridor), the Smoke Jaguars (3-1) and the Diamond Sharks (4-1). In canon the Ghost Bears had been 3-1 too and the Jaguars were deemed to have second choice because they'd faced and beaten the Ghost Bears earlier. Here it's ruled that an 80% win rate is better than a 75% win rate so the Sharks get first choice between the Gamma and Delta Corridors. They take Delta, leaving them facing the Draconis Combine, while the Smoke Jaguars have to take what was the Ghost Bear's invasion corridor in canon. Clan Ghost Bear are the reserves, although the Steel Vipers and Nova Cats fight trials of refusal to be secondary reserves.

In canon the Diamond Sharks offered to sell supplies to the invaders so it seems likely that even under hardcore Crusader Ian Hawker they would realise they need a lot of supplies to run an invasion, and they have the economic might to obtain and bring supplies. As a result they do a little better in the advance and avoid some of the Smoke Jaguars' terrible decisions - for example, they identify Hohiro Kurita in captivity and ship him off to the homeworlds where he can't reasonably rescued. They also don't bombard a city out of pique. Cities, even damaged by uprisings, are valuable. As a result, warship use isn't quite as frowned on later on (although the Wolf bidding over Rasalhague does mean that warships are less often bid after the early waves).

After Rasalhague falls to Clan Wolf, several Diamond Sharks want to take Luthien for the prestige. Their leaders see this is partly simply a thirst for glory but there are sound arguments in favour of this anyway: why contest with other Clans over worlds on the direct route to Terra if you can break through a demoralised and disorganised Draconis Combine, which is the likely result of taking Luthien - not to mention, acquiring all the factories there. Therefore, in the fourth wave, the Diamond Sharks take Pesht, as a stepping stone towards the capital... and then Leo Showers dies. The invasion is put on hold as Khans head back to Strana Mechty to elect a new ilKhan. However, the Diamond Sharks do authorise some raiding on the Draconis Combine to prevent the Combine from realising that they have a reprieve. Taking a few worlds to solidify the Sharks' grip on Pesht is authorised (only three worlds compared to twenty-nine taken through the previous four waves, but enough to keep the Combine leaders guessing).

When Ulric is elected he activates the Steel Vipers to reinforce the Jade Falcons and the Ghost Bears to reinforce the Diamond Sharks. He hopes for friction, given the Sharks beat the Bears out on the chance to be invaders. Instead the Diamond Shark leadership effectively offer the Ghost Bears a sub-corridor between them and the Smoke Jaguars, offering them basing rights until they can take their own worlds and being very hospitable. The Bears conclude they're getting everything they want, so this is fine with them. (The Smoke Jaguars are pissy, so Ulric gets friction anyway, but not affecting the Sharks).

As the attacks resume, the Diamond Sharks are focused on Luthien and cutting through the 'soft interior' of the Combine. The invasion of Luthien is assigned the full weight of all three available galaxies (garrisons are being slipped in as 'auxiliary' troops that border on violating the original terms of the bid but all the invading Clans are doing this on the quiet). The FedCom has enough warning to send the Wolf Dragoons and Kell Hounds, so the defenders have sixteen regiments, but the Sharks have only three galaxies compared to the five Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat galaxies of canon. However, the Sharks also have their warships available and for the first time use them, bringing two destroyers into low orbit (heavily escorted by aerospace fighters) to unleash orbital bombardment on the defences around the Imperial City, smashing any concentration of troops heavy enough to potentially wear down the Diamond Sharks, who can therefore engage under favourable circumstances. While the battle lasts for weeks and seriously depletes the Diamond Shark supplies, many of them aboard the warships), the result is a victory for the Diamond Sharks who control the Draconis capital (without several industrial facilities that mysteriously blew up as Theodore Kurita's remaining troops escaped on dropships.

While the Diamond Sharks are able to take a few more worlds, this is a shell - they're hitting worlds stripped of their defences to reinforce Luthien and doing so under ruthless control of consumable expenditure as stockpiles and replacement warriors are rushed forwards to resupply their frontline forces. The DCMS managed to get less than two regiments out, given the heavy battlefield losses and several dropships taken out in the retreat, and only one mercenary dropship got out at all. While small groups hold out and fight a guerilla war that'll last for months, the Wolf Dragoons and Kell Hounds are functionally destroyed with modest cadres left on their homeworlds to rebuild. The impact on Inner Sphere morale is shattering and orders are given that any warship that even looks like it'll bombard a surface target is to be engaged with nuclear warheads... if any are available.

As the Sharks gather their strength to prepare to push on towards Benjamin, they receive news that ComStar has agreed to a proxy battle for Terra, to be fought on Tukkayid. Very conscious that they have limited strength and some of their supplies and reinforcements haven't caught up yet, the Sharks bargain very conservatively for their landing priority and the Smoke Jaguars and Jade Falcons apply leverage to push them into the same position as the Wolves: landing days after the other Clans, possibly after the entire issue is over. They may have Luthien but the ilClanship will not be theirs unless all the other Clans fail. This wait is ideal for the Diamond Sharks as it gives precious time for them to refit, resupply and reorganise so they accept the bid without complaint.

Most of the Clans experiences on Tukkayid are much as they were in canon, with Ulric having bid away the warships (Focht was adamant on this after Luthien). By the time the Wolves and Diamond Sharks land the Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats have been driven offworld and the Jade Falcons are in full retreat. The Steel Vipers are pushing towards their first target only out of pride while the Ghost Bears have taken one target and are licking their wounds. The Wolves go all in and seize both their targets, rubbing it in that they have done what the other Clans have not. The Sharks take their first target and do the maths: the only way for the Clans to win is for all four Clans still in the field to win - and with the ComGuards now able to draw down the forces that were facing the Falcons, Cats and Jaguars that's a slim chance. The Sharks fight on soley for the sake of honour and hit only targets of opportunity where they can keep their own losses low and the ComGuards guessing until they see if the Vipers and Bears will turn this around. Since the answer turns out to be no, the Sharks are able to withdraw with the lowest casualties of any of the Clans' involved, while blooding their newer troops against the ComGuards.

The invasion is over, and Clan Diamond Shark have a solid OZ (not intermixed with another Clan's) with significant resources and relatively minor depletion of their forces compared to the other Clans. The economic advantages of their new holdings are obvious to their Merchants and fifteen years to expand their forces and build up supplies for further fighting sounds... well, not terrible. They have a lot of opportunities right now and every chance to translate this into a position among the first ranking Clans. Who knows if the ilKhan fifteen years from now might not be a Diamond Shark?
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1219 on: 11 August 2019, 05:45:01 »
Canon Diamond Sharks were very deep into the trueborn koolaid on Tukkayid, with the events there serving to turn this attitude around. But that's also because in canon they had little experience fighting the Inner Sphere.

Here, they've fought all manner of IS forces and very much gotten the measure of their opponents so it's not surprising they'd fight smart.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1220 on: 13 August 2019, 09:37:19 »
It might be more interesting if the use of Warships provokes Focht to challenge the Wolves to a black-navy battle in the approaches to Tukkayid, revealing ComStar's navy and asking for volunteers to serve aboard ships that have been mothballed for centuries-at first only from within Comstar's own merchant marine and the Belters, but then throwing open the call to the Great Houses to second their spacers to a Comstar Flotilla.  Or just use the threat of such an engagement to force down the bids of the Clans to 'simulate' losses to a determined assault.
*Insert support for fashionable faction of the week here*


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1221 on: 19 August 2019, 05:54:21 »

As the Star League comes together, the prospect of bringing the Periphery in by force was raised and narrowly turned down. The projected expense was deemed to be directly against the principle of reducing the drain of constant military expenses. And besides, House Amaris was pro-Star League and probably only needed a little more time and a comparatively trivial financial investment to sway the Rim Worlds Republic into joining the Star League. One at a time, the other states would surely follow through.

The HAF wasn't entirely folded into the SLDF, but did hand control of their border worlds over to the SLDF First Army, which also took over all other member-state world garrison posts within one jump of the Hegemony. Gradually five further armies expanded out to similarly control both sides of all the Star League's internal borders. This didn't keep the SLDF entirely out action - skirmishes between 'bandits' along the borders took a while to die down. As this progressed, the process freed the House Armies to secure their own interiors, their periphery borders and to scale back to 'peace-time' strength.

As the economy slowly stabilised, the Star League looked for new frontiers and found them in the periphery: new colony regions were established outside the Federated Suns, Free Worlds League and Draconis Combine and opened to colonists from anywhere in the Star League. This also contributed to isolating the periphery realms (except the Taurians and Canopians) from each other. As a result, when Gregory Amaris requested military assistance against dissidents in the Rim Worlds Republic, shortly before the end of the century, it was years before the other Periphery states were able to confirm that Star League supplies and military advisors were propping up Amaris and funding his employment of mercenaries and 'mercenaries' drawn from House armies eager to blood a new generation of young soldiers.

The result was all but inevitable: Gregory Amaris managed to live long enough to sign the admission of the Rim Worlds Republic to the Star League, although an assassin saw that it was his son who became the seventh member of the Star League Council. The SLDF's 7th Army (and associated fleet) secured the border between Lyran Commonwealth and Rim Worlds Republic - and unofficially provided a strong arm for the still shaky House Amaris.

Seeing the writing on the wall, the three remaining Periphery realms realised that any internal or external conflict could be used to justify Star League intervention. Further, they were increasingly surrounded. Any spark along their borders could lead to encroachment. They forced their economies into overdrive to try to expand their own borders and increase their economic might to potentially resist SLDF invasions. In the Outworlds the weak government teetered on the edge of breakdown under the pressure of this, kept from collapse only by the outside threat.

And in the new colonial regions, colonists from rival member-states began to quarrel, leading to reaction forces from the SLDF and nearby houses to step in.

After forty years, the Star League is stronger than ever... and the peace that it promised is more fragile as well.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1222 on: 19 August 2019, 17:02:30 »
If the Rim Worlds does well as a full member, I could see the Outworlds Alliance joining first, then the Canopians, and finally the Taurians after a few more decades...


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1223 on: 21 August 2019, 15:27:56 »
#587 - How Much For Just The Inner Sphere?

I spent part of yesterday looking at possibilities for shaking up the Clan Invasion set up, starting from the trials to decide which clans would participate. the mechanism would be adding one Clan warrior who was sufficiently skilled to tip the balance a little in these trials. After some reflection I decided to add the warrior to Clan Diamond Shark.

. . .

Something similar might have happened had you added the warrior to the Nova Cats instead of the Sharks...they, like the Sharks, have a highly-active and powerful Merchant Caste (which was, iirc, one of the main drivers of the Nova Cat Crusader movement under the theory that the IS had a lot more worlds with markets to exploit), and in canon had a track record of treating Spheroids in their OZ well.    The interesting butterfly is wondering what would have happened with the Nova Cat Abjuration - would the canon result still have occurred if the Cats weren't stuck sharing an OZ with the Jaguars?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1224 on: 21 August 2019, 23:59:37 »
I did consider the Nova Cats - my original concept was sticking an OC in to change the course of events through the Trials, so I considered all the Clans.

Wolf, Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar and Ghost Bear were eliminated since they were already invaders. Star Adders, Cloud Cobras and Snow Ravens were eliminated in bidding rather than the Trials so they weren't viable. I then cut the three clans (Hells Horses, Burrock and Ice Hellions) who lost both the first two rounds, as I felt it was implausible they could turn things around.

Of the seven remaining Clans I thought the Coyotes, Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks were the most plausible to do well, and looking at the contests, the Nova Cats were up against the strongest opposition, which is why they got cut. Ultimately the Diamond Shark needed the smallest changes to put them into the invasion force.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1225 on: 23 August 2019, 19:28:16 »
I did consider the Nova Cats - my original concept was sticking an OC in to change the course of events through the Trials, so I considered all the Clans.

. . .

 Ultimately the Diamond Shark needed the smallest changes to put them into the invasion force.

It's a really cool idea, and I'd love to read your take on it.  The culture clash between the mercantile Sharks and the economically-backward Combine could be really interesting, as would be your take on the Shark way of war. 

Of course, the crackfic version would have to have a bondsman Uncle Chandy getting adopted into the Merchant Caste  :D :D


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1226 on: 25 August 2019, 01:09:14 »

During the 2960s, Archon Giovanni Steiner had a command centre established on House Steiner's homeworld of Gallery to completely mirror all facilities and staffing of the LCAF High Command. The (comparatively minor) expense was sold to the Estates-General as a contingency in case a deep raid on Tharkad left the LCAF Command in some way incapacitated. In fact it was more a response to a small but vocal minority of officers concerned with the ossification of Lyran tactics and the gentrification of the officer corps. Posting them to Gallery for a few years where they could 'prove their theories' - more accurately to be buried in pointless bureaucracy* would hopefully convey the message to shut up and soldier

* literally pointless: they simply received duplicates of any request sent through/within the LCAF Command on Tharkad and their responses were filed and summarily ignored.

Under the reign of Giovanni's successor Alessandro, this dumping ground - Gallery Command Centre - received not only the assignment of outspoken junior officers but also a crop of whistleblowers and of any officer who drew negative attention from socially connected officers (or senior nobles) whose support the Archon desired. Morale on Gallery itself was, as might be imagined, rather poor. LIC therefore maintained a presence and caught several attempts by foreign agents to turn officers there since they would still have access to genuine military data. This then led to a byproduct where an entire office of the LAAF High Command did nothing but alter the data sent to Gallery to make sure it was of no use should it fall into the wrong hands.

Many expected that Katrina Steiner would reverse this practise after she took power. She was, after all, one of the military heretics who could have very easily wound up on Gallery if it wasn't for her family name. However, she never made any mention of the Gallery Command Centre. Some insiders assumed that she actually thought the publicly stated purpose was actually genuine and snickered at the ignorant soldier playing at politics.

They were, of course, completely wrong. Over the first twelve months of her reign, Katrina redirected the actual work of the LCAF High Command to Gallery and the doctored reports they once received are now sent to the official buildings on Tharkad. Over fifty years of inertia has thus far managed to deceive essentially everyone - even the lavishly uniformed officers in the luxurious buildings around Tharkad City sincerely believe that they're running the LCAF, as do the myriad SAFE and ISF agents who have them thoroughly penetrated.

Meanwhile, quietly and efficiently, sharp young officers lacking military connections sit at unadorned desks on Gallery and get the actual work done.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1227 on: 25 August 2019, 01:22:07 »

During the 2960s, Archon Giovanni Steiner had a command centre established on House Steiner's homeworld of Gallery to completely mirror all facilities and staffing of the LCAF High Command. The (comparatively minor) expense was sold to the Estates-General as a contingency in case a deep raid on Tharkad left the LCAF Command in some way incapacitated. In fact it was more a response to a small but vocal minority of officers concerned with the ossification of Lyran tactics and the gentrification of the officer corps. Posting them to Gallery for a few years where they could 'prove their theories' - more accurately to be buried in pointless bureaucracy* would hopefully convey the message to shut up and soldier

* literally pointless: they simply received duplicates of any request sent through/within the LCAF Command on Tharkad and their responses were filed and summarily ignored.

Under the reign of Giovanni's successor Alessandro, this dumping ground - Gallery Command Centre - received not only the assignment of outspoken junior officers but also a crop of whistleblowers and of any officer who drew negative attention from socially connected officers (or senior nobles) whose support the Archon desired. Morale on Gallery itself was, as might be imagined, rather poor. LIC therefore maintained a presence and caught several attempts by foreign agents to turn officers there since they would still have access to genuine military data. This then led to a byproduct where an entire office of the LAAF High Command did nothing but alter the data sent to Gallery to make sure it was of no use should it fall into the wrong hands.

Many expected that Katrina Steiner would reverse this practise after she took power. She was, after all, one of the military heretics who could have very easily wound up on Gallery if it wasn't for her family name. However, she never made any mention of the Gallery Command Centre. Some insiders assumed that she actually thought the publicly stated purpose was actually genuine and snickered at the ignorant soldier playing at politics.

They were, of course, completely wrong. Over the first twelve months of her reign, Katrina redirected the actual work of the LCAF High Command to Gallery and the doctored reports they once received are now sent to the official buildings on Tharkad. Over fifty years of inertia has thus far managed to deceive essentially everyone - even the lavishly uniformed officers in the luxurious buildings around Tharkad City sincerely believe that they're running the LCAF, as do the myriad SAFE and ISF agents who have them thoroughly penetrated.

Meanwhile, quietly and efficiently, sharp young officers lacking military connections sit at unadorned desks on Gallery and get the actual work done.




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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1228 on: 25 August 2019, 02:57:17 »
The day the books went out

Kerensky was leaving the inner sphere. The news hit last month.

Not that the average 'mech tech cared, until the pocket-comps with the repair manuals on them dumped their contents due to identity lock violations, despite no such violations occurring. Same with the scientific journals, university libraries and corporate archives across the inner sphere. Backups, their architecture carefully controlled due to the McKenna Data Piracy Act of 2560, are not spared either. There are no paper copies due to the same act and proprietary hardware and software allowing none.

Across the inner sphere, people struggle to preserve what their memories hold, and to teach it to the next generation in the middle of a war.

The Star League went a little overboard on their DRM. But hey, it's worth it if it brings an end to the Age of War, right?

Also, an explanation for how they lost so much so fast. Halstead Station was breaking all kinds of laws with their little bibliophile cache.
« Last Edit: 25 August 2019, 03:11:55 by Greatclub »


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1229 on: 25 August 2019, 03:27:25 »
Meanwhile, quietly and efficiently, sharp young officers lacking military connections sit at unadorned desks on Gallery and get the actual work done.

Love it, Drakensis!  :thumbsup:

