Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens  (Read 27502 times)


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'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« on: 28 October 2011, 16:44:46 »
'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens

Intended as a replacement of the Jenner in light of the successful results of the Raptor test program, the Owens is one of the first generation of OmniMechs and, along with the Strider, one of the two most reviled members of that group.  It's curious in more than one sense, too, because the Owens is, for a culture and military (accurately) stereotyped as being obsessed with Japan, possessed of a distinctly origin for its name, an old drinking song from Earth.  Deployed in 3056, by the early Jihad, many regiments had between a lance and company of what's described by TRO3058U as a versatile machine in what may be a sign of either naïve optimism or bleak humor.  While we're still waiting for the full situation to shake out as the Objectives books get released, the future of the Owens is a mixed picture the complete destruction of the Combines primary OmniMech plant.  While Victory Weapons on Marduk is building two Combine OmniMechs, the Owens isn't one of them.  How the factories of the region formerly known as the Free Worlds League fared during the Jihad to is still mostly unknown despite some tantalizing hints here and there.

The design of the Owens is as unusual in some ways as its origins and, for 3050s Combine light 'Mech designs, depressingly typical at the same time.  At 35 tons, it equals the Jenner in size and is built on a standard internal structure but uses a VOX 280 extra-light fusion engine to save four tons against the Jenner's Magna 245 while still going 129 kph in clear terrain, giving you 1 MP over the original that comes in handy when you need to do things like follow a road without risking a fall.  Given that we're talking about a light, the engine is neither that pricy nor really that big a vulnerability given what it gets you in terms of speed and weight savings.  7 tons of Starshield standard plate offers 112 points, another of the places where the Owens scores good marks.  The armor arrangement is similarly well done, 16 points on the center torso flanked by 12 points on each side, with 5 on the centerline rear and 4 on each side; the side torsos are maxed out.  The arms have 10 points and the legs 12 while the cockpit has the maximum 9 points.  Unfortunately, that's where the good news ends.  10 single heat sinks - one of only two OmniMechs so equipped - mean that your heat management is a hell of a lot more restricted than it should be.  Yeah, sure, Intro 'Mechs get by, and I can do it, too, but I'd like to remind people that this 'Mech was introduced in 3056 using technology derived from captured Clan OmniMechs.  This is something of a running joke with Combine 'Mechs.  I'm pretty sure most of the DC fans will agree with me that's it not really that funny.  The Jaguars probably thought it was funny as hell, though.  In more mixed news, the Owens also manages to carry 10% of its weight in fixed equipment and no, it's not jump jets.  Instead, the Owens was the electronics specialist of the early OmniMechs with a Beagle Active Probe, a C3 slave, and TAG.  For some reason, the geniuses at LAW figured the best place to put the TAG was in the right torso.  I'll get to why that's a problem later.  All of this leaves you with only 7 tons of podspace at the end of the day and because you don't have single heat sinks, you can't just pile on the beam spam to maximize your tonnage efficiency beyond a certain point.

As the author of one of the two previous articles on the Owens, both of them distinctly negative (an opinion that's only slightly softened over the three years since), I'd like to point out that this is not a well-regarded 'Mech among many players and I'm one of them.  It's workable, even good, for certain purposes.  But there's a lot of problems here, too, and they contribute to a debate with strongly-held views.  The centerpiece of the debate is over the purpose and place of the OmniMech, particularly in the Inner Sphere.  OmniMechs are expensive - slightly more so in terms of C-Bills but your real price is the industrial infrastructure necessary to build them.  The potential flexibility the concept offers is incredible, the entire point of the exercise in the opinion of many.  Something like a Pariah/Septicemia can easily replace and improve upon four or five 'Mechs out of TRO3025 even using Spheroid pods.   What gets people's goats about the Owens is that it doesn't let you do any of that.  It's a faster Raven with battle armor handholds, which is about all it can be.  The use of it as a battle armor taxi and as an electronics specialist - something it's admittedly quite able to do - isn't something a DHS version without the fixed equipment can't do; in fact, it can do it just as well without carrying equipment it doesn't need in place of things it could use to further the goals of the mission at hand.  But there are many things the Owens that could have been could have done, things the Owens we have can't do.  We can make lemonade.  In the right circumstances, it might even be good lemonade.  Hell, considering what the spotting equipment can do, it can be very good.  That doesn't change the fact that a lot of us think we're being handed lemons.  The podloads don't really help most of the time, either, sometimes suggesting they were constructed by loading a few Avatars and then putting whatever was left on the poor Owens.

The Prime is, despite the prominence of the small lasers, actually not that bad.  In LRM 5 is mounted in each arm, sharing a single ton of ammunition, while a medium laser is in the head and two small lasers in the center torso, keeping the weapons out of the arcs covered by mechanized battle armor squads or points, although not a full six-man Level I.  As a sniper or skirmisher, it's not too bad, although it was outgunned from the word “Go” by the Mist Lynx, as usual for someone trying to match LRM counts against the Clans with even vaguely similar tonnages available for the purpose.

The A duplicates the weapon layout without really getting the utility out of the weapons.  Each arm has a Streak SRM 2 with a shared ton of ammo, with the head and center torso mount dedicated to a small pulse laser and a pair of machine guns, respectively.  I'm feeling more than a little underwhelmed.  At the time, infantry didn't require special weapons to deal with, meaning that the utility the configuration has gained since wasn't really apparent at the time, and the Clans don't use that much unarmored infantry.  The weapons load is mainly going to annoy Elementals and, if you're not using your Streaks exclusively, oblige you to get into their weapons range and giving you a good chance of being outshot by a bunch of guys in tin suits.  At least the heat load is low assuming someone doesn't decide to bathe you in Inferno gel or something similarly inconvenient.  (That's the great argument in favor of DHS on 'Mechs that don't need it for heat purposes, by the way.  It massively reduces your vulnerability to external heat sources, something the Wolverine II used to great effect on Circe during Klondike.)  Nowadays, it's useful against infantry in ways many other loads aren't, but it's also going to be forced to get up close and personal with a unit type that can do a fair bit of damage itself.  As for anti-'Mech warfare, this configuration has approximately the same impact on intact units as peppering a full-grown elephant with buckshot.  You might get lucky and hit something vital at just the right angle but you're probably just leaving a few bruises and making him mad.

The Owens B is another one of those configurations that shows a bizarre and frankly downright perverse fascination with the small laser.  The right arm is dedicated to an SRM 6 with Artemis IV, using a single ton of ammo.  The other two tons are given over to no less than four small lasers, three in the left arm and one in the head.  Okay, seriously, why?  Leaving aside the interesting question of whether anyone remembered what Clan ERSLs can do at those ranges, what was this supposed to accomplish other than tying up small lasers you could strip down to put on Raidens instead?

In contrast, the C is one of the handful of bright spots to be found here with a left arm-mounted large laser and a pair of mediums on the right.  The heat sinks don't help anything, requiring balancing a paltry 14 weapon heat, but the configuration is more than workable for most of the jobs an Owens does.

Given the heights of 'Mech perfection LAW has achieved so far, the Owens D is actually doing pretty well for itself.  The Narc launcher on the left arm makes it clear exactly what you're supposed to be doing with yourself, although I probably would've gone for a pair of medium lasers on the right instead of the SRM 4 to get another ton of Narc ammo instead of a ton of SRMs.  Still, it's not doing that badly for itself and the SRMs will let you exploit any breaches caused by the mixture of fire Narc, C3, and TAG can call down on a target.

The Owens E was the last of the configurations covered in CoyoteWarDog's article two forums back and reminds of a vaguely upgunned Targe.  (The fact that I'm scraping that far down the barrel should tell you something.)  I've long maintained that MRMs are only really worth it with the larger rack sizes and there's been some strong arguments made that they're still not worth it.  Think back to the pod space.  7 tons isn't enough to carry ammo for an MRM 20 and the launcher itself, so all you're getting on is one or two MRM 10s; LAW opted to go with one mounted in the right arm.  The left is, at least not the ERSLs the Targe boasts, instead using a pair of medium lasers, one standard, one pulse.  While the lasers are passable, the MRMs are both inaccurate and not terribly powerful in terms of damage.  Still, at least there's no small lasers.

New with RS3058U Unabridged, the Owens F uses a range of equipment.  The centerpiece of the armament (literally and figuratively considering it's in the center torso) is a light PPC while each arm continues the “theme” of small lasers with an ERSL.  The left torso has a Guardian ECM suite to round out the electronics and instead of, say, a third ERSL, an A-pod was mounted on the right leg.  Great.  If infantry decides to jump on me - conventional, not BA - I can kill about 3 of them on average while their buddies, who are now really unhappy, are even more committed to pulling me out of my cockpit and providing my brain with a sunroof.  At least they don't explode on a crit.

The Owens R was one of the configurations originally introduced in The Dragon Roars that was later repackaged into the above-mentioned unabridged record sheet volume.  On the one hand, the configuration has a trio of Clan ERMLs, one in each arm and one in the head, and on the other, instead of the heat sinks to sort of use the full firepower those lasers give you or, say, stacking on MPLs which are a little cooler, they use an MRM 10 with a ton of ammo, simultaneously offering the chance to blow the Clantech up in one go and waste four tons without significant payoff compared to the lasers.

All of that leaves the question of how you actually make that lemonade I mentioned.  The 'Mech's primary jobs are electronics spotting or scanning support (only one canon Owens mounts ECM, remember) and moving mechanized battle armor around at speeds that are usually only legal on major highways in the United States.  Within those confines, make no mistake, the Owens is very good at its job.  The armor makes it harder to squash than some of the other spotters out there and the turn of speed to pace a Locust is damned handy in its own way.  (Keep in mind you don't have jump jets - in terrain where they're necessary, you want to use something more like a Blackhawk-KU for the transport job.)   The speed and armor are where just about everyone can agree LAW did things right, so use them.  Get out there, move the BA into position, and if you're running C3 or TAG-compatible munitions, you have a very good spotter on your hands.  Even though I have nothing bad to say about the armor, remember that this is a light, so don't stop moving.  Keep your speed up and try to position yourself in bad arcs, especially if you have some decent weapons in the configuration you're using.  A basic thing to keep in mind in the spotter role is that you can't use your TAG while carrying BA.  If you're planning to both lay the red dot on someone and move battle armor, you need to drop the suits off before you start spotting.  You also need to pay careful attention to the matter of what the Owens is supporting and how it's trying to go about doing that.  Many 'Mechs are capable of affecting the battlefield mainly by their own armaments and ability to get them into position.  An Owens, between the generally lackluster podloads, the single heat sinks, and the electronics, is not going to do that against most opponents.  Several of them can certainly be fairly annoying to the enemy but they simply don't have the weapons to generally be more than nuisances on their own.  Instead, they need to be providing targeting data or electronics support to bigger, meaner units that are fully capable of using it to good effect, and they need to use their own turn of speed to make their comparatively light armaments count by getting in someone's flanks and forcing them to either divert their attention or suffer a lot of anklebiting on top of whatever the Owens might be supporting.  Enough of that can make a nuisance a deadly problem over time even if there's nothing around for them to support.  One trick you can always use is to light someone up with TAG as a distraction if they're paying too much attention to a 'Mech.  Even if you don't have anything on the field that can use the data, it'll force an opponent to consider carefully whether or not you just might have some semi-guided LRMs you've been hoarding or even laser-guided bombs or homing Arrows ready to land.  Hell, even when you can't possibly land something like that this turn, it might be worth doing anyway to plant the suggestion that all you're doing is playing mind games.

All told, the Owens is a more impressive creature on defense than offense.  The armor is nothing to be ashamed of considering the 'Mech's size.  The speed is enough to get more than decent defensive modifiers, especially if your job at the moment doesn't require you to dash right into point-blank range.  This can make squashing them a bit harder than you might expect.  At the same time, players have a tendency to underestimate the Owens because, as I've explained exhaustively, ad nauseam, the weaponry generally sucks.  Something I've tried to make clear is that's really not your problem dealing with an Owens.  The problem is whatever it's spotting for and some players go straight for what's shooting instead of the light stooging around and seemingly not accomplishing much.  Don't be that guy.  First, you need ECM if you can get it.  An Owens should always be suspected of providing C3 spotting until proven innocent, so take the precautions necessary.  Second, pulse lasers, targeting computers, or other weapons that make hitting elusive targets easier will be helpful.  At a minimum, pulse lasers will keep the close-in variants on their toes, and snubbies (or Clan ERLLs) will make C3 spotting a little more nerve wracking even if the 'Mech tries to slide around your ECM bubble.  Beyond that, be prepared to layer fire and swat it if it proves to be doing something unfriendly.  Pay attention to what's going on, too.  Fire declarations for artillery, for instance, might be your first warning that an Owens (or other TAG spotter like a Pandion, Zephyr, or Hitman) that's been shy up until now may be about to light you up.  On the other hand, TAG without fighters around or artillery fire is either a prelude to semi-guided LRMs (possibly from hidden units) or an attempt to make you think about it.

References: The Master Unit List covers the Owens in all its low-BV glory, while Sarna has some other imagery.  CamoSpecs has several different units represented, including one from the Federated Suns.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #1 on: 28 October 2011, 20:43:41 »
My Combine for a double heat sink  ::)

I really wish they could have made the Raptor at the Owen's tonnage and armor, it would have given the IS a fine, flexible light omni - on their own they really exemplify the guns, armor, speed - choose 2 adage.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #2 on: 28 October 2011, 20:55:06 »
Never cared much for the design, not that I hate it, but its just not a favorite by any means.

But I got to say, there is one in our campaign that has been going on each month and it has shown up several times now and it repeatedly does well.

The dang thing wont die because no one can get a clear LOS or they just can't devote quite enough firepower to killing it.  And the entire time its spotting for a freaking AJAX that is laying the beat down on things from 18 hexes out and has enough armor that no one can kill IT either.

Its proving to be a suprisingly good mech.
Provided you don't try to field it in the same roll you would a Spector or Talon.....  but instead more like a Clan FireMoth...... I can see it getting some solid usage by me in the future.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #3 on: 28 October 2011, 21:12:18 »
The Owens is a pathetic fighter that is a nightmare in a group. This much maligned little Omni really is great at supporting a group. It has good speed, good armor, and Single Heatsinks don't bother Tag in the slightest. As such it can get into position to drop off Battlearmor to slow an enemies flank (next to a building or woods, don't get crazy), then TAG for artillery while the Gauss slugs and PPC bolts give your enemy something much better to focus on. And the Small Lasers and MRMs might not be wonderful, but at least you can use them to damage buildings during a raid.

While there are better Omnis available to the IS, the Owens is still a valuable member of the team, and far from the worst thing you could get assigned.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #4 on: 29 October 2011, 02:41:19 »
Definetely not the best Omni designed, and there is a lot of space for improvement (SHS).
But IMHO it's a very good teamplayer and an omni Drac-company should always include one (or maybe two, if ARTY is available) in their TO&E.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #5 on: 29 October 2011, 04:04:14 »
Definetely not the best Omni designed, and there is a lot of space for improvement (SHS).
But IMHO it's a very good teamplayer and an omni Drac-company should always include one (or maybe two, if ARTY is available) in their TO&E.

Yeah, the difficulty in balancing the article was dealing with the fact that the design and configurations are individually underwhelming but the spotting capabilities are superb.  Those last two paragraphs tried to make it clear that in the game itself, that's really not the issue at hand.  I don't like dealing with the inherent limitations of the design but within those limits, it has the potential to be very, very dangerous and needs to be treated accordingly.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #6 on: 29 October 2011, 05:29:13 »
The thing is basically an exercise in "How Not To Build An OmniMech". Its only lacking the fixed jumpjets...
Would maybe make a bit more sense if the Owens would have been the first try instead of the Raptor (which is actually superior in practically everything except armor), but as it is, what does the Owens offer over, say, the Hitman? (except BA taxi ofcourse)
Even the R sucks, and thats quite an accomplishment with using Clantech ER-MLs...

And what bugs me the most, yes, even more than the fixed equip and the SHS, the thing is fluffed as a Jenner replacement. So, WHERE IS THE FRELLING JENNER CONFIG???
Four ML and a SRM4 take up exactly the seven available tons (what a coincidence!), and that config would be superior to everything canon on top! [tickedoff]


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #7 on: 29 October 2011, 06:23:57 »
It should have been redone more jenner like with a light engine and of course DHS.  Imagine a 7/11/x owens
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #8 on: 29 October 2011, 06:48:55 »
The thing is basically an exercise in "How Not To Build An OmniMech". Its only lacking the fixed jumpjets...
Would maybe make a bit more sense if the Owens would have been the first try instead of the Raptor (which is actually superior in practically everything except armor), but as it is, what does the Owens offer over, say, the Hitman? (except BA taxi ofcourse)

Another 32 points of armor?  Not having to pick between TAG and C3?  Slightly greater speed without having to risk using MASC to get it?  Readily adaptable to circumstances a Hitman can't deal with, like the need to use jump jets?  And the BA movement you already mentioned.  As a spotter, the Owens is good at its job.  The problem is it's not good at anything else, which isn't really the point of OmniMechs.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #9 on: 29 October 2011, 07:14:44 »
Honestly, I hold that the Raptor is the best of the light Inner Sphere Omnimechs, and one of the best Light OmniMechs in the game.
The Owens....Is a specialist. I would have liked to see it use DHS, and less small lasers in its canon configurations.

Frustratingly, the Owens is one of those OmniMechs where you cannot justify it with the cannon configurations. Its strength,
to me, is what it can do with a pilot who has the clout to request non-standard configurations. I mean, I would love one that had
4 standard mediums, and 3 tons of jump jets.  I have also used one onece that mounted a standard PPC(it went good with my
C3 Master Raptor, and my Heavy PPC +C3 Slave Raptors). I have even thought of Light Machine Gun Arrays for dedicated anti-infantry
work...or, better yet, salvage/buy some Anti-Personnel Gauss of the Diamond Sharks.

Unfortunately, you cannot really give a saving grace to an OmniMech based on custom configurations for elite pilots....The group
of scientists who developed the Owens for the Combine? The Coordinator should have had them all executed for treason, then
had the Owens an "Export ONLY!" Liao(since Steiner and Davion both like their artillery)
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #10 on: 29 October 2011, 08:23:52 »
I rather like this mech. It's specialized, but as a FWLM player those specializations are exactly what I need. Like any IS power, we're lacking in bipedal BA taxis, but the FWL is also short of scout/spotters, often relying on imported Ravens. A quick mech with good armor that can spot ambushes and then spoil them with BA and S-G support? I'm there, and if I can't find an odd way to get some use out of the missile configs I don't deserve to play Marik.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #11 on: 29 October 2011, 08:49:43 »
Anyone else tempted to try and take a spare engine for an Avatar and stuff it into the Owens to fix that little heat sink problem?  }:)

How the frack did the the DCMS cry for lacking DHS, when in the air the Slayer got a Lostech refit that was a simple one for one replacement of heatsinks, 20 of them per fighter on a design that could only overheat by firing it's rear missile rack along with all forward guns?

At least the FWLM had the excuse for some of their WTFs by the Wobbies skimming all the good stuff.  Seems they wear those robes to hide how much of your shit they just walked off with.  ::)


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #12 on: 29 October 2011, 09:10:31 »
I rather like this mech. It's specialized, but as a FWLM player those specializations are exactly what I need. Like any IS power, we're lacking in bipedal BA taxis, but the FWL is also short of scout/spotters, often relying on imported Ravens. A quick mech with good armor that can spot ambushes and then spoil them with BA and S-G support? I'm there, and if I can't find an odd way to get some use out of the missile configs I don't deserve to play Marik.

The Prime can be used in a few ways (mobile minelayer, for instance) but I'd think the B, E, and R are limited in their unusual uses because of the missile packages involved.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #13 on: 29 October 2011, 09:34:49 »
The B's the one with the six-pack and small lasers, right? I've used that one as a decent backstabber and critseeker. Remember that the WSP-1W is one of my favorite mechs, so I'm no stranger to the proctology-based warfare such pointblank weapons call for. I'd use it as a support unit when my BA must engage other suits in up-close terrain, giving my suits an edge so they can defeat similar suits without taking heavy losses from attrition. Also makes a good valet unit, parking enemy vees. I've never used the latter configs you mentioned, so I've got no comments for them.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #14 on: 29 October 2011, 11:20:04 »
As the crowd as said, the Owens does what it is designed to do well, and no further.

It does however (just like a good many omnis) need some updated canon configs that let it play with new toys so
it can keep up with the crowd (and hopefully reduce some of its issues).

Looking at the TW/Tac Ops lists:

Rocket Launchers. Yes they can be cheesy, but given the Owens' Heat Sink limitations, it should hold it in check.

LPPC's. Again a bit cheesy, but at least it can work with what we're given. And given the DC's love for PPC's, it should be only natural.

MML's. In conjunction with the D variant, this could be pretty nice option.

Coolant Pods. Still short on tonnage, but it would be possible to make a couple configs that alpha hard a couple of times, like the RL variant described above.

Modular Armor. Yes you read that correct, and no I'm not crazy (actually have used such a config). Playing to the Owens' stregnths, this can make the
difference in broken terrain where we probably won't get that last bit of movement modifier, giving us a hardened spotter/taxi that can take a heavier beating,
and still move as fast as a standard Jenner. Give a couple tons to energy weapons to eat up the sinks, and 4-5 tons for the modular, and you're set.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #15 on: 29 October 2011, 11:58:10 »
The thing is basically an exercise in "How Not To Build An OmniMech". Its only lacking the fixed jumpjets...

Actually, I'd give that award to the Firestarter Omni. 


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #16 on: 29 October 2011, 12:33:24 »
Actually, I'd give that award to the Firestarter Omni.

What? The omni-Phoenix Hawk? At least it has DHS and good configurations.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #17 on: 29 October 2011, 13:18:56 »
Other good configs:

2 x LPPC + flamer

2 x MML-3 w/ 2 tons ammo + 2 x ISERMLs

ISERLL + 2 SHS (too bad the BAP can't be swapped out for an ECM suite)


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #18 on: 29 October 2011, 13:32:57 »
What? The omni-Phoenix Hawk? At least it has DHS and good configurations.


The problem with the Firestarter-O is that it is very low on crits. It has 13 free crits, in addition to the four that can be freed by removing actuators. In addition to that, the largest single block that can be freed is 7 crits in right arm.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #19 on: 29 October 2011, 14:11:20 »
It's still quite effective in most of its configurations (except for the one with the LB-10X, which it doesn't have the mass for).

Not a great mech, but several kilometers better than either the Owens or the Strider.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #20 on: 29 October 2011, 14:35:18 »
The B's the one with the six-pack and small lasers, right? I've used that one as a decent backstabber and critseeker. Remember that the WSP-1W is one of my favorite mechs, so I'm no stranger to the proctology-based warfare such pointblank weapons call for. I'd use it as a support unit when my BA must engage other suits in up-close terrain, giving my suits an edge so they can defeat similar suits without taking heavy losses from attrition. Also makes a good valet unit, parking enemy vees. I've never used the latter configs you mentioned, so I've got no comments for them.

...I was thinking of the A's Streak 2s, not the B.  The other two are both carrying MRM 10s.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #21 on: 29 October 2011, 14:41:37 »
Ah. Not a fan of any of those. Might use the A as a valet if for some reason no other pods were available.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #22 on: 29 October 2011, 16:03:54 »
With everyone saying the thing is a good scout but nothing else, why not a config that concentrated on only that, Cephalus style?
Jumpjets, AMS, done. Maybe one with iNarc.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #23 on: 29 October 2011, 16:12:00 »
I'd be all over that. The existing NARC-hauler is almost there already, keeping only the single SRM rack for a token offensive gun that can crit-seek or tank-park when the opportunity arises. Unless the new config is notably superior, I'll probably stick with the current one.
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Sixteen tons means sixteen suits. CT must be repaired.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #24 on: 29 October 2011, 18:11:06 »
I love the OW-1, It has a limited use but it does it well if you keep moving. As Moonsword pointed out, It does one maybe two things well, Spotter and BA taxi. I run Merc units primarily and whenever I come across an Owens, It dies. Hopefully I can salvage the wreck and rebuild it properly (DHS).  I had rebuilt a salvaged Owens once, 7/11/x, 9 tons of Podspace cause of the engine drop. Custom pod loads. Damn thing wouldn't die !!! Credited w/ 5 Assault 'Mech kills. Was the second highest scoring 'Mech and Pilot in the unit. Let me say this: I generally hate/detest light 'Mechs (except the Wolfhound, woot!) because they tend to be a little too fragile for the way things go down. I will take an Owens any day o' the week. (Along w/ a Wolfhound  ;)).
"Remember kids, Ammo explosion's are as much fun as friendly fire and incoming fire has the right-of-way." - ShadowSeraph
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"SRM Carrier. It's actual combat value is irrelevant; the face of a player when one of their 'mechs takes a point-blank shot from one is priceless!  ^-^" - Fireangel
"What's a little canon-deviation amongst friends and enemies" - Self
Quote from: DarkSpade on August 10, 2022, 15:23:40
If you think about it, the perfect merc lives long enough to complete the objective, but not long enough to get paid.
Well, there's an Obi-Wan level point of view comment for you ...  xp
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 15:35:06 by Wolf72 »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #25 on: 29 October 2011, 23:49:32 »
7/11/x, 9 tons of Podspace cause of the engine drop. Custom pod loads. Damn thing wouldn't die !!! Credited w/ 5 Assault 'Mech kills. Was the second highest scoring 'Mech and Pilot in the unit.
If you change the chassis (DHS & Engine swaps do that) then it is no longer an Omni and it would be 9 tons of fixed weapons that are no longer swapable.

The same Owens-F made an appearance at our table again today.
It used speed & cover to scream around the battlefield for an improvised C3 network of 3 assault tanks  (Ajax-B, Partisan-CC, Alacorn-VI-modified).  It took some fire but no where near what it would take to kill it and allowed the slow brutes to dish out the smackdown for a few turns.
It isn't the best "In your face" unit like the Spector is but this thing continues to impress me when it is used to its strengths.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #26 on: 30 October 2011, 12:20:10 »
If you change the chassis (DHS & Engine swaps do that) then it is no longer an Omni and it would be 9 tons of fixed weapons that are no longer swapable.

There is not a rule to that effect in either StratOps or the BMR Revised, the two sets of customization rules I have.  I could swear there was in the BMRr, at least, but a scan of the section shows there isn't.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #27 on: 30 October 2011, 12:30:15 »
Neither do I see that. The Centurion upgrade in 3050 changes the engine rating and type and it's still a Centurion (even though the CN9 isn't a Omni) but we digress.

The Owens is a specialist 'Mech that could be more useful if the designers (LAW) had just used DHS and maybe Endo steel, then you would be able to make some pretty ideal configs. It would have 8.5 tons of pod space and still have 27 free crit slots after the Endo was placed. I still enjoy using the little bugger. It's about the only light besides a WLF that I'll willing take or try to capture/salvage right off the bat.
"Remember kids, Ammo explosion's are as much fun as friendly fire and incoming fire has the right-of-way." - ShadowSeraph
Avatar by Wombat, Thanks again to the blue fuzzy marsupial of wanton destruction.
"SRM Carrier. It's actual combat value is irrelevant; the face of a player when one of their 'mechs takes a point-blank shot from one is priceless!  ^-^" - Fireangel
"What's a little canon-deviation amongst friends and enemies" - Self
Quote from: DarkSpade on August 10, 2022, 15:23:40
If you think about it, the perfect merc lives long enough to complete the objective, but not long enough to get paid.
Well, there's an Obi-Wan level point of view comment for you ...  xp
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 15:35:06 by Wolf72 »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #28 on: 30 October 2011, 12:37:07 »
Neither do I see that. The Centurion upgrade in 3050 changes the engine rating and type and it's still a Centurion (even though the CN9 isn't a Omni) but we digress.

It's the Omni part that Hellraiser and I are both talking about.

The Owens is a specialist 'Mech that could be more useful if the designers (LAW) had just used DHS and maybe Endo steel, then you would be able to make some pretty ideal configs. It would have 8.5 tons of pod space and still have 27 free crit slots after the Endo was placed. I still enjoy using the little bugger. It's about the only light besides a WLF that I'll willing take or try to capture/salvage right off the bat.

If they'd used endo-steel and not fixed the electronics, it could replace the Raptor and the Strider in one go thanks to having 12 tons of podspace going 8/12.  As it is, using DHS and ferro, you can get a good way to use 11 tons like I did right here.  I like keeping that speed intact, personally, because it gives you a little more flexibility in your movement options and differentiates it a bit more from the Jenner.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: OW-1 Owens
« Reply #29 on: 30 October 2011, 13:32:13 »
I want to like the Owens, I like BA taxis, and it combines two specialist roles in one mech.  I'd love DHS for some better combat configs, but its not without teeth either, SHS or not.  Would really like TAG in the head, however. 

