Author Topic: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav  (Read 15745 times)


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #30 on: 20 November 2011, 20:58:26 »
Hong Yu stopped in mid stride as the announcements boomed through the Wayward Son's speakers. He had just finished another round of vehicular sims with the rest of his company barely half an hour ago, and had washed himself thinking to return to his on-going personal crusade against the thrice damned simulator pod. With a sigh, he turned around and changed out of his greasy technician's overalls and pulled on his tanker suit instead. The boss usually wasn't too particular about appearances and dressing during their internal meetings - unless one appeared in a rabbit suit with fluffy shoes to match, but the Chinese man thought it prudent not to turn up on like a grease monkey.

He tapped on his personal comms as he undressed. "Pops, you'll have to continue with that sims pod yourself."

"Ya, I heard. Go ahead. We're not goin' anywhere in a hurry." The reply came through clearly in his ear through the small piece of device.

"Gotcha. Have a good time." Hong Yu finished as he zipped up his suit, made his way out of his bunk and headed towards the Command Center.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #31 on: 03 December 2011, 17:56:15 »
Taking a deep breath Valentin began to speak. "I am going to be direct. Is there a problem between you and Donnelson?" Valentin raised his hand to indicate James to let him finish. "I ask because Captain Takeda asked... ordered me to speak to you and her about it. I have noticed the... coolness between you two ever since I joined. Actually, I have seen it between you and a few others as well, but it seems it is worse between the two of you. Personally, I think he is a little off base. You can work together, and it does not appear to be any actual hostility. But at the same time, it is noticeable and it is a bit of a distraction. If it is something you do not feel comfortable enough to talk to me about, I understand."

   James rubbed his forehead and chuckled.  Number five.  This was the fifth time, directly or indirectly, he'd had to set one of the new guys straight.  He was genuinely puzzled by their attitude on the matter.  Maybe it was because James was generally considered the Cav's “class clown”, and they didn't understand him having a side that wasn't up-beat or jovial.  In all likelihood they just needed to be educated, so James didn't mind giving another lesson.
   “It's okay, really.  You're new, so you don't know.  Or at least, you don't really know, so I won't hold it against you.  You know the story behind Donnelson and some of the others, don't you Sarge?”  Valentin nodded.  James asked his tech to take a break, and offered Valentin the chair that had been vacated.  James was content to stand and lean against the leg of his Gladiator.
   “Let me ask you something, Davideko.  If you met a girl, and she left her boyfriend to be with you... would you be mad if she cheated on you in the future?”
   Valentin replied as any normal person would. “Of course, who wouldn't?” [sorry Grey, kinda have to here. -GM]
   “Well yes, emotionally, anyone would be upset.  But what I mean is, would you be surprised by her actions?  I mean, if she cheated on her old boyfriend to be with you, doesn't that kinda set the precedent for her cheating on you to be with someone else?”
   “You never said she cheated on her old boyfriend, James.”
   “Don't be nieve, bro, of course she did.  If she had someone to leave, then that means she got to know you while she was in a relationship.  You need to read past the book's cover to know the story.  If someone cheated on the one they loved in the past, or in our case a unit, then you need to be ready for that person to do the same again.  It's as simple as that.”
   [that's all I feel comfortable saying for you, Grey.  You can reply as you see fit -GM]

Dropship Wayward Son
Deep Orbit, Loxley System
Coventry March, Federated Commonwealth
18 November 3037

   About fifteen minutes after the call had been put out, the Son's C3 was packed to the gills with the unit's senior officers.  MechWarriors, pilots, tank commanders, platoon leaders, even Gillian Albin and Chief Paul Ryan.  Justin was sitting on console mounted to the bulkhead, and Ken was standing beside him.  The room's old life support system was struggling to scrub the CO2 being thrown into the air, generating a rhythmic clunking sound that Justin had to speak over.
   “Good morning, Cavaliers.” 
   “Morning, skipper,” came the unified reply.
   “As you are all no doubt aware, we will be breaking atmo in roughly twelve hours... it looks like the arrival estimate was a bit off.  So, since we will be getting to shore a few hours early, there are going to be some changes to our schedule.  We'll touch down just before midnight local time, so I want you all to proceed to your racks after we unload our heavy gear.”  Justin continued to scan the crowd of familiar faces as he went.  “I'm serious about this, people.  I will not tolerate anyone giving me any 'drop-lag' excuses.  We've been tuning the cycle on-ship and are arriving around bedtime.  Get your heavy gear, park it, and find your room in the barracks.  Local crews will be getting our personal effects for us tomorrow night, so make sure to pack your duffles and leave them on your cot.  And don't leave your room a mess.  These guys are not a cleaning service, so the Son's crew will be locking down your quarters after you depart.  They've been very good to us these last six months, so the least we can do is not leave litter for them to pick up, yeah?
   “Speaking of quarters, you heard me right.  Everyone will have a single occupancy room, the base is just that big.  That also means it's tough to navigate.  As per standard SLDF security protocols none of The Rock's corridors are marked.  Make sure you keep your pads handy in case you get lost.”
   “The Rock, sir?” called someone in the crowd.
   “Oh, right.  Fort Worth is known locally as 'The Rock'.  This is due to the location and architecture of the base, particularly the outside.  The base is built into the foot of the Grey Mountains, and the only thing visible from orbit is the airstrip and DropShip landing pads.  The entry is unmistakable from the ground, though.  It's a perfectly sheer rock face about twenty stories high and at least as many wide.  The passage into the base spans the entire face and is always open during operational hours, though there are blast doors in case of WMDs or orbital bombardment.  That entryway puts you right in the vehicle bay, which is quite literally cavernous.  The bay is also a hub for the massive tunnel system that leads into the mountains.  These tunnels are large enough to accommodate a lance of mechs marching line-abreast but are extremely dangerous and prone to collapse.”
   “Are there other facilities linked to the base, and are the AeroSpace hangers part of the vehicle hanger?” asked Sergeant Aisaka .
   “Every few years some off-worlder comes to Loxley, claiming that they've 'decoded a Star Leagug memory core' or some other nonsense... most of the people who wander into the tunnels don't come back.  When I was a kid there was a famous case involving a local.  He ran a distillery in the mountains, found a passage, and was wandering the tunnels for the next six months.  I shit you not.”
   “What did he eat?” Kushieda asked, transfixed by the story.
   “There are some nasty critters that live in the mountains called Vols.  They're like a Terran armadillo, but decidedly less friendly.  Apparently he hunted them and found underground aquifers to get by.  Had to eat'em raw.  By the time he got out the daylight nearly blinded him and he was borderline insane.  As you might imagine, there haven't been any treasure seekers in a few years.  Anyway, you and Tiaga will be punching atmo with us.  Land at the base and the ground staff will walk your Chippewas into the AeroSpace cubicles inside the base.”
   All too late he noticed Kushieda's horrified expression.  She looked like she was actually on the verge of tears.  “That's horrible, skipper... horrible!”  Taiga threw the Major a look that could have melted mech armor, and Justin instantly regretted sharing that particular story.  Since the rest of the people in the room were also giving him disapproving looks, he tried to move on as quickly as possible.
   “Sorry, Minori.  Where was I... right.  As you've probably gathered by now, The Rock was designed to accommodate a combined-arms regiment, so that's why we'll have so much free space.  The base is staffed full-time, but doesn't have much in the way of recreational facilities.  Fortunately New Dallas is minutes away and there is a dedicated maglev line connecting the base to the city.  There are cargo and commutator trains, so be careful which one you get on.  For the most part you'll be free to come and go as you please when not on duty, and your quarters will be yours to do with as you see fit.
   “While the base may be staffed, we will be providing our own security.  Captain Takeda, Commander Hong Yu, Lt. Buggerman, and myself will be creating detailed duty rosters after I get a chance to familiarize them with the New Dallas area.  In all likelihood the Armored and Mechanized Cav will be split between base and city defense, rotating between various government and industrial instillation.  The Heavy Cav will patrol the city limits and the mountains, freeing the rest of the Metal Thunder to cover the various mining operations of strategic importance deeper in the mountains.  We're also going to be doing various PR and civil service jobs, starting with friday's parade.  After we march down to Sundance Square from the base we'll be meeting the locals... you know, letting the civies take pictures and get a close look at our mechs, cockpit tours, let the kids check out our gear, that kind of thing.  I'm sure you all went to unit parades or airshows when you were younger.  That evening there will also be a gala at the Sundance Hotel, which you will all be attending.”
   There were some groans from the crowd, but the reaction wasn't as negative as he had expected.     “Now before anyone starts bitchin', I'll tell you the same thing I told Captain Churchill.  Events like this are standard in Lyran space, and are posh affairs.  You'll be treated to top-notch food and drink, rub elbows with local nobility and celebrities, and generally have your ass kissed all night.  All you need to do shake hands with people who introduce themselves and thank them for their hospitality.  It's a party, and it'll be fun, so I don't want to hear complaints.
   “Oh, and before I forget you're not supposed to go to these soirees alone.  If you don't find a local or another Cavalier to partner up with for the night, Duke Samuel Norse has arranged for a variety of male and female escorts--”
   “Woohoo!”  Yelled someone hiding in the back of the room, which naturally got a laugh out of everyone.
   “Not that kind of escort.  Seriously, whatever you do don't try to bed anyone who's last name is Norse, McDowell, or Steiner-Latimer.  That's really not something I want to have to deal with.  I've included information on Lyran protocol in your briefings, and directions to the stores that will be providing our social attire.
   “Remember folks, New Dallas is going to be our home for the next three years, so please don't try to crash this party like a pack drunk frat boys.  If I have any disciplinary problems I won't bother disciplining you... I'll just hand you over to the Captain and let him use his imagination.
« Last Edit: 03 December 2011, 18:06:15 by whistler »
Quote from: 3rdCrucisLancers
Whistler is not only a noted winner, he's a man's man, a generous philanthropist, a noted big game hunter, and a lover and a dancer. If he had a mustache it would be impeccably waxed. When he marches off to war, everyone else stays home.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #32 on: 04 December 2011, 11:27:04 »

   James rubbed his forehead and chuckled.  Number five.  This was the fifth time, directly or indirectly, he'd had to set one of the new guys straight.  He was genuinely puzzled by their attitude on the matter.  Maybe it was because James was generally considered the Cav's “class clown”, and they didn't understand him having a side that wasn't up-beat or jovial.  In all likelihood they just needed to be educated, so James didn't mind giving another lesson.
   “It's okay, really.  You're new, so you don't know.  Or at least, you don't really know, so I won't hold it against you.  You know the story behind Donnelson and some of the others, don't you Sarge?”  Valentin nodded.  James asked his tech to take a break, and offered Valentin the chair that had been vacated.  James was content to stand and lean against the leg of his Gladiator.
   “Let me ask you something, Davideko.  If you met a girl, and she left her boyfriend to be with you... would you be mad if she cheated on you in the future?”
   Valentin replied as any normal person would. “Of course, who wouldn't?” [sorry Grey, kinda have to here. -GM]
   “Well yes, emotionally, anyone would be upset.  But what I mean is, would you be surprised by her actions?  I mean, if she cheated on her old boyfriend to be with you, doesn't that kinda set the precedent for her cheating on you to be with someone else?”
   “You never said she cheated on her old boyfriend, James.”
   “Don't be nieve, bro, of course she did.  If she had someone to leave, then that means she got to know you while she was in a relationship.  You need to read past the book's cover to know the story.  If someone cheated on the one they loved in the past, or in our case a unit, then you need to be ready for that person to do the same again.  It's as simple as that.”
   [that's all I feel comfortable saying for you, Grey.  You can reply as you see fit -GM]

 "I not 100% about what you are saying, but I get the jist. I think." Valentin chuckled lightly. "But, I do not think your analogy works perfectly. Because in your example, you are at fault for getting involved with a woman already involved in a relationship." Valentin shrugged with a smile. Both men paused as the announcement calling for the Staff meeting, and then the lunch menu, came across the ship's intercomms.
 "Well, it looks like the boss wants to see us. I get what you are saying. But I do think you need to ask yourself, are you sure you know her whole story?" Valentin's voice carried no hint of condescension or annoyance, simply curiosity. "Just keep it in mind to at least tone it down when the senior staff is around, da?" Valentin straightened himself  and began to walk in the direction of the staff room.
 Davideko took a few steps away when he stopped and turned back to Horvath. "Oh.. And you may want to be careful about calling someone a traitor. It carries a lot of weight."
« Last Edit: 04 December 2011, 13:02:42 by GreyJaeger »
"The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."
~Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #33 on: 04 December 2011, 11:45:41 »
   “Speaking of quarters, you heard me right.  Everyone will have a single occupancy room, the base is just that big.  That also means it's tough to navigate.  As per standard SLDF security protocols none of The Rock's corridors are marked.  Make sure you keep your pads handy in case you get lost.”

Raising his hand and waiting to be called on by the CO, Guy asked, "Sir, if it's that's bad, is it really such a good idea to spread the troops out like that?  It could cause morale problems when we eventually have to move to smaller quarters, and idle hands will be bad enough without giving them closed doors to hide behind."  Guy was thinking back to his college days on Blackjack, and the trouble the students who had managed to bribe their way into single rooms had gotten into.  Stills, gambling dens and cat houses were the least of the problems.  The cadre had been willing to look the other way over a certain level of vice, but it never stopped there.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #34 on: 04 December 2011, 17:29:38 »
"I not 100% about what you are saying, but I get the jist. I think." Valentin chuckled lightly. "But, I do not think your analogy works perfectly. Because in your example, you are at fault for getting involved with a woman already involved in a relationship." Valentin shrugged with a smile. Both men paused as the announcement calling for the Staff meeting, and then the lunch menu, came across the ship's intercomms.
 "Well, it looks like the boss wants to see us. I get what you are saying. But I do think you need to ask yourself, are you sure you know her whole story?" Valentin's voice carried no hint of condescension or annoyance, simply curiosity. "Just keep it in mind to at least tone it down when the senior staff is around, da?" Valentin straightened himself  and began to walk in the direction of the staff room.
 Davideko took a few steps away when he stopped and turned back to Horvath. "Oh.. And you may want to be careful about calling someone a traitor. It carries a lot of weight."

   That prompted James to follow Valentin.  He got a little too close to Valentin, not to inentionally invade his personal space but because he was just so frustrated by his comrade's willingness to turn a blind eye.  "Stop right there.  I never called anyone a traitor.  I may not be hugging every Feddie who comes my way, but I sure as hell don't spit in their faces either.
   "But you're absolutely right... we shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with these people.  You may not remember it because you weren't here, but not long ago some of the men an women in this unit were trying to kill each other, and more often than not we succeeded.  Regardless of their personal stories or intentions, if some bounty hunter recognizes them as the wanted war criminals that they are, we're humped.  And while I believe Monica, Vince, Kate or any of the others would back me up in a fight, I can't help but think that they'll better-deal us if they get the chance.  It may not be out of spite, and it may not even be an easy choice for them... but they'll do what they have to do to survive.  So, if everyone else wants to ignore that possibility that's fine... I'll keep an eye out for you."
   As James walked past Valentin, he paused in the doorway leading to the hall.  "You'll never get an 'I told you so' from me.  I hope I'm wrong.  I hope it never comes to that.  But like it or not someone needs to keep watch.  I suggest you keep your eyes open, and not mistake caution for pathological hatred."  He clapped his fellow sergeant on the shoulder gently in an effort to try and lighten things a bit. "I'll see you at the briefing."

Raising his hand and waiting to be called on by the CO, Guy asked, "Sir, if it's that's bad, is it really such a good idea to spread the troops out like that?  It could cause morale problems when we eventually have to move to smaller quarters, and idle hands will be bad enough without giving them closed doors to hide behind."  Guy was thinking back to his college days on Blackjack, and the trouble the students who had managed to bribe their way into single rooms had gotten into.  Stills, gambling dens and cat houses were the least of the problems.  The cadre had been willing to look the other way over a certain level of vice, but it never stopped there.

   "I really don't see it as much of a problem, Guy.  It's really not that different from any of the on-base housing arrangements I've ever experienced.  What makes The Rock unique is that it's an entire military base under one roof.  It's actually more compact than typical army or air bases, as the buildings are not separated, but it is still several square miles of homes, offices, training facilities and repair facilities, and vehicle bays.  It's an underground city, and a very interesting place to live and work.  There are Segway transports and other vehicles for faster transport between buildings, but most of the areas we'll be inhabiting are arranged vertically.  The barracks, for example, is basically a twenty-story apartment building.  We won't be as spread out as you might think.
   "There are plenty of leisure activities to be had in New Dallas, and considering the base's security measures... face recognition checkpoints, chemical sniffers, thermal tracking, etc, I don't expect much trouble.  However, let it be known that unacceptable conduct outside the base will not be tolerated.  I don't have any special arrangements with the NDPD, so you will be subject to local laws.  Ms. Albin has been working with the Mayor's office to arrange for an array of activities every week, so you won't have to go to the same bar every night.  I have faith in your maturity and professionalism, so don't let me down."

[This picture is pretty close to how The Rock looks.  Instead of being a free-standing structure in the woods, the facility is in the base of a mountain.  The main white wall would be much wider and far taller, a sheer vertical rock face, and the entry way would be large enough to allow mechs to easily walk in and out.  It's not perfect, but it's a fairly close approximation. -GM]

Quote from: 3rdCrucisLancers
Whistler is not only a noted winner, he's a man's man, a generous philanthropist, a noted big game hunter, and a lover and a dancer. If he had a mustache it would be impeccably waxed. When he marches off to war, everyone else stays home.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #35 on: 04 December 2011, 18:10:57 »
Guy shrugged lightly and replied, "Roger that, sir."  This was one of those things the guys getting the big bucks were paid to figure out, so he let it go.  As mechwarriors his own troops would rate individual quarters anyway, so he really didn't have a dog in the fight.

Captain Vlad

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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #36 on: 04 December 2011, 18:40:01 »
Monica listens to the briefing with some interest.  Her mouth twitches a little as the Major goes on about not having an arrangement with the New Dallas PD.  That's something that she didn't have to deal with before her old unit met it's demise.  She can't decide if the threat of being arrested is refreshing or frightening. 

The Major mentions bars and such, as he would be advised to do given most mercs idea of recreation.  A brief moment of curiosity seizes her, though, since she has different ideas about how to enjoy herself.

"Sir, what's the local environment like otherwise?"  She asks.  She's seen the briefing materials of course, but temperature and atmosphere quality were just the tip of the iceberg.  "Any dangerous predators, or is fruit all poisonous or anything like that?"
« Last Edit: 04 December 2011, 18:41:33 by Captain Vlad »


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #37 on: 04 December 2011, 20:28:44 »
   "Fair question.  Loxley has a very diverse ecosystem, with plenty of large, hardy mammals.  In our AOO you're most likely to see Terran longhorns and similar creatures on massive ranches.  There are a number of large birds of prey, including the native Loxley griffin.  native birds have two sets of wings and prehensile tails, so you'll know them when you see them.  there are what most would recognize as moose, bears, and imported Terran dear in the woods and mountains, but the only truly dangerous wildlife is the razor wolf.  they're the size of Terran wolves, but their coats are made of quills similar to porcupine.  they're pack hunters, remarkably intelligent... locals call'em hellhounds.  aside from that, i would suggest you refrain from eating any plants in the wild, just in case.  do, however, try the rock lobster, which can be found in more upscale establishments... they're something of a local delicacy.
   "Expect it to be chilly most of the time.  It isn't Tharkad, but it's still a fairly cool climate.  The people are friendly, and the New Dallas metroplex has a population of 3.5 million.  I'll warn you, though, that you may have a bit of trouble with the local dialect... the accents can be challenging.  But don't worry, more information will be in your data packets."
   Justin picked up his datapad and punched in a few commands.  A second later, various ringtones could be heard from the crowd.
   "Tomorrow at 0600 we'll be starting some basic maneuvers... stretching our mech's legs, so to speak.  Captain Takeda will be running us through some parade drills and we'll start our first patrols.  Friday is the parade, with saturday being the official start of our garrison.  On the 25th, next wensday, we're going to start doing some force on force exercises, in preparation for a full battalion-level skirmish against the Metal Thunder's first battalion.  There will be plenty to keep us busy, ladies and gentlemen, and we'll be able to exercise our trigger fingers soon.
   "Tai-i, was there anything you wanted to add?"
« Last Edit: 05 December 2011, 15:32:40 by whistler »
Quote from: 3rdCrucisLancers
Whistler is not only a noted winner, he's a man's man, a generous philanthropist, a noted big game hunter, and a lover and a dancer. If he had a mustache it would be impeccably waxed. When he marches off to war, everyone else stays home.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #38 on: 05 December 2011, 12:19:21 »
“While the base may be staffed, we will be providing our own security.  Captain Takeda, Commander Hong Yu, Lt. Buggerman, and myself will be creating detailed duty rosters after I get a chance to familiarize them with the New Dallas area.  In all likelihood the Armored and Mechanized Cav will be split between base and city defense, rotating between various government and industrial instillation.  The Heavy Cav will patrol the city limits and the mountains, freeing the rest of the Metal Thunder to cover the various mining operations of strategic importance deeper in the mountains.  We're also going to be doing various PR and civil service jobs, starting with friday's parade.  After we march down to Sundance Square from the base we'll be meeting the locals... you know, letting the civies take pictures and get a close look at our mechs, cockpit tours, let the kids check out our gear, that kind of thing.  I'm sure you all went to unit parades or airshows when you were younger.  That evening there will also be a gala at the Sundance Hotel, which you will all be attending.”
   There were some groans from the crowd, but the reaction wasn't as negative as he had expected.     “Now before anyone starts bitchin', I'll tell you the same thing I told Captain Churchill.  Events like this are standard in Lyran space, and are posh affairs.  You'll be treated to top-notch food and drink, rub elbows with local nobility and celebrities, and generally have your ass kissed all night.  All you need to do shake hands with people who introduce themselves and thank them for their hospitality.  It's a party, and it'll be fun, so I don't want to hear complaints.
   “Oh, and before I forget you're not supposed to go to these soirees alone.  If you don't find a local or another Cavalier to partner up with for the night, Duke Samuel Norse has arranged for a variety of male and female escorts--”
   “Woohoo!”  Yelled someone hiding in the back of the room, which naturally got a laugh out of everyone.
   “Not that kind of escort.  Seriously, whatever you do don't try to bed anyone who's last name is Norse, McDowell, or Steiner-Latimer.  That's really not something I want to have to deal with.  I've included information on Lyran protocol in your briefings, and directions to the stores that will be providing our social attire.

 Having never attended a Lyran social function, the thought piqued Valentin's curiousity. This could be fun. That thought crashed hard when the Major mentioned "dates". Valentin watched as a few of the female members of the Cavalry looked for him. Damn it. I do not need this. Not that Valentin was not available, but Valentin had a rule about fraternizing with co-workers., even if the unit did not. It could be hard enough co-existing in a military unit without adding any more complications. Valentin shrugged inwardly. Maybe I have thrown out enough hints that I am not interested. Sure.. And maybe I could dropkick an Atlas.
"The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."
~Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #39 on: 08 December 2011, 14:03:06 »
Tai-I Takeda nodded slightly.  "There will be an inspection Thursday at sixteen hundred hours to ensure that everyone is parade ready.  I suggest highly, that you get with your technical staff to ensure that everything is in readiness."

Picking up another sheet of paper, Ken continued.  "I have also engaged the services of an etiquette tutor, who will be here Thursday at Noon to conduct a class in local customs and general social expectations.  This class is not mandatory, but is also highly recommended.  It will be hard enough to avoid misunderstandings that we should at least strive to avoid unintentional insults based on ignorance of local mores."

"Finally, I will have the information on the local escorts available in my office for anyone who wishes to have a hand in selecting their companion for the evening, should they not already have other arrangements.  Needless to say, these ladies and gentlemen, while hired companions, are NOT prostitutes and any disrespect WILL have consequences, am I completely clear?  Good.  How your evening ends is entirely up to you and your companion, so long as it is by mutual agreement and with proper respect shown.  You may inform your personnel that drinking is permitted at the function, so long as proper decorum is observed.   It may also be useful to note that there are several training functions scheduled for the following morning, including extended physical training."  He paused and looked up from his notes.  "Hangovers will NOT be considered a sufficient medical excuse to miss training, so please keep that in mind, should you choose to indulge."

Captain Vlad

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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #40 on: 08 December 2011, 20:38:59 »
Monica waits until Takeda is finished.  The etiquette class sounds like a horrible, boring idea.  She'll probably go anyway, for curiosities sake if nothing else.  Still, the function they were supposed to attend...

"Tai-I..."  She says.  It's unfamiliar on her tongue, and before now she'd just thought of him as Captain.  " we actually have to have a date for this thing?  We can't go stag?"


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #41 on: 08 December 2011, 23:13:39 »
Ken thought about it for a moment.  "Unfortunately, I am unfamiliar with the finer points of Lyran protocol regarding such events.  I would have to defer that question's answer either to Major Radcliffe, as a Lyran Native, or ask you to take the matter up with the etiquette specialist at Thursday's class session.  Combine protocol would have the matter dependent on the wording on the invitation.  Worded as: "You and an escort are invited." would state that a companion was expected.  whereas, "You are invited" while asking for an RSVP requesting number of attendees leaves the matter open to your discretion."

He shrugged.  "But as we are not in the Combine, matters may be different."

Captain Vlad

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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #42 on: 09 December 2011, 00:11:18 »
"Yes, sir," she answers.  Her eyes dart around the assembly for a second or two.  Valentin already has some of the other women whispering to each other, and he looked as suddenly awkward as she felt.  He wasn't the only one, either, though she saw more than one couple sneaking glances, too.  Well, more power to them, but she didn't really know anyone here well enough for this kind of thing...and the thought of a hired escort seems downright odd.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #43 on: 09 December 2011, 05:42:19 »
Guy grinned slightly at the mention of escorts.  At least the training on Blackjack had been broad enough to cover these kinds of situations.  When the XO said he'd give the troops a choice, he pulled out his data pad to make an appointment as early as possible.  It paid to have as broad a selection as possible in these matters.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #44 on: 09 December 2011, 16:49:54 »
   "Yes, Donnelson, you have to have an escort.  You'll be expected to stand in line with him and be introduced, with all the politicians, nobles, and celebrities.  After you're announced and shake hands with the Duke you join the rest of the party.  At that point you and your escort can even part ways, though I suggest you stick together.  They can tell you who people are and generally keep you from doing anything stupid.  You can laugh, but these people are professionals.  The entire thing is an exercise in noble hospitality and currying favor with the Battlemech regiment occupying the planet.  It's the height of Lyran morality-sidestepping... why let your own sons and daughters put their lives on the line when you can pay someone else to spill their blood for you? 
   “I understand some of you not wanting to make life complicated, but the fact is this is protocol.  It's professional.  Going with someone in the unit is no different than going into a fight with one of your lancemates, but if you can't handle it we've got the pros to help us out.
   “Any other questions?”
Quote from: 3rdCrucisLancers
Whistler is not only a noted winner, he's a man's man, a generous philanthropist, a noted big game hunter, and a lover and a dancer. If he had a mustache it would be impeccably waxed. When he marches off to war, everyone else stays home.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #45 on: 10 December 2011, 15:23:11 »
"I have a question sir." Valentin waited to be recognized before continuing. "Does Loxley posses any aberrant planetary mechanics we will have to acclimate to? I mean does Loxley have a twenty-four hour 'day'? Things of that nature. I only ask because I have read where vastly different planetary mechanics can cause psychological, even physical effects upon visitors to such a planet, at least until they acclimatize. At the least, it can cause confusion. Ever thought you were getting off duty at 'midnight', when according to the planet you are on it is actually 0300, and everything is closed?"
"The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."
~Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #46 on: 10 December 2011, 18:49:21 »
   "Another good question.  Loxley has almost the same rotational period as Terra... just shy of 25 hours.  If you ever hear a local refer to 'stoppage time', it's the few extra seconds added to every hour so we can  run on Inner Sphere Standard Time (ISST).  The orbital period is almost the same as Terra's as well, so the ISST calender is commonly used.  This was one of the reasons Loxley was settled in the first place... the gravity, climate, weather, and seasons are all quite similar to those experienced in the British Isles.  As you're aware, since the day we arrived in-system we've been adjusting to the New Dallas timezone, so when you step off the Son at midnight it'll actually feel like midnight.  I may have mentioned this already but Loxley's atmosphere has a noticeably higher oxygen content than standard, which is actually quite convenient for us as we'll be spending a good deal of time in the mountains.  For the first day or two you may feel a bit... giddy.  Your brain will adjust.  You may also notice some improvement in your physical endurance.  It's great, until you ship out and are sucking down DropShip air like a madman to avoid feeling like you're suffocating."
Quote from: 3rdCrucisLancers
Whistler is not only a noted winner, he's a man's man, a generous philanthropist, a noted big game hunter, and a lover and a dancer. If he had a mustache it would be impeccably waxed. When he marches off to war, everyone else stays home.


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #47 on: 11 December 2011, 13:01:01 »
   "Another good question.  Loxley has almost the same rotational period as Terra... just shy of 25 hours.  If you ever hear a local refer to 'stoppage time', it's the few extra seconds added to every hour so we can  run on Inner Sphere Standard Time (ISST).  The orbital period is almost the same as Terra's as well, so the ISST calender is commonly used.  This was one of the reasons Loxley was settled in the first place... the gravity, climate, weather, and seasons are all quite similar to those experienced in the British Isles.  As you're aware, since the day we arrived in-system we've been adjusting to the New Dallas timezone, so when you step off the Son at midnight it'll actually feel like midnight.  I may have mentioned this already but Loxley's atmosphere has a noticeably higher oxygen content than standard, which is actually quite convenient for us as we'll be spending a good deal of time in the mountains.  For the first day or two you may feel a bit... giddy.  Your brain will adjust.  You may also notice some improvement in your physical endurance.  It's great, until you ship out and are sucking down DropShip air like a madman to avoid feeling like you're suffocating."

 "Very good sir. Nice things to know." Valentin made a quick mental note to do some research on how, and if, increased oxygen levels would affect metabolism and other health issues. Once actually on Loxley, and he can get back to his full aerobic and calisthenic exercise regimens, he would have to monitor himself. Also, Valentin had agreed to help some of the other members of the Cav with their fitness regimens. It is actually going to take quite a bit of work actually. Need to get on that. But I do have at least one other task on my agenda for now. Valentin waited patiently for the Major's briefing to be over. Once it was over, he needed to speak to Captain Takeda.
"The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."
~Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: Heart of the Storm: The Continuing Adventures of the Heavy Cav
« Reply #48 on: 11 December 2011, 13:44:07 »
Ken nodded and jotted down another note.  "Indeed, a good question.  One I had not thought to ask myself.    The higher oxygen count will have other effects as well.  Most immediately notable, other than personal health effects, will be the flammability index, and the intensity of any fires we encounter or set.  This will be especially of note for anyone doing maintenance work or otherwise in proximity to any combustibles, as well as any of our troops using flamers or Inferno rounds.  Training, especially live fire exercises will have to be scheduled with this in mind as well.  It certainly wouldn't do to burn several hundred acres of local woodland by accident."