* VERSION: First pdf edition
* LOCATION: Page 62, "Third Amaris Legionnaires (Red Dot Riders), second paragraph
* THE ERROR: The entry states that the 3rd Amaris Legionnaires were formed by President Selanta Amaris as part of her cousin's military buildup (presumably Tadeo Amaris) and that they fought anti-Amaris rebels on Vulture's Nest in 2635. The 2635 date doesn't look correct to me because of the following other data points: The only date we have for Selanta Amaris' birth is from the original Periphery sourcebook, which describes her as being a baby in 2622 (page 47) and which describes a council ruling in her place until she reached her majority, so she would only have been ca. 13 years old by the encounter on Vulture's Nest in 2635. If the buildup referred to is that conducted by Tadeo Amaris, then that's reported in the Periphery sourcebook (page 47) as having happened between 2649 and 2651, when he was regent and while Selanta was too ill to server as president; this ties in with the The Star League (p. 56) and Era Report 2750 (p 26) and presuming that this is the cousin and the military buildup referred to, then this makes the Vulture's Nest encounter ca. 15 years too early.
* THE CORRECTION: Change the date of the encounter on Vulture's Nest to a later date - something like 2655.
Also, and I'm not sure that this counts as errata, but this entry on the 3rd Amaris Legionnaires in ER:2750 describes them as having been "formed" during this Star League era military buildup, but the 3rd Amaris Legionnaires existed during the Reunification War according to Historical: Reunification War p. 154, which has them being destroyed on Stirling in 2583, so it might be better to use another word in place of "formed" - possibly "reactivated"?