Author Topic: Era Report: 2750  (Read 18955 times)


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #30 on: 30 August 2013, 06:01:00 »
PDF, p16

Sidebar "The Star League Expeditionary Force", 1st paragraph reads:

"Over 100 HAF regiments formed the core of the SLDF. Approximately 100 additional regiments were drawn from House militaries, bringing the SLDF to almost 300 regiments by 2575."

I suggest that the above sentences be corrected to read:

"Over 100 HAF regiments formed the core of the SLDF. Approximately 100 additional regiments were drawn from House militaries, and with ongoing recruiting and force expansion bringing the SLDF to almost 300 regiments by 2575."

I believe that, even allowing for FASA-nomics, "over 100" plus "approximately 100" should equal "almost 200"

EDIT - correction amended to reflect Cray's comments below.

« Last Edit: 31 August 2013, 06:10:15 by Feenix74 »
Incoming fire has the right of way.

The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.

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                                   - excepts from Murphy's Laws of Combat


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #31 on: 30 August 2013, 11:14:47 »
"Over 100 regiments" plus "approximately 100 regiments" and ongoing recruiting to the new force can easily lead to "300 regiments."
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

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Disclaimer: Anything stated in this post is unofficial and non-canon unless directly quoted from a published book. Random internet musings of a BattleTech writer are not canon.


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #32 on: 31 December 2013, 00:44:48 »
PDF, p4:

"Overlord-class DropShip SLS Ascendant
New Silesia, Star’s End System
Rim Worlds Republic
17 February 2751

The Overlord wasn't introduced until 2762, as per TRO3057R p52, which is eleven years after Simon Cameron died. I suggest changing the DropShip class to a Dictator to keep it as a roughly comparable vessel.


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #33 on: 09 June 2014, 10:52:21 »
Page 146, Assault BattleMechs, Lyran Commonwealth:
Replace the 4 row with: "BNC-3E Banshee [95] (3039)"

dirty harry

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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #34 on: 28 June 2014, 13:04:48 »
Page 128/129, game setup:
I cannot find any details declaring the placement of troops or from where they should enter.

This could lead to very unfunny situations like Davions entering through the Draconis home map edge right into the back of the defenders or the heaviest DCMS units placed in the last row of their home map with the Davions entering from their home edge forced to run through the entire town - unable to see those units not to mention killing them within 6 turns (required for objective 1).

Same goes for all other Touchpoints but this might be the most severe.

Random assignment table aerospace fighters, page 147:
Every single SYD-21 Seydlitz is said to be weighing 25 tons.
It weighs only 20 tons.

Change SYD-21 Seydlitz [25] (3039U)
to SYD-21 Seydlitz [20] (3039U)

Random assignment table, vehicles, page 147:
Row 12, heavy shows an Augustus MBT [85] (3085U).
This tank weighs only 75 tons, otherwise it would be an assault vehicle.
Change to: Augustus MBT [75] (3085U)
« Last Edit: 29 June 2014, 12:56:18 by dirty harry »


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #35 on: 05 July 2020, 06:15:49 »
Mission Probe, page 115:

The sum of all bonuses isn't 75 (as had written at the bottom Note), but 100 WP.

PS: It's better to change Rain Storm bonus to +25 instead of +50, because if we'll change 75 and 100 at the bottom note, there would be "Probe in Force" as rewardable as the "Probe" mission. What is wrong, IMHO.


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #36 on: 15 July 2022, 03:53:30 »
Under Mission: Defense, Salvage section: swap "Attacker" and "Defender" in description.


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #37 on: 13 April 2023, 08:29:35 »
* VERSION: First pdf edition
* LOCATION: Page 62, "Third Amaris Legionnaires (Red Dot Riders), second paragraph
* THE ERROR: The entry states that the 3rd Amaris Legionnaires were formed by President Selanta Amaris as part of her cousin's military buildup (presumably Tadeo Amaris) and that they fought anti-Amaris rebels on Vulture's Nest in 2635. The 2635 date doesn't look correct to me because of the following other data points: The only date we have for Selanta Amaris' birth is from the original Periphery sourcebook, which describes her as being a baby in 2622 (page 47) and which describes a council ruling in her place until she reached her majority, so she would only have been ca. 13 years old by the encounter on Vulture's Nest in 2635. If the buildup referred to is that conducted by Tadeo Amaris, then that's reported in the Periphery sourcebook (page 47) as having happened between 2649 and 2651, when he was regent and while Selanta was too ill to server as president; this ties in with the The Star League (p. 56) and Era Report 2750 (p 26) and presuming that this is the cousin and the military buildup referred to, then this makes the Vulture's Nest encounter ca. 15 years too early.
* THE CORRECTION: Change the date of the encounter on Vulture's Nest to a later date - something like 2655.

Also, and I'm not sure that this counts as errata, but this entry on the 3rd Amaris Legionnaires in ER:2750 describes them as having been "formed" during this Star League era military buildup, but the 3rd Amaris Legionnaires existed during the Reunification War according to Historical: Reunification War p. 154, which has them being destroyed on Stirling in 2583, so it might be better to use another word in place of "formed" - possibly "reactivated"?

It's more interesting than optimal, and therefore better. O0 - Weirdo


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #38 on: 29 May 2023, 05:30:39 »
* VERSION: First PDF edition
* LOCATION: Page 93, "Xatt Dague"

* THE ERROR: Under Rank/Title, it says Xatt Dague was commander of the 4th Amaris Dragoons until 2775. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, released the same year (2012), states Colonel Armstrong Duket was the commander of the Fourth during the Coup in 2766 and that previously, General Javier Park had been its commander before being promoted at that time.

* THE CORRECTION: Change the end year Dague was in command to something earlier, like c. 2760. (or double check that it wasn't meant to be another unit Dague was commanding)


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Re: Era Report: 2750
« Reply #39 on: 27 December 2024, 13:01:09 »
Page 152.

The context: The overall cost for the Lyran Commonwealth affiliation module is 150 XP, with 45 of that being in the base affiliation, meaning the sub-affiliations should all be 105 XP.

The error: The Tamar Pact sub-affiliation is only 95 XP.

The correction: I recommend boosting Career/Any to 20 XP (from 10), but there are, of course, any of a number of different ways to add the missing 10 XP.