They were pushed into throwing a hissy fit over sharing the Brian Cache they found? Pushed to declare independence? Sabotaged? No. They were stupid. They lost BOTH of their trial of refusals (one for the Raven incident and the other for the Jade Falcon incident). Under Clan law and tradition she had lost, PERIOD. SHE made the decision to make her Clan independent and sealed their fate herself, rather than succumb to Kerensky's plea for a Trial of Grievance, where she probably could have won. The Clan was strong, no doubt about that, but they chose a childish way to deal with it (AMERICA IN SPAAAAAAACE!!!!). Her statements complain about torture and overthrowing the pentagons but she had no problem fighting under the Clan banner. I don't believe either side of the story, but I'll tell you one thing, Wolverine did it to themselves.
What you're going off is the fabricated history by Nicholas Kerensky. Everything we had on the Wolverine Annihilation was a lie.
In short:
-McEvedy was in love with Andery Kerensky. She used to be great friends with Nicholas as well, but grew distant once she believed he murdered his brother to secure power over the Clans.
-The caste system was supposed to be temporary, and Nicholas promised to relax it. When they began to let their civilians pick their own castes, Nicholas came down on them.
-The Wolverines had the best economy and the best warriors. They also advanced their tech base over the other Clans, making the prototypes that would become the Clan ER PPC and Omnimech
-McEvedy saved the Widowmaker Khan during Klondike. Because he was embarrassed, he pulled strings and, combined with the jealousy the other Clans had over the advantages the Wolverines had above, turned the Clans against the Wolverines.
-The Brian Cache had nothing to with the Ravens. The Jade Falcons actually invaded Wolverine territory and stole the cache, claiming it as theirs. The Wolverines allowed it to remain peaceful.
-Nicholas went along with the beatdown of all the Clans ganing up on the Wolverines, and created the Trial of Absorption to get rid of the Wolverines. When it became clear their Clan had no hope of having a fair trial, they decided to leave.
-Widowmaker warriors dressed as Wolverines steal a nuke from the Brian Cache the Jade Falcons illegitimately took from the Wolverines. The Widowmakers then hide it in a Wolverine city and detonate it, murdering untold Wolverine civilians and making it look like the Wolverines nuked their own people.
-Nicholas orders a Trial of Annihilation and orders the Snow Ravens to nuke the Wolverines. When the Wolverines shoot down the aerospace fighter, it blows up on the Ravens. The Ravens nuked
-It turns out Nicholas knew what was going on the whole time, and let it all happen...because, you know, he's evil.
There's a lot of other things the Clan books outright lie about, but that's the gist. For example, there never was any Bear/Wolf rivalry. The Ghost Bear let some Wolverines go because they're children- not out of spite. There's also the fact that the Watch was created 200-300 years earlier than stated, and were conceived to spy on the Wolverines...the Wolverines resist making their own Watch because it's dishonourable.