Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 328079 times)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #840 on: 21 November 2014, 11:09:18 »
Able is trying to reform the Rim Collection as Rim Republic or perhaps as hybrid faction called the Rim Cluster?  It will be interesting developments to come along, once the evil Society arrives century later with their warmachine to civilize the Inner Sphere!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #841 on: 21 November 2014, 22:46:43 »
Got to give Able credit for trying, but I think they got to big to fast and well Clan Troops are what going to protect them at the moment, and not sure I see the Rim Collection really being okay with that.

And I don't have a view that Virgin Interstellar storyline should be pulled, but I do hope that the real accident isn't a deathnote to the civilian space programs.  Besides I honestly think if Richard Branson was reading this, he get a good laugh at your take on his distant kin.  Kinda like his tv ads
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #842 on: 22 November 2014, 21:35:23 »
Only thing bothers me is the Clans in the Collection should be repulsed by the idea of resurrecting the Rim Worlds Republic.  Their ancestors were the ones who fought them tooth and nails was main reason the original Star League fell.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #843 on: 22 November 2014, 23:51:53 »
Got to give Able credit for trying, but I think they got to big to fast and well Clan Troops are what going to protect them at the moment, and not sure I see the Rim Collection really being okay with that.

And I don't have a view that Virgin Interstellar storyline should be pulled, but I do hope that the real accident isn't a deathnote to the civilian space programs.  Besides I honestly think if Richard Branson was reading this, he get a good laugh at your take on his distant kin.  Kinda like his tv ads

The Rim Collection is also getting used to the idea of the Clanners in their territory.  Unfortunately unless they were willing to go nuke happy on Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga, even after the fighting on All Dawn, still have enough firepower to hold out indefinitely against the Rim Collection on its own.

Only thing bothers me is the Clans in the Collection should be repulsed by the idea of resurrecting the Rim Worlds Republic.  Their ancestors were the ones who fought them tooth and nails was main reason the original Star League fell.

They fought tooth and nail against Amaris and his loyal supporters.  It's true that the SLDF gutted the Rim Worlds Republic but that was to wipe out all traces of Amaris once that was accomplished they pretty much left the rest of the population.  Quite a few of the Khans came from the Rim Worlds Republic because they supported Kerensky and he was smart enough to realize they were loyal.

At the moment Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga, for all its successes of late, they are a people on life support.  They have two worlds that are outright theirs.  Some of their industry survived the trip because they planned to leave the Homeworlds before things turned really nasty but they still need the Rim Collection's labour, trade and support to prosper.  Causing too much noise or trouble for the Rim Collection's leadership could result in the periphery state turning to the Lyrans and doing a deal which frankly Faraday-Tanaga couldn't survive.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #844 on: 23 November 2014, 00:00:59 »
Solaris City, Solaris VII
Star League Protectorate, Lyran Commonwealth
8th July 3093

   On the world of Solaris VII the Twenty-first annual Star League Games was being fought in the massive Star League Stadium.  It had been a long fought battle but now only three competitors remained one from the Lyran Commonwealth, another Clan Sea Fox and the last from the Draconis Combine each had fought well and the crowd had loved the battle.

   Outside the stadium there was another entirely different battle being fought as Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'s Wolf Spider Keshik were engaging the Ghosts of the Abyss mercenary command who were repairing their damaged equipment and pick up supplies from the Game World.  The clansmen had ignored all civilized engagement rules and chased the mercenaries into the city turning it into a massive arena as BattleMechs fought for dominance.

   In a running battle the two forces had caused heavy damage to each other and Solaris City.  SLDF peacekeeping forces from the First and Third Royal Battle Armour Military Police Battalions were moving in on all sides clearing out civilian forces.  As the rogue mercenary command turned away from the Wolves they ran straight through the First Royal Battle Armour smashing the scattered command as it attempted to assist civilians caught in the cross-fire.  Desperate to chase the mercenaries the Exile command initially also engaged the SLDF Battle Armour force however after a few exchanges saKhan Ranna Kerensky brokered a truce with the SLDF commander of the Third Battalion bringing peace to the streets.  Unfortunately this truce allowed the remaining Ghosts of the Abyss forces to slip past SLDF customs overrunning a cargo DropShip which they used to slip into the civilian traffic around the planet.

   Stuck on Solaris VII for three weeks the next that saKhan Ranna Kerensky hears of the Ghosts of the Abyss in a Star League Intelligence Command report delivered to Solaris that states the Ghosts of the Abyss have entered the former Free Worlds League.  The SLDF commander on Solaris shares this information with Ranna in an attempt to show their pursuit is meaningless however it only drives Ranna on.  Lifting off of Solaris VII she orders the Arc Royal, her attending WarShip, to return to the Clan while taking the remains of her unit by civilian JumpShip into the Free Worlds League.

The Serpent's Wave 4
Clan Occupation Zones
Inner Sphere
14th July 3093

   Leaderless since the loss of the Perigrad Zalman The Serpent's smart move would be to hold their positions and dig in however this is a strategy as alien to The Serpents as it was to the Clans during the initial invasion.  Not used to sitting on the territory they hold the Serpents attempt to break out of their held territory launching attacks on Somerset and Bone-Norman in the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone and Harvest in the Hell's Horses Occupation Zone.  On each they find battle hardened front-line units of both Clans which completely destroy the four Clusters sent against them forcing back their support units.

   With these reversions and the defence of Rasalhague behind them the Rasalhague Dominion liberate the worlds of Thule, Damien and Holmsbu liberating all three capturing nearly six throusand civilians as The Serpents defenders buckle under the concentrated attack of several Rasalhague Dominion clusters.  With Clan Wolf showing little interest in the worlds it had lost to The Serpents the Rasalhague Dominion's First and Second Polar Bear Assault Clusters of Epsilon Galaxy land on Skallevoll liberating it to from the Serpent's forces claiming the former Wolf world for the Rasalhague Dominion.

Naval Trials
New Barcella, Varnay Anchorage
Nova Cat's Den, Periphery
21st July 3093

   Following years of fighting with little replenishment the Nova Cat Naval Arm had looked in better shape.  The Drake-class Corvette had been the first step in the Nova Cat's planned revival filling gaps in the Naval Stars where lighter units had been lost.  The next step was the launch of a larger class the Liger Strike Carrier with the final design weighting in at over nine hundred thousand tons.

   Capable of carrying one hundred and fifty aerospace fighters and four assault DropShips the ship's task was to provide aerospace fighter support and additional firepower where any of the Clan's units required it.  Clan Nova Cat's Khans and senior Star Admiral planned for one Liger-class vessel to be assigned to each of the Nova Cat's Naval Stars while another would be directly attached to the Clan flagship the Severn Lervoux.  At the same time Nova Cat scientists and design teams began planning a new Destroyer-class vessel based on an updated Star League-era Lola III design intending on having it fill out the Clan's Naval Stars and Escort formations going forward.

   To accommodate and support these changes the Nova Cat's also opened aerospace training grounds in the Varnay Anchorage and Fletcher's Feast systems while doubling all aerospace sibkos and intensifying training programs to ensure the Nova Cats were ready for these new ships.  As the Liger and the Tiglon were new ships to the fleet one was sent to the Varnay Anchorage system while the other was kept within the New Barcella system their crews told to ensure that both vessels received full shakedown cruises before receiving assignments.

Junkyard Dogs Scout Patrol
Koniz, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
23rd July 3093

   Lieutenant Brian Coulson walked his Timber Wolf OmniMech through the heavy trees six kilometres north of Koniz capital Ogstrenburg.  They were on a scouting/raiding mission intended on probing Jade Falcon defences for weaknesses hidden in the mountains to the north was their DropShip a modified Leopard-class DropShip, the Dog House.

   “Oh crap we got contact!”  Stanley Wrigley called out, that hadn't been part of the plan.

   “Apple, call it out” Coulson called back Stanley's lighter Bushwacker was further ahead of his bigger Mech.

   “Incoming vehicles and there's lots of them.”  He responded as his position was suddenly peppered with several flights of missiles.

   “All right, we're CODE ORANGE, get the hell out of here.  Dog House, this is Terrace, we are CODE ORANGE prepare for evac.”

   “Dog House to Terrace, confirm ORANGE call” the DropShip commander called out an ORANGE call was that they'd been detected and engaged but had lost no-one so far.

   “Confirmed, we are are evading, conventional forces only at present.”  He said sighting an unfamiliar vehicle moving in on his position rapidly.  “Let's see how you like this” he said judging where it would be striking out with one of his large laser burning down the side of the vehicle.  Amazingly it kept coming.  “You've got to be kidding me” he cursed seeing the small wheeled vehicle turn towards him firing off a flight of missiles pocketing his Mech's armour.  As it closed he cut in his medium pulse lasers as well finding more solid armour at the front.  Moment's later the vehicle disappeared in a ball of flame as Lucas “Thud” Jameson's Maelstorm turned on it with a mass of laser and particle cannon fire.  “If it's that small and it take's two of us let's get the hell out of here” Coulson suggested as his Mech began to rock gently he noticed some armour loss then moments later another tap his target was over eight hundred metres away peppering his location with autocannon fire.  Beside it he saw another vehicle which was the same peppering Sarah “Sticks” Wrigley's Black Hawk KU.  “We need to pull back, Apple, shift your ass” Coulson ordered taking a long shot at one of the autocannon armed vehicles with his laser only just missing.  The vehicle and its partner continued to fire on his position.

   “I'm coming” Apple replied as the Bushwacker retreated “we have incoming VTOLs as well.” he warned.

   “Thud, Sticks fall back I'll cover”

   “Sir, you can't hold on your own” Thud warned

   “Trust me I've no plans in holding” he said firing on the autocannon vehicle again this time hitting his target causing a nasty burn over the front of the vehicle.  In the air four VTOLs approached each had a pair of large blades with a large forward cannon.  Coulson watched as the VTOLs dived down on the retreating Bushwacker the cannons spitting out autocannon shells tearing into the Medium Mech triggering both Long Range Missile Racks on his Timber Wolf Coulson's fire tore into the side of one of the VTOLs separating the lifting blade from the side of the vehicle.  The craft spun out of control its autocannon firing wildly as it fell.

   “Oh hell I've lost the right hip!”  Apple called out the right leg of his Bushwacker frozen in place as the aircraft pounded him with fire.

   “Sticks, Thud I need cover fire, Apple, get your harpoon ready!”  Coulson called out.

   “Terrace you have got to be kidding me, I'm in my fracking Mech!”  The warrior called back the Harpoon was a specially modified gauss pistol with an extra strong guide wire attached.  The idea was that if a MechWarrior was downed and on the ground they could use the pistol to get themselves onto a Mech that was nearby and evacuate.  However the idea was for the Mech to be standing perfectly still and for there not to be a battle going on around them.

   “It's that or you surrender to the Falcons”

   “Nice choice” Apple replied striking down one of the enemy VTOLs with his autocannon “I'm ready, don't like this boss.”

   “No surprise, I'm in position” Coulson said beside his Timber Wolf both Sticks and Thud had moved back into position near his Timber Wolf.  “Com'on no time like the present.”

   “This idea stinks!”  Apple called out as he pulled his ejection handles blowing away cockpit canopy sending his ejection chair hundreds of feet into the air.

   “I got a good track” Sticks said little surprise she had tracked the chair closely, that was her husband's ejection.  “Good chute, good chute” Sticks said

   “Apple, you read me?”  Coulson asked praying the warrior was still conscious.

   “Roger Terrace, I see you” Apple replied as the chair fell through the air “I'm in range” he said in the air around the falling chair there was flying munitions and enemy units but he kept his focus on the back of the Timber Wolf OmniMech.  “Taking the shot” moments later Coulson felt a tap on the rear of Mech “damn it actually worked!”  Apple shouted as he began to pull in the reel.

   Brian Coulson smiled not expecting this to work he felt the Timber Wolf sway slightly when the wire and its connecting parachutes attached to his Mech.  As Apple began to reel in he could feel a pull as the parachutes caught the wind.

   “Cutting the chutes” Apple reported Coulson felt his Mech rock slightly as the chutes fell away and then the warrior hit the back of the Mech “in one piece, boss this isn't fun.”  He complained.

   “You're alive now hang the hell on” Coulson said putting his Mech into a reverse walk “Sticks, Thud walk it back.” he said together three three reversed their Mechs away from the hoards of Jade Falcon vehicles fortunately no Mechs had arrived yet.  “Into the trees we'll lose them there” he said the more trees they walked past the harder it would be for the vehicles to get close to them.

   “Terrace, Dog House, we're making our way clear of the Falcons “ground and VTOL air units encountered no Mechs.  We have 3 Mechs and 4 MechWarriors make sure you're ready for us.”

   “We're standing by” Captain Svetlana Gritsenko replied

   Jade Falcon missiles and autocannon fire continued to slam into the woods smashing trees and starting minor fires but causing little in the way of damage to the Junkyard Dogs Mechs.  They slowed slightly allowing Standley Wrigley to climb into Coulson's Mech the loss of the Bushwacker was a quarter of their strength but at least the pilot was alive and well.

   For almost eight hours the Junkyard Dogs avoided Jade Falcon patrols as Mechs and Battle Armour joined the search for the mercenaries.  Slowly they circled around and back to the Dog House which was hidden near a mountainside strip.  Waiting another six days the Dog House allowed the Jade Falcon security presence to die down before taking off at the same time as a Jade Falcon trader DropShip following that ships trajectory into orbit the Dog House was able to escape the atmosphere and rendezvous with their support JumpShip which was hidden at a pirate point.

Capellan Confederation Raid-in-Force
Zurich, Capellan March
Federated Suns
25th July 3093

   The Capellan Confederation's Warrior House Ma-Tsu Kai lead an assault Zurich in the Federated Suns Capellan March supported by the Third Capellan Defence Force.  Finding the Federated Suns WarShip assigned to the system on rotation to Saiph assisting with the AFFS evacuation of that world.  On the ground they find the New Hessen Armoured Scouts Mercenary Regiment and the Tenth and Eleventh Syrtis Fusiliers LCTs.  The mercenary command holds the main line while the two Light Combat Teams flank the enemies hitting their support and supply units.  Unable to maintain their lines of support the Capellans retreat in disarray from Zurich.
« Last Edit: 23 November 2014, 01:00:44 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #845 on: 23 November 2014, 00:34:13 »
Which CC Warrior House is involved in the raid on Zurich. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #846 on: 23 November 2014, 01:01:15 »
Which CC Warrior House is involved in the raid on Zurich. O0

Ma-Tsu Kai my apologies I thought that was in has been fixed
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #847 on: 23 November 2014, 01:24:15 »
Doubt the Serpents can hold out long at this rate with the Adders already jumping ship....

More worried about the them even more time to rebuild and create new terrors is pretty scary in my book.
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #848 on: 26 November 2014, 09:35:03 »
Khan's Office, Clan Nova Cat Command
Phillip Drummond City, New Barcella
Nova Cat's Den, Periphery
9th August 3093

   His youth was behind him Khan Canin Rosse knew this even if others still saw a man as fit as many twenty years his junior.  The long journey to Tukayyid for the Clan Council and then back again had taken much out of him even with the Snow Ravens allowing the Severn Leroux to travel through the Raven Alliance on their return journey.

   Now he had a mountain of paperwork to look at and yet another request to begin full offensive operations against the Filtvelt Coalition by some of his commanders.  The discovery of Bartrock and Valois had given the Nova Cats new ground to use and to explore already there was promising signs on Bartrock of natural resources the Nova Cats could mine and use in construction and research.  But this effort although celebrated within the Clan was not enough for most Elson West and Katrine Devalis were among the most vocal however others were beginning to call for additional operations.

   Activating his computer system Khan Canin Rosse noticed that there was a message waiting for him opening it he noticed it was from the Planetary HPG.  Only the other Khans would send him a message directly why they hadn't sent it directly to his WarShip was beyond him.  Opening the message he awaited the ceremony that accompanied these messages from which ever Clan it was as they gave him the usual introduction of well wishes but warning of not to judge their friendship as weakness etc, etc.  As he leaned back Canin was suddenly surprised to see the crest of the Taurian Concordat what they wanted with him was anyone's guess.  Moments later the bullhead symbol was replaced with a familiar image.

   “Father” she said “as you can see I am doing well.”

   “Sonja” Canin whispered looking at his daughter saying her name felt good even though there was no way for her to hear him.

   “I have chosen through my own free will to come to Taurus is Protector Erik Martens-Calderon.  They have not mistreated me here although their ways are strange and their contractions are deplorable” she joked smiling.  This was not the woman who had informed her Khan, 'her Khan' Canin through his daughter had been very deliberate in her use of his title when they last spoke now there was no mention of it...

   “Father, I wanted you to know that I chose to come here not because of a vision or because I could bring glory to our Clan but because I wanted to for me.  My heart brought me here.  You will remember eight years ago I and Erik were stranded together we were forged as one by combat against a pirate force.  When you came to Taurus I knew that on that day I had to return with you or a war would have followed that would have devastated the Taurian people and our own.  You knew this as well but because of who I am you were willing to despite all the caution you have taken with our Clan in the past.”  She said in the Clans caution was often looked down on however it had served the Nova Cats better than many other strategies had.  Canin Rosse often wondered what would have happened if they Clan had joined the Smoke Jaguars and invaded the Inner Sphere.

   “Now I send you this message not because the Protector has asked me to but because I want you and mother to know I am alive and... happy.  For the first time in many years I can serve a purpose that I wish for myself and for my future husband.”  She said Canin Rosse stared at the screen in shock he and Yvonne were “married” a very loose term in Clan society and although it was well known that they stayed together few Nova Cats, even his worse enemies, payed much thought to it.  Looking at his daughter he knew that her use of the term was meant as something else “as a result of my choice I have chosen to remain on Taurus permanently.  I do not wish for Clan Nova Cat to come looking for me, my Khan, I wish to live my life.  I also do not want you or mother to worry for me, this is my choice, I want this more than you will ever likely know.”  She said moving slightly in her chair “I wish you and mother a long life and an honourable death. I hope we never come to blows however know this Nova Cat Khan that should that happen I will willingly fight alongside and die alongside the Taurian people.”  The tone of her words had changed she was now more official, more like the Sonja Rosse that Canin had come to know, more determined than before.

   The news of the defection of Sonja Rosse took almost a week to reach Canin's rivals within the Nova Cats and they did not mess around calling for a Trial of Refusal against the Khan.  Despite feeling the years catching him Canin Rosse was still a very able MechWarrior and hand-to-hand warrior defeating a total of three Nova Cats one in a Trial of Refusal then two further in separate Circles of Equals.  Unable to defeat the Khan in battle Canin's rivals knew that with Grayson Rosse dead and Sonja gone once the Khan past his line would go with him.

Border skirmish
Andurien Commonality, Capellan Confederation
15th August 3093

   The Magistracy of Canopus launches a series of raids against former-Free Worlds League worlds held by the Capellan Confederation.  Comprised of the First Canopian Cuirassiers, the First Revanthir Cuirassiers, the First Canopian Fusiliers and the First Magistracy Highlander Regiments.  Within each attack is a well placed company of Pixiu Heavy Tanks a newly deployed unit in the Magistracy's armed forces.  Although these four companies represent every Pixiu available to the Magistracy of Canopus' armed forces the intention is to show this tank on every world showing that the Magistracy is not ready to roll over for the Capellan Confederation.

   Not designed to net the Magistracy any new territory they are surprised to find the world of Scheuerheck in open revolt against their Capellan overlords pressing on with this advantage they turned the raid into a full offensive pushing the Capellan garrison and the Maskirovka unit based there off the planet.  In the aftermath of the battle the Canopians find that the Capellan Confederation purge of Cameron-St Jamis supporters had been extended to dozens of worlds including every former-Free Worlds League system.  Dozens had been reported as dead or missing on Scheuerheck forcing the planet to stand up for itself against the Capellans.

   In the following days the Magistracy of Canopus deploy scouts to each of the Capellan Confederation worlds bordering their space searching for further signs of revolt they could take advantage of.  On each world they find a similar case of the planet's population being held under a case of martial law but there are little signs of open rebellion.

Hell's Horse Counter-attack
Occupation Zone
Inner Sphere
21st August 3093

   Continuing their counter offensive against the Hell's Horses striking at Alleghe, St John and Bruden they crush four Clusters of The Serpent's force and the WarShip Gully's Hall, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, formerly of Clan Star Adder in the Bruden system.  Both the warriors and the WarShip put up a fight against the Hell's Horses forces however they are overwhelmed by the Hell's Horses forces.  Like the Rasalhague Dominion's recent findings the Hell's Horses find a disproportionate amount of civilians with the remains of the warriors.  In an effort to keep them under control the Hell's Horses separate the civilians from the local population to begin interrogations.  With the successes on their own worlds and Clan Wolf showing no interest in their lost worlds they land the Hell's Horses to it upon themselves to land on Mozirje and Feltre defeating The Serpents forces on both of these worlds as well. 

Open Mech Auction
Old Connaught, Arc-Royal
Arc-Royal Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth
31st August 3093

   There was a time when a MechWarrior who lost a Mech in combat would become known as “the dispossessed.”  During the height of the Third Succession War these warriors were a common sight with entire regiments of foot infantry being formed from dispossessed warriors who were willing to serve if they had the slimmest of chances of winning a BattleMech ride once again.  Today things were different the recovery of Star League-era technology and the arrival of the Clans changed everything now across the Inner Sphere and Periphery there were more than three hundred BattleMech lines on more than a hundred worlds.

   So for a unit like the Junkyard Dogs replacing a lost Mech was a lot easier than a reliable warrior which was why Brian Coulson had been willing to go to such lengths to recover Stanley Wrigley on Koniz.  Now they were back on Arc-Royal looking at perspective Mechs at a Mech Auction.  So far the Junkyard Dogs had been priced out by bigger commands or not been interested in the designs presented.  Stanley was looking for a medium design he often acted as the units scout however given that they often engaged the Clans not too light.

   There were only three lots left when a heavily modified Stealth STH-6X walked into the viewing area.  The 6X, or SiX as it was known in the LCAF, was one of several Stealth models the LCAF had purchased from the Federated Suns following the AFFS debut of the Stealth OmniMech.  The Lyrans had then spent the next decade and a half modifying and experimenting on these fifty-five ton chassis trying various different weapon loadouts of the experiments the SiX was in the middle.  Unlike the 5X model it had an Endo Steel frame making it more able to take hits, but it carried a standard covering of armour meaning less coverage.  The Mech also lacked the Clan tech laser system leaving it with a standard set of extended-range mediums to back the Short Range Missile system.  More importantly the Mech still had the ECM and Active probe systems needed for a scout and the Chameleon Light Shield which allowed it to virtually disappear from sight.

   “I want this one” Stanley said looking at the Mech

   “It's an accident waiting to happen” Sarah Wrigley pointed out “it's going to be a maintenance hog.”

   “I can make it work, Brian, put my own cash into the pot if you have to I want that Mech.”  He said looking at the design.  Brian led the lance but they were more friends than a military unit he'd taken rank to keep a Duke happy that there was a commander in the group.  He wasn't entirely convinced about the design but having a fast Mech like the Stealth with its long jump capability could come in very handy and as his first Mech instructor had said “if the warrior likes his Mech they will work well together.”  Stanley wanted the Mech so that was one step in the right direction.

   Nearly thirty minutes later the bidding came to a close and the Junkyard Dogs had their newest Mech it had cost a little more than expected but as promised Stanley had paid the overcharge out of his own savings now they'd need to sign the documentation for the Mech and get it fully checked out before taking their next assignment.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #849 on: 26 November 2014, 10:05:36 »
Yay an update before the holiday! Looks like Clan Nova Cat might have a transition in leadership in a few years and the young and arrogant will take over?  Keep upper the writing!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #850 on: 27 November 2014, 01:24:02 »
Looking forward to seeing how the Junkyard Dogs use their new Stealth.

Looks like the Nova Cats are going to be living in interesting times soon. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #851 on: 27 November 2014, 20:25:04 »
Taurus, Taurian Concordat
4th September 3093

   With logistical support from Interstellar Expeditions the Taurian Concordat welcomes home two ancient Aquilla-class Transports into the Taurus system.  Neither ship will ever be capable of continuous use however they do offer insights into construction long lost to the Taurian people.  Both ships are moved to the Hades Cluster location that once concealed the TCS Vandenburg and there they are placed under heavy guard.  As part of the ship's official homecoming Protector Erik Martens-Calderon and his new fiancee Sonja Rosse tour the ships once they arrive at the anchorage.

Commonwealth Today, Coventry News
Coventry, Coventry Province
Lyran Commonwealth
9th September 3093

   The Commonwealth Today program was beamed to a hundred worlds across the Lyran Commonwealth from its studios on Coventry.  The show was popular in the Lyran Commonwealth because it did not shy away from the important matters or ignore the mistakes of the nation's leadership.  Today presenters  Karl Mayer and Lena Landrut-Dumontet, both celebrities across the Lyran Commonwealth, were discussing a particularly “prickly” subject – Skye, generally speaking Commonwealth Today did not avoid any topic however in certain areas they stepped carefully when discussing Skye, Clan Wolf (in-Exile), Hersperus Industries, the Free Worlds League and House Davion.

   Today however it was news and as the show prided itself on “if it was worth taking about then you could find it on Commonwealth Today.”  Karl Mayer was in his forties with short cropped blonde hair, well tanned skin and blue eyes the stereo typical Lyran citizen while Lena Landrut-Dumontet was a polar opposite ten years younger with long red hair, pale skin and dark brown eyes together however they made a perfect “couple” with more than one rumour traveling around the Lyran Commonwealth stating that they were in-fact one although Commonwealth Today intentionally avoided confirming or denying such rumours.

   “And the news from Skye today was that the new shipyard facilities in the Gladius system are almost ready to begin construction of their first WarShip which has been authorized by Tharkad.”  Lena said opening the news.

   “A prudent move by Archon Peter” Karl said “a stronger Skye means a stronger Tharkad and a stronger Commonwealth.”

   “And it supports the notion that Skye can live without Tharkad?” Lena suggested

   “Nonsense” Karl said with a broad smile “the devolved government pioneered by Archon Peter has eliminated all worries that Skye will attempt a breakaway.  Instead the Isle can handle its own affairs while Tharkad remains in a position to exert their authority.”

   “And with their own ground forces and WarShip forces there is more potential than ever for trouble.” Lena said

   “Or less the shipyard at Gladius needs defence which the Lyran Commonwealth has provided Hesperus II supports Tharkad more now than ever.”  Karl pointed out “would the Archon or the Estates General have authorized Ioto Enterprises to share its Mjolinir design with the Gladius Shipyards if there was no confidence in the loyalty of the people there?”  He asked “no” he answered “the Lyran people have long learned the mistakes of the Draconis Combine and the Free Worlds League in suppressing their minority governments.  Instead Tharkad recognized that Skye had its place to play in a stronger Lyran Commonwealth a place that is only strengthened with the Gladius shipyard's construction.”

   “So” Lena said looking into the “opinions are divided but today marks another step towards Skye independence?  A stronger Skye and more unified Lyran realm?  Only time and the people will tell. “  Lena said finishing the piece Skye building WarShips was good for the Lyran Commonwealth but also perhaps a double-edged sword if Skye's rebellious side began to show again.

Headhunter Attack
Albany, New Oslo
Serpent Territory, Inner Sphere
14th September 3093

   Using a specially modified Isegrim Assault DropShip Clan Wolf launch a headhunter attack against New Oslo, one of the Wolf worlds occupied by The Serpents, from the DropShip twenty-five specially trained “headhunter” Elemental warriors launch and assault on the capital city of Albany targeting the local government buildings.  Engaging defenders in a room to room battle pushing into one of the planetary leadership rooms cornering former Clan Steel Viper saKhan Nicole Hoskins.

   In a Circle of Equals Star Colonel Ronan Tutuola, the massive elemental commander of the First Wolf Assault Cluster, defeated the former saKhan claiming her as his bondsman.  With their prize claimed Clan Wolf's surviving Elementals quickly evacuated the planet escaping to their DropShip.  As the DropShip moved away from the planet the Are's Might, a Star Adder Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, moved to block their escape however damage from previous battle kept the WarShip out of effective weapons range allowing the Wolves to escape.

   On the 22nd September days after the Wolves had left the system Rasalhague Dominion troops arrived in the system capturing the Are's Might and much of the ground forces along with the planet.  Days later Clan Hell's Horses assaults Unzmarkt and Hohenems both worlds find themselves cut off from the support of other Serpent's held systems and fall within a matter of hours of the Hell's Horses landings as the invaders salient into the occupation Zones collapses.

Border Conflict
Magistracy of Canopus/Capellan Confederation
21st September 3093

   After a month of pushing by the Magistracy of Canopus Ebon Magistrate Special Forces the worlds of Meadowvale and Watermael spring into open rebellion.  While the locals riot and resist against their Capellan overlords the Magistracy of Canopus bring in additional assets including a lance of Eyleuka and Ebony BattleMechs.  With the Capellan Confederation overstretched unable to sufficiently garrison these far flung worlds the appearance of the Magistracy troops on the planet quickly makes the position of the Capellans unattainable.  Allowing the Magistracy to hold the worlds the Capellan troops are allowed to leave.

Clan Raid
Victoria Commonality
Capellan Confederation
23rd September 3093

   In an effort to appease more aggressive elements of the Nova Cat touman Khan Canin Rosse authorizes Sigma Galaxy under the command of Galaxy Commander Elson West to raid several Capellan Commonwealth periphery worlds.  Intent on making the most this opportunity Elson directs the six Clusters of Sigma Galaxy to strike at six different worlds of the Confederation.  Leading his own Sigma Keshik against Herotitus engaging the recently formed Twelfth Liao Lancers, the Herotitus Lancers, fighting near the planetary capital the Nova Cats fight off against a Mech battalion and two armour battalions on the ground contesting the territory for nearly an hour before retreating.

   As Elson West contests territory on Herotitus the other Nova Cat units engage Capellan or Capellan hired mercenaries on the worlds of Ward, Renown, Repulse, New Roland and Jacomarle.  On Jacomarle the Lockhardt's Ironsides regiment throws themselves at the Nova Cat Lancers Cluster causing heavy damage to all three of the units trinaries forcing the Clan to retreat before being destroyed.  The salvage left behind by the Nova Cat command was quickly impounded by the Maskirovka and taken off Jacomarle for further study.

   Beyond Capellan territory the Nova Cats fall back into the periphery where the Galaxy rendezvoused returning to the Nova Cat's Den several months later.  Once back several of the warriors are allowed to fight in Trials of Bloodright and Trials of Position leading to other Galaxy commanders to strain against the Nova Cat's position in the periphery.

“Trial of Vengeance”
Clipperton, Principality of Regulus
Former-Free Worlds League
27th September 3093

   In a raid to repay the damage done on Kyeinnisan Faulk Khanate, supported by units from every other Clan Sea Fox attack, the system of Clipperton, in the Principality of Regulus, specifically attacking the Irian Technologies Shipyards, the birthplace of the Regulus-class Frigate.

   The WarShips Terror of the Deep, a Nightlord-class Battleship, supported by the vessels Territorial and Hakaze, both Hakaze-class Escort Destroyer, and the Nagasawa, a Dire Wolf-class Heavy Cruiser assault the system supporting eight Clusters of Sea Fox ground forces.

   Nearing the shipyards they engage the vessels RS Clipperton and RS Norfolk, two Regulus-class Frigates, as the WarShips bring their massive firepower to bear on the two WarShips and their support squadrons of Leopard Pocket WarShips Sea Fox Elementals stream onto the shipyards and ground forces land all over Clipperton engaging the Second Cameron-Jones House Guard Regiment and Hawkin's Zouaves, a reinforced regiment sized mercenary command.  The Sea Fox ground forces specifically target Irian's facilities on the surface engaging the DropShip production and administration facilities even at the expense of damage to their own units.

   Over four hours of battle in near orbit the two Regulus-class Frigates and their supporting DropShips are torn to pieces by the massed firepower brought by the Sea Fox WarShips, however the cost to the Sea Fox Clan is great, the Hakaze is destroyed while the other vessels including the Terror of the Deep are heavily damaged.

   On the shipyards the Elementals cause heavy damage destroying more than a battalion of marines defending the facility they also destroy two under construction Regulus-class Frigates within the facility and capture an almost completed Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser.  On the ground the Sea Foxes finish destroying Irians DropShip production facilities fighting the defending ground forces to a stand still losing nearly two clusters of ground troops in the process before reaching a dead lock.

Launching ceremony
Hadrian's Command Shipyard, Classified System
Crucis March, Federated Suns
30th September 3093

   Due to affairs of the state First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion had not been able to come to Hadrian's Command very often however each time he was here he was blown away by the vastness of the facilities here.  Located deep within a debris field, which was likely once a planet long before humanity had come to this system, Hadrian's Command was the Federated Suns best kept secret.  A hold-over from the Star League era during the First Succession War they had sent ruined WarShips to the system abandoning them to secure positions within the debris field.  Central to the organization of the system was “The Space Station” originally it had consisted of a single Star League-designed Arcology-class Space Station however over the years three damaged Alliance-class Space Stations, from across the Federated Suns, had been broken down and transported to the system and reassembled.  Due to the limitations on supplies available the three stations barely resembled the original Alliance class but they fit the purpose that they were designed which was, combined with the Arcology, to provide living quarters and administration facilities for the  people who lived and worked at Hadrian's Command.

   Following the discovery of the Gray Death Memory Core a brand-new Olympus-class Recharge Facility, four factories and a shipyard facility capable of handling any of the Federated Suns WarShips had been constructed.  Then in 3069 Challenge Systems of Panpour had transferred their Congress-class Frigate production facilities to Hadrian's Command further enhancing the facilities based there and increasing the amount of people based there.  Now there were almost twenty-one thousand civilians based in the system on the various space stations and ships and all were coordinated from the Prime Station, Arcology-class, and defended by four elite aerospace fighter wings and three Battle Armour Battalions.

   Although the facilities were based deep within the Federated Suns Crucis March the system was defended permanently by the First Hadrian's Command Defence Force a reinforced Aerospace Fighter Regiment and a Regiment of Battle Armour troopers.  Supporting them were fixed weapon emplacements and at least one Federated Suns Navy WarShip.  Today with the presence of the First Prince in the system there were four WarShips in the system supporting the regular defence systems.

   Standing on one of the Prime Station's many gravity decks First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion looked out the specially designed artificial diamond view ports over the facilities in the system wondering what his father Hanse Davion must have thought when he visited this system.  The records stated that Hanse had visited the system three times during his rein as First Prince of the Federated Suns.  During that time the Federated Suns did not have the technology to restore the WarShips that languished there instead the hulls had been a reminder of everything the AFFS once had at its disposal.  Now things were different he thought as Director Joel Yeager and Princes Champion General Damien Redburn approached “all is secure, sire” the Prince's Champion assured Victor.  Damien Redburn was in many ways like his father Andrew Redburn entirely dependable and a professional soldier.

   “We are ready” Joel Yeager said confidently.  Victor Steiner-Davion was impressed by the Director's confidence, today was a new step for development of the Federated Suns navy a vessel that would surpass the nations around it and for the first time give one of the Succession States a WarShip that could match those fielded by the Clans.  Yeager brought out a communication device “Prime to James Davion engage engines when ready.”  He said the First Prince looked at the Director the Project's name had been Black Prince.

   Moments later however his thoughts and his breath were taken away at the sight before him the vessel was a more massive version of the Columbia-class Battleship/Carrier hybrid the FSS Pegasus.  The vessel's massive alligator-shaped “head” forward section, the twin hanger pods and the massive engineering section showed the vessel's linage to the older vessel however that was where the similarities ended.  Where the Pegasus had naval lasers as its primary weapons system this new class focused on heavy naval autocannons and gauss rifles for the majority of its firepower capable of breaking any enemy target within range.  To ensure the vessel could get within weapons range the ship's massive engines and one hundred-and-twenty aerospace fighters and a large array of conventional weapons.  One unique feature of the vessel was a new innovative system buried deep near the KF Drive a second generation Lithium Fusion Battery which enabled the WarShip to store three charges allowing it to move up to ninety light years before needing to recharge its jump cells.  The system was massive twice the size of a regular system and it came with a greater chance of failure but it would revolutionize travel between the starts.

   “First Prince Davion, allow me to introduce the FSS James Davion” Director Joel Yeager said proudly looking at the ship as it rolled moving past the facility.

   “The James Davion” Victor Steiner-Davion said looking at the ship.  “The project was named Black Prince?” he asked “The Black Prince” was James Davion, the tenth leader of the Federated Suns, a capable leader of the nation who restored the belief of the nation's population in House Davion.

   “Focus groups suggested that Black Prince was perhaps too strong a name...”

   “No” Victor said halting the director's explanation “Black Prince is exactly what the Federated Suns needs.  That ship is the power and confidence that will rejuvenate our armed forces. This is the FSS Black Prince” the First Prince said “make it happen Director” he said glancing from the ship back to the man.

   “Sire, you just did” the Director said showing that he was still showing the communicator “the FSS Black Prince is now ready to begin operational trials.  She will be ready for deployment within six to eight months depending on their success.”

   “Excellent” the First Prince said looking at the massive WarShip in front of him.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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« Last Edit: 27 November 2014, 20:57:28 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #853 on: 27 November 2014, 20:59:39 »
 O0 Awesome update!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #854 on: 27 November 2014, 22:27:19 »
The Galaxtica of the FedSuns has arrived, hope she not singlar unit.   
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #855 on: 28 November 2014, 01:59:10 »
Now DC, we are all waiting for the first naval battle of the Black Prince.
Who are you going to send it against first. O0

I think the Regulans just felt real pain at Clipperton.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #856 on: 28 November 2014, 02:57:10 »
The Black Prince is now without a doubt the largest vessel in service in the Inner Sphere, the Bears lost their Leviathan and the snakes their Leviathan II, unless the Bears can salvage at least one of them then the Fed Suns have now got the most potent ship in known space.

Great updates as always, good to see the Regulans get their comeuppance and I do really hope that the Clans can capture and save as many Snakes civilians as possible along with taking as many bondsmen as possible.
« Last Edit: 28 November 2014, 02:59:33 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #857 on: 28 November 2014, 13:44:11 »
Now DC, we are all waiting for the first naval battle of the Black Prince.
Who are you going to send it against first. O0

I think the Cappies better keep a low profile.\
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #858 on: 28 November 2014, 15:31:00 »
I can just imagine the Capellans throwing a temper tantrum before the Sl Council "But it's not FAIR that the Davions have something that can plow thru anything we have!!!"

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #859 on: 28 November 2014, 15:53:04 »
I can just imagine the Capellans throwing a temper tantrum before the Sl Council "But it's not FAIR that the Davions have something that can plow thru anything we have!!!"
Aye, she lives up to the whole 'The Beast' rep.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #860 on: 29 November 2014, 16:04:02 »
Glad you liked the Black Prince more from her later now some more timeline

Oriente Offensive
Andruien Commonality, Capellan Confederation
4th October 3093

   In a move similar to that of the Magistracy of Canopus the Oriente Protectorate strike at the worlds of Cap Rouge, Granera and Skovrec.  Finding each of the worlds defended by nothing more than local militia troops the Oriente Protectorate troops quickly welcome these worlds into the Oriente nation.

Clipperton, Principality of Regulus
Former-Free Worlds League
18th October 3093

   The battle for Clipperton had been long the Sea Foxes controlled the system but on the ground they could not defeat the Regulan troops.  The Clansmen were not willing to employ orbital weapons against the native troops leading to a stalemate.  On the 15th October a group of JumpShips and the Wolf's Dragoons WarShip Athena jumped into the system.  Almost three days later the WarShip and its attending DropShips arrived near Clipperton as this new force approached the Sea Foxes prepared for another battle however yet another surprise awaited the Sea Foxes with the request of the Clan right of Safcon from the approaching forces.

   On the ground Khan Hanna Coston watched as the battered old Union-class DropShip came in for a landing.  In the air Sea Fox aerospace fighters kept watch not on the Union but on the surrounding area Regulan forces were still at large in the area.  Once the DropShip was on the ground a single civilian limousine drove from the ship towards Hanna Coston safcon, or safe-passage, had been granted and these people whomever they were had been well schooled in its meaning no doubt by the dezgra Wolf's Dragoons.

   Flanked by several Elementals Hanna Coston watched as several individuals in business suits  stepped out approaching “Khan Hanna Coston?”  The female of the group asked the Sea Fox leader nodded “I'm Prime Minister Sabine Grayden leader of the Bowang Trade Sphere” she greeted she was in her sixties at least and from what Hanna Coston could tell she was not a warrior.  “I think we need to talk” she greeted Hanna Coston was impressed that the leader of the nation would attend herself.

   “Please enter” the Clan Khan said turning to the side allowing the small party's entry inside there was a table which Hanna Coston indicated for them to sit she sat opposite them.  “Your interference is not required this is a Sea Fox matter.”

   “I am aware of your grievances with the Principality of Regulus and my forces have no intention on interfering.”

   “Then why are you here?”  Hanna Coston asked

   “To offer you options Khan Coston” Sabine Grayden said “if you remain on this world, in this system, the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and the Principality of Regulus will likely try to take this world time and again desperate to regain control over the shipyards.”

   “Then we will destroy them.”  Hanna Coston said as if the shipyards meant nothing to her “and we will destroy anyone who tries to take this system.”

   “Instead we could offer you a third option?”  Sabine Grayden suggested

   “A third option like what?  Your people have very little in the way of a military, no WarShips and little influence my Clan spans the Inner Sphere and beyond.  Your deal with the dezgra Dragoons does not help your case.”

   “All of the ground forces I have brought here are my own.  The WarShip is the only Dragoon asset in this system” Sabine retorted quickly she was proud of the forces she had taken here and the bravery they had shown.  “Our nation is a legitimate Free Worlds League nation born in this state.”

   “This failed state there is nothing legitimate about the Free Worlds League petty warlords grasping for worlds to call their own.”

   “Our worlds go back to the basis of the Free Worlds League.  My family will not continue to control my nation forever we believe in the choice of our people.”

   “Then how can I trust anything that you say?”

   “Because I also have the power to write agreements into our constitution.  And all things, other than a single family to rule, once written cannot be removed.”  She explained to Hanna Coston it sounded more complicated than it needed to be.

   “What is your proposal?”

   “Clan Sea Fox in its entirety will always be welcome in this system and those of the Bowang Free Trade Sphere.”  Sabine Grayden explained “your ships can treat our entire nation as one that your people can freely move through and trade your goods, services and skills.”  She said “you will also be welcome to bid for land and build whatever you wish on these worlds.”

   “That is a big offer” Hanna Coston admitted there more at least twenty systems in the Bowang Free Trade Sphere more territory than the Sea Foxes had ever had access to.  “At what cost?”

   “Clipperton will become one of our worlds, as will its shipyards” Sabine Grayden said “as part of our agreement you will be allowed to bid to use the facilities that remain in this system but they will be owned exclusively by us.”  The woman said Hanna Coston wondered if she understood that a Clan “bid” would not necessarily be a monetary one.   “You will also recognize and accept that the Wolf's Dragoons are also welcome in this system and the others of the Bowang Free Trade Sphere.”

   “Dezgra” Hanna Coston cursed

   “Regardless of your thoughts towards them Bowang has made an agreement with them if you honour our agreement then you will honour theirs.”

   “If they stay away from us then I could accept to ignore them.”  She said the Dragoons were in some ways like the Sea Fox opportunistic they had survived for almost one hundred years in the Inner Sphere a feat none of the Clans came close to matching.  “I will accept your proposal with three conditions.”

   “And they are?”  Sabine asked wearily

   “First, the Regulus-class Frigate is lost to history no further examples of this design are ever built its design specifications if held here are to be destroyed.”  The Sea Fox Khan demanded of all the conditions this was what she was most intent on Sabine Grayden nodded her agreement.

   “Second, as Clan Sea Fox is currently in possession of the Clipperton Shipyard the Agamemnon-class WarShip currently under construction is ours to take in its present condition.”  She said she had already checked with the Sea Fox engineers and scientists the ship could make the journey to the Chainelane Isles where the Clan could complete it.”

   “Our nation could have done with that vessel however if you do no further damage to the yards then we will be able to build future craft.  I agree.”

   “Good, we will do more than do no more damage Prime Minister should you welcome the Sea Fox as you say we will ensure your shipyards are the grandest the Free Worlds League has ever seen.”

   “Certainly worth exploring” Sabine Grayden admitted she was surprised by the Clan's almost instant willingness to work with them even if they did have conditions to the agreement.

   “Third, you forces will fight an honour duel with our forces for possession of this world” she said raising her hand as she saw Sabine Grayden begin to speak in protest “regardless of the outcome you will retain everything I have agreed to.”  She promised “however if we win the shipyards will repair all damage done to our WarShips Terror of the Deep and Territorial before beginning construction of any new ships for your nation.”

   “That could take months” Sabine Grayden protested

   “Then you have all the more incentive to win the battle.”  Hanna Coston said wickedly.

   The agreement between the Bowang Free Trade Sphere and Clan Sea Fox was signed later that afternoon with news of it passed around the Inner Sphere and beyond by the end of the week.  The remaining Regulan and mercenary forces were allowed to leave the planet on threat of orbital bombardment should they choose to continue to resist.  Neither Bowang or Clan Sea Fox were naive enough to believe that Regulus would give up on the system however the Wolf's Dragoons offered to place a WolfNet Intelligence team on the planet along with a Seventh Kommando team as part of their new three year contract with Bowang.

   As part of the Sea Fox conditions the Clan removed the partially completed Agamemnon-class vessel from the shipyards naming it Kyeinnisan in honour of the fallen Sea Fox trade colony.  On the ground a Clan Sea Fox force drawn from all the Clusters that had fought on the planet fought against the First Bowang Border Guard Regiment.  In a short battle the battle hardened Sea Fox force won the contest and the right to have their WarShips repaired at the Clipperton shipyards beginning with the Terror of the Deep.  This was actually a win for the people of Bowang as well as they gained access to the Nightlord-class Battleship during the period of its repairs gaining some insights into the construction and design of the mighty Clan built vessel.  With the presence of so many Sea Foxes in the system repairs to the Battleship and the shipyards progressed at a rapid rate with the Terror of the Deep repaired by the end of 3093 and the Territorial repaired by the middle of 3094.

Federated Suns Offensive
Liao Commonality, Capellan Confederation
20th October 3093

   In response for the Capellan Confederation attack on Zurich the Federated Suns sends a message back with a raid in force on six different worlds.  Targeting the worlds of Kansu, Bachlau, Ningpo, Alcol, Aldebaran and Liao.  With the First Davion Guards RCT, the First Federated Suns Armoured Cavalry RCT, the First Kathil Uhlans Regiment leading the charge they are supported by First, Second and Third Tikonov Cossacks and the mercenary commands the First New Hessen Irregulars, Clinton's Cutthroats and The Obsidian Lancers along with seven Federated Suns WarShips.

   On the worlds of Liao, Alcol, and Ningpo the AFFS are unable to break the Capellan defences however on the other three worlds the AFFS forces outclass Capellan defences forcing them into retreat.  On Aldebaran Prince Burton Davion's First Davion Guards and the Third Tikonov Cossacks out classed the Prefectorate Guard Regiment of the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces on the planet and in the style the Prince had perfected in his battles against the Draconis Combine Burton Davion sent a message to Sian addressed to the Chancellor with a stark warning.  “Push the Federated Suns and we will push you back further than you have ever been pushed before.”  His father Victor Steiner-Davion sends Burton a personal message urging his son not to antagonize their nation's enemies however Burton has seen his strategy work with the Combine with the Dragon thinking twice before continuing battles against Burton Davion.

   Although Dao-shen Liao does not take the message from Burton Davion well however three days later the Capellan Confederation's Chancellor celebrates the birth of his daughter, his first child to Erin Liao, which the couple name Zeia Liao.  Although this does not make up for the loss of three worlds it does lighten Dao-shen Liao's mood.

McCarron's Armoured Cavalry Base camp
Point Barrow, Crucis March
Federated Suns
27th October 3093

   Elizabeth McCarron looked over the assembled BattleMechs of her command several of the Big Mac's BattleMechs and vehicles needed extensive repair five were completely missing as were their pilots.  The unit had become complacent in their escort duties and they had taken a hit because of it.  She had already sent her report to New Avalon stating where the McCarron's Armoured Cavalry had gone wrong, she had also pointed out that the pirate force that attacked them was exceptionally well equipped, her unit was to blame.

   Instead of accepting the failure however Elizabeth McCarron had another idea.  Along with her report she had sent a request for the McCarron's Armoured Cavalry to be placed in a front-line role stating the unit's “escort” duties had dulled their fighting edge.

Counter-attack, Serpent's Line
Clan Occupation Zone
Inner Sphere
29th October 3093

   Further Counter-attacks against The Serpents leads to the Rasalhague Dominion forcing the invaders out of their territory and pushing onto the former Wolf worlds of Outpost and Svelvik.  Finding several hundred civilians from the homeworlds but no warriors.  The civilians inform the Rasalhague Dominion troops that their defenders abandoned them to join the rest of the Serpents in the Hell's Horse Occupation Zone.

   In a move mirroring that of the Rasalhague Dominion Hirohito Kurita leads the WarShips DCS Nagato, DCS Draconis Rift, DCS Susanoo and the DCS Amaterasu supporting the Regiments the First Sword of Light, the First Yokosuma Regiment and the Third Genyosha.  The DCMS land on the world of Richmond like an anvil tearing the former Cloud Cobra WarShip Wisdom of Ages, a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, the vessel damaged from fighting in the Clan Homeworlds is literally split into two pieces by the incoming Draconis Combine troops.  Led by the Land Air Mechs of the First Yokosuma Regiment the DCMS ground troops rapidly overrun the four garrison clusters of Serpents on the planet.  After the fighting is over almost one hundred warriors and more three thousand civilians are captured by the Draconis Combine troops.  The warriors are executed by the Draconis Combine troops while the civilians are packed into cargo DropShips and taken deeper into the Draconis Combine there they are sterilized by the Draconis Combine scientists and spread across the realm.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #861 on: 30 November 2014, 16:40:39 »
Leadership Transfer
Terra Firma, Star League Protectorate
6th November 3093

   Following months of negotiations the Star League Protectorate and Federated Suns agree for Terra Firma to be transferred to SLDF governorship and defence.  Due to the damage done to the world during the Manei Domini crisis the Federated Suns will continue to help fund the worlds redevelopment however the Star League will rule the world's day to day affairs and defence.

Calderon Palace, Samantha
Taurus, Hydes Cluster
Taurian Concordat
10th November 3093

   Sonja Rosse was dressed in loose clothing the Calderon Palace was warm as the planet entered its summer season.  She found Erik Martens-Calderon sitting in one of the palace's many studies “you look comfortable” she commented entering sitting opposite him.

   “Catching up on some paperwork.”  He said he said looking up at her “how was your check up?”  He asked for the last week Sonja had not been well she'd finally given in and agreed to see the Calderon family doctors.

   “Depends on how you describe well...”  Sonja admitted Erik turned towards her putting down his paperwork.

   “Whatever you need, whatever doctors are required I will make sure you get it.”  He promised her.

   “It's not something that doctors can sort Erik” she said smiling pleased that he cared for her so much “I'm pregnant” She said wondering if this was the right way of doing this.

   “Pregnant” Erik said “Pregnant” he repeated this time a smile crossing his lips as he rose to stand beside her still smiling “you're alright with this?”  He asked wondering how her clan warrior instincts were taking the idea.

   “It'll take a bit to get used to” Sonja said “and my Mech is going to feel neglected.”  She joked smiling “our future” she said reaching up drawing his hand onto her tummy there was nothing to feel but the idea that there was something within her and the man that she loved was with her meant something and even if she didn't fully grasp it she liked the feeling.

Jade Falcon Assaults
Inarcs Theatre, Coventry Province
Lyran Commonwealth
25th November 3093

   Even with the Serpents at their back Clan Jade Falcon continue with plans to invade the Lyran Commonwealth striking at seven worlds simultaneously.  The hardest of these is the former Theatre capital of Melissa which is defended by a combined command of Lyran Commonwealth and Star League Defence Force units including three WarShips.  The Jade Falcons send their Emerald Talon, a Nightlord-class Battleship, and two Peregrine-class Corvettes the Peregrine and Falcon.  The first WarShip class developed by the Jade Falcons the class had been retired and mothballed after nearly 80 years in service.  Not a people known to waste things the Jade Falcons had kept the craft in working condition through all the years up until it became time for the Clan to evacuate the Ironhold system.  Not willing to give up on ships they had invested so much in the Jade Falcons had taken them to the Inner Sphere despite being cleared for combat the battle of the Melissa system was the first for the two ships since their reactivation.

   Because the Peregrines were small and underarmoured compared to most modern WarShips the two one hundred-and-eighty thousand ton vessels hid in the shadow of the Emerald Talon allowing the larger WarShip to take the hits for them while adding in their naval autocannons and capital missiles as the two naval forces passed each other.

   The SLS Wild Scream, a Patriot-class Heavy Cruiser, and the LCS Thomas McQuiston, a Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser, along with an assault squadron of DropShips and their escorting aerospace fighters attempted to blunt the Jade Falcon invasion with a combination of fire aimed at the Nightlord's nose however the Jade Falcons anticipated such a move rotating as they approached the Emerald Talon instead took the brunt of the damage to its broadside armour but was also able to deliver a broadside straight into the nose of the incoming defending WarShips with autocannons lasers and particle cannons causing heavy damage to the Wild Scream severing communication links across the ship.  In the shadow of the Wild Scream the LCS Katherine, a Peter-class Scout, moved between the its ally and the Emerald Talon and attempted to screen the larger vessel knocking down multiple flights of missiles finding success against the multiple barracuda missiles fired by the two Peregrines but it did nothing to stop the continued onslaught of naval autocannon fire from the Emerald Talon.

   The Thomas McQuiston attempted to join the Katherine in its screening effort cutting over the Emerald Talon's nose firing a broadside of naval particle cannon fire at the larger battleship however this only brought the firepower of all three Jade Falcon vessels down on the single Hyperion-class vessel.  The effect of the three vessels baring down on the vessel tore the Thomas McQuiston's side open exposing the vessel to more damage shattering the vessel's jump core.  Despite the heavy damage the Thomas McQuiston's crew continued to fire causing damage to the Falcon WarShip Peregrine and several of the Clan DropShips.  The Lyran heavy cruiser's continued resistance ended up being the vessel and its crew's last act in the battle for the Melissa system as the three Jade Falcon vessels turned their attention on the Hyperion obliterating it in a massive salvo of fire.

   In an effort to get the word of Jade Falcon invasion beyond the commander of the SLS Wild Scream ordered the LCS Katherine to make a break for it.  The small vessel which resembled a slightly over-sized Gazelle-class DropShip arced away from the Wild Scream which opened fire with all its remaining weapons due to the damage done to the vessel's internal communication systems the weapons fire was uncoordinated and ineffective against the three Jade Falcon craft.  The clan counter-attack against the single WarShip burned the vessel from stem-to-stern gutting the vessel.  The Wild Scream's sacrifice allowed the LCS Katherine to escape the system.

   Following victory in space the Jade Falcons quickly spread onto the planet using an Inner Sphere tactic of combined fire against the 1894th Light Horse Regimental Brigade of the SLDF, the Fourteenth Lyran Guards RCT and the Third Lyran Regulars RCT.  The ground forces are pushed back time and again unable to hold as the Jade Falcons Gryfalcon and Falcon's Wings Galaxies.  After eight days of battle the three defending commands are all badly damaged with the three Jade Falcon WarShips moving into near orbit.  Instead of pushing these forces until they were completely broken Khan Bryan Pryde offered the defenders an “out” retreat from the planet and maintain their honour and their remaining forces.  Colonel Sandra Jamison, commander of the 1894th Light Horse having seen nearly three Regiments of her own brigade lost, the Third Lyran Guards RCT devastated and the Fourteenth Lyran Guards RCT left without a commander accepted the Jade Falcon proposal taking the remains of their defenders to Inarcs.

   Using this victory as a springboard the Jade Falcons assaulted the Lyran worlds of Hood IV, Jesenice, Zongshan and Machida capturing them all.  On the world of Jesenice the Jade Falcons encountered the Splinted Shield a unit made up of former members of the AFFS who had left the Federated Suns following the Varnay Crisis.  Finding the Clan border a prosperous place the unit had fought in dozens of battles against the Clans capturing much of their technology and using it against them.  This occasion was different, as this was no raid, this was an invasion harking back to the Clans of 3050 the Jade Falcon force hit Jesenice in force and at a pace that caught the defenders completely by surprise completely and utterly crushing the mercenaries taking none as prisoner or as bondsmen.

Trade Station
Hamilton, Arc-Royal Theatre
Lyran Commonwealth
27th November 3093

   Through Clan Sea Fox traders on Hamilton Lyran Intelligence is able to gain access to thew newly developed Vehicle Flame Resistant Armour and Automatic Fire Extinguisher systems as neither system has any offensive capability the Clans have no objections in sharing them.  Both systems are returned to Tharkad for further analysis the Lyrans believe that the Automatic Fire Extinguishers should be easy to convert to Inner Sphere use with the abundance of fire ****** material available.  The Fire Resistant armour is something else however each time the Lyrans attempt to replicate the armour during stress tests against a missile or autocannon munition the armour cracks and fails to protect the vehicle it is attached to leading to the armour remaining in R&D and analysis.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #862 on: 30 November 2014, 17:58:54 »
Fun updates. Seem the Lyrans are in a world of hurt if they lost Melissa and a couple of other worlds. Wonder how the Lyrans respond to the Falcons. It isn't like they have an abundance of warships at their disposal and that will hamper their ability in fighting off the Falcons.

James Tanaga

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #863 on: 30 November 2014, 19:16:43 »
Maybe the FedSuns will lend them their new Big Stick?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #864 on: 01 December 2014, 00:41:26 »
Emerald Talon V Black Prince.
I have my money on the Black Prince. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #865 on: 01 December 2014, 08:03:07 »
Maybe the FedSuns will find a Defender-Class battlecruiser.... :-X
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #866 on: 01 December 2014, 16:23:01 »
Fun updates. Seem the Lyrans are in a world of hurt if they lost Melissa and a couple of other worlds. Wonder how the Lyrans respond to the Falcons. It isn't like they have an abundance of warships at their disposal and that will hamper their ability in fighting off the Falcons.

James Tanaga

9 worlds in 2 waves in fact

Emerald Talon V Black Prince.
I have my money on the Black Prince. O0

I'd actually put my money on the Emerald Talon.  Right now the FSS Black Prince lacks a full crew complement, lacks aerospace fighters, support DropShips, Marines or food.  She's in trials won't be in a fight for a while

Maybe the FedSuns will find a Defender-Class battlecruiser.... :-X

Little to no...
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #867 on: 01 December 2014, 16:49:02 »
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #868 on: 01 December 2014, 17:47:46 »
9 worlds? Ouch! To be on a fly on the wall when the Archon learns his realm is under assault from the Falcons.

First Tharkad gets nearly incinerated due to its fusion plants going up in smoke, then Timbuktu is taken over, not to mention three other worlds. Now Melissa and eight other worlds have been taken. I wonder how politically unstable the Lyrans are at this moment, due to two historical regional capitals of theirs are now no longer theirs, while they had to move their capital, all in a span of a few years. My opinion is the Estates General are none too pleased with the Archon at this moment in time.

James Tanaga

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #869 on: 04 December 2014, 21:23:56 »
9 worlds? Ouch! To be on a fly on the wall when the Archon learns his realm is under assault from the Falcons.

Small mistake... by where I was on the timeline they'd lost 9... as in after this update  :-\ sorry for the mix-up

Time to end 3093!!

Second Wave, Jade Falcon Assaults
Arc-Royal Theatre, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
7th December 3093

   Expanding their offensive to a second round of attacks against the Lyran Commonwealth Clan Jade Falcon invades the worlds of Dustball, A Place, Morges and Dela.  Supported by three Jade Falcon WarShips the Silver Talon, Sarna Mercer and the Jade Claw saKhan Emily Helmer leads the Jade Falcon Galaxy and the Talon Strike Galaxies in their attacks.

   On A Place the Jade Falcons encounter an old foe the Iron Will Mercenary Brigade.  The Iron Will have as much respect for the Jade Falcons as they have for the mercenaries.  Both forces throw themselves at each other with a reckless fury the battle destroys the Iron Will Brigade however it also claims the Jade Falcon Eyrie and First Jade Falcon Armour (formerly the Fifteenth Provision Garrison) Clusters.  On Morges saKhan Emily Helmer oversees the destruction of the Wolf (in-Exile) clusters the First Wolf Strike Grenadiers and the Fourth Mountain Guards.  Initially the Wolves offer the Jade Falcons a Trial of Possession for the planet however the Jade Falcons refuse to take the Exiles call instead hitting them with their full force.  When surviving ground forces retreat towards their DropShips the Silver Talon targets their ships from orbit destroying each in turn ensuring none of the Exiles escape.

   Pushing onto the world of Great X the attacking Jade Falcons are destroyed by the Charlestown Chiefs and Millie's Marauders Mercenary Commands.  The BattleMech heavy force of the Marauders holding the line while the Chiefs lighter machines and Swallow WiGEs continually struck at the flanks of the Falcons until they had driven them back.  From the wreckage the Chiefs salvage a Viper 3 BattleMech which replaces a lost Mech while the Millie's Marauders salvage a Mad Cat Mk III and a Mad Cat Mk II Enhanced all three salvaged Mechs would take months to repair but would be fearsome additions once repaired.

Star League Defence Force Announcement
Thorin, Star League Protectorate
8th December 3093

   Despite the objections of the Houses Liao and Kurita the Star League Defence Force announces an increased spending plan for 3094.  Commanding-General Archer Christifori announces from his base on Thorin the commissioning of another M5 Casper Drone added for now to the defence fleet of Terra.  He also announces that there are a further five vessels in various stages of activation and plans to expand the Casper fleets beyond Terra should Star League Protectorate worlds welcome their presence.

   He acknowledges that drones are not a popular form of technology and that in some places they will never be an accepted form of defence.  As a result the SLDF plans to raise three new Brigade sized ground force units before the turn of the century with recruits welcome from across the Inner Sphere.  He also announces that due to the success of the Guard Regiments the SLDF will assist a further three Star League Protectorate Worlds in raising their own Guard Regiments.

   While the Capellan and Combine governments believe that the expenditure on the SLDF is already excessive and that expanding a force that is accountable to no-one but their Commanding-General.  Archer Christifori points out that the SLDF are accountable to the First Lord who is one of the Succession Lords.  The Lyran Commonwealth's Archon Peter Steiner-Davion is one of the most vocal supporters of the SLDF and their expansion, given the continued heavy fighting along his nation's Clan border this is little surprise.

Offensive action
Capellan Confederation border
10th December 3093

   The Capellan Confederation strike back against the Magistracy of Canopus and Oriente Protectorate launching strikes on Ryerson (Oriente) and Fagerholm (Magistracy).  Not intending on taking either world the Capellans instead go about taking apart the defensive forces and all military facilities on both worlds, flattening every structure and removing all salvage, showing exactly what the Confederation is capable of sending a clear message to their neighbours.

Interstellar Expeditions Mission Santiago
Unknown system, Deep Periphery
14th December 3093

   The Interstellar Expeditions JumpShip Munez had jumped into an unknown system of the deep periphery.  For the last two months the ship had been jumping system to system under hire from the Lyran Commonwealth following an increase in raids along the periphery border.  So far of four systems surveyed they had found nothing except dust and long dead remains.

   This system was different however almost as soon as the JumpShip had emerged in the system the ship received several messages from warning beacons stating that the system was Rim Worlds Republic Outpost 27 and off limits to all visitors.  As the Interstellar Expeditions crew had enough environmental suits and hazardous survival gear to survive in nearly any environment the JumpShip's single DropShip the Rasputin, a truly ancient Czar-class DropShip, that had been repaired, upgraded and rebuilt more times than was likely safe, detached from the vessel and traveled in system for two days.

   Almost three days later the vessel slowly entered orbit and began to scan the surface of the planet.  Instead of finding a hostile environment they found a pleasant world that was not only capable of having a population it actually had one.  Before the DropShip could react four aerospace fighters moved on the vessel firing warning shots over the ship's bow forcing the ship into the atmosphere.  The DropShip was escorted to the ground landing within an exact replica of Avalon City as it was during the Star League-era.

   As the ship landed it was quickly surrounded by ten BattleMechs and a large group of Elementals the crew and passengers were quickly forced to surrender and abandon the vessel.  From above the ground in one of the buildings the Stone Spirit leadership watched over the captured crewmen of the DropShip.

   Tanya Furey stood at the windows watching this was the day she had expected turning to her leader Tina Campbell “as I said they will not leave us alone.  The Mandrills, the Lyrans, the dezgra Star League, even the other Clans will continue to harass us until we are destroyed.”  She said angrily

   “The captured JumpShip was Interstellar Expeditions” Tor McFadden said “they are not directly afflicted with any state they are dedicated to exploration.  These people are no threat to us the most they have are security assets.”

   “And what will follow them?”  Star Colonel Jasper Osis asked he was of the former Stone Rhino warriors and also one of Tanya Furey's strongest supporters.  Although not old enough to remember the days of Clan Smoke Jaguar he had heard the stories from Tanya and that was enough.  Many of the other former Stone Rhinos, and now their children, felt the same way way while the former Blood Spirits would have preferred to remain hidden in the Periphery.

   “If we remain hidden nothing” Star Colonel Cameron Schmitt suggested “their JumpShip was overrun before they could jump away and they lack a Hyper Pulse Generator to communicate beyond this star system.  Their disappearance will be put down to a miss-jump nothing more.  If we remain hidden then they may never return.”

   “Just like the Clans may have let us live on York?” Star Colonel Harper Cluff suggested he was the youngest of the Blood Spirit descendants that had risen to command within the Stone Spirits.  Recently he had been listening a lot to Osis and Furey it seemed today was the moment that his choice was made.  “We have expanded out here.  Our Iron Wombs have been re-established under the Forbidden City” he said naming the replica of the Capellan capitol city which had been chosen as the Stone Spirits new capital.  “We have found much of the hidden wealth left behind by the Great Father in case the SLDF had to retreat from the Hegemony.”  He said there was a series of caches that the SLDF had left behind before beginning the Liberation campaign for the most part it was equipment that the SLDF couldn't repair in time or did not have the transport capabilities available to move.  “We should not be afraid of who we are or what we are capable of.”  He said carefully supporting the Stone Rhino faction without actually saying it Tina Campbell almost smiled at his play.

   “What do you suggest Harper Cluff?”  Cameron Schmitt asked seeing Tina Campbell was impressed with the man's suggestion.  Under the rules of the Stone Spirits each of them had an equal say in how their people were led.

   “We make sure that the Rim Collection and Lyran Commonwealth keep their distance.”  He suggested “we hit them hard once then we allow them to make the next choice.”

   “Aff, we hit them” Jasper Osis said “I will strike at the Rim Collection.”

   “They are my enemy” Tanya Furey said angrily Cassandra Faraday had been the first but would not be the last of the former Mandrills to die to her forces.

   “Not this time” Tina Campbell said seeing a rift between the two Stone Rhinos planning on exploiting it.  “Jasper Osis your cluster will strike at the Rim Collection.  We should all know who our enemies are.”  Jasper nodded and left the room “Tanya Furey, there are plenty more worlds around us you can strike at.”

   “Fine” Tanya Furey said “I will interrogate the Interstellar Expeditions party and choose from the worlds they have recently visited.  I will erase them from memory” she said following the other warrior from the room.

   “The rest of us will strengthen our defences.  I want to accelerate our fortification process and our graduation of training warriors.”

   “The quality of our troops will lower” one of them an elder male warrior said

   “Solahma our troops training and quality will be better than you ever were” Tina snapped “they will ensure that York never happens again.”  She promised the Stone Spirits would not become what her former Clan became.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3