Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 328062 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1110 on: 22 March 2015, 00:07:31 »
Uninhabited system, Nova Cat fleet
Taurian Concordat
9th June 3097

   Transiting between the Nova Cat's Den and Davetal III was often a dangerous trip for the Nova Cat merchants and warriors with the Taurian Concordat defenders intent on stopping them supplying the garrison on their occupied colony.  During a trip from the Nova Cat's Den to Davetal III a Nova Cat Merchant Carrack vessel escorting four JumpShips is ambushed by two squadrons of Foxhound Small Craft and their supporting assault DropShips.

   The Merchant Carrack Guiding Vision lacked the naval firepower of its Military Transport cousin but still had more than enough firepower to cut down the majority of the Taurian aggressors.  Unfortunately they were unable to destroy them all and two of the Nova Cat JumpShips and their crews were destroyed in the encounter before the Nova Cats were able to leave the system continuing their journey.  The Taurians called the encounter a victory having “driven the Clans from the system”  the Nova Cats knew that there were more rounds to a conflict than the opening moves. 

Fourth Rim Lancers CCT Command Bunker
Timbuktu, Rim Collection
10th June 3097

   Jerry Able stormed into the Rim Collection Touman’s Strategic operations Center on Timbuktu, his daughter a half step behind him. “Robin,” he met the officer in charge of the Fourth Rim Lancers CCT, an old friend of his from his days running the Able’s Aces. “Sitrep,” he demanded the slightly younger woman.  An hour ago a sniper shot had missed him, his daughter and her newborn child at the Timbuktu General Hospital.  Since then Timbuktu's capital Greene had been torn up as Rim Collection Security Forces chased them and now there had been another development.

   “Seventy minutes ago, a Star Lord-class JumpShip jumped nearly in orbit above the planet’s North Pole, Old Man,” Galaxy Commander Robin Michaelson reported as she pointed to the holo-image above the holo-table in the center of the room.  The scene showed the Star Lord launch six DropShips five appeared to be Union type vessels while the last was an Overlord.

   “Ballsy,” the President commented.  "Any markings?"

   “Agreed,” replied the galaxy commander. “If the JumpShip jumped any closer to Timbuktu, whoever they are would have been destroyed.”  The KF Core of a JumpShip did not react well to a gravity well of a planet.  "As far as we can see no outer markings they've been painted over."

   “So no idea who they are,” Jerry asked his former subordinate, catching the slight detail.

   “Their IFF transponders are squawking Stone Spirit, Old Man,” she answered him but the look on her face said she didn't believe it.

   “That doesn’t make sense,” Karen Able said instantly. “The Spirits are on the other side of the border they've never attacked this deep into our space.”

   “I agree, ma’am. Especially after seeing this,” Robin informed both the President and his daughter as she pressed a few buttons on the holo-table, bringing up images of the six DropShips the JumpShip had carried. The unmistakable holo- images of capital missile tubes on the nose of the Overlord were seen.  Only the Overlord A3 had capital missile tubes and she was in service with the Lyran Commonwealth, Star League and Federated Suns only one of those was likely to be attacking.

   “Lyrans,” Karen spat out "they haven't even bothered to try and hide it very well."  She said angrily

   “That was my guess,” was the older woman’s answer. “We’ll know for sure though when they land. I have Gamma Clubs’ Specialist Trinary already heading near to their landing site orders are to report back what they find.”

   “Papa, if they are Lyrans,” Karen warned her father before he interrupted her.

   “I know Karen,” he grumbled angrily it likely meant the would be assassins were Lyrans too to Jerry Able none of this made sense, they were at peace, they didn't need another war. “We will wait and see until we know for sure before we act the Stone Spirits might have picked the worse time in history to launch a deep raid.”  He said barely believing the words himself as he said them.

   “Yes Papa,” she agreed.

   A few hours later, they had their answer, as Kirghiz OmniFighters captured and sent images of BattleMechs commonly found in Lyran service, although they could likely be found anywhere if you looked hard enough, each leaving the Unions ready for battle including what looked like a factory new Fafnir BattleMechs. Robin whistled at the images. “By my count, we are facing a reinforced Battalion backed by that A3."

   “They’re idiots though,” Karen remarked. “The area where they landed leaves them open to air strikes once we take out that Pocket WarShip. Also, the heavy snow should slow their Mechs down to a crawl.”  She said "there's no way that Battle Armour squad will evade our patrols and get all the way out there meaning they have to come to us."

   “If they are planning on closing they also have to cross a good amount of ice just to reach us.” Robin added as she tapped a few buttons, highlighting the two closest bases. “Even given the heavy snow fall the ice isn't that strong in places I almost feel sorry for them. The poor saps won’t know what hit them.” Both she and Jerry shared a knowing look.

   “What do you mean,” Karen asked the other woman, only for her father to answer her.

   “Remember the ambush against the pirates back in ’82,” Jerry asked his daughter; he continued after she gave a confused nod. “Same concept, except this time instead of using fighters to keep them pinned down while our Mechs swing around, we instead once we've taken care of the A3 we will use our fighters to corral them into a tight formation, than target the ice underneath them.”  He said he hated to think of drowning fellow MechWarriors but they were the enemy and that was that.

   “Like I said,” Robin added with a grin as Karen’s mouth fell open in shock, “the poor saps don’t know they’re already dead.”

   “We will offer them a chance to surrender” Jerry informed the two women. “Only once they are stuck on an island of ice, that is,” he added with predatory smile. “Once they are captured or drown when the ice breaks, send an open HPG message out to all our units readying them for possible war with the Lyrans.  Also, I need a speech about this attempted decapitation strike against us by the time this little anticlimactic battle is resolved.”  He said watching the first shots being fired as the A3 opened fire on a point of Kirghiz fighters beginning the battle.  On the ground the Mechs were moving forward away from their grounded DropShips.

   “Why the speech?” Robin asked her former superior.

   “Because Papa plans to release news of the decapitation strike out to the rest of the Inner Sphere,” Karen answered, catching on to her father’s idea. “The Lyrans will instantly be put on the defensive both diplomatically and internally, giving us time to prepare for a possible war.”

   “And if war is prevented, this little strike against us will likely benefit the Collection with the addition of some of the more friendly systems across the border,” Jerry added, giving a predatory smile he really didn't want a war with the Lyrans but if they wanted to try and strike him down then he'd retaliate in kind.

   “Why would the Lyrans attack us though? This’ll cost them big,” Robin wondered, it didn't make sense, watching as aerospace fighter markings circled the A3 DropShip.  Several of the Kirghiz had been shot down by the massive vessel, all this maneuvering in the atmosphere was not good for the DropShip but it was an killing machine, escorted by aerospace fighters they were certainly making a fight of it.

   “I don’t know, but I would be a fool to turn down this golden opportunity to keep them off balance and on the defence.” Jerry commented “Karen, see to the speech as we monitor the situation.”

   “Yes papa,” his daughter answered him as she left to prepare it as the other two remained in the centre, keeping a close watch on the fake Stone Lions.  The aerospace force that had been escorting the A3 had mostly been knocked out of the sky while there was a mounting amount of damage being dealt to the A3.  Suddenly there was a massive explosion on the port side of the DropShip, likely as a Capital Missile magazine was hit,

   "There she goes" Robin said calmly watching as the DropShip rolled over and over "she's going to hit the lake."  She said watching as the DropShip plummeted into the frozen lake shattering the ice "so much for Plan A."

   "So they die a warriors death.  Have the second flight move in and drop thunder mines on their flanks" Jerry said his military mind already in motion "have our ground forces appear from their rear.  Ahead they have a shattered lake either side they are flanked by minefields and we control the air.  Only a fool would continue to fight."  He said as Robin moved over to a communication console.

   "Sir, we've captured one of the assassins.  His three accomplices have been killed" she reported reading the piece of paper "they used Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armour suits, nothing stand out there, the survivor has been identified as Denis Rostovtsev.  He's not on any of our initial scans, could be an alias."  She suggested

   "Likely" Jerry Able said watching as the Rim Collection ground forces began to move in.  Each time the attackers attempted to get away to either flank they moved into minefields.  "Send the surrender message, let's end this before it gets out of hand" he said watching as the enemy Fafnir at the centre of the formation was struck by a large group of missiles from one of the aerospace fighters staggering the big assault Mech.

   "No response" one of the commtechs reported.

   "Then we end this, all ground forces move in take them out" Robin Michaelson said stepping forward these were her people after all Jerry Able remained behind as the fighting increased.  A couple of the Rim Collection's machines were damaged by the attackers but it was insignificant as they were surrounded and rapidly destroyed by the Rim Collection forces.  "Dead's dead by drowning or weapons fire" she said watching the screens as the last Mech fell.  On another screen it showed the Star Lord JumpShip leave the system after fast charging its Jump Drive.

   Two days later President Jerry Able released information of the attempt against his life, his daughter's life and the life of his grand-daughter.  The news spread like wildfire through the Lyran Commonwealth and beyond.  The Lyran Commonwealth officially denied all knowledge of the attack blaming it on a rogue mercenary or pirate command condemning the attack.  In the following three weeks the Lyran worlds of Lost, Issaba and Qurayyat all hold votes to join the Rim Collection in protest to the Lyran actions while local LCAF refuse to defect to the periphery nation they are given three months to leave their garrison positions or be treated as hostile elements within the Rim Collection.

   A message from Tharkad threatens the Rim Collection leaders on Gillfillian's Gold that should they take possession of those planets then it would be an act of war President Jerry Able replied that he would never stand in the way of a democratic decision by free people, it was a founding principle of his nation and one that he believed in with every fiber of his being and if it meant a war he'd fight one.

Border conflict, Tabayama Prefecture
Midway Military District, Draconis Combine
13th June 3097

   A Snow Raven border raid expands into a small border war with four systems rapidly pulled into an expanding border conflict.  With neither side wishing to expand the conflict beyond a small border war both sides keep their WarShip Fleets away from battle in battles that run for almost an entire month.  Eventually Snow Raven forces retreat back inside the Raven Alliance with no worlds exchanged between the two.

Last Frontier, Rasalhague District
Rasalhague Dominion
20th June 3097

   Following their raid against Turtle Bay the four “pirate” raider Mechs strike at Last Frontier in the Rasalhague Dominion.  The four Mechs strike without warning and despite their small number cause a massive amount of damage fighting off an entire binary of Ghost Bear Mechs.  In post battle analysis one of the lance's BattleMechs strongly resembles a design recently proposed by Odin Manufacturing of Orestes known as the Gravedigger.

Test-flight Range, AFFS Airbase
Ranford, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
27th June 3097

   Her most recent flight over the Dina Fight Range had been too short for Duchess Sterling Davion's liking but a technical malfunction had forced her experimental Dagger Aerospace Fighter back to its bace.  The Federated Suns technicians had been experimenting with Binary Laser Cannons, Variable Speed Pulse Lasers and XXL Fusion Engine power on the craft, eventually something had to break, walking around the Aerospace Fighter Sterling hoped it wouldn't be grounded for too long.

   “Do you think you can rule the Federated Suns from the air, Duchess?”  A voice asked from one door as Duchess Alexandra Ryan-Bowman entered the hanger.  Around Sterling some of the technicians looked up briefly then rapidly returned to their work on repairing the fighter not interested in becoming involved in this battle.

   “Neg” Sterling replied glancing to the floor realizing her mistake.

   “Just as I thought, still a Raven.”  Alexandra said the way she spoke of Sterling's former Clan was almost like a curse.

   “I am a product of my upbringing” Sterling admitted “but I am also trying to be more.”

   “I'm sure you are” Alexandra said noticing Sterling's face at her use of a contraction she continued “but you can't wing by just trying, you know this you were a leader of men and women, to succeed you must do more than win the skies.  I'll leave you to your toy.”  She said turning leaving the hanger Sterling watched her leave then turned back to the fighter knowing the Duchess was right but at the same time knowing she could not give up the skies.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1111 on: 22 March 2015, 09:01:32 »
handbags at 200 yards it seems...great updates as always!  And something tells me the Taurians are gonna get a spanking... Also that clumsy raid, could this be another wolves false flag?  all be it a costly one?
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1112 on: 24 March 2015, 20:27:48 »
Time to cause trouble - welcome back the Wolves of Kerensky

Planetary Assault
Ford, Dixie Theatre
Halfway province, Lyran Commonwealth
1st July 3097

   The first anyone on Ford knew of an attack was the massive explosion that lit up the nights sky and could be seen all over the planet.  Only one thing could have caused such a massive explosion and that was the LCS Kevin Tamar the Fox-class Corvette dedicated to the planet's defence.  Few knew what had been to cause of the explosion until several hours later when several DropShips swooped over the capital disgorging Elementals carrying the crest of Clan Wolf.  After disappearing months before the Wolves had finally shown their cards launching an all out assault on the Lyran/Former FWL border region the Kevin Tamar only the first victim.

   On landing on the planet Wolf Elementals quickly seized government buildings and the planetary HPG while BattleMechs carrying the insignia of the First Wolf Assault Cluster, an Elite command of the Wolves Wolf Spirit Galaxy, tore through the Second Commonwealth Guards RCT.  With total air superiority the Wolf warriors ignored all pretenses of Zellbrigen. instead declaring loudly over radio channels that all non-Clan forces were Dezgra, tore through the Lyran's veteran RCT within hours cutting down every single warrior the Lyrans fielded.  To the Lyrans it was almost like a rerun of 3049 with the arrival of the Clans the Wolves so determined and unstoppable.

   At almost the same time as the assault on Ford the Wolf WarShip Trailblazer and supporting ground forces overran defences in the Loric system as the Trailblazer crippled the Peter-class Scout vessel LCS Yvonne and the Wolf's Third Wolf Assault Cluster conquered the planet.  As with Ford the Wolves dispensed with any use of Trial instead striking down on the Lyran defenders with their full force until all resistance was put down.

   Moving rapidly the Wolves struck at another fourteen worlds near Loric and Ford extending into the Former-Free Worlds League with the WarShips of Clans Wolf, Nova Cat and Snow Raven forming a perimetre with the most elite commands.  When each world was secure the Wolf transport vessels Provider and Night Warrior and the Snow Raven Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser escorting the Nova Cat yardship Legacy entered the Sheridan system along with several JumpShips carrying the Wolf civilian and scientist castes as Clan Wolf claimed its new home.

   Intent on ensuring that they were not challenged in their new home the Wolves deployed the Nova Cat WarShips Principle and Sabretooth two Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers with instructions to capture or eliminate the WarShip MCS Vancouver, a Venturer-class Light Cruiser, taking no chances the Nova Cats gave the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth vessel no chance to surrender instead engaging it as soon as they were able.  The Vancouver with its long range Naval Lasers, particle cannons and Light Naval Gauss Rifles was able to cause moderate damage to the Principle but the Light Cruiser was simply out gunned by the firepower of the two Nova Cat Heavy Cruisers and their support ships.  With the Legacy safely moved to Sheridan the Nova Cats would be able to repair their damaged WarShip without too much issue.  On hearing of the Vancouver's destruction and that there were two Aegis-class vessels in the system McAffe's government offered a complete and unconditional surrender to the Nova Cat invaders.

   In a similar operation the Snow Raven WarShip Spur is deployed to Gannet system to after Wolf intelligence suggests there is a Zechetinu II-class Corvette.  The Spur jumps in at a pirate point only to discover they have entered the system in close proximity to the Zechetinu II-class vessel Discovery.  The Snow Ravens are not ready for a fight but the sheer presence of the Lola III forces the inexperienced crew of the Discovery to surrender without firing a shot in their defence it turns out that the crew were on a training cruise and do not even have a full crew complement or full ammunition stores.  As part of their contract with the Wolves the Discovery belongs to Clan Wolf but the Snow Ravens choose to take the crew as bondsmen seeing that they are smart enough to know when they are outclassed.  The ship is moved to Sheridan while the Spur remains in the system for Wolf ground forces to arrive and secure the planet.

   As new continues to spread about the Wolf arrival the Lyran Commonwealth, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey rush to respond to this new threat as does the Star League Defence Force.  None of the surrounding nations attempt to breach the territory claimed by the Wolves allowing the Clans to dig in on several of the newly captured worlds and spread onto over twenty separate worlds.  Many of the planets the Wolves secure had been independent since the break-up of the Free Worlds League finding themselves in an area between major powers who were unwilling, or not interested, in expanding into.  Many of these had found this independence to be a double edged sword while their affairs were their own they had to spend additional resources on attracting external trade, on keeping the peace and housing criminals, social care and on defending their planets from the increased pirate activity and adventurism from the states nearby.  In some ways the arrival of the Wolves was welcomed with open hands as it took many of these responsibilities away from these states.

Liao Royal Hospital, Forbidden Palace
Forbidden City, Sian
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
12th July 3097

   Oblivious to what is happening in the Free Worlds League on Sian Chancellor Dao-Shen Liao's third child Lei Ren Liao is born to Erin Liao.  In the presence of the rest of the Liao family as Dao-Shen solidifies his grip on the Capellan throne and ensures that his heirs would take control of the Confederation when he died.

Mercenary contract
Home, Bowang Free Trade Sphere
Former-Free Worlds League
18th July 3097

   Commander Sean Dorran, Leader of the Wolf's Dragoons, walked around the fire-base on Home in the Bowang Free Trade Sphere beside him was Major Stacy Church the commander of WolfNet.  “It's a start” he said looking around.

   “A start” Stacy Church repeated “we've had another approach this time by Interstellar News Network.”  She said the Wolf's Dragoons decision to extend their contract in the Bowang Free Trade Sphere had surprised people all around the Inner Sphere.  “Everyone knows that Bowang cannot afford our rates and with Sea Fox interest in the Clipperton Shipyards they know that we are not needed to defend that system.”

   “Maybe we should just tell them we are starting our own interstellar nation?”  Sean joked “first Outreach and now Home tell the Mariks they should start worrying.”

   “Sean” Stacy said sternly

   “You're trying to make me take things more serious?”  He asked glancing back at her they'd known each other for a long time since they were cadets now they were both in their sixties.  He knew her as well as anyone and her wild streak.

   “If they see us as a threat they might turn guns towards us.”  She suggested "our moves determine the future of the Dragoons."

   “And the Wolves, they have disabled HPGs as they go, we know what they are doing.  Us moving into a position of authority in Bowang may be seen as a threat to them or seen as us scouting for the Wolves.”  She cautioned him the Dragoons legacy was well known.

   “Everyone knows we long ago abandoned the Wolf cause” Sean said “fear may drive some against us but Bowang wishes us to stay they have offered us this world and we want it.”

   “Along with their militia” Stacy half joked

   “Hardly those Soareces they deserve to be in a museum.”

   “Aff” Stacy agreed “however I know for fact that the locals will not give them up they've spent a lot of resources over the years keeping them operational.”

   “We'll accommodate them” Sean said “perhaps they'll be open to us experimenting with them.”

   “You have an idea?”

   “Always” he admitted “but first we have to secure things here.  Bowang offered us this world as part payment for our contract we need to show that we can and will defend it.  But also that we'll be willing to work with the locals send word out that we'll be training the militia and recruiting to bring its numbers up to the numbers of our Home Guard.  That should build confidence with the locals and sway any worries that we plan to be overlords.”

   “It'll take a long time for this place to be anything like Outreach.”  Stacy said Sean nodded

   “I know but it'll be worth it.”  He said looking around imagining what could be from the bare-bones that was their new home.

Royal Hospital, Tharkad City
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
22nd July 3097

   With news spreading of Clan Wolf's actions along the Dixie Theatre and Former-Free Worlds League border, renewed fighting along the Jade Falcon border and reports of Rim Collection expansionism the Lyran Commonwealth's citizens have little celebrate.  In an effort to bolster Lyran morale House Steiner announces a new addition has been added to their family in the form of Jessica Steiner's newest born son Blaine Steiner.

Pirate Raids
Lahti, Bowang Free Trade Sphere
Former-Free Worlds League
27th July 3097

   Following an increasing series of raids the independent worlds of Stotzing, Jubka, Hednesford and Lahti on the Former-Free Worlds League border petition to join the Bowang Free Trade Sphere.  Throughout the shattered League many eyes now turn to Bowang as a beacon of what the League once stood for and despite having the larger Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey and the Rim Association nearby these worlds have made their choice.  Bowang gladly welcomes these four worlds despite none of them bringing anything massive to the Free Trade Sphere.

   On each of the worlds they hear a similar story a lance of BattleMechs based off an Leopard-class DropShip had been raiding them for some time each of the Mechs was painted the same in Blue and Red with white highlights and each carried a red number “7” on their torso.  In each case they identify the same Mechs an Atlas, a Catapult, a Clint and a Jenner marking another new pirate band.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1113 on: 24 March 2015, 21:29:53 »
 O0  Wow, nice update!  Clan Wolf simply declaring all forces Dezgra and conquering over two dozen worlds!  Nice!   Also, the Wolf Dragoon's got another world handed to them as part of their contract with the BFTS?  This should be an interesting development.  Keep it up!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1114 on: 24 March 2015, 22:17:23 »
The leaders families are producing babies, the Wolves are conquering a new home.
The Dragoons have another planet.

I wonder which would be classed as more important.
Oh the babies, politicians use them to cover for everything. :D
Great update.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1115 on: 24 March 2015, 22:53:06 »
Fun update.  O0

James Tanaga


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1116 on: 25 March 2015, 01:25:39 »
I think this is the battletech version of that chap going "Supprise Mother..." to have that fleet re-appear and just go NOM.  I'm trying to figure out where the new Wolf Empire is though, the 3145 version was like north of Tharkad this one seems to the in the South East and have settled in the remnants of the FWL. (could well be wrong).  Also the big change to not even bothering with Zell as well as the actions by the Solhama troops pre-attack is a HUGE doctrinal shift for the Clans, even one as willing to adapt and change as the Wolves, this is as big as the Falcons adopting melee weapons in the 3145 era.
« Last Edit: 25 March 2015, 02:54:34 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1117 on: 25 March 2015, 03:28:53 »
I'm trying to figure out where the new Wolf Empire is though, the 3145 version was like north of Tharkad this one seems to the in the South East and have settled in the remnants of the FWL. (could well be wrong).

Assuming that the original Clan Occupation Zones are "North" and the Capellan Confederation is "South" the Wolf territory is:

"North" Points Loric, Glauser, Ford, Nestor

And everything in between to:

"Southern" Points Shasta, Ideyid, Autumn Wind

Hope that helps orientate you

It's basically a box sandwiched in between the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Lyran Commonwealth - which is why the Wolves needed the Nova Cat and Snow Raven WarShips and why they were retreating from planets ever since the Serpents invaded they've been stockpiling arms for quite a while the Wolves are more than ready for this.

This space has been left mostly unclaimed since the break up of the FWL the reason being none of the three realms around it were interested enough in committing resources to claim it.  When Clan Wolf made "peace" with the Exiles (Mountain Wolves) they gained data that the Exiles had gathered when Katya Kerensky chased down the Ghosts of the Abyss they had no intention in going into this completely blind.

Now you may say they are surrounded but they have more concentrated troops and firepower than any of the realms around them.  The territory is valuable to the Wolves for a few reasons...

As for Zellbrigen being abandoned note that it is abandoned by the Wolves against Inner Sphere opponents not the other Clans considering where the Wolves currently are you can't really blame them.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1118 on: 25 March 2015, 04:19:11 »
It does :) Just lemme find a map of the inner sphere now thats got the stars on it :p

And darn it now i'm wondering what those reasons could be! *shakes fish* curse you!
« Last Edit: 25 March 2015, 04:21:35 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1119 on: 25 March 2015, 07:14:10 »
When Clan Wolf made "peace" with the Exiles (Mountain Wolves) they gained data that the Exiles had gathered when Katya Kerensky chased down the Ghosts of the Abyss they had no intention in going into this completely blind.
Katya Kerensky? You mean Ranna Kerensky? :)

Interesting move, though politically it will be interesting to see if the Wolves will be able to maintain their economy and self-sustaining abilities.  Like the Wolves in prime timeline, they have cope with lack of factories with Clan tech. Especially now, they won't have replacement gear for a while unless they trade and trials for them.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1120 on: 25 March 2015, 08:45:18 »
I'm going to assume the wolves brought all of their factories with them as well as what ever civies they could to do this move.  It also puts them near (I think) the Bowarang group and they are friendly with the Sharkfoxes and can trade there.  And you can bet that the Amiags of the Sharkfoxes just smelled profit in all these newly conquered worlds and with their new Wolf masters and are no doubt making plans to move into the region and start a trading.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1121 on: 25 March 2015, 09:45:17 »
Katya Kerensky? You mean Ranna Kerensky? :)

Interesting move, though politically it will be interesting to see if the Wolves will be able to maintain their economy and self-sustaining abilities.  Like the Wolves in prime timeline, they have cope with lack of factories with Clan tech. Especially now, they won't have replacement gear for a while unless they trade and trials for them.

Yes her

to your point yes and no...

I'm going to assume the wolves brought all of their factories with them as well as what ever civies they could to do this move.  It also puts them near (I think) the Bowarang group and they are friendly with the Sharkfoxes and can trade there.  And you can bet that the Amiags of the Sharkfoxes just smelled profit in all these newly conquered worlds and with their new Wolf masters and are no doubt making plans to move into the region and start a trading.

sort of - the Sea Foxes are still Khanates at the moment Amiags haven't fully taken hold yet they are still unified in command at present a little less wondering trade/warriors more trader Clan.

I'm going to answer here because it's a bit long and I don't want to clog this thread too much.  Feel free to question it more here or on the OBT thread I'll try to answer fully (without spoiling the story)
« Last Edit: 25 March 2015, 09:47:49 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1122 on: 26 March 2015, 13:30:22 »
If anyone is interested (a little delayed due to an unknown hitch) the End of 3096 my thanks to Knightmare and MechRat on OBT for looking into the issues behind the hitch

Also attached there is the map for August 3097 showing where the Wolves currently are based
« Last Edit: 26 March 2015, 13:33:35 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1123 on: 26 March 2015, 19:23:53 »
And to match the map here's August 3097 for the timeline - meant to post this earlier but I had things to do

Flight Range, Kathil
Kathil, Kathil Operating Area
Capellan March, Federated Suns
6th August 3097

   Duchess Kym Hasek walked over the tarmac her artificial leg allowed her to walk without a limp or any obvious indication that it wasn't flesh and blood.  Unfortunately her balance was not as it once was she'd never be able to pilot a Mech again instead she'd decided that she wanted to be a pilot VTOLs did not need a neural interface while aerospace fighters needed her balance a lot less than a Mech.  Her mother had not approved of her plan instead wishing she had begun to learn how to rule the Capellan March but Kym wished to serve the AFFS.

   Now on Kathil she spied the Aeron Training VTOL waiting for her the aircraft was not like a normal helicopter instead it relying on vector thrust engines to keep it airborne.  The training variant of the aircraft had been modified to allow a pilot to experience several different types of weapons.  “Leftenant Jamieson?”  She asked as she approached a man in uniform.

   “Yes, Captain, are you ready for your first lesson?”  He said indicating to the aircraft.  She had sat in a flight simulator for over one hundred hours but had yet to take flight as a pilot.

   “I am Leftenant” Kym replied “just because I out rank you, Leftenant, if you think I am doing wrong make sure you remind me.”

   “Trust me mam if you are doing something wrong I will be taking over, a mistake in this aircraft will kill both of us and potentially put others at risk.”

   “Yes, Leftenant” she said she then assisted him with the rest of the checks on the aircraft before taking to the air for the first time.  The twenty-five ton VTOL was not as tough as any BattleMech but it was still a very special feeling.  From her initial flight she learned how the aircraft controlled in the air and general targeting of different targets with different weapons.  She wasn't allowed to fire any of the weapons but it was a start.

Naval Raid
Yeguas, Arc Royal Theatre
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
8th August 3097

   The Jade Falcon WarShip Peregrine scouts the Lyran held Yeguas system.  There they found the Killing Blow a Mountain Wolf Vincent Mk 42-class Corvette.  Instead of engaging in an open engagement the two WarShips agree to engage in a series of aerospace fighter duels.  Eight days later the Jade Falcon WarShip leaves the system without causing further harm.

Raids and Reposes
Nestor, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Former-Free Worlds League
19th August 3097

   When a Marik-Stewart Commonwealth JumpShip enters the Bondurant system it is stopped by the NCS Karl Devalis; the Nova Cat Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser under contract with Clan Wolf.  The Wolf response is simple and to the point the The Silver Keshik and Ninth Wolf Strike Cluster, of Beta Galaxy, jumped their “border” entering the Nestor system before fast burning to the system.  The Wolves shattered the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth aerospace fighter force landing on the planet immediately throwing themselves at the Second Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Militia which defended the planet.

   The combined-arms regiment had been planning to turn back a Wolf assault for weeks however they were nowhere near ready to counter the Wolf's all out assault.  Within hours the Marik-Stewart forces are broken into smaller units by the Wolves rapid attacks within days the last remains of the command lie broken at the victorious Clan's feet.  In an effort to spread their message, and fear, throughout the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and nearby Lyran Commonwealth the new owners of Nestor allow all the independent traders to leave the planet taking with them news of the Wolf conquest and word that any further raids against the Wolf Empire will be met with deadly consequences.

   As word spreads of the Wolf occupation of Nestor and their message regarding their Empire Archon Peter Steiner-Davion called for an emergency session of the SLDF via HPG.  Sitting at his desk Peter Steiner-Davion looked at the faces of each Succession State and Periphery State that had joined the reborn Star League.  It was a marvel of technology and money that had led them to this ability the Star League's Department of Communications had spent billions on constructing additional HPG stations on worlds between the nations capitals allowing for near instantaneous communication between  the Star League's Capital Worlds.  “The Wolves are a clear and present danger to the Inner Sphere's security” Peter said looking at the screens “we should have spoken when the Wolves first made their move.”

   “Ridiculous the Clans do not threaten my nation's border this is not an invasion of the Inner Sphere it requires a simple readjustment of your defences to face the Clan threat.”  Dao-Shen Liao said he looked angry at even having to speak to them.  "The Commanding General can assist you with this, WE are not required for this discussion."

   “I agree my nation faces a threat from Clan Nova Cat which is within our borders.  We have adjusted to them.”  Erik Martens-Calderon stated, the Nova Cats held a single world within the Taurian Concordat, if reports suggested that the Wolves already held twenty-two inhabited systems.

   “The Bears and Ravens border my nation on different sides.  Why can you not adjust your defences perhaps Skye and the Mountain Wolves are a bigger internal threat than your public services suggest?  Or perhaps you are running scared of the Rim Collection?”  Warlord Minoru Kurita said laughing.

   “Are you an idiot?”  Peter said angrily staring at the Draconis Combine leader “the Wolves led the original Clan invasion if they are on the move then the others cannot be far behind.”

   “The Wolves have shown greater aggression in the last few weeks than any of the other Clans have.  We have seen Nova Cat and Snow Raven units within their number.”  Captain-General Photon Brett-Marik said supporting Peter's claim that the Wolves were dangerous.

   “The Star League Defence Force is deploying additional units to your Operational Areas” Archer Christifori, the SLDF's Commanding-General, said “we will be in position to support your nations within the next few months.”

   “In months they could be on Stewart or Marik” Corrine Marik said “I am First Lord of this Star League I will have your attention and your obedience.  You will assist us!”  The Captain-General's sudden outburst caught all the Succession Lords by surprise but after a moment it was answered by the Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation's leaders who both began to laugh in unison.  Over the last few years everyone of them he begun to realize that the Star League's “First Lord” was a ceremonial title for the Conferences and additional Star League civilian support.  Today the real power behind the Star League was its Defence Force which was now a power in its own right only the Succession Lords continued support would keep its loyalty to demand assistance was not the way of the current Star League.

   “You have your answers Archon, Captain-Generals” Dao-Shen Liao answered “the Star League Defence Force will support you.  We support the Star League at all times.”  He said signing out slowly the others including First Lord Corrine Marik followed suit leaving only Victor Steiner-Davion staring at his brother.

   “Is this really what the Star League has become?”  Peter asked his older brother.

   “No it is more Peter.  Archer Christifori is the Commanding-General and has said the SLDF are moving additional forces to support you you would be wise to speak to him regarding deployment and joint operations.  Corrine was a fool to demand support Christifori, and his generals, will not take demands well.  If she had asked for support from the others then they may have acted however until they see the Bears or Falcons join in these assaults no-one else will act.”

   “Including you?”  He asked looking him as First Prince of the Federated Suns instead of his bigger brother.

   “I will support Archer and the SLDF as much as I can Peter.”  Victor promised “but for now I must stay ready to defend the Federated Suns.  If the Snow Ravens and Nova Cats are involved with the Wolves as Photon said then I need to be ready for them striking here as well.”

   “There is no intelligence to suggest that will happen...” Peter said

   “There is no intelligence to suggest that it will not!” Victor snapped looking at his brother.  “You know as well as I do I cannot justify putting my people at risk.”

   “These are your people as well Victor, you were born in THIS NATION you learned to fight in THIS NATION, your blood is their blood!”  Peter said his voice raising with his anger.

   “And it turned its back on me” Victor said looking down “it turned to our sister when I was away fighting the very people that you are now concerned about.”  He said looking up at him “I gave up my claim to the Lyran throne many years ago.  I feel for your losses, Peter, but I will not jeopardize my own people's safety.”  Victor said looking back at his brother nodding briefly before signing off.  Peter looked up from his desk at his daughter Jessica who had stayed off camera the entire time.

   “We stand alone” he said quietly “even family turns from us.”

   “We will prevail” Jessica said calmly “our people will follow the Archon.”  He knew she would rather be on board her WarShip than speaking those words but she was his family and stood beside him.

   “I need to speak to the people”

   “I'll set it up” Jessica said leaving the room and her father to stare at the screens.  An hour later Peter Steiner-Davion dressed in his uniform as a member of the LCAF addressed his nation informing him of Clan Wolf's move and their assaults within the Dixie Theatre.  He announced that the Star League Defence Force, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey would oppose the Wolves on their every turn and that he had confidence in his people that they could turn the tide against the Clan menace.

Contract Negotiation
Marik, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Former-Free Worlds League
25th August 3097

   After years in the service of the Capellan Confederation the Daniel's Avengers Brigade negotiates its way out of its contract moving their services to the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  The Daniel's Avengers, a unit descending from the Twentieth Star League Dragoons Regiment, presently at a combined-arms brigade sized mercenary command.  The Avengers had long brushed off SLDF attempts to welcome them back into the fold and were now desiring combat with Clan Wolf to facilitate this they are assigned to the defence of Helm.
« Last Edit: 28 March 2015, 09:41:29 by Dragon Cat »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1124 on: 26 March 2015, 19:58:27 »
Nice update!  Glad to see that Archon Peter Steiner is not very politically adept just like the current First Lord of SL.  That was a nice HPG conference visual, also it was nice to see why Prince VSD, would not go out of his way to help.  Also, I guess the leaders of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey should have communicated to each other first.   


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1125 on: 26 March 2015, 21:06:58 »
Lovely update :) I wonder how pissed the Clans would be if they learned that the IS still was employing mercs who had ancient historical ties to Amaris..
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1126 on: 27 March 2015, 01:50:22 »
Daniel's Avengers on Helm.
Rabid Wolves arriving on their doorstep very soon. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1127 on: 27 March 2015, 02:22:23 »
Daniel's Avengers on Helm.
Rabid Wolves arriving on their doorstep very soon. O0

Indeed.  The first thing they know is when they get something akin to this on open comms..

I do hope that the Lyrans are not silly enough to start battering their heads against the Wolves defences (such as they are).  I don't know the mech strength of the Wolves on the ground but they've got a fairly densely packed group of worlds to look after and they have more than enough Warships to simply blat any attacker. 
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1128 on: 27 March 2015, 10:12:37 »
Man sounds like Peter about to trigger backlash not unlike 3143, it will be ugly.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1129 on: 27 March 2015, 16:38:17 »
Also, I guess the leaders of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey should have communicated to each other first.

Problem is they don't talk, Tamarind, Marik and Oriente all still claim to be Captain-General of the Free Worlds League.

Lovely update :) I wonder how pissed the Clans would be if they learned that the IS still was employing mercs who had ancient historical ties to Amaris..

Not much I'd guess.  Several members of the Rim Worlds Republic became members of the Khans including several Khans.

Man sounds like Peter about to trigger backlash not unlike 3143, it will be ugly.

Maybe not Peter...
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1130 on: 27 March 2015, 16:39:46 »
Lyran Commonwealth Raid
Loric, Wolf Empire
2nd September 3097

      Archon Peter Steiner-Davion's speech was still ringing in their ears when General of Armies Thomas Hogarth had announced to the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards RCT that he would be personally leading them into combat against Clan Wolf.  Not one of them questioned his authority or their course of action they would turn the Clan menace back from Lyran soil.  Hogarth with him an entire Regiment of brand-new armour vehicles and crews intended on filling gaps the RCT had taken fighting the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and reinforcing their units.  Included among these vehicles were several new Hetzer variants known as the Jagdpanzer II series which was being tested by the LCAF before a larger purchase was made.  These units brought the Twenty-Fourth's armour forces up to five full regiments of armour giving the RCT a total of twelve regiments of personnel supported by the General's personal WarShip the LCS Nondi Steiner they had felt indestructible.

   Jumping into the Loric system they found the Wolf WarShip Trailblazer at the Nadir point, the vessel stood little to no chance as the LCS Nondi Steiner tore the corvette apart with long range naval particle cannon fire.  As the Lyrans had turned in system they ignored the crippled Peter-class Scout vessel which the Trailblazer had been guarding the ship was no threat to anyone.  What they also missed was the tiny Bug Eye-class Surveillance Craft which had been hovering off the jump points “under” Loric's star.  On seeing the Lyran assault forces move in the Bug-Eye had jumped as soon as the Hyperion-class Nondi Steiner was out of range taking word of the assault to the other Wolves.

   Five days later the Lyrans had begun their landings on the planet initial reports had suggested a single Wolf Cluster was on the planet unfortunately the initial reports had been wrong.  Had Hogarth sent ahead a scouting force he would have known the Wolves had reinforced their positions with an additional two Clusters shortly after their civilians were secure on Sheridan.  The Wolves had created a “hard” perimetre around their new Occupation Zone and had no intentions on letting their new neighbours enter without a fight.  As ordered by Khan Nathan Fetladral the three Wolf Clusters ignored traditional challenges and Zellbrigen instead combining their fire on the Lyran targets including the Twenty-fourth's DropShips as they began to approach the ground.  Before the Lyrans left their DropShips their landing zones were under attack with long range artillery fire.

   When General of Armies Thomas Hogarth stepped his Atlas II onto Loric to begin his “liberation campaign” he found that two regiments of the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards were dead or disabled and every landing zone under heavy fire.  Instead of seeing that his people were out gunned and had been out moved by the Wolves Hogarth ordered a march towards Loric's capital Loric City.  After moving less than six kilometres and personally engaging seven Wolf Mechs Hogarth called for Naval Support from the orbiting LCS Nondi Steiner to be targeted on Loric City to break the Wolf resolve and morale.  The commander of the LCS Nondi Steiner, Kommodore Odette Franks, immediately refused to target any civilian centre with her WarShip's weapons and despite several further requests..  On his final request Odette Franks threatened to obliterate the General's position should he not see sense and order a retreat.  Under this threat and with the RCT around him being gradually torn to pieces by the Wolves Thomas Hogarth ordered a full retreat.  The withdrawal was not an orderly one lances and then companies broke their lines individually as the Twenty-fourth were routed by the Wolves.

   Nearly twenty-two hours later the last Lyran soldier lifted off Loric.  In total nearly four regiments of Lyran Commonwealth troops had been lost on the planet including the RCT commander, two Armour regiment commanders and the commander of the infantry brigade; unfortunately for the Lyran Commonwealth General of Armies Thomas Hogarth was not among the casualties being one of the first to board one of the DropShips.  Turning away from the planet at their best speed they headed back towards the jump point during the next four days Hogarth repeatedly requested to be transferred to “the flagship,” the LCS Nondi Steiner, however each time his request was denied due to “tactical concerns” held by Odette Franks.  On the fifth day with the DropShips and the Nondi Steiner still sixteen hours from their JumpShips and safety the SRS Thor, a Kigamure-class Pursuit Cruiser, jumped into the system.  Only the quick thinking of the JumpShip captains saved them from the Snow Raven vessel's guns as each JumpShip executed a pre-planned inter-system jump to a pirate point.  Turning again towards the planet the Lyran DropShips and the LCS Nondi Steiner went back over their path towards the JumpShip's new position as the Thor attempted to chase down the retreating Inner Sphere force.  Fortunately their small head start kept them ahead of the Snow Raven WarShip long enough for the JumpShips to begin jumping away with the Thor only just entering weapons range as the LCS Nondi Steiner spun up her KF Drive to escape.  The two WarShips traded several extreme range shots, most of which missed widely, before the Lyran WarShip jumped out of the system back into the Lyran Commonwealth.

   Away from the system General of Armies Thomas Hogarth ordered the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards to return to their garrison world of Arcadia in disgrace informing their surviving commanders he was extremely disappointed in them.  He then ordered the LCS Nondi Steiner to take him to Tharkad so he could personally recount the Wolf's tactics and readiness to Archon Peter Steiner-Davion.  Kommodore Odette Franks obliged the General of Armies intent on ensuring that his account of the battle was truthful and his repeated orders to bombard civilian targets was included in said report.

   On Loric the Wolves begin the process of salvaging the equipment left behind by the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards when they followed Hogarth off planet the repairable equipment would be used to “prop-up” the Wolves garrison Clusters as their Second-line BattleMechs were transferred to front-line units to replace combat losses.  The first such unit to receive equipment that used to belong to the Twenty-Fourth is the Thirty-sixth Wolf Champions Cluster of The Werewolves Galaxy.  They encounter several downed warriors during their operations.  Due to the Wolf declaration that all non-Clan warriors were dezgra each is thrown in one of Loric's prisons with common criminals after medical treatment.

Asteroid Strike
Necromo, Sian Commonality
Capellan Confederation
18th September 3097

   It had become apparent to the Capellan Confederation that someone intended for Necromo to be worthless to anyone when a large asteroid narrowly misses the Necromo Aris Memorial Shipyards.  Capellan defensive fire knocks the causes heavy damage to the asteroid and knocks it into the atmosphere of the planet.  Due to the damage caused by the Capellan defenders and the friction of hitting the planet's atmosphere at speed it explodes shattering as it heads towards the ground. The impact with such a massive piece of rock hitting the atmosphere and exploding was enough to send a sonic boom shock wave across the planet shattering glass windows on vehicles and in buildings.  Shards of the asteroid slam down onto the surface causing massive destruction over several continents.

   With the people of the planet already struggling to cope with the death and destruction already inflicted on the planet the Capellan Chancellor makes a fateful decision – abandon Necromo.  Chancellor Dao Shen-Liao orders the four under construction ships to be fitted out so they were capable of making a jump to another system then for the shipyards to be completely dismantled.

   The WarShip CCSS Xuzhou, a Wudang Jian-class Frigate, is sent to the outer edges of the system to investigate where this “rogue” asteroid came from.  While in the outer edges of the system the Frigate encounters what appears to be an extensively modified Newgrange-class Yardship which rapidly leaves the system before they can approach.

   With the data gathered the Maskirovka believe that the vessel is a remnant of the Word of Blake/Manei Domini a black project known as Erinyes which has attacked several systems including the now dead world of Lopez.

Test Flight, FTS Bowang (Agamemnon II-class Heavy Cruiser)
Clipperton Shipyards, Clipperton
Bowang Free Trade Sphere, Former-Free Worlds League
21st September 3097

   With extensive assistance from Clan Sea Fox the Bowang Free Trade Sphere launch the FTS Bowang, a modified Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser, on a test flight.  The vessel which is barely a completed hull with engines and nearly a dozen Naval Pulse Lasers built into it moves clear of the shipyards and tests the Naval Pulse Lasers built into the hull.  The test is a complete success with every weapon tested and confirmed to be working perfectly.  Dubbed the Agamemnon II-class Heavy Cruiser the FTS Bowang will have Naval Pulse Lasers replacing all the standard naval lasers and feature more advanced armour than the previous incarnation of the craft but otherwise be the same.  The FTS Bowang is expected to be in space dock for another year to two years fitting out while her sister ship the FTS Clipperton is also nearing completion.

   Although construction has begun again at the shipyard since the damage done to it the shipyards are still operating at a fraction of their previous capacity with two WarShip yards and two JumpShip yards operational.  Talk of opening additional yard space is rife around Clipperton however all agree that the only way that Bowang can afford such an increase is if Clan Sea Fox foot the bill for the renovations and already the Clan is demanding a switch away from the Agamemnon-class entirely and onto their Aumakua-class Destroyer.  The Sea Foxes believe that this new class will be a better system patrol ship and a better escort to their larger WarShips than either version of the Agamemnon-class.

Dixie Theatre, Halfway Province
Lyran Commonwealth
25th September 3097

   In response to the attack from the Lyran Commonwealth on Loris Clan Wolf's Bronze Keshik of The Wolf Hussar Galaxy struck at Arcadia striking at the remains of the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guard RCT on their baseworld.  The Wolves struck by first attacking the MechWarrior barracks and Mech Hanger with long range artillery strikes then with Mechs and Elementals charging into the base.  As with their previous strategies against non-clan opponents Clan Wolf struck down each of the enemy warriors with deadly efficiency.  At the same time as the Wolves were striking Arcadia the Wolf's 103rd Striker Cluster struck at the lightly defended Gienah system bringing it into the Wolf's new “Empire.”

   In response to the Wolves appearance on the border of the Dixie Theatre Lyran High Command ordered all LCAF units to retreat from the three systems which had chosen to join the Rim Collection due to the assassination attempt against Jerry Able.  In a public statement the LCAF High Command acknowledges that General of Armies Thomas Hogarth's attack brought the Wolves against them necessitating a redeployment of Lyran units along their external borders but they refused to give up their claim to Qurayyat, Lost and Issaba.
« Last Edit: 28 March 2015, 00:03:47 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1131 on: 27 March 2015, 21:21:59 »
"With Archon Peter Steiner-Davion's speech still ringing in their ears when General of Armies Thomas Hogarth had announced to the Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards RCT that he would be personally leading them into combat against Clan Wolf."

Man, someone was seriously not paying attention to Thomas Hogarth's credentials!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1132 on: 28 March 2015, 00:02:35 »
[Wolves] Nice RCT you've got a shame if something were to happen to it....

Lets hope that does not turn into [Wolves] Nice everything you've got there....

A great update as always :)

Also a thought, the Bowang folks have got some new if rather unexpected neighbours come in.  How about instead of doing the usual cordial greeting of popping over to say hi (possibly with pie) go " need to use shipyards right...well...just so happens we've got some free and for a small fee..." *warm happy smile* "Also Clan Seafox would be MOST interested in trading with you especially as you are establishing your new what do you say...friends?"
« Last Edit: 28 March 2015, 03:26:59 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1133 on: 28 March 2015, 13:01:00 »
[Wolves] Nice RCT you've got a shame if something were to happen to it....

Lets hope that does not turn into [Wolves] Nice everything you've got there....

A great update as always :)

Also a thought, the Bowang folks have got some new if rather unexpected neighbours come in.  How about instead of doing the usual cordial greeting of popping over to say hi (possibly with pie) go " need to use shipyards right...well...just so happens we've got some free and for a small fee..." *warm happy smile* "Also Clan Seafox would be MOST interested in trading with you especially as you are establishing your new what do you say...friends?"

This is the dragoons we are talking about, i would not be surprised at all if they have a secret yard or some such to maintain there warships.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1134 on: 28 March 2015, 19:43:41 »

Man, someone was seriously not paying attention to Thomas Hogarth's credentials!

Thank the Estates Generals Peter wanted to give the position to General Aiden Grey

This is the dragoons we are talking about, i would not be surprised at all if they have a secret yard or some such to maintain there warships.

The Dragoons and Sea Fox are involved in Bowang Free Trade Sphere.  Initially the Dragoons were the muscles behind Bowang seizing Clipperton but as things have continued its the Sea Fox that have ensured they keep it.

The Sea Fox have a shipyard in the Chainelane Isle but they're not against gaining additional facilities.  The Dragoons are purely reliant on other nations for maintenance of their large naval craft.

Observation visit
Sharpe, Kittery Prefecture
Star League Protectorate
8th October 3097

   After several requests from both sides of the border observers from both the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation are allowed to travel to the Sharpe system under SLDF. Escort on the planet they find a world that has been preserved in its Star League-era grandeur.  None of the settlements are massive metropolis sized cities instead the surface of Sharpe is dotted with small towns, most with populations under ten thousand.  The planet's only spaceport is partially concealed by a large rock overhang which covers the main hanger complex for aerodyne craft while spheroid craft were lowered into underground hangers explaining why the world had spent so many years passing without being detected.

   For the observers the Ninety-Fifth Sharpe Rifles Divisions on maneuvers.  The Division standing at three Jump Infantry Regiments, two Armoured Regiments and a single Nighthawk Power Armour Regiment.  According to the SLDF representatives the “fake SLDF” officers who were believed to be ComStar and/or the Word of Blake increased the size of the Nighthawk detachment from a Company to a full Regiment which the Ninety-Fifth had trained to be extremely competent and ready for deployment.  The sight of six full regiments of troopers dressed in pristine SLDF-era uniforms and equipped with SLDF-era technology is enough to leave a large impression on the observers from both Succession States.   

Royal Wedding
St Ives, St Ives PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
14th October 3097

   In an understated ceremony on St Ives Duchess Jaylen Davion and Tristan Allard-Liao, son of Kuan-Yin Allard-Liao, marry.  Both choose to keep their family names however the marriage brings St Ives and New Avalon closer than ever.  Due to the current troubles with Clan Wolf and fears of future engagements against Clan Snow Raven the ceremony is kept small within the Allard-Liao Palace on St Ives.

Throne Room, Forbidden Palace
Forbidden City, Sian
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
31st October 3097

   “What do you mean a virus?”  Chancellor Dao-Shen Liao demanded looking at his advisers.

   “Reports suggest that since the asteroid strike on Necromo a virus has spread among the population some people are wandering around not responding to calls or dangers, others have begun rioting uncontrollably.  One report suggests that the Broken is operational...” the adviser said pausing seeing the Chancellor's mood change “...we have not been able to find out what the Broken is or what its capabilities are...” he said stopping speaking seeing the Chancellor's face.

   “Sang-jiang-jun!” The Chancellor snapped looking at his wife Erin Liao “I want Necromo isolated in a quarantine.  Inform the Star League Defence Force and the Federated Suns that NO further aid is to be sent to that planet.”  He said the Capellans had begrudgingly accepted assistance from the SLDF and Federated Suns.  “Any ship attempting to land on or take off from Necromo will be fired on and destroyed.  No ship is to be boarded by out forces instead utterly destroyed.”  The Chancellor said seeing his advisers faces drop in horror.  “We will not allow the Nightmare on Necromo to dull our resolve gentlemen.”  He said to them “have the engineers continue their efforts to complete the hulls under-construction at Aris Memorial Shipyards completed and moved from that system.  Then I want the shipyards dismantled and moved as planned.”

   “And the people on Necromo?”  One of the advisers asked finally

   “They are already dead to us.”  The Chancellor said raising to his feet the advisers in front of him bowed deeply as Dao-Shen Liao and Sang-jiang-jun Erin Liao walked passed.  Leaving the room the advisers stayed in their bowed position for several moments knowing the Maskirovka Guards in the room would report any lack of respect or tradition.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1135 on: 29 March 2015, 02:05:01 »
O my.  Ma avengers  are alive.  Ty Dragon Cat.
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1136 on: 29 March 2015, 23:31:24 »
O my.  Ma avengers  are alive.  Ty Dragon Cat.

You gave them to me I'm just playing  O0

I was tempted to sit on this for a few more days... but I really can't.  I'm kinda disappointed no-one noticed Necromo and the date of all the happenings there...

Time for a sacking...

Throne Room, Steiner Palace
Triad, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
9th November 3097

   General of Armies Thomas Hogarth walked confidently towards the Steiner Throne seeing Archon Peter Steiner-Davion was standing at a situation table over to the side with several advisers, including his beautiful daughter Jessica Steiner, Hogarth noted.  As the General of Armies approached several of the advisers stepped back and Peter turned towards him.  “General of Armies Hogarth your report.”

   “Sire, the Wolves appear to be well prepared for any incursion into their space.  The Twenty-Fourth Lyran Guards RCT conducted a raid against the “Wolf Empire” and failed to gain a foothold in the claimed space.”

   “The Twenty-Fourth raided Wolf space”

   “Yes, sire”

   “And you went with them?”  Peter asked knowingly waiting for Hogarth to lie.

   “I did the Wolves fought ignoring all known Clan fighting styles instead they fought more like a Succession State.”

   “So you not only allowed them to conduct a raid which was against my orders but you also accompanied them!”  Peter snapped

   “You said I should assess the Wolves...”

   “I said you should assess the situation on our BORDER not that you should CROSS it!”  Peter snapped angrily the advisers almost all collectively stepped back as Peter turned on Hogarth “I said we would resist the Wolves incursions into our space, we cannot hope to push them off those worlds alone” Peter said continuing.  “Now you have done exactly what the Wolves wanted us to do, start a War that we are not ready for and that they can take advantage of!”  He said “have you not seen how the Clans operate now?  The Rasalhague Dominion waited for the Draconis Combine to strike them then crossed the border at nearly a dozen locations if the Wolves follow a similar pattern we cannot hope to hold them.  We have already lost two worlds to their forces let's hope they do not decide to push further into our space.”

   “I see what you mean” Hogarth mumbled looking at the floor.

   “Then comes the question why did you take the LCS Nondi Steiner off our border?”  Peter said getting to his next point.

   “The Heavy Cruiser was my fastest method of returning here to report.”

   “An HPG?” Peter said looking back at him it would have been simple to use a Class A HPG to communicate with the Archon “instead you removed one of our WarShips from our border.  Fortunately our WarShip commanders are well trained and Kommodore Franks communicated that her vessel had been ordered off the border and we were able to replace her.”  Peter said “and then there is the point of your calls for orbital support.”

   “Yes I believed it would be prudent for the LCS Nondi Steiner to strike at Wolf positions to break their resolve.”

   “Prudent” Peter said pressing a control on the table which played a recording of Thomas Hogarth's voice demanding orbital support targeted on Loric's capital city.  “Prudent to strike at civilians” Peter said calmly “prudent to strike at Lyran civilians who live in that city.  Prudent to show the Clans that we were willing to kill one of their number because of Turtle Bay but when it suits us we are willing to resort to such tactics.”

   “The Inner Sphere used such tactics against targets on Huntress!”  Thomas Hogarth retorted

   “NOT AGAINST CIVILIAN TARGETS!”  Peter shouted angrily losing his tempter “the SLDF and the WarShips attached to them struck targets on open ground!”  He snapped “Hogarth your disregard for my orders, your reckless tactical choices when discovering you were out numbered on Loric and your desire to use capital weapons on ground targets show me one thing is abundantly clear.  My first belief about you was the right one” Peter said Hogarth opened his mouth to speak “don't even say a word Herr General.  You are hereby stripped of your rank of General of Armies I'm sending you to Kaumberg you can think about your mistakes there.”

   “Who will replace me?”  Hogarth asked finally finding his voice

   “Aiden Gray he deserved the position before” Peter said “Thomas your dismissed.”  The Archon said turning away from him back to the situation table and his advisers.  Thomas Hogarth believed he deserved to be there as well but he wouldn't push the issue instead he turned smartly and left the throne room probably for the last time in his life.

After Party
Steiner Coliseum, Solais VII
Star League Protectorate
22nd November 3097

   “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Caireen Defoe for Steiner Broadcasting, and behind me is Ariana Steiner the victor of Solaris.  Yes you heard me right a member of the Steiner family, a second cousin to the Archon, is the victor on Solaris VII.  Ariana Steiner, daughter of Reinhart Steiner and Faith Steiner (McCarron), has had a short and some would say risky career on Solaris.  In the fourteen matches she has fought in over the last seven months Ariana has been injured twice, one time resulting in her admittance to Solaris General Hospital, and it is confirmed that during her fighting in battle she has killed two other pilots with no indication that either kill was intentional.”  The broadcaster said all fighting on Solaris used live weapons and occasionally pilots were killed; any death in the Solaris Arenas was investigated and there was nothing to indicate that Ariana had gone out to kill any of the other competitors.  “The risks she has taken since being in the arena have had to worry Ariana's commander Elizabeth McCarron or the First McCarron's Armoured Cavalry.  Can she continue to take such risks and still be classed as a Mercenary Warrior or is our new Solaris Champion looking at a career on this game world?”

Mercenary Announcement
Wolf's Dragoons Command, Harlech
Outreach, Star League Protectorate
24th November 3097

   From their command base on Outreach the Wolf's Dragoons announce that their Brigades Beta and Delta Regiments were being re-registered with the MRBC after both Regiments had been inactive for several years.  Neither command is registered as registered as “Battle ready” with both Regiments expected to be involved in extensive training exercises over the next year before their first Contracts.

Border Fighting
Wolf Empire/Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
28th November 3097

   Following a continued series of border raids conducted by the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth against Clan Wolf's newly claimed “Empire” Clan Wolf strike back with their own series of objective raids.  The Wolves pick their targets with intent crossing the border the Wolves strike at Concord, Amity, Danais, Helm and Midkiff.

   The Wolves find the Concord system abandoned by the Marik-Stewart defenders and thousands of civilians scrambling to escape the world via the spaceport.  The Fifty-third Wolf Champions Cluster commanded by Star Colonel Samantha Radick act quickly taking control over the spaceport and sending all employees and civilians in the spaceport home.  They then move quickly seizing five civilian DropShips quickly ejecting their crews from the vessels and the spaceport.  A message of warning is passed to the population of the planet that should they offer the Wolves no resistance things will go better for them.

   On Amity the Wolves find more resistance as the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth's First Free Worlds Guards Regiment and the Twenty-first Eridani Light Horse Regiment of the SLDF put up resistance against the Wolves holding back the Clan forces.  With neither employing naval support the Clan invaders and the defenders find themselves locked in a deadlock.

   Similarly on Helm the Wolves find stronger than expected resistance from the newly arrived Daniel's Avengers mercenary command.  The Wolves aware that the Avengers are newly arrived on the planet attempt to dislodge the mercenary brigade however they find stiff resistance from the unit.  Due to the Avengers nine-year long contract with the Capellan Confederation the mercenary command have several stealth armour equipped vehicles and Mechs in their TO&E giving the Wolves an entirely new tactical challenge.

   In the Midkiff system the Wolves find a similar situation to that on Concord with the Marik-Stewart defenders having abandoned their bases and fallen further back within the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  The Wolves know that the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth are attempting to make the Wolves stretch their resources while at the same time strengthening their own defences do not attempt to hold all of Midkiff instead following the same strategy as Concord securing the local space port while allowing the planet to continue to run itself as long as they offer the Wolves no resistance.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1137 on: 30 March 2015, 06:16:54 »
Woah man, Free Worlds League going turn ugly.  Hope the Thunder Roads manage to help out before getting Clan Wolf ugly!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1138 on: 04 April 2015, 06:54:05 »
Time to end 3097

Whitting Conference Centre, Unity City
North America, Terra
Star League Protectorate
11th December 3097

   The Whitting Conference Centre was at the heart of what the Second Star League was about.  Named for a small hamlet on Coventry where Inner Sphere leaders had first banded together to resist and fight the Clans the Star League had taken to naming every conference and the place that these conferences would be held at after that place.  In the centre of the slowly rebuilding Unity City the Conference Centre was purposely built to service the various members of the reborn Star League with separate sections dedicated to the various states and enough security to stop an infantry battalion in its tracks.

   When the Conference was not in use by the leaders of the Inner Sphere it served as an education centre, a meeting place for member planets of the Star League Protectorate and as a museum telling the story of the First Star League, of the Star League Civil War, the SLDF's Exodus and of the reborn Star League.  The history behind “Whitting” and the centre's constant use made it a perfect target for those who were against the reborn Star League or against the Succession State's presence on Terra.  There were various known organization's that the SLIC kept a constant eye on however most of the SLIC and extended SLDF did not take an attack on any SLDF facility on Terra to be a credible option to any of these organizations.

   Unfortunately there were those, radically loyal to Terra and believing that Terra should be at the fore front of everything, who saw things differently.  After years of planning they finally made their move.  At 09:00 a food delivery vehicle moved under the south entrance of the Whitting Centre entering the underground loading dock.  Exactly six minutes later the lorry and its towed trailer exploded in a massive fireball killing the driver and eighteen others instantly.  The explosion tore up into the centre killing six more as it damaged the first three floors and shattered the centre's glass exterior.  Following the explosion fire and smoke filled several levels causing further damage before the building's fire suppression equipment and emergency services brought it under control.

   Although the SLIC instantly began an investigation they did not have to look long before discovering who was responsible.  In a broadcast that reached everywhere in the Terran system and would be replayed throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery for weeks to come a group calling themselves “The Soldiers of the Terran Republic” claimed responsibility for the attack.  In their broadcast they talk down the SLDF as a sham and call on all true sons of Terra to rise up and claim their birthright as leaders of the Terran Hegemony.

Test Flight, High Orbit
Kathil, Kathil Operational Area
Crucis March, Federated Suns
15th December 3097

   After an intense session of training flights in VTOLs and conventional aircraft Duchess Kym Hasek is given her first taste of space flight with a trip on board an Ares Mark IX shuttle craft.  Kym flying as co-pilot is not allowed to take the controls but is able to observe during the flight which takes them out of Kathil's atmosphere to the McKenna Shipyards in high orbit and then back to the planet again.  The experience cements the Captain's desire to serve in the Federated Suns Navy.

Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Counter Attack
Autumn Wind, Wolf Empire
Former-Free Worlds League
17th December 3097

   After months of retreats and allowing Clan Wolf to take worlds from them hand over fist the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth are ready for a counter-attack.  With their units in position the Marik-Stewart release the Concordia Battle Group from their position over Washburn as the Second and Fourth Marik-Stewart Guards boarded JumpShips heading for the Autumn Wind system.

   Leading the ground forces through the jump into the Autumn Wind system the Thera-class MSC Concordia and her escorts Eagle-class escorts MSC Mordred and MSC Loedegrance flashed into the system's Nadir point.  Immediately they were confronted by the Dire Wolf; the first ship of the Dire Wolf-class – an up-gunned Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser.

   As aerospace fighters launched from the Concordia the Dire Wolf opened fire on the Mordred with its forward armament, several killer whale capital missile launchers backed up with naval lasers.  The Mordred's hull melted under the Dire Wolf's naval laser fire however its point defence weaponry took care of much of the Dire Wolf's capital missiles limiting their effectiveness and buying the frigate time to bring its own forward weapons to bear on the Wolf Heavy Cruiser.  Capital class weapons salvos began to rain down on the Clan Wolf WarShip from several directions however the Dire Wolf's enhanced armour helped hold back some of the fire allowing it to continue its assaults on the Mordred.  All around the Dire Wolf aerospace fighters from the Concordia converged on the Wolf WarShip engaging it and the Wolf aerospace fighters and DropShips in the area.

   As the battle at the Nadir point unfolded, from the Zenith Point, the system's other defensive WarShip moved into position.  Moving in on the battle at speed the Snow Raven vessel Lum, a Kigamure-class Pursuit Cruiser, moved into position.  When the Snow Ravens had come to the Inner Sphere the vessel had served as part barracks part transport for the Ravens civilian and scientific castes and while the Snow Ravens had long planned to convert the Lum and her sister ships into Conqueror-class Battle-cruisers the work was years behind schedule.  As a result the Lum's weapons were still those installed during the vessel's construction with multiple naval particle cannons and autocannons.

   Moving in rapidly the Lum was able to make several heavy strikes on the aft section of Loedegrance shattering the vessel's main drive systems while at the same time striking the Concordia herself with several passing strikes.  As the Lum continued passed the Marik-Stewart vessels she, like the Dire Wolf, was swarmed by aerospace fighters.  The Kigamure had a potent conventional weapons suite however it was not enough and quickly the Lum's crew were having to contend with problems caused by the fighter's attacks.

   Naval Battles could last hours or they could be over in minutes, this battle, although nowhere near as brutal as some battles fell into the shorter category.  The Dire Wolf was the first to crack although she had superior defences and firepower since her upgrade but even these systems were not enough to contend with attacks from the Mordred and the eighty plus aerospace fighters striking at her from every direction.  With the vessel's hull buckled in several places by attack the capital ship's final act before her destruction was to strike out at the Mordred causing severe damage along her ventral hull knocking out several communication systems.

   With the Dire Wolf gone the Lum was alone the Snow Raven crew continued their attacks on the Loedegrance pounding the crippled Eagle with strikes to her aft hull.  Even as aerospace fighters moved in on the Kigamure from several directions the Ravens ensured the frigate's hull paid the price for their attacks.  Missiles, lasers and autocannons from the Concordia, her fighters and the turning Mordred resulted in the destruction of the Lum shortly after the Loedegrance and her crew perished in a growing fireball.

   The Concordia Battle Group had been crippled by the two Clan WarShips with one vessel destroyed, another requiring months of repairs, the Concordia herself damaged and more than eighty aerospace fighters destroyed by the Clan WarShips, Fighters and DropShips.  The Mordred, with its communication system effectively destroyed was ordered to retreat from the system while the MSC Pathfinder, a Venturer-class Light Cruiser, was called in from Keystone to protect the Concordia.  From across the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth in the Irian system the MSC Monitor, another Venturer-class vessel, was ordered to join up with the Concordia to replace the lost Loedegrance.

   As the WarShips had battled the ground forces had headed for the surface on their landing the Marik-Stewart Guards were immediately engaged by the Clan Wolf ground forces showing them that the Wolves would be no push overs.  Even with the arrival of the Concordia, with gave the Marik-Stewart forces control of the air, the Wolves continued to fight until the last warrior of Forty-eighth Battle Cruiser laid dead.  Both Marik-Stewart Guard Regiments had paid a heavy cost with two full battalions of troops lost and double as much equipment lost between the two commands.

Border skirmishes
Capellan Confederation/Federated Suns
20th December 3097

   With the Star League Defence Force pulling resources and eyes off the Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns border skirmishes between the two Succession States began again rapidly with raids from both striking at different planets along the border.  Although neither resulted in massive deaths or contested ownership of systems it was a constant reminder that neither liked the other very much.  On Lee Fredrick Davion and his Fourth Ceti Hussars LCT found themselves facing an insurgent force that had infiltrated the population of the planet and were stirring up anti-Davion feelings.  Facing the threat head on Duke Fredrick ensured that the population knew that he was the one personally defending their freedoms and put himself in several risky situations as the fighting moved more towards a traditional battle with the arrival of several lances of stealth armoured Mechs and vehicles which were supporting the rioters.  The Duke's actions won the hearts and minds of several prominent people on Lee winning the population's support as the Fourth Ceti Hussars pushed the Capellan rebel forces off the planet with a few weeks.

Contract Negotiation
Stewart, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Former-Free Worlds League
21st December 3097

   “The Duke is aware that this will cost him?”  The power armoured Bounty Hunter asked looking at the contract negotiator the suit's voice distortion equipment hiding her real voice.

   “We are aware of this but you agree to the terms?” the Duke of Stewart had chosen to strike back at the Wolves in his own way.  Unable to sway Corrine Marik into a direct fully attack against the Wolves he'd approached the contacts of the Bounty Hunter with a proposal.  The Bounty Hunter would take out Wolf commanders one by one with their equipment painted in the colours of the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey.  The Wolves would turn on Tamarind and with their backs turned the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth could regain some systems.

   “Yes” the Bounty Hunter said after several minutes of consideration this was not a simple find a target and kill them.  This would need longer planning and perhaps a bigger team if she chose to take up the other parts of the contract but it seemed like the right thing to do.  She'd read the “Bounty Hunter's Log” she'd inherited when she took the position Vic Travers had fought the Clans first to test himself but then because he noticed that people responded to the Bounty Hunter succeeding against the Clans.  So far Aoife O'Kyan had avoided Clan space but she wasn't afraid of the Clans she'd just been following the money now she'd found a contract that would let her and her team make their mark.  “You do know that this will cause a lot of trouble?”

   “Of course it will but that's what you excel at, or at least that's what the legends say, am I correct?  The negotiator said

   “Oh yes you are” she said smiling to herself within the suit.  She'd also read's Vic's thoughts after his attacks on the Smoke Jaguars.  In some case it came days later in others the Clan reprisals were immediate with civilians paying the price most often.  The Wolves were more methodical than the Smoke Jaguars but their recent tactics showed they were just as brutal.  “I just hope you are ready for their reprisals.”

   “We are more than read” he said “and if you do your job properly Tamarind will face the reprisals.”

   “Have you never heard that annoying someone to the point of them lashing out does not always have positive results?  They'll hit everyone they feel like hitting.”  She said surprised that she cared.

   “If you don't want our money then do not take the contract.”  He said smiling confidently

   “Oh I'm taking your money” she said “I just hope I'm around when a Wolf wipes that smirk off your face.  Preferably with his Mech's boot.”  She said raising turning to the door two of the negotiators guards stood in her way “if you want I can demonstrate with these two gentlemen what is likely going to happen after I begin this little “campaign.”  She offered glancing backwards.

   “No, save it for the Wolves.”  He said waving them both off allowing her to leave.  As Aoife moved away from the meeting she thought to herself killing Clanners was good enough for Vic Travers, now it was her turn.
« Last Edit: 04 April 2015, 19:43:42 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1139 on: 04 April 2015, 07:13:27 »
Newest Map

Attached to this post the newest WarShip list

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3