Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 328117 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #870 on: 04 December 2014, 21:26:07 »
Second half

Hellraiser Productions
Orbital Facility, Fletcher
Oriente Protectorate, Former-Free Worlds League
17th December 3093

   Building on the dry-dock DropShip repair facility constructed and run by Free-Flight Limited Hellraiser Productions construct three shipyard slips capable of producing the Monolith-class JumpShip.  This construction is the biggest of its kind in the Oriente Protectorate and the first interstellar shipyard.  To mark this achievement Captain-General Jonas Halas travels to Fletcher to commission the facility and announce that additional Oriente-class Orbital Gun Platforms would be produced and deployed within the system enhancing its protection.  The construction of a shipyard in the system brings an influx of new citizens to the world as the families of the engineers travel to the world increasing the support the mountainous world needs.  Due to the massive food imports required to the world consideration is made to construct orbital gardens to feed the population on the ground due to the lack of space on the ground.

Scouting Mission
Unclaimed World, “Repair Base 77”
22nd December 3093

   Monica Able piloted her Mech, a Bear Cub, said to be a redesign from the ones used by the Rasalhague Dominion, off the DropShip ramp.  How the Mandrills had come up with a Ghost Bear design was beyond her, she was just happy the light Mech was hers. The Mech itself was a gift from her father, Frank Able, after it was announced roughly six months ago her unit, the Fourth Rim Regulars Supernova, would become the first in the newly formed Rim Regulars Galaxy to be updated to full cluster status.  It was also one of the most advanced in her unit which for the most part used old periphery or second hand Lyran designs.

   At first, she was flabbergasted at the decision. A mere three years ago, she was serving as a fresh lieutenant in the Rim Collection Militia’s Second Combined Arms Battalion, piloting a Commando, and waiting for a spot in the Lancers to open up, if one ever did. That all changed when Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga of Clan Fire Mandrill had arrived.  At first, everyone thought the Collection was under invasion from a clan none of them thought that life would be the same again. For nearly a month, everyone was on edge and it seemed the civilians she was sworn to protect would panic. Then the Mandrills opened talks and life had never been the same since.

   Since then, many changes had happened to the tiny Collection, almost all directly attributed to the clanners. Exploration, limited recolonization, a relocation of a settlement and factory, a war, and then a following peace treaty had enabled all that. Especially the last two. The war and resulting peace treaty showed the Rim Collection could finally protect itself and the people's belief in the Able family especially Monica's grand-father had increased now they stood on their own feet something the entire Collection was proud of.

   And that belief had led to this point now she was a Star Colonel her unit was still technically a garrison unit but now it was what the clanners called a garrison cluster, comprised of two full mechanized infantry supernovas, an armor binary supernova, an air assault supernova, with a command binary of second line light BattleMechs and a star of clan-tech aerospace fighters. From what she understood, the rest of the Regulars would eventually form clusters similar to her own cluster, carving a much needed niche in the Rim Collection Touman. That was a few years down the road, she knew, for the formation of her very own cluster was more of a publicity stunt to show the newer members the Collection was watching over them than an actual plan to reform the Regulars at the current time.  Some she knew were against the conversion of the Rim Collection forces into the clan styled formations but she hoped that the performance of her new unit would win over the doubters.  Here on the border they were teamed with the First Striker Cluster from the Mandrill Galaxy setting up base on an unknown world, the only record of it was "Repair Base 77" reportedly a former Rim Worlds Republic base, a high profile deployment.

   The world was essentially a dumping ground for old, damaged equipment, she had decided, as she piloted her Bear Cub she passed a dusty old Mech, half buried in sand and dust, which appeared somewhat like a Shadow Hawk but the shoulder autocannon was missing as was much of the upper torso. All around her, mounds of equipment, vehicles, and destroyed Mechs littered the area so far they had not identified a single structure on the planet. The dropsite they had picked was just one of hundreds of sites, all pretty much the same sand, dust, and equipment everywhere salvage galore, but it would take painstaking time to grab what equipment was still valuable, if there was any.  From a couple of the places they had flown over it looked like pirates or salvage crews had come here before what had driven them away was a mystery.

   Monica began dropping sensor pods from the dispenser on board her Mech. Like the other two Bear Cubs planet-side, she was setting up a sensor net around the base. Not for the millionth time already this trip, she wished they had sent an actual scout force and not her garrison cluster. That and that the Mandrills had assigned her cluster with Fortress DropShips the Mandrills had. That request, however, was denied, stating they were for front line operations only.  Instead, she would have to stick with the three Overlord-C DropShips they originally assigned to her unit, not that they were bad ships, but you would think they would assign a combined arms cluster with DropShips built for that use, she thought snidely, as she dropped another sensor pod.

   For two more hours she continued dropping the sensor pods until the full set were dropped before she began to journey back to the DropShips, passing two Bulldog Medium Tanks on the way. Soon, she had made it to her DropShip and had backed her Bear Cub into an alcove. Getting out, she began setting to work on cleaning all the dust and sand accumulated on the trip making small talk with some of the technicians and fellow pilots and soldiers while they did the same with their machines.  The one thing that may have defeated anyone else who came here.

   Just as she completed washing all the dust and sand off her Mech and was filling out paperwork, an alarm sounded. She quickly ran to her Mech and jumped into the jumpseat. Grabbing the comm headset, she clicked on the radio. “Alpha One, Regulars here. Sitrep,” she spoke into the radio.

   “Unknown Star Colonel. We were ordered by Star Colonel Lopez to full action stations. Switching you to Strikers Alpha One now,” answered back the comm officer manning her DropShip.

   After a few moments, a different voiced came through her radio, belonging to Star Colonel Jessica Lopez, the clanner commander of the First Strikers. “Star Colonel, this is Alpha One, Strikers. My Beta-One-Four just discovered a Stone Spirit force hunkered down in a mountain range on the other side of the planet. Situational meeting in fifteen mikes on board your DropShip. Quiaff?”

   “Yes ma’am. Situational meeting on board the Cackling Macaque in fifteen mikes,” she repeated back to the other Star Colonel. Once the other woman shut the radio connections, she switched back to the Cackling Macaque’s comm officer. “I want all Star Majors in CIC in five mikes. Star Major MacTaggert is to be on radio with CIC, as is Star Captain Margaret Mattila. Fighter Star to be on emergency five until I know what is happening. Over.”

   “Aff,” the clanner comm officer answered back to her.

   Climbing down, she waited for the clanners to arrive. While she waited, she thought of what she knew so far. The First Striker's Beta Trinary was one of two Specialist trinaries in that cluster and was assigned to scout for another base on the opposite side of the planet, for the First Strikers. One-Four meant the unit that had found the Stone Spirits were part of the unit’s first elemental star, specifically the fourth point. Soon, a group of Fire Mandrill warriors had arrived. Two of what the clanners called Elemental stock and one of MechWarrior stock. Being an Elemental, Jessica Lopez easily stood out.

   “Ma’am,” she called out to the clan woman, jumping to attention and saluting her, only to be waved down. That little action reminded her the Mandrills were not big on protocols, instead focusing more on close relationships with one another.

   As she readied herself into a ready stance with her hands behind her back, Star Colonel Lopez, a dark skinned woman, began speaking, filling her in on the situation as she joined the group of Mandrill warriors heading deeper into the DropShip. “My Beta-Four literally ran into a Stone Spirit scout team and a small fire fight erupted before its air transport picked them up. No casualties, thank Kerensky. Though now the dezgra Spirits know we are here and planet side. Your supernova commanders know of the meeting, quiaff?”

   “Yes ma’am. I notified them of the meeting right after you contacted me,” Monica reported to the other woman.

   “Good,” was the clanner’s simple response. Soon, the group reached the CIC room, where her Star Majors were already waiting for them. As her supernovas stood at attention and saluted them, Star Colonel Lopez again waved them down. At least I am not the only one who feels uncomfortable with the lack of military protocol, Monica thought to herself as she joined her Star Majors.

   “Here is the situation. Nearly an hour ago, a Specialist Elemental point of mine, Beta-One-Four, literally ran into a Stone Spirit Elemental star here.” As she spoke, she turned on the holo-projector then zoomed in on an area just south of a mountain region on the other side of the planet. “Their transport managed to get to them in time before they could be overrun and evacuated the point from the combat area. No casualties were reported and the point is on its way home, along with the rest of the trinary. Questions?”

   “What do we know of the Spirits, ma’am,” answered Star Major Allen Riley, commander of her Beta Supernova, the armor component of her cluster.

   “Point Commander Suzanne reported a star of near-broken down Elementals and while being evac’ed out, spotted roughly a binary of well-maintained BattleMechs encroaching on their former position. The BattleMechs are all known second-line BattleMechs the Stone Spirits traditionally used as Clans Blood Spirit and Stone Rhino. That means they favor medium to heavy BattleMechs, updated with standard clan-tech.”

   Monica felt her insides drop hearing the last and quickly put the situation together in her head. Her cluster only held ten light Mechs, none heavier than its two new twenty-five ton Bear Cubs all that were a lot older than the pilots in them. She knew the First Strikers had a mix of light and medium OmniMechs and BattleMechs, with only three heavies in its force, two sixty ton Predator BattleMechs and Jessica Lopez’s seventy ton Thor OmniMech fortunately the balance of the force was made out of Clan technology so it did give them a significant edge. Together both clusters could field twenty-five ‘Mechs between them. If they faced a standard clan cluster, they would be outnumbered in Mechs, and likely only have a small edge in aerospace fighters. Their only real multiplier was their large numbers of power armor, primarily Nighthawks and Salamander Clan suits but also a squad of Longinus suits which again had appeared from nowhere, and their armour units. And that multiplier dropped significantly if the opposing Stone Spirits forces on the planet was designed like their Blood Spirit predecessors or was backed by one of the three vehicle clusters the Spirits were last known to have in its touman.

   Altogether, she knew their options were limited. Either the Rim Collection abandoned this planet of potentially vastly importance to the Spirits or both clusters would need to rapidly build defensive positions while the two Specialist airborne trinaries of the First acted as a scouting force, watching over the Spirits as they did so. And Monica knew what the clanner woman across from her had decided, for she knew Jessica Lopez, as every other clanner she met, was itching to fight the Spirits and revenge the death of Kindraa Leader Cassandra Faraday.

   No sooner then she came to this conclusion than did the towering Elemental woman began speaking, letting Monica know she was right in her beliefs. “We have no idea what kind of forces the Spirits have planet-side. Yet we know three things. One is the Spirits seemingly have a maintenance problem concerning their Elemental power armor, but unlike on Finmark, are maintaining their BattleMechs, suggesting the maintenance issue with the Elementals is merely a lack of a harjel supply and likely possibly a lack. Another is if they deployed an entire cluster as it traditional clan norm and they probably did, we are outnumbered in terms of ‘Mechs, though we likely outnumber them in Elementals and other power armor and possibly armor if we are lucky. Last is their lack of JumpShips and likely DropShips, suggesting we have an advantage in being able to rapidly deploy our clusters if needed. Quiaff?”

   Monica noticed the clanner woman was looking directly at her. “Yes ma’am,” she cited to the other star colonel, knowing she was right and kicking herself for not thinking about either of those advantages they held and only thinking of their disadvantages.

   Looking around the room, the clanner woman continued. “So long as we have the latter advantage, we will remain on this planet and contest it. Until we know more of the enemy numbers and equipment, however, we are not, repeat not, to initiate combat, though we will defend ourselves. Quiaff?”

   “Yes ma’am,” and “Aff,” answered the senior star colonel as she gave the order, as Monica and the other Rim Collection officers and their clan warrior allies answered the burly Elemental.

   “My Gamma Trinary will set observation posts along this river here," the large Elemental clan woman informed, pointing an area roughly two hundred klicks south of where the Spirits were spotted, close enough to keep an eye on them through the Kirghiz OmniFighters, but far enough way to easily evac if needed. For another twenty minutes, they developed a rough plan to defend themselves if needed, mostly revolving around the use of their DropShips to move their clusters around the planet if they were in any danger of fighting a pitch battle.

   Finally satisfied with the plans for now, Star Colonel Jessica Lopez spoke. "Return to your posts. Remember any unit that encounters the Spirits is ordered to fall back and report the encounter as soon as they can. Star Colonel Able, stay behind,” the Elemental ordered. As soon as the star captains and star majors from both clusters had left the room, leaving only the two star colonels and the skeleton HQ staff remaining, the burly Elemental turned to the clanner comm officer. “Get me priority HPG contact with Galaxy Marshal Stephanie Bush immediately.” After the clan Technician gave his ascent and turned his back to the two women, Lopez continued. “As star colonel of your cluster, you must identify when to stay and fight and when to run and fight another day. While running is perfectly allowable, given our position, we can just as easily maintain a presence on this world due to our advantage in mobility via DropShips. You understand, quiaff?”

   “Yes ma’am, I do. I should have identified their weakness and not just think of our own while I was reviewing the situation mentally earlier,” Monica answered the Elemental woman before shifting her eyes down, resting them on the holo-projector, again mentally kicking herself for not doing so.

   “That is why our clusters are working together. You and your cluster are here for hands on learning. And ours is to learn to keep our patience around you freebirths and learn to work together,” the burly Elemental replied with a feral smirk.

   “Yes ma’am!” Monica answered the larger woman with her own smirk after looking up and meeting the eyes of the star colonel and seeing no condescension for her or her subordinates, just plain humor. A few minutes later, HPG contact was made with Galaxy Marshal Stephanie Bush and both began informing her of the presence of Clan Stone Spirit on Repair Base 77 and their decision to maintain their presence and contest the world against the Spirits.

Mercenary Assignment
Filtvelt, Filtvelt Coalition
23rd December 3093

   Following a series of raids attributed to Clan Nova Cat the Filtvelt Coalition hire a series of small Mercenary commands to supplement their planetary defences.  One such command is a recently formed unit named McCandless' Wranglers a unit formed by ex-AFFS officers, enlisted and technical personnel.  This unit which is approximately a combined-arms battalion in strength and is commanded by Major Moira McCandless they are assigned to supplement the defences of Morven.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #871 on: 04 December 2014, 21:39:08 »
30 pages!! Holy crap thanks for all the support to this thread and all the views it means so much!!

On this thread on OBT are all the Maps from this AU in one place.  You need to be a member to see/take them

Now if you're not a member why?   ;D  If you want I can also email them to you just PM me your email
« Last Edit: 04 December 2014, 21:43:54 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #872 on: 04 December 2014, 22:17:45 »
 :)  This has been a great AU!  Looking forward to more everytime!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #873 on: 05 December 2014, 07:39:45 »
This is a nice and intriguing update, thanks Dragon Cat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #874 on: 05 December 2014, 12:20:59 »
I was hoping to see the Cappies losing their shit over the Black Prince...
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #875 on: 05 December 2014, 17:20:48 »
Patience, I'm sure DC has his dart board out choosing a victim for the Black Prince right now. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #876 on: 06 December 2014, 02:12:05 »
This is truely a superb TL :) Without a doubt the best retelling of Btech's history and future, avoiding so much unnecessary sillyness.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #877 on: 06 December 2014, 12:46:16 »
Dragoncat you have made me interested in the future of the BT after I had given up on it
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #878 on: 08 December 2014, 17:55:36 »
I was hoping to see the Cappies losing their shit over the Black Prince...

Patience, I'm sure DC has his dart board out choosing a victim for the Black Prince right now. >:D

Target's been chosen, was ages ago, it's just getting to it.

Dragoncat you have made me interested in the future of the BT after I had given up on it

Mine diverges a bit but is moving forward smoothly at the moment

I'm glad you've all enjoyed it

Now into 3094


Lyran Commonwealth Field Base
Sudeten Space Port, Sudeten
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
2nd January 3094

   Dropping down from his damaged Fafnir Assault BattleMech Archon Peter Steiner-Davion walked across the cracked tarmac meeting Khan Patrik Fetladral half way between the Fafnir and the Khan's Dire Wolf OmniMech.  In an effort to save his public image and support the Lyran Commonwealth's failing morale Archon Peter Steiner-Davion had hatched a plan with Clan Wolf (in-Exile) Khan Patrik Fetladral.

   The Archon's Second Royal Guard RCT and the First Commonwealth Guard RCTs supported by Clan Wolf (in-Exile)'s Alpha Galaxy, the entire Archon's Pride Battle-group and the Wolf (in-Exile) WarShip Werewolf had forced their way onto Sudeten rapidly securing the space port.  Lyran and Exile Intelligence had suggested that Clan Jade Falcon's recent assault on the Lyran Commonwealth had been a “paper-tiger” offensive with their Capitol world left barely defended.

   Initially the Lyrans had encountered the Falcon's Nest, a Texas-class Battleship, and the Jade Talon, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, defending the world which was unexpected but with six WarShips in support the Lyran and Wolf ground forces had pushed on landing on the world quickly crushing the Tenth Provisional Garrison Cluster of Kappa Galaxy.

   “As expected limited resistance” Patrik Fetladral said gruffly approaching the Archon

   “Their aerospace forces gave us a run on our entry” Peter suggested the LCS Commonwealth, a Coventry-class Corvette, had been destroyed protecting the LCAF and Exile ground forces.

   “To be expected” Patrik Fetladral said it was likely not one of the crewmen had survived the corvette's destruction while the other WarShips of their task force was still heavily engaged including the Archon's daughter Jessica Steiner.

   “Indeed, you do know we'll never hold this world?  When the Falcons recover they will return and they will crush us.”  The Archon said in a matter-of-fact way.

   “Aff, I am aware” the Wolf Khan said angrily he would very much have wanted to remain on this world and hold it but he knew that the Jade Falcons would come back and hit them with their full force.  “However while we are here Hamarr is within our grasp as is the Jade Falcon garrison.”

   “We can destroy them” the Archon agreed as a massive explosion lit up the afternoon sky over the Jade Falcon capital “Anvil to Hammer, command report” Peter said rapidly raising a radio to his mouth.

   “Anvil, this is Hammer Actual” his daughter replied from the bridge of the LCS Archon's Pride “the Jade Falcons will be missing their Aegis in the morning.  The Falcon's Nest is clear of the planet you are clear to continue operations.”  She reported Peter realized that the explosion had been the Jade Talon.

   “Then we continue” Peter said looking at the Wolf Khan who smiled in a wordless reply before turning back to his OmniMech immediately taking his Mech back towards the front-lines Peter quickly returned to his own Assault BattleMech and prepared to follow the Clansmen.

   Over the course of the next week the Wolf (in-Exile) and Lyran Commonwealth force eliminated the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Provisional Garrison Clusters and successfully captured the majority of Hamarr while holding back several attempted counter-attacks by the Jade Falcons flattening several Jade Falcon production facilities during their occupation of the city.

   On the eighteenth the Jade Falcon's Night Talon and Silver Talon, two Nightlord II-class Battleships, jumped into the system with enough transports to carry four to five Clusters.  Not willing to attempt to hold off against this massive firepower Peter Steiner-Davion ordered a retreat from the system using the four days travel time to load as much salvage onto the Lyran and Wolf DropShips as they could.  Boosting off the planet on the twenty-first the Lyran and Wolf ground forces joined their WarShips just as the leading elements of the Jade Falcons entered maximum range.

   Shielded by the Werewolf, LCS Archon's Pride, LCS Mount Wotan and LCS Fleet Admiral Lyn Hood the ground forces began to make their way towards waiting JumpShips at a pirate point.  Without holding back anything the two Jade Falcon Nightlord II's charged down on the Lyran and Wolf WarShips intent on breaking through and destroying the DropShips.  The Werewolf flanked by the similarly armed Mount Wotan and Fleet Admiral Lyn Hood poured broadside after broadside of Naval particle cannon into the incoming Jade Falcon WarShips turning them away from the ground forces but not away from them.  The two battleships unloaded their full broadside firepower back at the defending WarShips causing heavy damage to the Werewolf and Lyn Hood while smashing the Jump Drive of the Mount Wotan.  Unable to jump the Hyperion-class Heavy Cruiser turned on the two Jade Falcon vessels in the ultimate game of interstellar “chicken” firing as it went the vessel targeted the Silver Talon however this opened the ship up to fire from the vessel's sister ship which tore the Heavy Cruiser to pieces.  This distraction allowed the remaining Lyran and Exile vessels to pull ahead of the Jade Falcons rendezvous with their JumpShips and escape the Sudeten system.

   This attack was not designed just to hurt the Jade Falcons it was also designed to distract and distupt the defences of the Clan Occupation Zone.  The Second Kell Hounds Regiment commanded by Lt Colonel Christian Kell assaulted Koniz along with the Junkyard Dogs breaking the Jade Falcon garrison forces while the Snord's Irregulars and the Twentieth Arcturan Guards RCT assaulted Benfled liberating that world.

Royal Wedding
Samantha City, Taurus
Taurian Concordat
8th January 3094

   At a lavish ceremony on Taurus Protector Erik Martens-Calderon marries former Nova Cat warrior Sonja Rosse.  With guests invited from the Fronc Reaches, Magistracy of Canopus, St Ives Compact, Capellan Confederation and the Federated Suns.  Although Sonja Rosse is unhappy to be marrying Erik in her pregnant state the couple marry without complications in front of their international guests.

Commonwealth Mint and Reserve Bank
Australia, Coventry Province
Lyran Commonwealth
12th January 3094

   With the LCAF stretched engaging the Jade Falcons the Omega Crime Syndicate assaults the corporate defences of the Commonwealth Mint and Reserve Bank.  The facility one of the most heavily fortified in the entire Coventry district was vitally important to Lyran Commonwealth business and personal savings.  As the Omega Crime Syndicate's two companies of modified Mechs and combat vehicles moved in on the bank's fixed defences the First Pathfinder Battalion “The Drop Bears” Mercenary Command dropped in all around the Bank supplementing their corporate defence force and fixed defences.  The unit commanded by Leutenant-Colonel John “Jumper” Argive had been formed in the Lyran Commonwealth by former members of the LCAF each member was fully trained in making a parachute jump and all members of the unit were trained in the use of heavy weapons and Battle Armour suits, although the unit only had enough Battle Armour suits for half their members.

   For nearly four hours the mercenary command fought a defensive battle although the Bank's fixed defences and fortifications took heavy damage not a single one of the pirates got into the bank's vaults or hurt a single one of the people within its walls.  For the successful defence the Drop Bears were hired on a permanent contract with the bank.  Argive agrees to assist in the defence of the bank and make Australia the unit's base world he informs the bank owners and the LCAF that the unit will be taking contacts beyond Australia as well as defending the bank.

Clipperton, Bowang Free Trade Sphere
Former-Free Worlds League
14th January 3094

   On hearing that Clan Sea Fox's WarShips had retreated from the system the Principality of Regulus' the Seventh Regulan Hussars Regiment supported by a squadron of assault DropShips moved in on the Clipperton system intent on recapturing the shipyards.

   Arriving at the nadir point the unit began to travel into the system only for the Athena to jump almost directly onto of them after executing a near perfect inter-system jump.  The escorts of the Regulan Hussars attempted to approach the Dire Wolf-class Heavy Cruiser however the Wolf's Dragoons WarShip's response is immediate and deadly cutting to pieces two Regulan DropShips before the Principality forces retreated from the system.

Leadership Transfer
Capolla, Star League Protectorate
20th January 3094

   Following in the footsteps of Terra Firma the world of Capolla leaves the Federated Suns and joins the Star League Protectorate in an agreement between the Star League Council the Federated Suns leadership.  From New Syrtis and Kathil further questions are asked of the Federated Suns leadership on how many more worlds they are willing to move to Star League leadership.  The First Prince's office on New Avalon they point out that Capolla and Terra Firma have been linked for centuries since the early Succession Wars and that having both run by the Star League Protectorate would leave less strain on the Capellan March and make allow the AFFS in the region to concentrate on the Capellan Confederation.

Hell's Horses Counter-attack
Occupation Zone
Inner Sphere
27th January 3094

   On the worlds occupied by the Serpents Clan Hell's Horses engage in a series of Trials of Possession.  Cut off from any sort of leadership its almost as if the renegade Serpent warriors see the writing on the walls and fight token battles against the Hell's Horses, the Hell's Horses agree with the Serpents who agree to these terms that should the Serpents forces be victorious they will be given a choice to leave the Hell's Horses Occupation Zone using captured Serpents JumpShips or join Clan Hell's Horses.

   In the total of the fourteen worlds fought over the Hell's Horses are victorious in eleven such worlds losing only on The Rock, Toland and Paulus Prime.  On Toland and Paulus Prime the forces agree to join the Hell's Horses forming the Thirty-third BattleMech Cluster under former Cloud Cobra warrior Star Colonel Revan Kardaan.  The unit is directly attached to the Hell's Horses Stampede of Steel Galaxy and has a Hell's Horses Watch unit directly attached to it.  On the world of The Rock the Serpents forces, roughly a cluster in strength, choose to take the other option heading into the Periphery.

   Due to the internal problems brewing within Clan Jade Falcon Khan Jake Kabrinski personally leads elements of Clan Hell's Horses to the last hold out of the Serpents within the Castle Brian fortification on Apollo.  For nearly forty-two hours Kabrinski and his warriors systematically take apart the remains of the fortress which had come under heavy attack by the SLDF, various pirate, Succession State and Clan forces over the years.  In the process of destroying the Castle Brian the Hell's Horses eliminate the last warriors of the Serpents finally re-securing their occupation zone.

Ruins of Clan Jade Falcon Hall
Hamarr, Sudeten
Occupation Zone
29th January 3094

   Despite the successes Clan Jade Falcon against the Lyran Commonwealth the devastating attack on Sudeten had brought Khan Bryan Pryde back to the Jade Falcon capitol world.  Standing in the centre of the ruined Jade Falcon hall the Khan scowled at the destruction the Lyran and Exile troops had caused.  Stepping into the room Star Colonel Ruel Chistu, the commander of the Eighth Talon Cluster, approached the Khan.

   “Bryan Pryde” the Star Colonel said glancing around the ruined hall

   “Star Colonel” the Khan replied looking back at the man he was dressed in a simple camouflage jumpsuit.

   “We have been successful against the Lyrans Khan Pryde” Chistu said “and while I am sure you are happy to reap the rewards for your successes.  You must also answer for the losses you have caused.”

   “Those losses have already been paid for” Bryan Pryde snapped back his first action on returning to Sudeten had been to execute every surviving Bloodnamed Warrior from the garrison commands that had failed to defend the planet and to disband Kappa Galaxy splitting the warriors throughout the Jade Falcon Touman.

   “Neg, it was you that put them in the positions” Ruel Chistu said accusingly stepping closer to Bryan Pryde.  “You decided that we should assault both the Lyran Periphery and Arc Royal.  You stretched us beyond what we could manage.”  He said “and now our homeworld lies in ruins.”

   “It will not be our first homeworld or our last” Bryan Pryde pointed out Strana Mechty and Ironhold had both been considered capitals of the Jade Falcons.  One day Sudeten would burn and the Falcons would care little for it.

   “Aff, you are correct” Ruel Chistu said “however this is our home today” he said “this hall is ours and it has been broken because of your negligence.”  The warrior said angrily “Bryan Pryde, I challenge you to a Circle of Equals”

   “A Circle of Equals will not win you the leadership of this Clan.”

   “I am but a Star Colonel, my Khan, others are better placed than I.”  Ruel Chistu said innocently “I would have to win the support of far better placed individuals than me to take over as our new Khan.”

   “Why have YOU returned instead of the saKhan?”  Bryan Pryde asked suddenly thinking about it Ruel Chistu had been with the Jade Falcon Galaxy supporting saKhan Emily Helmer's assaults on the Lyran Commonwealth.

   “She allowed me to return to challenge you.”

   “And you believe that if you defeat me then she will support you, Quiaff?”

   “There are many possibilities” he said coyly Bryan Pryde was almost sick at the man's confidence they had not even engaged in battle and yet here was this Star Colonel was making plans to replace him he could feel his blood boil.

   “Then let us get on with it” Bryan Pryde said rolling up his sleeves.

   “Neg, my Khan tomorrow in front of our warriors we will fight and you will die.”  Ruel Chistu said turning leaving the hall the Khan was tempted to call him back the Star Colonel who had no right to choose the time or the place for the Trial but he also knew that this was not the time or place he wanted witnesses when he destroyed Ruel Chistu.

   The next day on the plains south of Hamarr the two engaged in BattleMech combat against each other surrounded by a Cluster of front-line Jade Falcons and several clusters of cadets, the future of the Jade Falcon Touman.  Bryan Pryde's Jupiter BattleMech faced off against Ruel Chistu's Turkina OmniMech although one Mech was a standard Mech and the other a more advanced OmniMech the two Mechs were closely matched with long range missiles, autocannons and particle cannons although the Juipter had four such weapons compared to the Turkina's two weapons.

   The two Mechs danced around each other for nearly forty minutes rapidly expending their ammo reserves.  Ruel Chistu had been able to avoid some damage by using his OmniMech's built in jump jets but both Mechs had taken a pounding as each warrior went for the kill.  After nearly sixty minutes however the toll had become too much for Bryan Pryde's BattleMech after suffering a series of engine damage hits.  With as little compassion as Bryan Pryde had given the survivors of Kappa Galaxy Ruel Chistu finished off the Khan's Mech with a particle cannon blast targeted on the Jupiter's cockpit killing the Khan.

   As Bryan Pryde's death had occurred in a Circle of Equals, an honour duel, there was a gap in the Jade Falcon's leadership with Ruel Chistu remaining a Star Colonel as the Jade Falcons and Lyran Commonwealth continued to do battle on half a dozen worlds.  In the intern saKhan Emily Helmer led the divided Clan as word of Bryan Pryde's death spread.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #879 on: 08 December 2014, 18:45:03 »
nice update!  Glad to see that with all the chaos going on in the Inner sphere and periphery, there was a semblance of peace for the Taurians! 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #880 on: 08 December 2014, 20:05:04 »
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #881 on: 10 December 2014, 20:31:45 »
Scientific Meeting
St Ives, St Ives Compact
6th February 3094

   The St Ives Military Forces had swelled to nine combined-arms regiments in strength their weakest point was their lack of WarShip forces a gap which Prime Minister Melissa Allard-Liao had filled with Pocket WarShips purchased from the Federated Suns she believed that the St Ives Military could defend her people from a Capellan attack, at least long enough for the Federated Suns to support them.  However today was a report that she had been dreading to hear for the last ten years St Ives had been hit by stronger and stronger snow storms during the winter months and shorter summer months.  She had formed a scientific group from the citizens of all the remaining St Ives Compact worlds to investigate the possible causes into the worsening weather.

   The group had spent months going over the data, consulting with the NAIS, Thorin University and other research facilities throughout Inner Sphere only to come to one conclusion.  “Duchess, in one hundred years St Ives will be colder than Tharkad or New Syrtis with a layer of snow more than fifteen feet deep covering the planet.”

   “People live on Tharkad and on New Syrtis”

   “Yes, Duchess, but those worlds Ice Ages are controlled by their populations” the doctor admitted “St Ives will fall into a natural Ice Age one that it will not emerge from for one hundred years or more.”

   “There is technology that can manage it” Melissa stressed “we can control this!”  She said the volume of her voice raising.

   “At the cost of your nation.”  the Doctor stated flatly “the money you will put into this project will bankrupt the St Ives Compact and your family.”

   “What are our contingency plans?”  Melissa asked

   “A domed city or multiple domed cities is possible” the scientist said seeing the Duchess turn slightly white at the suggestion “however the only way to save larger numbers of the population is to begin evacuations.”

   “Evacuations?” Melissa said stunned at the prospect.

   “Slowly” one of Melissa's other advisers suggested “we have one hundred years.  We create oppertunties for our people beyond St Ives.  We move industry from St Ives to other worlds and with them their workers travel.”

   “The lower population numbers will hopefully make hiding environmental change” the scientist suggested as Melissa rose from her chair and crossed to the windows.

   “Make your plans” she said looking over the world of St Ives.  She couldn't imagine the world looking like New Syrtis or Tharkad she though of her son Lucian and his children wondering what world they would live in.

Jade Falcon Raid
Bountiful Harvest
Arc Royal Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth
9th February 3094

   In a raid directed by saKhan Emily Helmer the First Falcon Striker and the First Falcon Hussar Clusters assault Bountiful Harvest.  Inspecting the facilities there is Lyran Commonwealth General of Armies Keane Sortek who refuses to be left behind friendly lines leading the Twenty-fourth Lyran Guards RCT from the front in his Hauptmann OmniMech.

   Although initially the defenders make good progress against the Jade Falcons pushing them back to their landing zones however when a charge led by a star of Gryfalcon BattleMechs engaged and destroyed Keane Sortek's Mech the Lyran line colapsed in within itself.  Taking command of the Lyran withdrawal General Thomas Hogarth masterminds the Lyran withdrawal from the planet leaving on one of the first DropShips.  In the after action report, written by Hogarth, the General tells how he braved Jade Falcon space forces clearing the way for the rest of the Twenty-fourth to escape.  He neglects to mention that the Jade Falcon space forces were made up of a single pair of aerospace fighters which were no match for the six Lyran DropShips that had taken off together.

   Behind Jade Falcon lines the Clan trades the worlds of Bone-Norman, Somerset, Waldorff, Apolakkia and Devin to Clan Hell's Horses in exchange for several cluster of equipment including BattleMechs, Armoured Vehicles, Battle Armour Suits and aerospace fighters.

Clan Council
Alshian, Alshian District
Rasalhague Dominion
17th February 3094

   Following the sudden death of Khan Bjorn Jorgensson from natural causes saKhan Ragnar Magnesson becomes Khan of the Rasalhague Dominion.  In an almost orderly matter Loremaster David Bekker becomes the Clan's new saKhan while senior Star Admiral, and commander of the WarShip Silverdale, becomes the new Loremaster of the Clan.

   A few days later on Sudeten Ruel Chistu is confirmed as the new Khan of Clan Jade Falcon after receiving the support of saKhan Emily Helmer.  Few others challenge the new Khan despite Ruel's young age of twenty-five years.

Border Raids
Sian Commonality, Capellan Confederation
25th February 3094

   After two years on the sidelines the Wild Geese Mercenary Command participates in raids against Brighton and Vestallas, two occupied St Ives Compact planets.  The Regimental Combat Troop and Blackhorse Squadron engage Capellan forces on Vestallas while delivering supplies to St Ives Compact loyal rebels.  On Brighton the Ironhorse and Blackhorse Squadrons raided the Ambermarie's  Highlanders which had been recuperating on the planet following the loss of a battalion of troops in a DropShip accident.  Attacking Brighton at almost the same time was the First Janissaries Regiment of the St Ives Compact Armed Forces who combined with the mercenaries to destroy the defending Highlanders and the liberation the world.

Clan Raids
Bjarred, Bjarred Prefecture
Draconis Combine
29th February 3094

   On their way to a Clan Council on Tukayyid Clan Nova Cat's Delta Galaxy commanded by Khan Canin Rosse raid the Draconis Combine's Bjarred Prefecture fighting on the worlds of Bjarred, Tarnby, Altona, Virentofta and Sapelfeld.  On Bjarred and Sapelfeld the Nova Cats face off against elements of the Second Amphigean Light Assault Regiment.  While holding off the DCMS defenders on Bjarred the Nova Cats destroyed a RetroTech factory run by Metals of the Earth Ltd.  The factory had been producing primitive Gladiator BattleMechs without the knowledge of the DCMS high command.  Before leaving the Nova Cats take several of the Mechs for study.

   On the world of Tarnby the Nova Cat Dragoons fought with elements of the Tenth Pesht Regulars eliminating a Battalion of Draconis Combine troops before retreating.  While further elements of the Nova Cats fought on Virentofta and Altona causing damage to the local militia forces.
« Last Edit: 10 December 2014, 22:22:54 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #882 on: 10 December 2014, 20:41:02 »
Bonus Time

And for those not a member of OBT attached to this post the Active WarShips as of the end of 3093
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #883 on: 10 December 2014, 22:20:51 »
Raises a glass in remembrance of Keane Sortek and Bjorn Jorgensson. Wonder how the Ice Age will change things in that corner of the Sphere. Love the last update by the way!

James Tanaga


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #884 on: 11 December 2014, 07:36:31 »
As always, magnificent, and it seems that Mad Malvina's nowhere to be seen thankfully!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #885 on: 11 December 2014, 07:44:59 »
Thank you for awesome update.  I would never suspect a desert planet like St. Ives to get hit by a Ice Age, yikes.  Someone must dropped off something special into the atmosphere.  Maybe St. Ives could colonize worlds though dead near by. Hide industry and such.  This will be opening for the Capellans to Invade..if they find out.

I love how the Nova Cats took several Gladiators, i can picture what a Gladiator IIC will end up being like. 

Thanks, Dragon Cat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #886 on: 11 December 2014, 09:41:45 »
This will be opening for the Capellans to Invade..if they find out.
I think Victor has a new toy he's been looking for a chance to play with  O0
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #887 on: 13 December 2014, 15:54:14 »
As always, magnificent, and it seems that Mad Malvina's nowhere to be seen thankfully!

I'm keeping my trap shut  :-X honest don't know what you're talking about  ^-^

Thank you for awesome update.  I would never suspect a desert planet like St. Ives to get hit by a Ice Age, yikes.  Someone must dropped off something special into the atmosphere.  Maybe St. Ives could colonize worlds though dead near by. Hide industry and such.  This will be opening for the Capellans to Invade..if they find out.

In this timeline for the last 100 years St Ives weather has been deteriorating.  The planetary temperature is dropping heavier rains.  In some places on the planet it's actually boosting things up but that won't last.

I think Victor has a new toy he's been looking for a chance to play with  O0

Maybe the First Prince does want to show off a bit...
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #888 on: 13 December 2014, 15:58:55 »
Three months of 3094 down already!!  My thanks to James Tanaga with the continued excellent material from the Rim Collection's area of space.

A two parter for this month...

Border Raid
An Ting, Barlow's End PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
7th March 3094

   The Seventh Sword of Light Regiment of the Draconis Combine raided the Federated Suns held border world of An Ting facing off against the newly arrived First McCarron's Armoured Cavalry and local milita forces.  The DCMS force never threatens to take the world from the defenders however it does give several new warriors their combat debut including twenty year old Michiko Kurita, daughter of Warlord Minoru Kurita, piloting a brand new Dragon II Heavy BattleMech.  After several hours of low intensity battle the DCMS Regiment retreats off planet leaving the system harried by AFFS aerospace fighters.

Lyran High Command
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
14th March 3094

   Following the death of Keane Sortek fighting the Jade Falcons Lyran Archon Peter Steiner-Davion wastes no time in naming a new General of Armies.  To most line officers and most of the enlisted officers the choice is surprising General Thomas Hogarth the “hero” of the Lyran evacuation from Bountiful Harvest.  Hogarth is a long way from being Peter's first or even second choice, the man is little more than an “armchair general” of a bygone-era, however to the Estates Generals office sees promise in him as well as a way to control the General of Armies position shaping the future of the Lyran Commonwealth.

Fin's Landing
Caldarium, Rim Collection
14th March, 3094

   Following the discovery, and capture, of a second Interstellar Expeditions team in Stone Spirit Territory the Stone Spirits had moved up their timetable in dealing with their interstellar neighbours.  While Tanya Furey commanded an expedition into the nearby periphery planets and the Lyran Commonwealth world of Main Street Jasper Osis had gotten his wish to strike at the Rim Collection and the Fire Mandrills residing there.

   Not for the first time Star Colonel Jasper Osis had once again cursed, for the Rim Collection freebirth defenders had again outsmarted his Spirits, this time a report of a star of Salamanders starting fires in the fuel-bunkers near the factory complex before two stars of his own BattleMechs forced them to depart. His campaign against the Mandrills and their Collection allies on Caldarium had been like this since his cluster had destroyed the defending First Rim Assault Cluster, a force he judged to be only a mere supernova in strength at the time. While the cluster had heavy and assault BattleMechs, they were easily crushed as they strangely had charged his, alongside roughly three trinaries of armor that must of been part of the planet's militia forces, at a cost of only eleven of his BattleMechs and another seven damaged in some way, with much of his own armor trinary being destroyed, after his cluster concentrated fire onto the dezgra barbarians.

   Now, though, just into the second week on this damn planet, he knew the Collection defenders had only thrown their heaviest units against his cluster to buy time for the evacuation of the BattleMech factory. While his cluster easily killed the Nighthawk-equipped infantry defending the factory, no civilians were found and since its capture, he had lost roughly an entire star of BattleMechs to unknown forces while another star was forced to withdraw from the dezgra Spheroids still around this the factory and the settlement called Fin's Landing.

   Worse, the forty-two assault BattleMechs they had captured here in the factory were themselves a trap by the dezgra Spheroids. When his technicians had activated one, its fusion engines quickly overheated and went critical, nearly destroying the assault ‘Mech and killing his techs working on it before one had managed to shut down the war machine.  While his chief technician had informed him the BattleMechs themselves were easily still functional, the need to reprogram or even replace their OS to counter the barbarian freebirth trap meant they could not be used immediately at least not until his technicians had purged their systems and basically started from scratch a mind-numbingly long and boring task.  That meant loading the BattleMechs and the plentiful spare parts onto their DropShips, at a painstaking slow pace this was made worse as their DropShips were the target of the dezgra Collection aerospace fighters during their travel to the Stone Spirits vitally important JumpShips the Stone Spirits had in their possession. That necessitated his own fighters having to guard against them while his DropShips undertook painstaking maneuvers to keep them in between his fighters and the Collection’s. which meant using large amounts of fuel.

   The Salamander attack on the fuel-bunkers was just the last of these cowardly attacks and, due to the fuel needs his DropShips had, meant the most damaging. While his two DropShips refueling there after the last of the captured OmniMechs were hauled on board were not damaged, it again highlighted the effect of the dezgra guerrilla tactics the freebirth barbarians were having against his forces. Strangely, most of these attacks were inside the BattleMech factory itself and not around the planet’s capital, where he knew another supernova-size cluster of BattleMechs and OmniMechs awaited his cluster.

   Then, it dawned on him. Flicking on his radio, he yelled into it. “All forces! Spread out and check the entire factory complex now! From the biggest building to the smallest! The freebirth barbarians have a hidden base either inside the complex or have one nearby! And I want it destroyed last week! Quiaff!” As his warriors answered his orders with their acknowledgments, he allowed himself a feral grin, for he knew he would finally destroy the dezgra barbarians before he would have to retreat from this world.

   “Well, that was that,” Star Captain Michael Nevversan said to himself as he half-listened into a conversation a group of Stone Spirit technicians were having near a well-hidden remote sensor the Fins had left behind, letting him know of the Spirits commander, a Star Colonel Jasper Osis, had just ordered his cluster to canvass the entire complex for his forces. A member of the entirely-Elemental Nevversan Bloodhouse, a former Smoke Jaguar Bloodname captured intact by the Faraday-Tanaga shortly after the Smoke Jaguar’s destruction, he was also the temporary commander of the Rim Collection’s forces contesting the vastly-important factory complex the Fins had relocated to Caldarium with, having been entrusted with the assignment after Star Colonel Takala’s death a week ago while in a successful holding action against the Spirits while the Fin and Caldarium civilians at the factory evacuated through the tunnels the Fins had built shortly after their arrival here a few years ago.

   Flicking on his radio to the frequency his trinary and the First Assault Cluster were using, he spoke into it. “All Rim units surrounding the Rim Motors factory complex, we have been made. I repeat, we been had. Pull back through the tunnels or make your way through the mountains back to the Nineteenth Striker Cluster as soon as you can. My Salamanders will remain here to keep an eye on the Spirits. Quiaff?”

   As the clan warrior halfheartedly listened to the freeborn defenders of the Rim Collection’s First Assault Cluster acknowledged his orders, he was soon joined by another member of his bloodhouse, Yu Nevversan, newly bloodnamed after his actions on All Dawn against the Lyrans. His star had been only recently rotated into Michael’s command, as the Mandrills took stock of what the Lyrans invasion on All Dawn had cost them and what they had gained. “Five of six fuel bunkers destroyed, Star Captain,” the Star Commander reported to him. “I think I may have hit a hornet nest on the way out, for the Spirits were on our tails for much of our retreat,” the man joked, causing Michael to roll his eyes. While a capable warrior and one who seemingly had adjusted well to operating with the freeborn warriors of the Rim Collection, he wished Yu would be serious, for he and many of the Kindraa expected much of the warrior who enduring a hurricane to rescue a patrol of munchkins.

   No, Clan, he reminded himself privately, for his kindraa and the remnants of Kindraa Mattila-Carrol were now a proper Clan although by a long way there were the smallest and were even more outcast than the Exiled Wolves they were Clan and that remained important. Deciding to ignore the younger warrior’s humor, he spoke to him. “Good. Are your Salamanders good to go?”

   “Aff. Though Becka took a laser shot to her left shoulder from a Great Wyrm,” the younger warrior of Elemental stock reported to him.

   Michael grimaced, for a Salamander was not as armored as an Elemental. Still, the suit’s Har-jel likely would save the warrior. “Our freeborn allies should be retreating through the tunnels or scattering into the mountains to regroup to the Nineteenth Strikers in a little while. Make sure she is with them. Our two stars, meanwhile, will watch over the Spirits and relay information back to Star Colonel Brian Tanaga.” Both knew he regularly commanded a trinary in the field, yet their star of Kirgiz OmniFighters were with the rest of the Nineteenth, guarding the capital city of Caldarium, alongside the planet’s militia cluster, after dropping both their Salamander stars on the factory just as the Spirits were about to arrive on planet a week earlier.

   “Aff, Star Captain. Should you fall, though, I will pull what survivors we have remaining back until our promised reinforcements arrive,” the younger warrior answered back. He was of course referring to elements from the First and Third Battle Clusters on Langhorne and Slewis, as well as promised support from the freeborn Collection units, mainly from Waypoint and Ormstown. The plan was for the Carrack-class corvette RCS Mandrill Provider and RCS Enduring Freedom, a Merchant-class JumpShip modified with an L-F battery and able to carry a star of fighters, would both jump in shortly before the promised reinforcements tomorrow around thirteen hundred hours, shortly before the promised reinforcements. The reinforcements would be under the command of Galaxy Martial Karen Able, who had been inspecting the Rim Collection base on Waypoint when the Spirits had arrived in system.

   For the rest of the day and into the night, he and his warriors kept watch onto the factory complex, while he and another warrior would listen in on whatever conversations the Spirit technicians were having near the remote sensor. From what they heard, the suspected har-jel and spare parts shortage the Spirits were seen having on Repair Base 77 was confirmed, all the while slowly moving from place to place to avoid the furious Stone Spirit patrols.

   The next day, shortly after thirteen hundred hours, Brian Tanaga had radioed in news of the arrival of the RCS Mandrill Provider and RCS Enduring Freedom and the vital reinforcements they protected. With that news came with it the chaotic evacuation of the Stone Spirits from the factory complex. His plans to quickly take the factory after their evacuation, however, went to smoke, as he overheard a Stone Spirit technician order two spare fusion engines to be overloaded right as their DropShips lifted through the hidden remote sensor.

   Not an hour later, he and his warriors watched as the Stone Spirit DropShips left the planet. If he had any technicians with him or even MechWarriors, he would have led his warriors and them into the factory complex to the fusion engine and electronic components line, where the Stone Spirits had placed the overloading fusion engines at in an attempt to stop the engines from detonating, destroying them and causing heavy damage to the factory lines that, he knew, would necessitate time-demanding repairs. Ten minutes after the last of the DropShips had launched, he and his warriors watched from their place higher in the mountain as two vitally-important buildings in the factory erupted, causing fire and radiation to spread to other close-by buildings. Grimly, he slowly led his warriors down into the factory to ensure the dezgra Spirits had left no other surprises for them. As they did so, civilian Salamanders built for firefighting awaited word for the all-clear in the Kirgiz fighters and what shuttles were on planet.

             Finally, having cleared the topside buildings of the factory, while the freeborn warriors of the First Assault Cluster did likewise in the tunnels below, he gave the all-clear to the awaiting shuttles and Kirgiz OmniFighters. As he watched each slowly land and firefighters in civilian Salamanders, as well as the remaining Salamanders of the Nineteenth Strikers disgorge from them, he had his warriors line up for a chance to replace their fire launchers for fire extinguishers, for they would soon be joining their fellow warriors and the freeborn civilians in fighting the now-blazing fire from destroying the factory. As they waited for their chance, he hoped the incoming reinforcements would catch the dezgra Spirits.

   Three days later, as he finally marched to where his exhausted warriors had gathered, Karen Able radioed him the bad news, along with the entire planet. “This is Galaxy Marshal Karen Able. Last traces of the Stone Spirits have left the system, reaching their JumpShips shortly before they could be destroyed by our WarShips. Reinforcements are inbound and will arrive in the night. To those defending the factory, both Mandrill and Collection, well done. For those who died doing their duty or were honor-bound to do so, to the families and friends of them I say this. Their deaths were not in vain, as they protected the lives of civilians and defended a vitally important asset to the Rim Collection, that while badly damaged, is repairable from what I have been told. Their deaths will not be forgotten and will be avenged. You have my word, as an officer and warrior of the Rim Collection and an Able. Karen Able out.”

   ‘She said the right things for both her freeborn people and for ours,’ Michael thought to himself as a technician helped him out of the Salamander battle armor he piloted. Looking on the haggard, yet determined faces of his warriors, he knew the freeborn woman’s words had reached them as well.

   Yu spoke what had to be in the thoughts of all his warriors then. “Guess we’re going to war against the Spirits now. Good, for I was getting rather tired and restless having to sit and act like a good munchkin in the face of that treaty with the dezgra Lyrans.” And for once, Michael decided to not reprimand the younger warrior for using a contraction.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #889 on: 13 December 2014, 16:01:09 »
Stone Spirit Expansion
Lyran Periphery
22nd March 3094

   As Jasper Osis and his troops struggled on Caldarium Tanya Furey had found that she had gotten lucky again.  First to fall to her troops had been Ferusvirgo a barely inhabited rock occupied by the dregs of society who had fled the Succession Wars and the pirate attacks against some larger worlds.  The inhabitants actually welcomed her troops without a shot fired.  Next to follow were the pirate worlds of The Rack and Pain, Port Vail and Dijonne on some older maps and possibly those of the future, on these worlds her forces found far better equipped enemies who were willing to put up fight.  Fortunately these pirate forces despite being better equipped were still divided by their petty differences and the Stone Rhinos under her command quickly occupied both shattering the defenders putting their leaders to death very publicly to put down further unrest before it started.  The icing on the cake had been that during their time in The Rack system the Stone Spirits had captured five pirate owned interstellar vessels three were of the Invader-class JumpShip while the other two were Merchant-class vessels.  These ships were ancient possibly dating back to the original Star League-era with the technology and resources the Stone Spirits had found in the Periphery they could turn them into vital parts of their growing territory.

   Tanya Furey had then led her Cluster to the Lyran world of Main Street and engaged a combined-arms Battalion of the Seventeenth Lyran Guards Regiment who defended this far flung Lyran Commonwealth world.  The Stone Spirit forces had rapidly gunned down the Lyran defenders capturing much of the Battalion as salvage.  They had then rounded up the surviving technical crews herding them onto DropShips to be shipped out of the system.  As a final act Tanya Furey had left a message with the surviving leadership of Main Street that should the Lyrans or the so-called Interstellar Expeditions continue to push into the Periphery then the Stone Spirits would push back.

Trade Negotiations, FSS Black Prince (Mercury-class Battleship)
Unnamed Periphery System
30th March 3094

   As interstellar neighbours and some time allies the Federated Suns and Nova Cats often engaged in trade discussions.  For the most part these took place at the Nova Cat Embassy or the Nova Cat Firebase on New Avalon however for these negotiations the Federated Suns had requested a deep space meeting.  As this was an unusual meeting the Nova Cats had arrived in the unclaimed system with the Sandra Rosse, an Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser, and the Luna, a Bug-Eye Surveillance Craft, which had arrived at a separate point of the system to observe the negotiations.  The Federated Suns force commanded by First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion himself had arrived three days after the Nova Cats with one of the largest vessels in known existence the FSS Black Prince, the Federated Suns recently launched Mercury-class Battleship.  The massive red-and-black painted vessel was very obviously based on the Columbia-class vessel the Pegasus which the AFFS had hidden from centuries but this new ship was a very new class of WarShip which would likely challenge any other vessel in space for decades to come.

   Once the Nova Cats had gotten over their shock at seeing the massive WarShip the Nova Cats had agreed to come over to the Black Prince to begin negotiations.  Standing at the airlock Victor Steiner-Davion was flanked by a pair of Battle Armoured marines, one feature of the Black Prince and the Mercury-class was that the Battle Armour suited troopers could go anywhere without restriction unlike many older classes, as the door opened immediately the First Prince was shocked with who he saw “Yvonne?”  He said looking at the woman in front of him she was older, her face had more lines on it, her red hair had a lot more gray to it but this was his younger sister.

   “Victor” she said smiling stepping on board the Federated Suns vessel “nice toy you have.  If you wished to make a statement the message was received loud and clear.”  She said embracing him in a hug.

   “It's not quite combat ready yet but she is the fastest ship we have.  Where's Canin?”  He asked he'd expected her husband the Nova Cat Khan to attend as far as Victor knew Yvonne had no current military standing in the Nova Cats.

   “Currently the Khan is busy.”  Yvonne said carefully he knew that she knew where he was but obviously could not say “instead Oathmaster Klick Lenardon will be conducting the negotiations” she said stepping to one side as the massive Nova Cat Elemental dressed in traditional leathers and wearing an intimidating Nova Cat mask.

   “A pleasure to meet you” Victor greeted

   “Of course” the man said not removing his mask

   “This way” Victor said leading the Nova Cat party through the ship the Black Prince was a massive vessel dwarfing anything that Victor had ever traveled on before he'd gone along this route three times before the Nova Cat arrival to ensure that he didn't accidentally take a wrong turn.  Fortunately they made it safely to the meeting room with Victor taking his place at one side of the room and the Nova Cats, his sister included, sitting opposite.  “Allow me to get to my point” Victor said “the Federated Suns has designed, built and tested the next generation of Lithium Fusion Battery.  Something we are willing to trade to the Nova Cats.”  Victor said it had been a hard-sell with the Federated Suns nobility and with the AFFS High Command but Victor had pointed out that the Federated Suns were duty bound to share the technology with the Star League Defence Force once it spread to the SLDF the other member states would gain the Technology and then so would the Clans.  The First Prince had pointed out that the Federated Suns should get something out of it which had lead to this meeting.

   “Something I find difficult to believe” Oathmaster Lenardon said dismissively “the Clans have worked with and on this technology for more than two hundred and fifty years.  Despite this technological achievement you have created” he said looking around the room “there are some things that take much more to understand and surpass.”

   “This ship has the prototype system on board it” Victor said proudly “here is the data on our trip here.”  He said handing a data pad to the Nova Cat who handed it to one of his other party who began to look over the data after a few moments the man nodded.

   “Interesting data which could be accurate or miss-information, Quiaff?  The Inner Sphere has been known in the past to use such tactics to win battles with the Inner Sphere.”

   “Then a demonstration?”  Victor asked the Oathmaster finally removed his mask looking Victor in the eyes as he did before glancing at Yvonne who nodded the Oathmaster looked back at Victor and nodded.

   “Have your shuttle detach and head back to the Sandra Rosse.  We will return once our engine has recharged.”  He promised them the Oathmaster looked at Victor suspiciously before glancing at one of the other Nova Cats.

   “Return to the shuttle, inform the Sandra Rosse's command that if we do not return within one week then they are to take word of the Federated Suns betrayal to the Clan Council” he said glancing back at Victor “retribution that even the Khan will not be able to stop.”

   Nearly an hour later the shuttle had cleared the FSS Black Prince's jump field and the Mercury-class vessel was able to jump a total of three times emerging finally from Hyperspace in the Anjin Muerto system ninety light years away from the system which they had met.  The WarShip communicated its presence to the planet ensuring no-one panicked at the arrival of the massive vessel.

   On board the vessel Victor Steiner-Davion was able to present the Nova Cat Oathmaster with physical proof that the FSS Black Prince carried a revolutionary piece of equipment the negotiations proceeded quickly with the Federated Suns wanting a only one thing a Bug-Eye-class Surveillance Vessel of which the Nova Cats have three and are considered to be priceless.  Initially Oathmaster Lenardon had suggested that all the Nova Cats needed to do was capture the vessel that he stood on from the Federated Suns and then the Clan would have the technology.  The Federated Suns leader is quick to point out that not only do the Nova Cats have nothing that can keep up with the FSS Black Prince and that even if they could over power the battleship that the system was built into the very hull of the vessel.

   Before the FSS Black Prince returns to the meeting system rendezvousing with the Sandra Rosse on the 5th April an agreement is made for one of the Nova Cat's three Bug-Eye-class vessels for the new jump technology.  By the end of April 3094 the deal had been completed and one of the three Bug-Eyes possessed by the Nova Cats was exchanged for the technology.
« Last Edit: 13 December 2014, 16:03:15 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #890 on: 13 December 2014, 17:37:15 »
No wonder the loremaster did not want to take off his mask.
I thought Victor would greet the Nova cats with SURPRISE, mine is bigger than yours. >:D :D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #891 on: 14 December 2014, 00:15:06 »
Will there be a FSS Mercury?  I always drives me nuts when you get class of ship with a name ship that doesn't exist.
I'm surprised there wasn't exchange between the siblings about marriage of their daughter / niece.

Good story, good update, Dragoncat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #892 on: 14 December 2014, 19:32:31 »
Glad you enjoyed the update April is around the corner (in the timeline)

I've got a bit of a tradition in this timeline on having things happen on April Fools day:

Fox's Teeth got captured by the Nova Cats because of bad intelligence

CASE WHITE was successfully launched by ComStar against the WoB

The Ices Hellion's lost a Potemkin and its contents in a Trial

Failed assassination against George Hasek

The Varnay family sparked rebellion against House Davion striking at New Avalon

Starliner One began its first mission

This year isn't going to be different - should be ready tomorrow or the day after  O0
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #893 on: 14 December 2014, 21:10:23 »
 O0 Can't wait for the next update then!

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #894 on: 15 December 2014, 17:44:44 »
My thanks to the developers of BattleTech for my April Fools for this year in the timeline

Games of Noisiel
Mahoken Continent, Noisiel
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
1st April 3094

   “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Alexis Muhlenberg, and welcome to Noisiel.  Long regarded as a game world and mercenary trading world deep within the Lyran Commonwealth less than a jump away from the Alarion system.”  She said giving those who were far away an idea of where they were in the Lyran realm “in the past the Duke of this world Michael Alextep has spent large swaths of his families fortune in financing the “Games of Noisiel” these games different from Solaris VII's because of their diversity from Mech scale rugby to the BattleMech Race of Noisiel.  Supported by the Armoured Gorillas Mercenary Command Michael Alextep has created an attraction that brings in visitors from across the Inner Sphere.”  She said brushing some strands of her brown hair from her face “recently however there has been a worry in the halls of Alarion and Tharkad.” 

   She said pausing as the camera showed images of the Battle Armour troops of the Armoured Gorillas patrolling the streets of Noisiel surrounded by cheering children “in actions that have brought jobs to hundreds of Noisiel citizens Michael Alextep has directed citizens of Noisiel to refurbish and rebuild several abandoned armour factories that were built during the First Succession War and gradually decommissioned over the years as the threat reduced.  He has also invested in drawing vehicle designers and engineers from across the Lyran Commonwealth to the world.”  She explained in the early Succession Wars there were threats from both the Free Worlds League and from the Draconis Combine today things were far more secure even with the Clans bearing down on the Commonwealth.

   “Recently Michael Alextep welcomed Broadfoot Electronics to Noisiel setting them up within a factory that has been built on the Romaha continent and is guarded by the Armoured Gorillas Command.”  She said as the camera spanned out to show the large red “B” of Broadfoot Electronics on the side of a large building again with Battle Armoured troopers patrolling the perimetre “the company is well known within the Lyran Commonwealth for their work in the development of advanced scout drones.  Broadfoot Electronics had been based at an LCAF base within the Isle of Skye on Laurleston however Alextep has drawn the company to Noisiel with the promise of a permanent headquarters to call their own.  With the reactivation of armour factories on Noisiel the question is what is happening on this world?”  She said finishing as the camera passed over the distinctive red landscape of the world's plants and trees “is Noisiel becoming a sleeping giant of industry within the Lyran Commonwealth?  Is the Alextep family attempting to make a power play our nation has not seen in centuries?  Both of these are questions that have been asked recently” she said pausing allowing the question to hang in the air for several moments.

   “Well worry no longer because I have secured an interview with Duke Michael Alextep.”  Alexis Muhlenberg said continuing to speak as the camera panned out slightly to show the Duke standing beside her his naturally blond hair rapidly receding and turning grey as age began to catch up with him “Herr Alextep, thank you for joining us.”

   “My pleasure Miss Muhlenberg” he replied

   “Herr Alextep, can you answer some of the concerns that have been brought up recently regarding Noisiel's construction and repair of long abandoned factories and Broadfoot Electronics arrival?”

   “Ya, I can answer you very well” he said in his heavily accented English “both of our moves in the rebuilding of factories and with the arrival of a primary defence contract for the LCAF we have created hundreds of jobs for the people of Noisiel and ensure that in the future we can make a permanent contribution to the Lyran Commonwealth and her defence.”  He replied “on this world we have the basis of what could produce several regiments worth of armoured vehicles for the Lyran people every year.”  He explained shocking the reporter and likely most of the viewers.

   “And how what is your answer the rumours that Noisiel has stockpiled hundreds of armoured vehicles exclusively for Noisiel's use?”  She asked she'd done her homework before beginning the interview.

   “Well I can say that under the constitution of the Lyran Commonwealth all planets are allowed to defend themselves.  However that would be a short answer and I know it would not be one that would answer the media nor the wider audience.”  He said smiling

   “I am very proud of the people of Noisiel and of the Games that we have created however I wished to do something new something that would set apart our Games from Solaris or from the Vids from the battles from the front.”  He explained more and more Tri-Vid entertainment companies and news services were moving with front line forces meaning real battles were becoming quite a common sight on screens across the Inner Sphere.  The battles of Solaris and Noisiel still brought massive interest but real battle often got as much or more attention.

   “So how have you done that Herr Alextep?” Alexis Muhlenberg asked pushing sensing that the Duke was willing to tell her.

   “Well we have developed this” he said turning the camera followed his gesture to show a very large tracked vehicle which had been off camera.  The vehicle looked like a box on a set of thick tracks lacking a turret or what looked like any weapon systems at all the vehicle was instead covered in communications antennae and dishes.  “This is a Command Vehicle designed and built on Noisiel and designed for our new type of Games although it could also have potential uses by the LCAF should they show an interest.”

   “And what kind of games needs a battle ready tank?” Alexis Muhlenberg asked pushing the Games of Noisiel were set apart from others because they often did not use a single fully powered weapon.

   “This tank is not battle ready, nor was it ever designed to enter battle on its own, instead this is more like ScolTek Associates Hi-Scout Drone Carrier.”  The Duke explained “and here comes one of its drones” he said smiling as the camera showed another vehicle moving into the shot the drone looked far more like a conventional tank with thick tracks, a turret and a large gun it was about half as large as the Command vehicle.

   “You plan to fight drones against each other?” Alexis Muhlenberg asked stunned in a universe dominated by the BattleMech, man and machine fighting as one Duke Alextep seemed to be going backwards drone and artificial intelligence technologies had largely been abandoned by the Inner Sphere although the SLDF had recently began looking more into them with their reborn Casper M5 drones.

   “Yes, you may think that we have taken a leap from our senses?  But we have not.”  He said answering his own question “this tank is called the Tiger.  Those viewers who know their history may remember the name from an armoured vehicle used by the Federated Suns during the Star League-era however for this vehicle you have to go back to ancient Terra and the year 1945 during what was known as Terra's Second World War.”  He said explaining just how ancient the vehicle design was. 

   “This tank and hundreds like it fought for Germany during that conflict in an attempt to dominate ancient Terra.  This tournament we plan to hold has hundreds of vehicles which we have designed and built on Noisiel each based on a design of armoured vehicle from that conflict.  Unlike the original vehicles however each of these we have built use Drone control software so instead of five men being needed a single man can control this vehicle, and advanced Fuel Cell engines ensures that Noisiel's atmosphere is not overly damaged by the amount of vehicles we have in battle.”  He explained unlike a normal conventional engined armoured vehicle the Fuel Cell tank was far quieter and environmentally friendly.

   “And unlike regular Mech battles people of all ages and sizes can fight in these battles.”  He explained as part of the marketing campaign the idea was not for only MechWarriors or wannabe MechWarriors to be involved but regular civilians who wished to deal damage to their opponent without having to live with killing someone.  “We plan to hold events of up to twelve vehicles per side in various locations across Noisiel, each player will be allowed to select their preferred tank from the selection we have built.  Inside the Command Vehicle each team will be seated next to each other so they can communicate with their team mates.  Should the player lose their vehicle unlike a Mech Battle where the pilot must wait until the end of the battle the players in these battles will be able to enter the rear area of the Command Vehicle and enjoy a selection of food beverages similar to those available on Terra during that era and discuss their battles with the other players.”

   “With players having access to such firepower isn't it dangerous they could run riot across Noisiel causing massive casualties or target the command vehicles in an effort to take out their opponents directly?”  Alexis Muhlenberg asked now curious more than stunned at the ideas being experimented with on Noisiel.  Instead of answering the Duke raised a portable radio to his mouth.

   “This is Alextep, have Tiger Drone target Command Vehicle and fire” he ordered.  The drone turned its turret towards the larger command vehicle and fired a single shot.  The blast from the cannon was extremely noisy with flames and gasses vented out the sides of the cannon as the drone's primary weapon fired.  Over such a shot distance the shell took only a couple of seconds to travel the space between the drone and command vehicle.  The blast struck the command vehicle causing some minimal damage to the larger vehicle.  “As you can see it would require a battalion of these drones to cause any lasting damage to the command vehicles added to this the command vehicles can out pace the majority of these craft.  Protecting them and the people of Noisiel will be the battle armour troopers of the Armoured Gorillas and Toads” Alextep explained.  “We look forward to a good gaming season on Noisiel and I welcome all to join us the final battles will take place in August of this year all are welcome.”  He said finally before shaking Alexis Muhlenberg's hand and walking off.

   “Well ladies and gentlemen there you have it Noisiel has traveled back in time for this year's games of Noisiel.”  Alexis Muhlenberg said as the camera refocused on her “will you join them in 1945?  And will you be brave and skilled enough to join the people of Noisiel in the Championship of 1945?”  She asked her voice trailing off as the camera turned to look at the Tiger tank its cannon now pointed towards the camera.

   For several months battles raged across the world of Noisiel as the people enjoyed not only the regular games of Noisiel but also the specialist 1945 tournament with teams forming around some of the best players.  Eventually an “Axis” team of Tiger tanks won the top trophy with the LCAF taking an interest in the “Command vehicle” beginning negotiations with Duke Alextep.

Cameron-Jones Palace
Regulus, Principality of Regulus
15th April 3094

   On the world of Regulus Prince Lester Cameron-Jones and his wife Saadia Cameron-Jones, the Duchess of McKenna, become parents as their daughter Anita is born thus cementing Lester Cameron-Jones rule providing the Regulan leader with an heir.

Grand Council Chamber
Andrey, Tukayyid
Clan Space
18th April 3094

   In the four years since the first Grand Council on Tukayyid the city of Andrey had grown as grand as the proceedings in the Council Chambers.  With now more than one million Clan born and bread inhabitants occupying the city.  Within the city's grounds the Sea Foxes had built a BattleMech factory, while the Hell's Horses had built a Battle Armour production facility both of which produced goods for all of the Clans to bid and Trial for.  The Snow Ravens had began to build an aerospace fighter production facility which would follow the same route.

   Inside the Chamber halls however it was business as usual for the various Khans of the remaining Clans.  Khan Nathan Fetladral leader of the Wolves had spoken at length to the Clan leaders discussing the Wolf interrogation of former Steel Viper saKhan Nicole Hoskins.  He had confirmed what many of the Clans believed that the entity known as “The Society” now dominated the Clan Homeworlds.  Fetladral also confirmed that the Society was commanded by those of the fallen Clans, their descendants and members of their own scientific castes.

   Fetladral informs the council that Nicole Hoskins claimed that the Serpent Clans had invaded the Clan Occupation Zones so that they could live or die as Clansmen a final act to honour the Great Father and the Founder.  He informs the Council that Nicole Hoskins died during her attempt to win a Trial of Position within Clan Wolf and that her example should be one that is used as a method of dealing with the former Clans of the Steel Viper, the Cloud Cobra and Star Adder.  Following a vote each of these Clans and any of their descendants are declared dezgra by the remaining Inner Sphere based Clans.  Several of the Inner Sphere Clans have captured warriors of these former Clans each chooses to retain these warriors and the blood heritages honouring the legacies of these names if not the Clans that had born them.

Border Skirmish
Emris IV, Principality of Regulus
Former-Free Worlds League
20th April 3094

   In a raid sponsored by the Oriente Protectorate the Thunder Road Mercenary Command had come to Emris IV.  They had only been on the planet for eight hours however Colonel John R Wrangler had already decided he hated it.  Emris IV had thick “pea-soup” atmosphere it was uncomfortably warm in this part of the planet and it seemed to rain constantly.  Looking over drawings of the nearby area he silently wondered if their target StarCorps of Emris IV and their production run of Warhammer WHD-10CT BattleMechs was worth it.  Glancing up at his three Mech company commanders and the commander of his infantry he saw the same question on their lips 'to hell with it' Wrangler silently thought pulling the half done cigar from his mouth.

   “Alright people as expected the Tenth Regulan Hussars have decided to set up between us and the factory.  They want to stop us getting at these Mechs as much or more than our employers want us to get away with them.  The Tenth is a new unit mostly comprised of armour, battle armour and infantry but they do have a medium company of Mechs to contend with as well.”  He said going through the dossier provided by Oriente Intelligence the Thunder Road had two companies of Assault Mechs and one company of Heavy Mechs for flanking operations roughly half of their Mechs were Jump Jet equipped.

   “We are going to do this smart.  Command Company is going right down the middle” he said placing a marker down.  “Ronald, your infantry troopers are going to follow me in, when we get to StarCorps you job is to liberate those Mechs take the StarCorps DropShip.  We need it intact to maximize our takings from this job.”  The large dark skinned infantry commander nodded some mistook him for a Clan born Elemental but in fact he was just “big-boned” as he liked to put it.

   “Wilson, you have the right flank through over this area here.  Stay on the far side of the river until you get to the factory then come across we should have them tied up for you so you can make the crossing without trouble.”  Wrangler suggested James Wilson nodded he looked more like a doctor or teacher than a Major and the unit's XO with thin rimmed glasses and short ginger hair.

   “Carlyle, you've got the fun job through the forests” Wrangler said Allison Carlyle was in her twenties the youngest here by some margin with shoulder length blonde hair she had a delicate look to her which hid a battle hardened warrior.  As long as no-one mentioned her surname and any possible links to the Grey Death Legion they were fine.  “Watch out for their infantry and Battle Armour forces I don't want to hear of any Mechs being knee-capped because they weren't paying attention.”

   “I'd be surprised if the Tenth are that skilled in knee-capping” Roland whispered “it's not like they are the Grey Death” he joked immediately you could see Allison Carlyle's face turn red with anger at the man's suggestion 'and to think those two were dating' Wrangler thought watching the exchange “Sorry All, didn't want to strike a nerve” Roland said raising his arms in surrender.

   “When I pass by your Poor Blood Infantry troopers make sure they stay out of my way.”

   “Always thrown in the PBI card” Roland shot back

   “Enough both of you, just stick to the plan and watch your people.  The Tenth should be a walk over let's make sure they are and we don't have trouble like Brodon.”

   “No A Team present boss” Wilson pointed out.  The fact that they had gotten their DropShip back from the rogue mercenaries did not help Wrangler's mood towards them.

   “Just as well” he said sticking the cigar back in his mouth.  "They'd be on my hit-list too."

   The next day had progressed much as Wrangler had expected the defenders had set up with their Mechs in the open area directly between the Thunder Road and their target while the armour forces had concentrated on the far side of the river sniping at the Thunder Road's heavy Company.  The Flanking forces had as expected been hit by infantry and battle armour looking to gain themselves an easy Mech kill in the thick trees.  Allison Carlyle had been ready for them however deploying her company's lances one following the other as soon as the infantry appeared they were hit by the strength of two companies.

   Moving forward as rapidly as a unit their size could Colonel Wrangler's company was soon in range of the Mech force John Wrangler himself finally being able to strike down opponents with his own Mech's weapons.  “Careful you do not strike at the factory we want our prize intact” he said striking out with his Mech's three gauss rifles two struck their intended target causing massive damage disabling the Mech while the third flew wide taking the top corner off of the factory “just a scratch” he whispered to himself.

   Across the line the other Mechs of the Thunder Road tore into the defending Mech company and its armour support with the heavy company pushing through the river and the Flanker company emerging from the trees on his right today was a good day for the Thunder Road.  The Tenth Regulan forces were caught in a cauldron of weapons fire as they were struck from all three sides the remaining Mechs quickly fell.

   With their enemy dead at their feet the Thunder Road's infantry forces were able to enter the factory and the nearby DropShip capturing both and the production run of Warhammers.  Making their escape from the planet their bounty was delivered to the Oriente Protectorate as promised the Warhammers themselves could have doubled the size of the Thunder Road, a tempting proposition for any mercenary command, as part of their payment for the mission the Thunder Road were gifted two of the captured Warhammers replacing holes in the unit's TO&E combined with salvage from the Tenth Regulan the unit actually found itself over strength by three Mechs although those recovered were heavily damaged and would likely need months to rebuild.  Wrangler also lacked pilots or suitable transport for these new designs instead of agreeing to a second contract with the Oriente Protectorate he chose to take his unit across the Free Worlds League to the system of Bowang which was famed for its acceptance of travelers and mercenaries.

Trial of Annihilation
Pristine, Sterling
Former Free Worlds League
29th April 3094

   Ignoring the Inner Sphere's borders had been an easy decision for saKhan Ranna Kerensky the Ghosts of the Abyss had intentionally left the Lyran state hoping to avoid her command but she had already made her choice.  Two years had passed since her journey had begun to eliminate her lover's killers and now was their moment.

   The Exiled Wolves had quickly eliminated the militia defenders of Pristine, Sterling's capitals,  now they had to hunt down the dezgra mercenaries before they chose to run again.  The Wolf Spider Keshik were only two Trinaries in strength but their mission would be completed.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #895 on: 15 December 2014, 19:51:12 »
The Thunder Road Company rides again, that was awesome entry!  Thanks, Dragon Cat!  I swear you should publish a novel. ;)
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #896 on: 16 December 2014, 00:14:10 »
No, not just a novel, a series...I am thinking of at least a trilogy of books here huh?  8)

The triple jump drive might make things interesting for interstellar warfare in the far future since planets "behind the lines" will no longer be safe.

You know its funny, before 3145 fully showed up(for me the DA clickytech age didn't count at the time.) I would look at the time stamps and think at how far along Dragon Cat's AU was coming along and now I look at the 3094 time stamp and think things need to be sped up or something, haha. Not that it needs to be or anything, just a different perspective on things for me.
Made by HikageMaru

JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #897 on: 16 December 2014, 11:31:35 »
One could almost call it a  8) World of War-Tanks  8)

"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #898 on: 18 December 2014, 02:45:53 »
The Thunder Road Company rides again, that was awesome entry!  Thanks, Dragon Cat!  I swear you should publish a novel. ;)

Glad you enjoyed it

No, not just a novel, a series...I am thinking of at least a trilogy of books here huh?  8)

The triple jump drive might make things interesting for interstellar warfare in the far future since planets "behind the lines" will no longer be safe.

You know its funny, before 3145 fully showed up(for me the DA clickytech age didn't count at the time.) I would look at the time stamps and think at how far along Dragon Cat's AU was coming along and now I look at the 3094 time stamp and think things need to be sped up or something, haha. Not that it needs to be or anything, just a different perspective on things for me.

Writing it all out takes time.  I feel sorry for the real BattleTech writers

One could almost call it a  8) World of War-Tanks  8)


Seemed like the thing that would happen there
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #899 on: 18 December 2014, 02:48:44 »
Splendid, (Splendid-class Cruiser)
Quatre Belle, Raven Alliance
8th May 3094

   Slipping out of the Quatre Belle shipyards at a single gravity's acceleration the newest Clan Snow Raven WarShip slipped from its dock for the first time.  The Splendid was the first of the class of the same name seven hundred-and-forty three metres long and massing seven hundred-and-ten tons the vessel was not the largest vessels.  Originally designed by Clan Mongoose in the early days of the Clans the vessel was loosely based off the Capellan Confederation's Star League-era Du Shi Wang-class Battleship with an entirely laser based armament and defence the ship was designed to remain on the field of battle for extended periods unsupported.

   Slipping over the shipyard the Splendid passed the still under repair Warden, a Thera-class Carrier, and four sisters to the Splendid.  The Snow Ravens had faith that the Splendid-class would be a success now it was up to the ship and its crew to prove its worth.

Touman Restrengthening
Tamar, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
10th May 3094

   As the Snow Ravens restrengthen their naval arm Clan Wolf continues to rebuild its battered Touman.  As well as raising several garrison commands and investing in the deployment of several new armoured vehicles.  At the forefront of these deployments were the reformations of the 328th Assault Cluster (The Lion Hearted) and 341st Assault Cluster (The Silver Blizzard) these two units are formed as perfect Clan Clusters with Three OmniMech Trinaries, an Elemental Binary, an Aerospace Fighter Binary and a mixed Trinary of support Mechs, Battle Armour and conventional artillery equipped armour.  Both units could trace their lineage to units of the original Star League Defence Force, two of the few units that Nicholas Kerensky allowed to maintain their links to the original SLDF, both units had fallen from active service within the Wolf Touman and Khan Nathan Fetladral intended on ensuring their return.  The Lion Hearted were assigned to the Beta Galaxy while The Silver Blizzard was assigned to Gamma Galaxy spreading the power of these commands throughout the Touman.

SLS Truce of Tukayyid, (Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser)
Star League Research Facility, Kuiper Belt
Sol System, Star League Protectorate
17th May 3094

   On the gravity deck of the SLS Truce of Tukayyid Commanding-General Archer Christifori stood beside several SLDF scientists and engineers who were looking particularly pleased with their successes.  Beyond the Truce of Tukayyid was a frail looking Starlord-class JumpShip which had been built at the O'Neil Shipyards specifically for these tests.  The ship looked very little like a normal Starlord lacking in the docking facilities the class normally featured the craft instead had a large turret like assembly extending from both the dorsal and ventral hulls.  This turret was covered in sensor surfaces and weapon emplacements but from what Archer understood an aerospace fighter could fly within one hundred metres of it and would fear little to nothing of direct damage.  Instead the system was designed for a defensive purpose that if worked as promised would revolutionize naval warfare.

   “Commanding-General, this JumpShip cannot be hit by any type of missile either capital or conventional.”  Doctor Edward Kratz said proudly.

   “An impressive claim” Archer said since the battles with the Manei Domini the SLDF engineers and scientists had been tasked with creating the perfect “WarShip Anti-Missile System” to defend their dark water craft the fruits of their labour had according to the rumour been completed.

   “A claim that this test will show” Yin Takami said bowing deeply “this very WarShip and her aerospace fighters will be unable to engage that vessel with a single missile based weapon.”

   “And the crew share your confidence?”  Archer asked wondering if the crewmen were crazy a Starlord-class vessel would be broken in two by a single capital missile.

   “For this test we have utilized the drone operating system of a Casper type vessel” Edward Kratz said seeing Archer's surprise “the system ensures that human error cannot be blamed on the failure of the test and will provide us with accurate results and findings to refine future tests.”

   “As you wish” Archer said not completely convinced that the drone technology was the best source of the test.  “Begin when you are ready” he said Edward Kratz nodded and spoke into the communication system.

   Soon after the SLS Truce of Tukayyid's capital missile launchers spat out a series of White Shark capital missiles starting with a single missile increasing to a total of eight missiles been fired from the vessel's forward launchers.  In each case the WAMS activated as the missiles closed on the JumpShip first disgorging counter-measures which appeared to strike the first missiles and then cutting the other missiles to pieces with frightening accuracy.

   “Impressive” Archer admitted, he himself would be the first to admit that he knew little of space combat however he also knew that a dedicated combat WarShip would have struggled to stop such an onslaught.

   “Phase Two involves multiple attacks from multiple directions” Edward Kratz said the Truce of Tukayyid's systems showed a group of aerospace fighters, a least a squadron in strength, an assault DropShip and the Truce of Tukayyid targeting the Starlord.  From each attack the WAMS reacted to the missile attack engaging them with counter-measures and flak cutting each down.  From what Archer could tell a minimal amount of conventional missiles had gotten through to their target causing very minor damage to the Starlord.

   “Impressive” Archer repeated “few conventional defence systems that I have seen would have preformed as well.”  He said congratulating them.

   “These are ideal conditions Commanding-General.  Neither this vessel or the defending craft are moving under thrust and our defences are automated.”   Yin Takami pointed out he did not want this system to be termed as the perfect defence for a WarShip only to fail in reality.

   “But it is a grand step forward” Edward Kratz reminding Archer of their accomplishment.

   “I agree” the Commanding-General said after several moments “with both of you.  This system shows much promise but will need a lot more testing including testing on a ship without the automated systems and with trained crews.”

   “Our next stage of testing Commanding-General, we have another JumpShip a Monolith that we have had built to be used as a training vessel for this system.  With your permission they will begin training within the next month.” Yin Takami said Archer had been unaware the project had a second JumpShip however the results spoke for themselves.

   “How many crewmen will you need?”  Archer asked

   “For this system to act at its peak efficiency we will need ten operators and two command level officers to coordinate, that is on top of the JumpShip's regular crew.” Edward Kratz said for the system to be tested properly they would need three or four times that many crewmen rotating between theory and practical testing.

   “That can be done.”  Archer said deciding that the cost was worth the rewards if they could effectively eliminate the threat from missile weapons, and more importantly nuclear weapons, “if these tests are successful how long would it be before we could begin retrofitting the fleet with this system?”  He asked wondering about the costs that would be involved.

   “Retrofitting would be impossible” Yin Takami said revealing the system's other drawback “the WarShip Anti-Missile System is built into the WarShip, JumpShip or Space Station that mounts it.  It is integrated into the vessel's command and control functions to even attempt to refit a vessel with it would likely cause more damage and problems to the unit than the enemy's weapons fire.  Archer Christifori was frustrated by that answer even if every single one of their tests went perfectly the SLDF would not be able to build a WarShip that mounted the WAMS until the turn of the century, perhaps later, any future SLDF naval design would likely have to be dramatically redesigned if it wanted to use the system which included the Enterprise-class Super-carrier.  These tests had impressed the Commanding-General but he realized that he may never see it deployed on a combat vessel of the SLDF if further problems rose up.

First Battalion Field Camp
Mitchell, Sirdar PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
23rd May 3094

   Entering the camp of the First Kathil Uhlans First BattleMech Battalion Leftenant Kym Hasek and the other new warriors of the unit looked around watching the various Mechs of the Battalion which moved around.  They stood in place as the Battalion commander approached he was a tall man with blonde hair “I am Richard Steiner, commander of this Regiment, you are all welcome within our number.”  He said his Germanic accent showing his lineage despite being separated from the Lyran realm for many years.  “You will receive Mech assignments by the end of this week.  Until then each of you will complete duties within this base” he said moving down the row of new recruits “regardless of your rank or standing” he said stopping for a moment in front of Kym Hasek ensuring that she understood what he meant.  “Is this understood?”

   “Yes, sir” they replied in unison

   “Very good” he said continuing down the line “welcome to the Uhlans!”  He greeted them finally seeing smiles brought to their eyes.  The Kathil Uhlans was not the most respected or best equipped unit in the AFFS but it was one of the more popular independent commands.  Supporting the Mech Regiment were a brigade of armour and infantry forces and an aerospace wing.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3