Author Topic: Panther Expanded DropShip  (Read 1839 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Panther Expanded DropShip
« on: 17 December 2012, 18:33:37 »
I've mentioned doing a bigger version of the Leopard DropShip, and here it is the Panther Expanded DropShip, the BV value is a educated guess and I haven't worked out the cost yet. Given the way the force I that promoted this design I'm half tempted to drop the fuel back to 137 tons

Code: [Select]
Panther Expanded DropShip
2500 tons
BV: 2,854
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 80 
Structural Integrity: 7
Armor: 500

Nose 140
Left Side 130
Right Side 130
Aft 100

Fuel: 180 tons, 5400 fuel points, 97.82 burn days

Weapons   Loc  Heat
PPC Bay   NOS  20
LRM Bay   NOS   6
Laser Bay NOS   9
LRM Bay   RS    6
Laser Bay RS   19
LRM Bay   LS    6
Laser Bay LS   19
Laser Bay AFT  14
Ammo   Loc  Shots
LRM 20 Ammo NOS  6
LRM 20 Ammo NOS  6
LRM 20 Ammo RS   6
LRM 20 Ammo RS   6
LRM 20 Ammo LS   6
LRM 20 Ammo LS   6

Carrying Capacity:  Mech - 4 units
Aerospace Fighter Bay - 2 units
Light Vehicle Bay -8 units
Cargo Space - 47.5 tons


  • Sergeant
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Re: Panther Expanded DropShip
« Reply #1 on: 17 December 2012, 21:33:03 »
Huh. This looks like it should exist soley as a CV.

I mean, you've got the carrying capacity of a Leopard (aka, the smallest millitary dropship 'till the Aurora), with the firepower of a big one. Plus it's fairly quick. Swap the mech bays for Aerospace Fighter bays, and you've got a good system partoll ship.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 8393
Re: Panther Expanded DropShip
« Reply #2 on: 17 December 2012, 22:01:41 »
It's got the exact same weapons load as the Leopard, however I did forget to add the Escape Pods, so subtract 14 tons from that cargo bay, bring it down to 33.5 tons, just under the originals cargo capacity

Edit: Just calculated the cost: $173,925,000 C-Bills, so a little bit more then the Leopard but you get a lot for that money
« Last Edit: 17 December 2012, 23:05:35 by SCC »