Author Topic: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever  (Read 9488 times)

Trace Coburn

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Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« on: 10 March 2011, 05:54:18 »
F-100*/F-700* Riever - 100t, TRO3025
Originally posted 20 Jul. 2005.

  All proposed fan-variants should be posted in the corresponding “FotW Workshop” thread.

  Debuting in the early twenty-ninth century, the F-100 Riever is actually relatively young compared to most of the ships it would encounter during the Succession Wars, which were often of Star League design vintage.  Slow and ungainly, but tough as hell and packing a close-range arsenal not to be taken lightly, the Riever is perhaps the flip-side of the coin shown to us by designs like the Chippewa and STU-K5 Stuka.

  In this timeframe, a hundred-ton spaceframe like the Riever pretty much had only one choice of movement curve: 5/8, with the default five tons of gas.  The warload is explictly meant for close-attack duties: each wing mounts twin SRM-6s with two tons of ammo per wing, while the nose houses a colossal Imperator Zeta-a AC/20(!) with two tons of ammo and a token long-range weapon, an LRM-10 with two tons of ammo.  (Note: not a single energy weapon.  I’ll come back to this.)  Twenty-eight heat-sinks is actually one more than the Riever needs to be an alpha-baby, so you don’t have to be afraid of your heat-scale.  }:)  And while the armour isn’t up to the ‘magic’ 20% mark, but 86/61/48 from sixteen tons of standard plate is more than tough enough for the Succession Wars crowd: not a single section is vulnerable to ML thresholds, and the nose can shrug off anything short of a PPC.  :o  The fluff speaks of the Riever specialising in absorbing punishment from longer-ranged opponents, then knocking them out with one or two devastating barrages when they get too close, and brother, I believe it.  :o
  As I say, the Riever is the antithesis of the Chippewa: while the fragile CHP-W5 counts on its arsenal to hit the enemy at long- and medium-range and avoid the suicide of close action, the Riever is deliberately built to be tough enough to climb right into the other guy’s vest pocket and maul him up close and personal.  Ground-attacks from Rievers are to be feared; while their lack of energy weapons leaves them unable to Strafe, a single Strike from an F-100 can hit the target with a can-opening Class-20 autocannon, two clusters of LRMs, and up to twenty-four crit-seeking two-point SRM hits.  :'(  Similarly, F-100 squadrons would just love the anti-shipping mission, with Capital bays of 4 (LRMs), 12 (ACs) and two 10-point SRM banks.  :o  PH34|2 7h15, n00b!   :smirk:
  Unfortunately, if you’re tracking ammunition consumption (and I’m assuming that my readers are honest enough to do this without fail), the Riever’s combat endurance is markedly limited by its magazines.  It has no energy armament at all, meaning that overeager pilots/players can blaze off their entire magazines hitting their targets and suddenly find themselves completely defenceless when they try to get home.  Moreover, the Riever has no stern armament at all, meaning that dogfighters who get past the escorts are going to find themselves more or less unmolested when they start tailgating.  :(

  Rievers must be closely escorted without fail.  My dogmatic adherence to my own mantras quite aside, the simple fact remains that while Rievers are tough, they are too cumbersome to evade trouble that comes looking for them and they don’t have the gas or the bullets to fart-arse about on the way to or from their target(s).  Keep a flight or two of F-90 Stingrays nearby at all times to fend off enemy dogfighters; if you’re on an anti-shipping sortie, rather than the individual ’Mech hunting the Riever would appear to relish, you’d also be well-advised to fold a couple of THB-D36 Thunderbirds into the squadron as well, both to provide long-range hitting power with its twin LRM-20s and to give the unit some ‘getting-home guns’ once they’ve exhausted their ammo-bins.  Watch out for Corsairs, enemy Stingrays, and interceptors of any stripe, and remember to stick to your mission and go home once it’s accomplished.

  I can’t say that the defenders are going to have too much fun knocking down Rievers, though.  You need at least a large laser to threshold the wings, so if at all possible, hit Riever flights with Corsairs, Stingrays or Seydlitz - anything else just doesn’t have the one-shot punch to get through the armour in any meaningful way.  :-\  (On the other hand, if anybody’s dumb enough to commit LCF-R15 Lucifers against Rievers, their LRM-20s and twin large lasers offer very good TAC chances, and they don’t give away anything in the way of performance - though if they get in front of the F-100’s SRM-packs (or worse yet, its Zeta-a!), it’ll be all over bar the crying.  ::))

  Two variants on the F-100 theme emerged during the Succession Wars.  The F-100A wanted to improve its close-range hitting power and did so by trading out the LRM-10 for a pair of nose-mounted SRM six-packs and a fifth ton of SRM ammo.  Giving away the LRM rack is arguably a good idea - if you start shooting at long range, they’re likely to actually notice you, which is Not Good for a knife-range specialist like this - but I’m not so sure that more SRM racks were the way to go.  You get another 10 Capital bay for antishipping work (or twelve more crit chances in a ground-strike), but an alpha-strike hits +3 on the heat-scale and you’re still SOL for ammunition endurance - in fact, you’re a little worse off, since you now have only fifteen rounds in your bins, rather than the twenty-four rounds the LRM-10 enjoyed.  Useful, but not preferred.
  The F-100B, on the other hand, looked to increase its striking range by deleting all four SRM pods and installing an AC/5 in each wing, with a ton of ammo per gun.  Longer ammo-endurance = Good.  Better striking range = Good.  Loss of hitting power = VERY BAD.  This thing is massively oversinked, still can’t strafe, it can still runs out of ammo for all of its weapons, and its throw-weight is truly pitiful!  “What were [they] thinking?  Or were [they] thinking at all?”  >:(

  The F-700 Riever makes fairly judicious use of foundtech.  It loses half a ton of armour, coming to “only” 81/60/47 (though the increase in vulnerability is mainly theoretical), replaces its twenty-eight heat-sinks with twenty doubles, gains another ton of AC/20 ammo... and uses the remaining freed tonnage to upgrade the engine to a whopping great 400XL and its thrust-curve to a dogfighter’s 6/9.  Ye gods!  :o  This thing can never overheat without major engine damage, its AC/20 ammo now lasts as long as the SRM bins do, and it can get into (or out of) trouble as fast as many smaller birds.  The tactical value of the increased speed is hard to overstate: you can now match the turning performance of enemy dogfighters, improving your chances of successfully defending yourself when attacked, and you can get to the target, nail it, and get away again 20% faster, which makes for shorter sorties and lower periods of exposure to enemy fire.  That said, however, you’ve still got those grevious ammo concerns, so despite your new speed, the old advice is still in force.
  On the other hand, the F-700A uses only a 300XL engine and keeps its old 5/8 thrust-profile; the stray half-ton thus created is ploughed into stern armour, now coming to 86/61/56 and further limiting the tail-gater threat; the old heat-sinks are replaced by twenty doubles; another SRM-6 is loaded into each wing (without adding any more ammo for them); and the nose armament is completely overhauled, replacing the old LRM-10 and AC/20 with twin SRM-6s (with one ton of ammo apiece) and twin LB-10X autocannons with two tons of ammo per gun.  More loyal to the ‘dedicated attacker’ mission of the F-100, this model loses the Long-range of the LRMs, but gains a bit of Medium-range throw-weight (depending on whether you use Slug or Cluster ammo in the ACs).  On the downside: still no energy weapons, and your SRM-ammo runs out faster (only ninety rounds between eight launchers!).  I don’t know what to make of this one, folks - maybe the Leaguers were using it as a testbed for what would become the Shiva OmniFighter?  ???  Tactically, handle it like you would the F-100 models.

  [VARIANT PROPOSAL(S) REDACTED] All proposed fan-variants - including my own - belong in the corresponding “FotW Workshop” thread:

  Be advised: the attached .txt transcripts of previous runs of this thread contain numerous reader-proposals for variants.  I’ll try to change those out for ‘sanitised’ versions of those threads when I can, but I can’t promise it’ll be soon - that’s a lot of ground to cover.  ;)

  Question of the day: why is it that I get more aggravated doing routine paperwork during a week off than when I’m actually at the job?  ???
« Last Edit: 14 January 2021, 19:12:16 by Trace Coburn »

Trace Coburn

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F-** Riever – TRO3039 Update
Originally posted 16 Apr. 2008.

  “To beat (other fighters), you need speed - you don’t have it. ... So what we’ll be calling on is good, old-fashioned blunt-force traumaHorsepower.  Heavy-duty, cast-iron, pile-driving punches that will have to hurt him so much, they rattle his ancestors.”
  (Yeah, I’d only just seen Rocky Balboa the night I wrote this.  You got a point?  :P)
  The Riever was never meant to fence with other fighters or ’Ships, or spar with them, or play elaborate games of ‘set-’em-up-knock-’em-down’: it was always designed to go straight at the other guy, absorb whatever punishment he could dish out, shake it off, and just Beat.  Him.  Down.  Naught in the pre-foundtech era said “I HATE YOU!” quite like hitting someone with an AC/20, especially when you followed it with four full spreads of SRMs.  :smirk:  Thaddeus Marik had originally asked only for a heavy fighter that was cheap and easy for his crippled infrastructure and shrunken military to produce and repair; what he got in 2815 must have filled him with a deep, abiding glee.
  Now, some of the variants on the Riever spaceframe rather lost their way from this.  (For instance, the less said about the F-100b the better.  >:()  The F-700 remembered its roots, and actually picked up some welcome speed; the F-700a was... a little confused, and made the mistake of trading its heaviest punch for the ‘technical skills’ of twin LB-10X, and even with the added SRMs and thicker FA-armour it wasn’t quite the same.
  In TRO3039, we see the F-700b, a foundtech/newtech Riever which remembers exactly who it is and where it came from.  No tricks; no flourishes; not much for science; just raw, toe-to-toe hitting power.

-> F-700b Riever: 100t, 5/8/10/5 (XL), 100/73/49 (FA), 18 DHS; N: UAC/20(6), LRM10(1), W: 3xSSRM6(4)
  This is everything that always defined the classic Riever with all the dials turned up to “MAXIMUM PAIN!”, and anybody who ever worried about the old model is going to outright fear this one.  Twice the raw ‘shell-smashing’ power from the autocannon, every missile-launcher that locks is going to put all of its birds on the mark, and if you’re lucky with your TH numbers and/or the dice, you can put as many as thirty-six SRMs onto your target once the Ultra-slugs punch holes for them.  (bsmart mentioned during the original thread’s run that back-stabbing an assault-’Mech with an F-100 always took him to a ‘happy place’.  Time to book another trip, mate - and I think this time’s gonna be an extended stay.  :P)  Best of all, even if the Ack-20 runs out of shells the Streaks are always going to put all of their ‘steel-on-target’, so there’ll be no concerns about ‘wasting’ ammo - and during the RTB you’ll probably still have missiles left for self-defence, if the need arises.  :thumbsup:
  Still can’t say I’m completely happy about the lack of tail-guns or energy-based back-up weaponry, but I guess I’m just hard to please, that way.  :D

  [VARIANT PROPOSAL(S) REDACTED] All proposed fan-variants - including my own - belong in the corresponding “FotW Workshop” thread:
« Last Edit: 14 January 2021, 19:16:59 by Trace Coburn »


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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #2 on: 10 March 2011, 06:39:32 »
Well, this one is much better than the solahma ride that is Chippewa. Still, SRMs on a aerospace design?
The good things are the AC/20 and the good armor. The 700b seems like the best deal, since Streaks do much better than ordinary SRMs.

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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #3 on: 10 March 2011, 08:41:08 »
The original isn't bad but I'm not seeing anything to nudge the Stuka or Thunderbird off their place as my preferred choices for IS1 rides in that job.  The Rapier, Lightning, and Transit all do a good job of satisfying my big gun preferences.  All of that said, the FWL certainly has a pretty decent strike bird to call their own and the amount of damage it can slam someone with is quite impressive.  They also managed to remember that ammunition is one of those things you should have plenty of.  The SRM variant concerns me a bit but the LRM 10 wasn't exactly doing a lot of damage anyway.  The AC/5 models need to be given kits back to baseline F-100s.

The main risk with the armor drop on the F-700 is the fact that 7 point hits are now TAC threats on the wing.  Fortunately, the Clans aren't on the FWL border until much later soit's generally not a worry.  Personally, I'd stick with it over the F-700A, but the F-700B's sheer power is appealing.

Well, this one is much better than the solahma ride that is Chippewa. Still, SRMs on a aerospace design?

Alright, let's handle these in order.  The Chippewa originated partially in response to an SLDF procurement order and was a front-line bird in Lyran hands for centuries, both things the Clans would have been well aware of.  Calling it a solahma ride is understating how screwy the decision to use these suicide birds actually was.

The SRMs are rare but seen occasionally.  Given the new clustering rules, they're somewhat inefficient but capable of generating TACs on the same terms as any other 5 point hit with a 3 point hit thrown in for fun.  They apparently had some role as crit-seekers under older rule sets, explaining their use, but that's been tossed under the bus lately.


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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #4 on: 10 March 2011, 08:47:30 »
Would love to have seen this without SRMs and with LRMs instead. Think of the semi-guided fun to be had.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #5 on: 10 March 2011, 09:08:36 »
Would love to have seen this without SRMs and with LRMs instead. Think of the semi-guided fun to be had.

Quote from: Total Warfare, page 238
Special Munitions: Aerospace units may not use special munitions.

Artemis-compatible rounds are not special munitions for these purposes, nor are LB-X cluster rounds.  All the other various autocannon, LRM, and SRM special ammo types are barred from aerospace units.  These rules are somewhat more restrictive than those for AT2R, which permitted swarm and Thunder-type munitions to be used against ground units but not other aerospace units.


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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #6 on: 10 March 2011, 14:09:17 »
Thanks as always.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #7 on: 11 March 2011, 14:39:19 »
 I like the Riever, its a very reliable craft with personality.


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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #8 on: 14 January 2021, 10:49:37 »
I just bought one of these in an Against-the-bot MegaMek campaign for ground support since I didn't want to pay for multiple tank crews manning SPGs.  I went with the F-100 because I wanted some long-range punch with the LRM-10 in case the plane got involved in air-to-air combat.  An AC/20 and four SRM-6 launchers are enough to make this thing like a flying Atlas, with physical attacks being replaced with 20 bomb slots.

That's another thing I like about the heavy airframe - the external weapons it can carry!  I am going to enjoy loading this thing with big fuel-air bombs, missiles, and maybe tactical nukes in case I'm feeling extra nefarious >:D

My first use of the F-100 in the campaign didn't involve bombs unfortunately, since I didn't have any in my inventory at the time of deployment.  Instead, it deployed just in time to satisfy mission completion requirements by destroying a fresh Griffin in one strike.  The big gun didn't hit, but the missiles caused an ammo explosion after the torso armor was worn down.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #9 on: 14 January 2021, 15:45:40 »
Fair warning - the Riever is not fast, and heavy bomb loads slow you down A LOT. A Riever with a full bomb load can technically fly, but you'll be so slow and sluggish that there are airships that can literally fly circles around you. My advice would be to take no more than ten slots worth of bombs, and use them as a first shot to pound flat a fast mover or two(since bombs don't care about TMMs), and after that use your onboard guns to kill bigger and slower targets.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #10 on: 14 January 2021, 16:58:56 »
That's my strategy - dump the bumbs then strike or dogfight.  In that particular game, I would've first used fuel air bombs or cluster bombs in a level bombing run on a bunch of light and medium vehicles and infantry.

I can load air-to-air missiles to add some long-range punch too.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #11 on: 14 January 2021, 17:16:40 »

FYI the links now go to a bunch of redirects to malware, could a Mod edit these out? Thanks!

EDIT: remembered what the report thread button was for.
« Last Edit: 14 January 2021, 17:19:12 by misterpants »
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #12 on: 16 January 2021, 21:24:58 »
Fair warning - the Riever is not fast, and heavy bomb loads slow you down A LOT. A Riever with a full bomb load can technically fly, but you'll be so slow and sluggish that there are airships that can literally fly circles around you. My advice would be to take no more than ten slots worth of bombs, and use them as a first shot to pound flat a fast mover or two(since bombs don't care about TMMs), and after that use your onboard guns to kill bigger and slower targets.

I don't think it can lift off the ground.  It slows to 1/2 and I think you still need 3 thrust points to take off: two to get off the runway and a third to get to nonzero speed so you don't immediately fall back onto it.  If you're launching in orbit that isn't a problem, but if you're launching from the ground it would be a disqualifying one. 

If my reading of the takeoff rules is correct that justifies the F-700.  It's the only thing that can get off the ground with 20 points of bombs. 


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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #13 on: 17 January 2021, 02:25:08 »
2 thrust is still enough to lift off, but the act of taking off automatically puts you at Velocity 1. 1/2 birds have BARELY enough thrust to fly, and given enough time even gain some altitude, but you'll be at max thrust for a long time, and burn through a lot of fuel. I'd avoid taking that heavy a load unless you're launching from a carrier in orbit, so you can simply Safe Thrust your way down the gravity well instead of fighting your way up it.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #14 on: 17 January 2021, 14:41:43 »
so packing twin Alamo nukes is not recommended?


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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #15 on: 17 January 2021, 14:50:24 »
If you have to lift off from a ground strip, I can't recommend it, unless you want 1000-year-old Buffs to come back from the boneyard solely to taunt you for your lack of maneuverability.
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Re: Fighter of the Week, Issue #034 (repost) - Riever
« Reply #16 on: 18 January 2021, 10:52:21 »
If you have to lift off from a ground strip, I can't recommend it, unless you want 1000-year-old Buffs to come back from the boneyard solely to taunt you for your lack of maneuverability.

Unless you're in an F-700.  That 400 XL engine can actually accomplish something not done better by a smaller fighter, though it'd be more appropriate as a recovered variant than a new variant.  It's a very Kenyon Marik design spec.