Author Topic: Battle of Barbados?  (Read 4587 times)

Alan Grant

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Battle of Barbados?
« on: 11 March 2011, 13:59:02 »
On the canon warship list I see a reference to a Minnesota Tribe/Wolverine "Battle of Barbados". I don't own this book, Betrayal of Ideas, can someone give me a quick summary of what happened?

Arkansas Warrior

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Re: Battle of Barbados?
« Reply #1 on: 11 March 2011, 14:34:55 »
Weirdo would be a good source, since he was there.   ;)
Sunrise is Coming.

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Battle of Barbados?
« Reply #2 on: 11 March 2011, 15:05:00 »
Tagged for interest
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Trace Coburn

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Re: Battle of Barbados?
« Reply #3 on: 11 March 2011, 22:16:26 »
On the canon warship list I see a reference to a Minnesota Tribe/Wolverine "Battle of Barbados". I don't own this book, Betrayal of Ideals, can someone give me a quick summary of what happened?
  A chunk of Clan Wolverine (no-one knows how much of it) fled the Clan worlds during the Trial of Annihilation.  They used a double-back feint to throw off a large part of their Clan pursuers and stopped at the habitable world of Barbados to replenish their consumables and get some time on-planet, sending a couple of scout-forces ahead to watch for the other Clans.

  Nicholas Kerensky realised they'd head-faked him and led a detachment of the pursuit force back up their line-of-escape; the Wolverine scout-force that could have warned their compatriots were unable to do so owing to a K-F failure on Saratoga, their only LF-equipped vessel. The bulk of the Wolverine convoy was caught at Barbados and forced to action, either at the jump-point or over Barbados itself.  Most of the Wolverine vessels were destroyed outright during the fighting, though Zughoffer Weir made an aggressive 'charge into close combat, blast 'em, blow through and bug-out' pass that saw her incur an unknown degree of damage before jumping away; it's not known how many Clan vessels were destroyed or damaged, though the Widowmaker Potemkin-class Egg Sac is specifically noted as having had two DropShips jammed to their docking collars by a ramming attack from a Wolverine vessel.  With the space-battle decided, the Wolverine ground forces fought a last-stand against the Wolves and were wiped out almost to a man, though ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky allowed Franklin Hallis (Wolverine Khan after Sarah McEvedy's apparent death) to take revenge against the true instigator of the whole affair before having him and his Pulveriser destroyed.

  The delayed scout-force returned to Barbados after the other Clans had already left for the Homeworlds, but did manage to pick up a few survivors, as well as a straggler from the Clan worlds (Yukon, IIRC - a destroyer that tarried to pick up a sibko).  This much-reduced force, centred on the Texas-class Bismark with now-Khan Trish Ebon aboard, continued its flight and is presumed to have become the fabled Minnesota Tribe.
  (There is anecdotal evidence to suggest a connection between the Wolverines/MT and ComStar/WoB, not least being the presence of SLS Zughoffer Weir on the Blakist OOB as WoBS Blake's Sword, but there are any number of explanations for that.  For instance, there's no evidence that Zughoffer Weir ever re-established contact with the now-reduced Wolverine convoy after fleeing Barbados.  Pick one that works for you; I know I did.  :D)
« Last Edit: 11 March 2011, 22:22:50 by Trace Coburn »

Alan Grant

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Re: Battle of Barbados?
« Reply #4 on: 11 March 2011, 22:19:45 »


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Re: Battle of Barbados?
« Reply #5 on: 12 March 2011, 00:48:37 »
  (There is anecdotal evidence to suggest a connection between the Wolverines/MT and ComStar/WoB, not least being the presence of SLS Zughoffer Weir on the Blakist OOB as WoBS Blake's Sword, but there are any number of explanations for that.  For instance, there's no evidence that Zughoffer Weir ever re-established contact with the now-reduced Wolverine convoy after fleeing Barbados.  Pick one that works for you; I know I did.  :D)

That's what I did! Thus allowingt eh Wolverines to form a core nation in my AU (The Veiled Alliance) and stillhave the Weir available for WoB!

