Author Topic: Clan Protectorate  (Read 232030 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #60 on: 29 June 2013, 00:04:17 »
Only think I could see them wanting t for is the symbolism it's Marik

the saving grace for the Clan Protectorate could be they made terms with the new FWL and are happy to play nice with them if t were Wolves in possession of tr world instead I could see some bitter battles over the world
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Captain of C-21

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #61 on: 29 June 2013, 08:20:07 »
True, a blue-blood Marik like Kenyon might certainly want it back, but I feel like Captain-General Jessica Marik is more than happy with the symbolism of sitting on Artreus while the planet Marik is a part of the Free Worlds League, no matter who actually sits there.

Proud Warrior of the Clan Protectorate.

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Quote from: Worktroll
Face it - MW:DA had, for its run, massively greater commercial success than BattleTech's ever had. Over two million click-base minis - want to guess where the number of BT minis comes in? I'd guess on the order of a few percent of that. While BT has survived for 30 years, we've never had the same number of players at any point. The pity was that unlike BT, MW:DA ended up being run by businessmen, not game fanatics.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #62 on: 29 June 2013, 13:21:44 »
True, a blue-blood Marik like Kenyon might certainly want it back, but I feel like Captain-General Jessica Marik is more than happy with the symbolism of sitting on Artreus while the planet Marik is a part of the Free Worlds League, no matter who actually sits there.

True enough, i mean its not like we're the Liao's after all.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #63 on: 04 July 2013, 08:50:15 »
 If interesting:

 Known Spirit cat warriors from "Purifiers"  cluster

Rikkard Nova Cat Shadow Hawk IIC4
Maria Devalis Shadow Hawk IIC
Monic Delaportas Warhammer IIC
Angus Drummond Mad Cat II (Star captain of supernova trinary)
Arnis Drummond Dasher II
Zabiha Nostra Thunderbolt

Etan Nova Cat BE701 Joust Tank
Janis Nova Cat  Arbalest
Sariah Nova Cat Centurion
Dyan Nova Cat Saxon APC (freeborn)
Lenell Nova Cat Ocelot (trueborn)

Rob Hoge (it is bloodname?)  Ocelot

According to


Jaim Magnus

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #64 on: 04 July 2013, 08:54:19 »
And Janis Nova Cat is the one who was giving Rikkard so many problems he put her down.

Edit: Re: Hoge... I don't think so, it's not on the lists from Klondike.  Maybe the Nova Cats made a new one?
« Last Edit: 04 July 2013, 08:57:33 by Jaim Magnus »
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #65 on: 04 July 2013, 11:56:35 »
The original vision warned to contact with inner sphere or the republic. I think the spirit cats are a really amazing faction. But I wonder how safe they are. On the other hand, sharing the world with the sea foxes helps. Even on bonfire of worlds alaric warns against kicking that hornets nest.

I like the sea fox spirit cat bond.
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Jaim Magnus

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #66 on: 04 July 2013, 11:58:17 »
It is nice to see that a few Clan groups can cooperate.
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones

Captain of C-21

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #67 on: 04 July 2013, 12:45:44 »
If interesting:

 Known Spirit cat warriors from "Purifiers"  cluster

Rikkard Nova Cat Shadow Hawk IIC4
Maria Devalis Shadow Hawk IIC
Monic Delaportas Warhammer IIC
Angus Drummond Mad Cat II (Star captain of supernova trinary)
Arnis Drummond Dasher II
Zabiha Nostra Thunderbolt

Etan Nova Cat BE701 Joust Tank
Janis Nova Cat  Arbalest
Sariah Nova Cat Centurion
Dyan Nova Cat Saxon APC (freeborn)
Lenell Nova Cat Ocelot (trueborn)

Rob Hoge (it is bloodname?)  Ocelot

According to

Rikkard was actually a Star Colonel in charge of the Shiva Keshik Cluster, and Kev Rosse's right-hand man in the Spirit Cats.  The books never paid much heed to the clusters/regiments the clix game identified pieces with, I think the ranks were really just another carry-over from Mage Knight/Heroclix that didn't work as well in the Mechwarrior setting.  Then again, Rikkard was gathering up as many Spirit Cats as he could in general on Irian, so he probably had stars and trinaries from all 3-5 clusters of the Spirit Cats.

Ditto on the Sea Fox-Spirit Cat cooperation being a cool thing to see.  It's a very mutually beneficial relationship, and Rikkard and Petr Kalasa's friendship, even if it is only lightly touched on, is pretty neat.

Proud Warrior of the Clan Protectorate.

Looking to play clix Mechwarrior in the Northeast Ohio area?  Come join our playing group!

Quote from: Worktroll
Face it - MW:DA had, for its run, massively greater commercial success than BattleTech's ever had. Over two million click-base minis - want to guess where the number of BT minis comes in? I'd guess on the order of a few percent of that. While BT has survived for 30 years, we've never had the same number of players at any point. The pity was that unlike BT, MW:DA ended up being run by businessmen, not game fanatics.

Pa Weasley

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #68 on: 04 July 2013, 23:47:48 »
Hmm, Rob Hoge's pilot card just states he's a ristar which no real info on his past. Of course it wouldn't be the first time a Bloodname was made up for a Dark Age figure.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #69 on: 05 July 2013, 02:55:44 »
Hmm, Rob Hoge's pilot card just states he's a ristar which no real info on his past. Of course it wouldn't be the first time a Bloodname was made up for a Dark Age figure.

  May be this is not "Hoge" , but "Howe" . Snow Raven bloodname .

  But i find another DA hint

Although Sariah is delicate to the point of fragility, since the days of her sibko training she has used this fact as another weapon in her arsenal: most people underestimate her thanks to her diminutive size. Though an excellent warrior, it is her skill at weaving the threads of power and ambition that sets her apart in the Spirit Cats, especially since she is a member of the lesser-known, non-exclusive Bloodname House Vozka. Her current ambitions seem focused on winning command of the Purifiers. This will obviously pit her head-to-head against Janis Nova Cat, which could provide some interesting opportunities.

 Only Vozka that i find -  Major Kelle Vozka 3rd Battalion 1894th Light Horse Regiment (3067 ) . New clan breeding program in RoTS ?

Jaim Magnus

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #70 on: 05 July 2013, 06:34:43 »
Vozka is on the bloodname list in Operation Klondike.  Page 36 to be exact.
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #71 on: 05 July 2013, 15:04:34 »
The Cats could also have done their own version of the Trials of Propogation-? that other clans did after the IS clans had their Great Reavings in the 3090s.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #72 on: 10 July 2013, 15:54:26 »
And why should any sane HW clanner want to invade again, seeing how it all ends in corrupted/poisoned/insane clans?
Because whats the point of keeping the HW clans around and developing their story if there isn't going to be a second invasion?  ;)

Wars of Reaving mentions the possibility and the preparations required for such an undertaking a few times.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #73 on: 10 July 2013, 21:36:02 »
Because whats the point of keeping the HW clans around and developing their story if there isn't going to be a second invasion?  ;)

Wars of Reaving mentions the possibility and the preparations required for such an undertaking a few times.
Perhaps as a setting for an alternate universe?  I remember in the VERY old Traveller days, they had an area that they said would never be described or detailed, so it could be kind of "GM's Playground".  With all the griping on the threads these days about everything TPTB do, maybe they'll say "Here's the bare bones.  Go for it."  Very doubtful, I'm sure, but a possibility.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #74 on: 15 July 2013, 01:58:25 »
Just finished ride the chimera. The name penelope novacat is adorable.

I was ecstatically happy reading each chapter that involved the clans. Despite their laconic attitude rikkard and petr are as close as the clans get to kind souls.
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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #75 on: 15 July 2013, 02:31:06 »
I wonder if there is a bit more to rikkards vision. The arid landscape is obviously marik. It has tornadoes. The bird represents the league.

But I wonder if the whirlwind represents the free worlds leagues chimera like nature and if that eagle represents julietta marik keeping them free. Thats probably reading to much into it. But fun
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False Son

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #76 on: 15 July 2013, 15:29:08 »
I could have sworn the tornado was a reference to Operation Homecoming.
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Jaim Magnus

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #77 on: 15 July 2013, 15:30:01 »
The thing with visions is that there are multiple interpretations.
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #78 on: 15 July 2013, 16:42:07 »
The CONVENIENT thing with Visions is they have multiple interpretations.  ;D

False Son

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #79 on: 17 July 2013, 10:32:19 »
Refresh my memory with Operation Stormdrain.

Who's was that?

That may have something to do with it.
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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #80 on: 17 July 2013, 21:18:12 »
I feel like that was Jessica Marik's plan.

But the Regulans also had a ridiculously named plan they were implementing. I just read it. I wish I could remember which belonged to who.
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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #81 on: 17 July 2013, 21:31:25 »
Stormdrain was an Oriente plan to distract the Regulans from whatever they were doing. It was launched by Jessica to cover her activities against the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth. The plan was developed and implemented by SAFE-Oriente and culminated in the destruction of a resort on Clipperton, the loss of, IIRC< some 10,000 lives and was made to look like the work of a Blakist terrorist cell.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #82 on: 17 July 2013, 22:36:45 »
Stormdrain was an Oriente plan to distract the Regulans from whatever they were doing. It was launched by Jessica to cover her activities against the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth. The plan was developed and implemented by SAFE-Oriente and culminated in the destruction of a resort on Clipperton, the loss of, IIRC< some 10,000 lives and was made to look like the work of a Blakist terrorist cell.

Your memory retention is fascinating and amazing.
Every man lives by exchanging - Adam Smith

Arkansas Warrior

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #83 on: 18 July 2013, 00:09:16 »
Or else he has notes handy.  Or a copy of the book.  IIRC Roosterboy once ran a BT encyclopedia of sorts (before wikis became all the rage), so it wouldn't surprise me if he had notes handy.
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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #84 on: 18 July 2013, 09:33:16 »
So I have some thoughts on the Clan Protectorate I think would be fun for us all to ponder.

Firstly, what is going to be the Clan Spirit Cat-Clan Sea Fox in the Protectorate?  It seems up to 3145, the Sea Foxes and Spirit Cats are pretty amiable with each other.  The Spirit Cats seem to be providing the vast majority of the Ground Touman, while the Sea Foxes have their aerospace voidship forces covered.  The Spirit Cats are using Marik as a new Homeworld, while the Sea Foxes do not seem to have much use for it other than a warehouse world in Marik space (Same as Itabiana in Drac space).  That said, it has been hinted by some developers (in this thread no less), that there may be more Sea Foxes than Spirit Cats on Marik, to say nothing of the I.S. population, and that the Sea Foxes have the upper hand in the relationship.  Rikkard and Petr Kalasa's friendship certainly helps, and there does not seem to be any reason for conflict, so here is hoping.

Secondly, between Jessica of Marik's influence on the Spirit Cat leadership and their new place in Marik politics, is the average Clan character going to change and become much more... I.S.?  The idea of scheming, reading between the lines,, and in general politicking has always been presented as something "unClanlike"(Despite the many Clan bad guys who do it anyway), but will the Spirit Cats as they go on in the Protectorate begin to develop both as warriors and politico experts?  Or at least will the leadership develop these skills but still be presented as good Clansmen?

Thirdly, and this is just some idle speculation,but what happens to all the planetary militias on Clan Protectorate worlds?  Obviously before the Protectorate was formed these planets had to have something to defend themselves with.  While the Spirit Cats and Sea Foxes have their own pure Clan Clusters, and then the Protectorate Guardian Clusters, are there still planetary militias to include in the mix?  If so, are they being allowed to stay in Inner Sphere configuration, or have they made the transition over to Clan standards of organization?

Proud Warrior of the Clan Protectorate.

Looking to play clix Mechwarrior in the Northeast Ohio area?  Come join our playing group!

Quote from: Worktroll
Face it - MW:DA had, for its run, massively greater commercial success than BattleTech's ever had. Over two million click-base minis - want to guess where the number of BT minis comes in? I'd guess on the order of a few percent of that. While BT has survived for 30 years, we've never had the same number of players at any point. The pity was that unlike BT, MW:DA ended up being run by businessmen, not game fanatics.

False Son

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #85 on: 18 July 2013, 09:43:42 »
So I have some thoughts on the Clan Protectorate I think would be fun for us all to ponder.

Firstly, what is going to be the Clan Spirit Cat-Clan Sea Fox in the Protectorate?  It seems up to 3145, the Sea Foxes and Spirit Cats are pretty amiable with each other.  The Spirit Cats seem to be providing the vast majority of the Ground Touman, while the Sea Foxes have their aerospace voidship forces covered.  The Spirit Cats are using Marik as a new Homeworld, while the Sea Foxes do not seem to have much use for it other than a warehouse world in Marik space (Same as Itabiana in Drac space).  That said, it has been hinted by some developers (in this thread no less), that there may be more Sea Foxes than Spirit Cats on Marik, to say nothing of the I.S. population, and that the Sea Foxes have the upper hand in the relationship.  Rikkard and Petr Kalasa's friendship certainly helps, and there does not seem to be any reason for conflict, so here is hoping.

It still isn't the entire Sea Fox clan at work.  Petr Kalasa's Spina Khanate was warned to not get involved in anyone's politics.  The consequences of his choices are yet to be fully revieled.  For all we know, Spina Khanate is isolated from the rest of the Sea Foxes.

Secondly, between Jessica of Marik's influence on the Spirit Cat leadership and their new place in Marik politics, is the average Clan character going to change and become much more... I.S.?  The idea of scheming, reading between the lines,, and in general politicking has always been presented as something "unClanlike"(Despite the many Clan bad guys who do it anyway), but will the Spirit Cats as they go on in the Protectorate begin to develop both as warriors and politico experts?  Or at least will the leadership develop these skills but still be presented as good Clansmen?

Well, i'd say that all the clans have a history of politics, whether that is the Gran Council or in the case of the Nova Cat precussors, the Star League, Draconis Combine and Republic of the Sphere.  Politics are not alien to them, and they owe their survival to their leadership's ability to act politically.

I think politics just gets a bad name in the clans thanks to Alexsandr Kerensky's disgust towards politics.  Nicholas played tons of political games with the clans, but his positions was essentially never in doubt.  After his very sudden death and no apparent successor, the clans started down the road of politics.  It doesn't help that the Refusal War the scheming Jade Falcon Khan and saKhan were both sneaky schemers without warrior records to back it.  That sort of one sided, might makes right is an easy misconception.  They all play those games.

Thirdly, and this is just some idle speculation,but what happens to all the planetary militias on Clan Protectorate worlds?  Obviously before the Protectorate was formed these planets had to have something to defend themselves with.  While the Spirit Cats and Sea Foxes have their own pure Clan Clusters, and then the Protectorate Guardian Clusters, are there still planetary militias to include in the mix?  If so, are they being allowed to stay in Inner Sphere configuration, or have they made the transition over to Clan standards of organization?

Or even exist.  It wouldn't shock me if the Cats scooped up all their weapons and told them to try out for the Guardians.
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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #86 on: 18 July 2013, 09:47:26 »
Firstly, what is going to be the Clan Spirit Cat-Clan Sea Fox in the Protectorate?  It seems up to 3145, the Sea Foxes and Spirit Cats are pretty amiable with each other.  The Spirit Cats seem to be providing the vast majority of the Ground Touman, while the Sea Foxes have their aerospace voidship forces covered.  The Spirit Cats are using Marik as a new Homeworld, while the Sea Foxes do not seem to have much use for it other than a warehouse world in Marik space (Same as Itabiana in Drac space).  That said, it has been hinted by some developers (in this thread no less), that there may be more Sea Foxes than Spirit Cats on Marik, to say nothing of the I.S. population, and that the Sea Foxes have the upper hand in the relationship.  Rikkard and Petr Kalasa's friendship certainly helps, and there does not seem to be any reason for conflict, so here is hoping.

Not that many followed the Spirit Cats, other than those in the Republic already. I also don't think they had the time to pack up their breeding program.
The two clans have had a long relationship with each other even before Revival, they worked together to make the merchant Carracks, and they both had powerful merchant castes.

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #87 on: 18 July 2013, 09:51:29 »
It was demonstrated they do have medical scientists with them when Julietta's spine was treated with advanced techniques unknown outside of the clans.  It isn't impossible for them to restart the breeding program using existing samples in the Touman.
IN MOViE `2001

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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #88 on: 18 July 2013, 10:07:32 »
Furthermore, the Clan Protectorate may have gotten samples from Nova Cat enclaves in the Republic right on the border.  And if Kisho ever makes his way to the Protectorate, I would not be surprised if Khan Jacali had loaded up his jumpship with the entire Genetic Repository storage of the Clan.  To have done anything less would have been to perpetuate the genocide of her people.

Proud Warrior of the Clan Protectorate.

Looking to play clix Mechwarrior in the Northeast Ohio area?  Come join our playing group!

Quote from: Worktroll
Face it - MW:DA had, for its run, massively greater commercial success than BattleTech's ever had. Over two million click-base minis - want to guess where the number of BT minis comes in? I'd guess on the order of a few percent of that. While BT has survived for 30 years, we've never had the same number of players at any point. The pity was that unlike BT, MW:DA ended up being run by businessmen, not game fanatics.


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Re: Clan Protectorate
« Reply #89 on: 18 July 2013, 10:17:46 »
That scene of petr, rikkard and julietta climbing over a fence and going to watch the re establishment of the free worlds league is one of my favorites. They just have a really natural relationship.

Clan Sea Fox has an enclave on marik. But im not sure how ownership over the protectorate goes. Winning over the loyalty of the other worlds was definitely a joint agreement.

Maybe we will merge into clan adorable. With the spirit cats doing most of the ground stuff.

Ive always liked the relationship between the two clans. Alternatively the whole clan sea fox has been pushing for more independance.

I Also wonderif they wont push for a protectorate with their new federated suns worlds.
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