Author Topic: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)  (Read 43824 times)


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #120 on: 11 March 2022, 03:03:23 »
My opponent's game wrapped early tonight, so we got in another turn on this game that went surprisingly well for the Capellans.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #121 on: 18 March 2022, 02:11:03 »
Another very bloody session, with the Capellan artillery finally coming into play.

On the western flank, Warrior House maneuver elements finally dive into the fray.

In the center, a Chasseurs striker lance tries to force the pass only to be cut down by heavy fire from a half-dozen Bulwarks.

The eastern flank has nearly been turned, with the Capellans absolutely cutting the Taurians there to pieces before their ambushing compatriots can even catch up to pin them.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #122 on: 27 March 2022, 00:42:21 »
The Taurians haven't been routed yet, but the Capellans are well on their way to victory.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #123 on: 03 April 2022, 02:06:04 »

Mouth of the Bronze Combe
Laconis, Victoria Commonality
Capellan Confederation
12 August 3145

As Lien-zhang Luschik led a Warrior House battalion in the hard-fought battle to finish off Clean Kill, a similar sortie by the Taurians aimed to turn the conflict in their favor. A Red Chasseurs mixed contingent commanded by the regiment's finest MechWarrior, Brigadier Dorian Minor, marched toward the area marked by their Valkyrie scout lance three days prior. Knowing that the Warrior House was assembling the bulk of its forces at the mouth of the long, narrow mountain pass that led down from their alpine garrison, they aimed to smash their vanguard and bottle up the remaining Capellans. Thus contained, they could then be defeated in detail.

Brigadier Minor, unfortunately, had sorely underestimated the extent of the Capellan defenses at the assembly point. Anticipating this move from the Taurians ever since their concealed commandos had spotted the Valkyries locating the site, the Warrior House dragged gun trailers loaded with artillery, long-range missiles and defensive autocannons into position while digging in two lances of their finest heavy and assault 'Mechs at the crest of the hill leading up to the pass (including Shiao-zhang Damien Liu's Tian-zong). Nestled in the cliffs on the wings were four more lances of swifter, lighter 'Mechs. Waiting patiently until the Taurians assembled to launch their attack, they ruthlessly cut down the first lance to try to force the pass, while the flanking lances dove down from the cliffs and engaged. The two sides tore into each other. Once committed, the signal was given, and from the depths of the glacial lake to the east, another company of BattleMechs rose. Salvaged from the Oriente Hussars during the campaign on Carbonis and piloted by the most talented of the Warrior House's aspirants, they crashed into the backside of the Chasseurs line.

The result was instant chaos. The confident Chasseurs' morale plummeted as Brigadier Minor's command lance was caught in the ambush and cut to pieces. His Vulture Mk IV was the last to fall, still spitting lasers and missiles as it toppled. Their heaviest 'Mechs falling left and right to artillery fire from the gun trailers, the remaining Taurians fell back through the bosque to the west, the entire detachment reduced to four ragged BattleMechs, a Cyrano gunship and a barely-intact Gabriel hovertank. The counterthrust had been utterly shattered. Warrior House Ma-Tsu Kai had seized the initiative, and now, Shiao-zhang Liu intended to throttle it.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #124 on: 03 April 2022, 02:06:29 »

« Last Edit: 03 April 2022, 02:18:48 by Kojak »

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #125 on: 15 April 2022, 02:20:52 »
Tonight we finally commenced the climactic battle of the Laconis campaign, and it's a doozy. Here's a taste.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #126 on: 15 April 2022, 02:27:30 »
Oh, wow, I just discovered that apparently MegaMek can now do this:

That's...kind of a game changer, to be honest. Expect this sort of output from here on out.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #127 on: 15 April 2022, 13:29:29 »
What size is that map?

That's awesome!

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #128 on: 15 April 2022, 21:31:36 »
It's 64x68, so pretty decently sized. There are over a hundred units on the field, so it needs to be.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #129 on: 29 April 2022, 01:19:58 »
Another session wrapped tonight, with the two sides slowly grinding each other down, mostly to Capellan benefit.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #130 on: 06 May 2022, 02:05:51 »
Another evening where my opponent's game wrapped early, so we got an hour in on this, completing an entire movement phase thereby.

« Last Edit: 06 May 2022, 02:09:27 by Kojak »

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #131 on: 21 May 2022, 23:38:12 »
Thursday night's game took us through Turn 12, and both sides spent the evening battering the hell out of each other.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #132 on: 17 June 2022, 02:06:58 »
Managed to get another turn in this evening.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #133 on: 15 July 2022, 02:07:34 »
The latest session left off late in Turn 15's movement phase, with several tough decisions for me to make at the start of next session.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #134 on: 09 September 2022, 02:09:06 »
Made it through to Turn 20 this evening. The Chasseurs are down to a single company of 'Mechs, albeit mostly heavies and assaults...just a matter of time now.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: House Ma-Tsu Kai (3145)
« Reply #135 on: 04 October 2022, 05:52:32 »

Taleton Hill, M6 Intercontinental Motorway
Laconis, Victoria Commonality
Capellan Confederation
14 August 3145

With the death of Brigadier Dorian Minor and the destruction of his strike force, the writing was on the wall. The Taurians were up against the clock and they knew it. If they lifted the siege of Fort Brown, the combined numbers of two Capellan units would simply overwhelm them -- but if they waited for the Warrior House to break their cordon they would suffer the same fate. Colonel Rose Cox knew her only choice was to succeed where the Brigadier had failed. She gathered as many 'Mechs as she could afford to break away from the siege, a reinforced battalion's worth of mostly heavy and assault machines, and set out up the M6 freeway. Colonel Cox reasoned that the Capellans would be forced to use it if their integrated heavy armor were to travel at the speed necessary to keep up with their BattleMechs. If the Chasseurs could halt the Capellan advance here, decisively, they could buy themselves the breathing space to grind out a victory. If they failed, it would spell the doom of the Taurian efforts on Laconis. Thus it was perhaps fitting that this climatic battle would see the commanding officers of their respective units face each other in the field.

In the day and a half between the defeat of Brigadier Minor and follow-on assault by the Colonel, the Warrior House vanguard's trailing logistical detachment had done yeoman's work repairing, refitting and rearming the damage they had sustained. Some of their technicians had worked for nearly twenty-four hours straight, welding armor plates and loading ammo all through the night, buoyed by the Warrior House's MechWarriors working in shifts right alongside them. So rather than the ragged, depleted force the Chasseurs expected, the Capellan 'Mechs and tanks were nearly completely recovered from the prior attack. It was with this renewed spirit, invigorated by victory and camaraderie, that they met the Taurians at the point along the M6 known as Taleton Hill.

As Colonel Cox had correctly predicted, the Capellan armor column was advancing down the motorway, with their BattleMechs on the wings. The Chasseurs heavily invested themselves at Taleton Hill, knowing the Warrior House would be forced to dislodge them if their armor was to progress any further. And so the Capellans made a slow, careful advance, using the hilly terrain to gain local tactical advantage and breaking down the Taurian sorties meant to stymie them. A strong thrust by faster 'Mechs backed by a contingent of heavies tried to break through the weak Capellan center, and was stopped only by precision artillery fire and relentless slashing attacks by a lance of Warrior House Jinggaus.

While the Chasseurs fought courageously, their accustomed role as pirate-hunters was clearly showing. They were used to bullying inferior opponents, not direct confrontation with battle-hardened House troops. Warrior House Ma-Tsu Kai would not break and run like bandits. As Colonel Cox faced off against a Capellan Cerberus and Albatross, a headhunter lance of Jinggaus bounded forward and battered her Cyclops to pieces with a volley of capacitor-enhanced heavy particle cannons. It was the beginning of the end for the Chasseurs, who still fought on to hold the hill but were finally overwhelmed as the Capellans made a mass rush at their position from two directions, pinning them in place. By the time the surviving Taurians powered down their reactors in surrender, fewer than half a dozen badly damaged BattleMechs were still standing.

Shiao-zhang Damien Liu now had nearly the entirety of the Red Chasseurs' command staff in his possession. In an act of sensible diplomacy, he reached out to the ranking Taurian officer, armor Colonel Paul Rodriguez, and offered to repatriate Colonel Cox and any other Taurian prisoners unharmed in exchange for their swift and immediate withdrawal from Laconis. Their position onworld now completely untenable, Rodriguez took the deal. By the end of August, the Red Chasseurs had retreated from Laconis with tails between their legs, chastened by the skill and honor of the Capellan Confederation janshi.

Of course, the failure of the Taurian assault had not resolved the underlying problems that had invited it in the first place. The Eighth Confederation Reserve Cavalry, now shamed even further, was transferred to a world in the Confederation's interior where they could be more closely monitored and disciplined. Warrior House Ma-Tsu Kai was tasked with helping to rebuild the Home Guard while also aiding the Maskirovka in putting down the insurgency. Nearly three years would be spent doing their duty for the Chancellor, fighting a grinding counterinsurgency alongside Zang shu zhe teams until the Home Guard was finally cleared by their political officers in the spring of 3148. New orders came down for the Warrior House. They would finally be facing off against the Confederation's most ancient, reviled enemy: House Davion.

« Last Edit: 06 October 2022, 23:00:25 by Kojak »

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1