IlClan's already been stated as not being this year at all.
wait, what?? where'd they say that?
I'm severely unhappy about this, if that's the case. for a book that i thought was originally slated for the end of 2013 to be a omplete no-show for all of 2014 is incredibly disappointing. ilclan is basically the only thing I'm really interested in getting right now. until we see where things are finally going here, it's hard to get excited about anything else.
Between the paucity of solid facts we get on anything these days, the outright lies in some sourcebooks confusing the issue even further, and the delay on such an absolutely major book, it's starting to get hard to remember why I even bother with the official sourcebooks and storyline. i've got half a mind to hold off buying ANY sourcebooks till we get ilclan.
did you guys hire George R R Martin to replace herb or something?