I guess careful what you ask for might apply here? ::)
If you think that's applied only to you, it isn't.
Stuff like this has been going on for months.
Freaking. Months.I know as fans we get excited, even a bit energetic about possible releases or potential ideas.
That's all well and good, it breeds excitement for a title.
Then there's the moments where we fans then take the discussions and turn them into lamentations over things that just might not be true.
Raging at things that aren't there, which eventually leads to the "woe is us".
I love our community, truly I do.
However there are times that even the best of us will argue that a grilled cheese sandwich is being made.
All because they just smelled fresh bread being baked nearby.
Excuse the metaphor, I'm kind of hungry right now.
*kills the entire Star Adder Clan*
Forgiven. :-X
Great, now one of the chefs just had to pop a souffle! ;D