Author Topic: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby  (Read 29483 times)


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #30 on: 05 August 2014, 04:26:00 »
He straightened up and despite he wasn't a tall man to begin with and the age he shrunk and wrinkled he seemed to fill the space. Fragen?

Minerva nodded continuing the discussion over issues at hand with the voice perfectly flat and all business:

First, the object. What is its bulk and weight? Can it be removed from vault quickly? Is it sensitive to rough handling? Environmental concerns?

Second, the vault. Who have access to it? Which kind of protective mechanism and locking it has? Any traps? What kind of force is required to open it violently?

Third, the threat. Why do you need extra security? Who do you believe is interested in attacking? Why? With what resources?

Fourth, why do you believe threat knows about all this? Where do you see or suspect the leaks?

Fifth, do you really believe the threat is imminent? If so, would it be better to move now to confuse attacker and/or avoid entire affair?


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Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #32 on: 05 August 2014, 15:15:32 »
Albert felt no need to correct the man and inform him that he -and his team- were all military, not LIC. Well, not only LIC, anyway.
Regardless, he assumed a textbook military pose when Horst told them to drop the act and responded with a short "Sir." when asked who was in charge. The contrast with the role he was playing as mercenary couldn't be larger.

He only averted his eyes away from the trivid for a second in order to investigate Sendic's response to Horst's order and listened to the old man's explanation without saying a word.
He waited for the civilian agent to ask her questions, but before he could reply, asked his first question also.

"Sir, I respect that you do not want to reveal this package to us and suspect that this also means that you're not ready to reveal much about its source. You say it has value. HQ seems inclined to agree, I won't say otherwise.
But the question is then, who else knows this is here, now, and also places such high value on it. Enough to potentially risk a direct attack?
If I can't ask what I'm supposed to be protecting, at least tell me who I'm supposed to be protecting it against."

Quote from: OOC
Interest/Arts: Art (2d6+1=8) TN 8; think I made it unless there are modifiers. Success but MoS 0 then?

Security Systems (2d6+13=20) Double Att. Check, Dex + Int, TN 18, MoS 2.

Strategy/Tactics: Strategy (2d6+15=22) Double Att. check TN 18, MoS 4

If allowed, Psychology (with Perception) to see how Sendic handles being told he's to work work us.
Psychology 13 vs TN9, MoS 4, Perception 11 vs TN7, MoS 4


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #33 on: 06 August 2014, 15:21:33 »
Quote from: ooc
some initial input before the direct responses to the questions (it'd help if you could provide Margin of Success (MoS)/Margin of Failure(MoF) with the rolls).

interest/art - 0 MoS - from what you gather, this are original stuff, no mere copies, the paintings are dating back some two hundred years and come from the period of Lyran Alliance forming up. They are easily worth in tens of thousands of c-bills. It makes you wonder, if they are in the side part of the mansion, what kind of precious stuff must be bolted to the walls of the main mansion

strategy/tactics - rules clarification pending. the rules doesn't seem to clarify, whether, target number should change with complexity of the skill when performing untrained skill check. it would seem that you have greater chances to succeed unmodified roll while having it untrained (need to 3+), than when you actually invest some points into level 0 (when you'd need to roll 7+). I'll ask on the forums, but until further notice TN 18 is for SimpleBasic skill, Complex or advanced add -2 to the roll each.
You still succeed, but with a MoS of 0. - in case of 'mech attack, having a vtol on place provide a good escape route, it's fast enough to pull you out along with the package (provide it is not the size of the piano) if you spot the hostiles at one kilometer range. in case of infantry attack, the walls provide good enough defense to stop the intruders long enough to do the same.
Red have a MoS 2 on the same roll. - if there is a commando class attack (small unit) that manage to infiltrate the walls, the situation become much more difficult, there is plenty of woods/houses to hide. It may turn into nightmare if there will be a sniper in those woods.
Same in case of squad of battlearmor attack, they might have just jump over the wall, and immediately begin slaughtering the defenders. In that case use of VTOL lasers with mobility might be your only choice.

technician/electronics - MoS 0 - the set you see has only wired communication capability - There are more advanced, but if it so, the manor probably has quite extensive network enabling it link the systems to fixed lines for communication, gate watchtower and probably security room. The benefit is that it may not be hacked wirelessly, the drawback is that it would be difficult to monitor while on the move.

perception - MoS 0 - nothing special to note
MoS 4 - Kelvin is wearing armor - concealed type - it looks like well tailored suit, but it is made of ablative cloth and you'd be surprised if he were not wearing ballistic cloth below.

protocol / lyran - MoS 2 - not much relevant - you note, by the way they address each other, that Horst is not noble. His wealth however make it up. He would be comparable in importance to civilian Baron or title-less Leutnant General. That would make him less important than Osterhagen in any ballroom but more important then all of you gathered together.

science/psychology - MoS 4 - Sendic Henning is a poker player. You know that type. His body language revealed nothing, you can't tell if he expected that situation or if it surprised him. The interesting thing is, why is he guarded so much. Is it a typical corporate manner not to reveal emotions, or is it servant behavior and he is so much owned by his master, or something entirely different, you'd need more time to observe him.

security/systems - MoF 2 - no insight

"Sir, I respect that you do not want to reveal this package to us and suspect that this also means that you're not ready to reveal much about its source. You say it has value. HQ seems inclined to agree, I won't say otherwise.
But the question is then, who else knows this is here, now, and also places such high value on it. Enough to potentially risk a direct attack?
If I can't ask what I'm supposed to be protecting, at least tell me who I'm supposed to be protecting it against."

The package is a noteputer. This size. he picked up a hand sized device from the table. the noteputer of course is only the carrier, it's the information it contain that are important. I told you I am not fond of bullshit. His presence means that you already know so stop pretending. It's Combine who are after it. he said it, the vinegar would be sweeter than his voice.

Second, the vault. Who have access to it? Which kind of protective mechanism and locking it has? Any traps? What kind of force is required to open it violently?

Sendic will take you to the vault, you'll be able to see it yourself. It's secure.

Third, the threat. Why do you need extra security? Who do you believe is interested in attacking? Why? With what resources?
Fourth, why do you believe threat knows about all this? Where do you see or suspect the leaks?

I am a careful man. How do you think I earned those wrinkles? I lived long enough. I know the previous owner is dead. Is that sufficient for a threat?

Fifth, do you really believe the threat is imminent? If so, would it be better to move now to confuse attacker and/or avoid entire affair?

Move now where? To the space port? To the hotel? Sleep on the street? Hide in the sewers? My dropship takes off tomorrow at 13:00. It's loading fuel. I am in my house, I got 20 armed people and I got you. I am going to go to sleep, wake in the morning and travel safe.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #34 on: 08 August 2014, 02:14:46 »
"Combine? As in House Kurita, Draconis Combine? Then we really can expect any kind of attack short of a full invasion... At least I really do hope the information isn't sensitive enough to go to war over." Albert shook his head.
Depending on how determined their opponent was, they wouldn't need a wall and 20 men, they'd need a Mech batallion and air support. Of course, it made more sense for the Combine to either hire mercenaries or send a covert ops squad without any signs of affiliation so they could completely deny their involvement.
"Show us the vault, then. And what kind of sensor coverage do you have set up?"
He was beginning to wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to secretly move the noteputer to another location no one knew about and let the guarded house and the vault serve as a decoy.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #35 on: 08 August 2014, 02:48:23 »
Draconis Combine!
Ono`s expression hardens.
Now I understand your doubts.
He turns to his C.O.
Doc, Id rather stay on sensors, with the bird ready to take off. If they strike, we wont get a second chance, and trying to fight our way from here to helipad is a long walk. If you are OK with this, I will need full cooperation of guard on helipad to create the perimeter, because if Draconis strike, they would for sure target the VTOL at the first wave, and if they send some ninjas, as they probably would , it would be only up to me and those guards to hold them back till I manage to take off. I`d love to be sure there is no Draconis remote detonator attached to the bird when I am in the air.
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #36 on: 08 August 2014, 09:39:27 »
Minerva ponders aloud the suspected opposition before joining the brainstorming.

I find it hard to believe that Lord Kurita's forces would carry out a overt military operation because it would trigger immediate response from Tharkad. However, it is entirely possible that they would hire local mercenaries to serve as thugs. Since this place has some twenty odd personnel they'd need roughly a combined arms company to roll over this place. Attack against major business leader is bad for business for them as well. Thus I do not believe they'd do such a bold move unless the information is truly that worthy.

In my view they would hire a half-a-dozen specialists, military, possibly ex special operations forces capable people. People who are looking for a big pay cheque. They would be led by some ISF professional from embassy. Possibly armed with gear from local ISF storehouse(s). Few phone calls to LIC should give an idea if known Kurita forces are on the move as well as their size. Few more phone calls might give out information if anyone has been hiring capable personnel as private military contractors.

Due large number of people living in the location it is entirely possible that they would try to avoid violent confrontation. After all, one shot is enough to cause an alarm and thus mess the operation. For a job like that they'd need inside help. This can be taken from granted given our gracious host's extensive contacts with Draconis Combine. Contacts do work both ways and they certainly do have people here who look after and over their business associates. Unfortunately there is not enough time to weed out the potential weak links from the chain.

If attack to vault cannot be initiated due lack of proper inside help or too good guard, the only course of action left would be an attack during movement. This is very difficult as any pilot can change her course and thus make ambush practically impossible. I think that best sabotage option would thus be bomb carried out tonight and detonated on flight. I do not believe Draconis Combine would dare to attack at Space Port given high security and political sensitivity of striking there.

Thus I have identified VTOL and vault as potential targets, probably aided by someone working inside. I believe that there is no time for security checks for people in this estate and thus calling to LIC to ask for any information concerning movements of known Kurita elements would be a good start alongside queries about recent PMC hiring. I can do that.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #37 on: 09 August 2014, 11:01:24 »
"Right." Private NiRoy said after a little bit of consideration, her voice carried with the particular accent which could be traced but not entirely explained by her province heritage.

Her Lyran German suited her as much as military mannerism and attire; it was not that it didn't fit, but the overall picture pointed to something not natural. It was functional, but construed in a way that could be seen as not intrinsic to her. Odd.

"I extend the question of my Kommander on the sensor array you got; I can see you got a sensible wired set, but is there any other communications capabilities in it? How extensive are they, besides the manor? What can we count into?" She was considering the woods and what the Dame was saying about inside help... They were conjecturing based into air - intangible ideas, probabilities  -; there could be no angle ignored, but she'd rather have some more predictable pattern to rely on. "About your guards, what's their training, and how long have they been in your service? And here, specifically? How well do they know the manor and the woods, have they been tested in an attack situation?"


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #38 on: 11 August 2014, 14:11:35 »
Sendic will show you to a vault and tell you more about the sensors and people. I'll be in my office.... Dame Cymbeline, Commander "Doc", you're both invited to a dinner tonight, I'll be happy to answer more of your  questions then.

You may use one of the offices for your planning room. That would be all ...

You heard the sound of opening locks of the doors behind you and that was enough of a hint for you to leave so you did, leaving the large shadow of a short, old man behind you.

I'll show you around. Sendic take you across the foyer nodding the assistant along the way. The small office had a two L-shaped desks with computers on them, some old fashioned whiteboards and a trid set similar to the one from the large conference room but with a smaller projector.

Here map of the west wing.

One important thing - the manor itself is off-limits. You'll get no maps of the building. You're not allowed to enter there.

No one is. Horst's order.

And here is list of the personnel.
He displayed the list on the screen. All of them passed all security background checks and they had to pass the highest to work here. All of them work here for at least few months, some for years. Cynthia, the girl you met a moment ago is an exception to this, she joined the staff three months ago.
So, there are 8 civilian employees, Horst's assistant, the garage mechanic, chef, two cook helpers, gardener and a house cleaning lady - all are very loyal, they had passed their combat training at least once or once a year for those that work here longer. They'll have a laser pistols issued, but I wouldn't expect much from them, assistant, mechanic and cook helpers are in their prime, rest is twice your age.

In case of trouble the are normally ordered to gather by the garage and defend themselves in that building.

Armed men include 12 guards from a local security company owned by Horsts Enterprises. They are well trained, but this are not elite infantry. Let's be frank about this, not many people choose to mess with the wealthiest person on the planet, so they only faced training shooting and drills. We have four dogs that they use for patrolling the area. Normally they carry laser pistols only, today we'll issue them SMGs, portable motion sensors and infrared goggles.

Typical distribution was marked on the map of the Horstwald.
  • 5 are stationed on the walls - they have a spotlights, rangefinder&infrared binoculars and automated cameras at their disposals. The walls themselves are topped with photosensors.
  • 2 guards are at the gate with the same equipment - they also have a modified id scanner to verify HME identifiers, bug scanner. The guard post is reinforced and equipped with Firedrake support needler.
  • 3 of them with dogs are patrolling their perimeters (manor road, garage, and houses). 1 guard with dog is assigned to patrol the main building.
  • the last one is Dermot and for all practical purposes he lives in the security room - I'll take you there to meet him. When necessary gate guards can replace him in operating the security network.  The security room serve also as an armory. There is a small cache of personal weapons and armor.

Beside them there are Herr Horst, doctor Meier, me and you.

Security room was located on the first floor. The doors were reinforced, camera on the outside beeped when they arrived. Sendic knocked, waved at the camera and after a short buzz of the opening maglock you're inside. There were 12 screens that periodically shown view from within the building, inside the area and from the walls and gate. The radio constantly clicked with acknowledgements from the guards.  Red noticed switching equipment enabling speed dials with separate buttons for the gate, space port police and what seemed to be HME offices around the planet. Several locked armored cases stood to the right.

Dermot, was an older ex-military man (you can tell by the haircut, "LCAF" tattoed around the blazing gun on his right arm and HME logo on his left arm and an attitude that screamed "seargant"). He had a vibrodagger by his leg and a blazer in the holster thrown over his chair.

Dermot, Horst hired few mercs. Give them intercoms please. Henning pointed at Albert. He is in charge of everything until tomorrow.

Dermot is the men you need to call if you want to contact anyone. He is also first to know everything from the alarms. If you want to setup communications in any way specific - go to him also. 

We can go to vault now or look at it from here. Dermot can you?

he pointed at one of the monitors.

Sure thing honey. Here. Dermot's voice was rasping, metallic, almost synthethized. there was something perverse in his sarcastic response underscored by Henning's smug contrary.

A wine cellar - see that part? It's moveable. If you open it you can enter the outer vault. If you do, the alarm goes off here. There is another way - an elevator - directly from Horst's bedchamber on the first floor. There is no alarm if the elevator is used, but I can see the outer vault here. You see those vault doors? Half a meter thick, opened by the Horst's palmprint only. No camera inside and the angle doesn't show the inside of the vault. Need to know anything else?

It's 14:00/18:45 PT. Evening was coming, dinner in 60 minutes.
« Last Edit: 11 August 2014, 14:55:03 by sentinemodo »


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #39 on: 11 August 2014, 15:55:05 »
So the Horst is the safest way in. Nice, now we have even more babysitting and we are not even alowed to get an eye on a possible target.
Onos Combine origin tells him, that it the package is of high importance, even wealthiest merchants would be sacrificed if necessary. And as he knows enought of Draconis habits...he would try to create the diversion, even suicide mission, while single or max two men team would sneak into Horsts bedroon, kill him and cut his hand or force him to open the vault and get out before anyone even knows that the theft already happened.
Sure...enemy would have to have detailed info. Well personel being hired long ago should mean two things...the place wasnt compromised recently, and any spy had thousand and one oportunity to do his job.
If the place is compromised, which Ono considered inevitable.
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #40 on: 12 August 2014, 00:05:27 »
Sendic will show you to a vault and tell you more about the sensors and people. I'll be in my office.... Dame Cymbeline, Commander "Doc", you're both invited to a dinner tonight, I'll be happy to answer more of your  questions then.

It's 14:00/18:45 PT. Evening was coming, dinner in 60 minutes.

Minerva put out her most dutiful smile. Naturally I shall be there to join you.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #41 on: 12 August 2014, 15:59:15 »
Albert politely accepted Horst's invitation to dinner but seemed much more interested in the rest of the tour.

He followed Sendic around closely and watched everything with interest. He was pleased with the setup but hadn't really doubted anything less. This much money and property would obviously be well protected, even with the low chance of such a well-secured place being robbed, such a security force was just another way of showing off your wealth.

He almost forgot to get back in character when he inquired Sendic about some things on his mind, but the military tattoo on Dermot's arm reminded him of who he was really and who he was supposed to be now. This sort of intelligence work was new to him, too, and it seemed it would take some getting used to. Note to self: In the future, find a character to play you don't disapprove of yourself.
"So, I take the old man'll be spending the night in his room?", Albert asked. "That pretty assistant lady, Cynthia was it? She be 'assisting' him there, too?"
For his next question, he looked Sendic straight in the eyes. "So tell me, Sendic. What do you make of all this? Old man getting his hands on such a delicate item, storing it here, could even be putting himself and everyone on the grounds at risk... Seems like quite a personal risk for wealthy 'entrepreneurs' such as yourselves... Ain't exactly kinda thing you got in your job description, eh?"

He also asked him a bit more about the odds of someone on the inside giving out information to potential enemies about the 'package' or the security layout of the area and who he thought might be most likely to do so. Any staff that might hold a grudge, had been complaining or could have felt mistreated. Wasn't the assistant new here, she hadn't been cleared yet? What was her story?


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #42 on: 13 August 2014, 04:45:34 »
"So, I take the old man'll be spending the night in his room?", Albert asked. "That pretty assistant lady, Cynthia was it? She be 'assisting' him there, too?"

Sendic's continuously tensed gaze focused on Albert. Herr Horst or Mr Horst, sir. Yes Herr Horst, will be spending night in his room and no, I believe Cynthia will not be 'assisting him' as you've put it. I may be under your orders, but you will show respect to your employer, especially if he pays you twice the amount everyone else is getting.

For his next question, he looked Sendic straight in the eyes. "So tell me, Sendic. What do you make of all this? Old man getting his hands on such a delicate item, storing it here, could even be putting himself and everyone on the grounds at risk... Seems like quite a personal risk for wealthy 'entrepreneurs' such as yourselves... Ain't exactly kinda thing you got in your job description, eh?"

Sendic continued on your further question Herr Horst takes risks when necessary and for the last couple of decades he was taking them wisely enough to build an interstellar trading Gesellshaft. If he believes he need to act personally then the thing must be important to his goals. I am also sure there will be no problems despite all those preparations.

vie der vardammt Holle, there won't ... Demot barked in when did we last issue combat gear? Oh yeah when Duchess Carina James decided to drop der Boss a visit from Alexandria. Remember what happened then? Some shooting perhaps? I remember few squads of battle armors stolen from a cargo and storming in an assassination attempt, cause somebody thought it would be easy. Glücklich, that we had fire lance of Star Port defense here and they smeared them on the hills, but not without two of them jumping over the walls. ... mark my words ... there will be dead bodies tonight, and all of the guys know that.

It was no luck Dermot, Herr Horst always judge the risk well. Letting those two pass the full lance shouldn't happen, but you did a fine job stopping them tot, so the precautions proved genug. Sendic snapped in response.

He also asked him a bit more about the odds of someone on the inside giving out information to potential enemies about the 'package' or the security layout of the area and who he thought might be most likely to do so. Any staff that might hold a grudge, had been complaining or could have felt mistreated. Wasn't the assistant new here, she hadn't been cleared yet? What was her story?

As to insiders, Sendic was certain the people are sound. The security layout haven't changed in years. The routine was maintained that way since Horst contracted the security. Horst do not deal to much personally with the staff (which is good, since he is easily irritated, and very direct when he is), but it was his duty to make sure that they are compensated above average and periodically checked (this was partially veiled due to Dermot overhearing). The assistant has been checked of course, and came out clean. The previous one quit the job. That happens quite often, as this is role that has frequent contact with Horst in job description, and when fuse go off, it takes a lot of spine and dermal plating to endure, the armor usually melt off in tons, and after second or third 'corrective feedback' a new assistant is needed to be hired.

Cynthia came from recommendation and after three months there is no sign of her quitting. Either Horst has been easier on her, or she just performs to his expectations finally.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #43 on: 13 August 2014, 07:13:01 »
"So, no changes in security layout or routines in years and about a dozen or so ex-personal assistants runnin' around with a good reason to be pissed off at Herr Horst. That about it?", Albert asked rethorically. "Yeah, ain't no security problems with that.", he continued with a smirk on his face.
"Anyhow, since our generous employer only hired us last minute, ain't nothin' we can do anything about. But we got preparation to make and a fancy dinner in less than an hour, so I'm sure we all got better things to do and other places to be, no? See you at dinner, Sendic.", he sent the man away.

He waited for Sendic to be out of hearing distance before continuing.
"So, let's get a security upgrade, shall we? Won't be able to spend our 3k when we're caught with our pants down, right?
Red, Wings, head back to the VTOL and grab the large gray crate with a blue triangle on it. Brought some toys that might come in handy. Set up one pair to make sure no one touches our bird, set the rest up to create a perimiter around the house. Tripwires on every door into Horst's quarters and the stairs heading toward the vault. Last tripwire inside that damned elevator... Why the hell would someone not place an alarm on that kind of entrance?"

Albert then turned to Dermot. "So, ex-army, huh? Glad there's at least one guy here with some understanding of combat, certainly didn't pick a bad place to retire to. Where were you stationed? Lemme guess... Sergeant, right? That ink... I'm pretty sure I've seen it. One of Corelli's men? The 26th, Steiner's Boots? What's your take on all this, sarge?"

Quote from: ooc
If rolls are needed for tactics or something, lemme know. Same for placing the guy in/near the right unit. Albert cares more about scoring some points with this guy than Sendic.
« Last Edit: 13 August 2014, 10:54:46 by Xzylvador »


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #44 on: 14 August 2014, 09:35:07 »
Sure Doc.
Ono was a bit curious about the equipement his C.O. speaks off, well he waits fo Red  before he lea es towards helipad.

Guess you would know what to do , so I will just carry things around. You would need to tell me where to place them and how should I assisst. But I think we will manage.
« Last Edit: 17 August 2014, 06:01:14 by Sichr »
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #45 on: 14 August 2014, 17:12:59 »
"Painted me curious as well, Doc." The girl had accompanied the group silently through their tour, as before, eyes intently taking measure of everything.

"Tripwires... well, that will be handy. Let's get them, Wings."


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #46 on: 18 August 2014, 12:24:13 »
"So, no changes in security layout or routines in years and about a dozen or so ex-personal assistants runnin' around with a good reason to be pissed off at Herr Horst. That about it?", Albert asked rethorically. "Yeah, ain't no security problems with that.", he continued with a smirk on his face.
"Anyhow, since our generous employer only hired us last minute, ain't nothin' we can do anything about. But we got preparation to make and a fancy dinner in less than an hour, so I'm sure we all got better things to do and other places to be, no? See you at dinner, Sendic.", he sent the man away.

He waited for Sendic to be out of hearing distance before continuing.

"So, let's get a security upgrade, shall we? Won't be able to spend our 3k when we're caught with our pants down, right?
Red, Wings, head back to the VTOL and grab the large gray crate with a blue triangle on it. Brought some toys that might come in handy. Set up one pair to make sure no one touches our bird, set the rest up to create a perimiter around the house. Tripwires on every door into Horst's quarters and the stairs heading toward the vault. Last tripwire inside that damned elevator... Why the hell would someone not place an alarm on that kind of entrance?"

Albert then turned to Dermot. "So, ex-army, huh? Glad there's at least one guy here with some understanding of combat, certainly didn't pick a bad place to retire to. Where were you stationed? Lemme guess... Sergeant, right? That ink... I'm pretty sure I've seen it. One of Corelli's men? The 26th, Steiner's Boots? What's your take on all this, sarge?"

Sergant Dermot Canavan, 489th Alliance Heavy Infantry Regiment, 26th Lyran Guards Infantry Brigade. Retired... field routine kicked in

and you're?

Henning got one thing right, if we are preparing die Scheiße is already flying. It's only a matter of where it will splash, but if there are no 'mechs around this means there will be no 'mech bandits. They'll come on foot.

The reason for that no tripwires are on the doors is simple - Horst never wanted them, he has his own secrets. He even have vault camera switch in his bedroom. On some days he switch it off so I don't know what he carries to that vault. And he don't want anyone to know when he goes down. He trust people only as much as he wants, which is pretty null against anybody.

The upgrades you have are fine and I guess you're preapproved to make them. I can mount the monitor here, we'll have all sensors reporting to this console. I cannot remove the camera switch off, but I can link it with an alarm. You can take the intercoms from the locker. Channel 1 is for reporting and general announcements heard by all. Channels 20-50 are individual channels direct to this receiver only. Channel 90 is direct to Horst.

I'd pull down the guys from the walls. One man isn't going to stop anyone determined to get in. Singled out - they'll only werden tot, dort. Group them. Respond with groups.
« Last Edit: 18 August 2014, 13:12:03 by sentinemodo »


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #47 on: 18 August 2014, 12:48:26 »
"Painted me curious as well, Doc." The girl had accompanied the group silently through their tour, as before, eyes intently taking measure of everything.

"Tripwires... well, that will be handy. Let's get them, Wings."

Quote from: ooc
Make a sensor operation skill check - one is enough
Assuming five sensors are available, and you need three to secure the VTOL (triangle being the most sensor effective usage, unless you only install it on the cockpit doors), one for elevator, you got one left.

Near the helipad and garage area Wings and Red met a young men in a dirty coverall cutting a garage door with a laser melter and a guard with a dog (large wolf-like creature) that immediately barked and then threw itself against Red. The beast almost pulled itself from the guard grip but got stopped along the swarm of hurled curses just centimeters from the girl's throat.

verschließen Max, was ist es, mit Ihnen...


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #48 on: 18 August 2014, 15:32:13 »
You better keep your puppy at bay, or we gonna have hot dog for a dinner...

Ono is far from fighting her fights for Red, as she is equal to any men in his eyes and chivalry as a concept he never fully comprehended, wel he wanted to test the guards attitude and, hell, he simply enjoys the fact that he operates outside standard military rules and he just starts to enjoy his new role of independent merc.
He moves his hand on his pistol, ready to quickdraw if something violent is going to happen.
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #49 on: 18 August 2014, 22:09:41 »
Red's body tensed as the hound jumped in her direction. No word uttered, her teeth clenched in apprehension as the creature stopped. For a moment, she was unable to say anything. When she could, all that went out was "Keep your hold of the beast leash, man." She wanted it to have sounded more threatening, but it sounded just dry.

What the hell did these creatures have with her? Damn, and this was not the only one who would be used in patrol...

Just to be sure, she took a wrench in hands before moving again. Better to be safe than sorry.

Quote from: Sensor operations skill test
2d6 + 1 (Skill rating) =  6, with a TN of 8... guess the scare was too much


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #50 on: 20 August 2014, 02:53:36 »
Minerva thought that it was time to split and do her own work as discussion went from technical to banal.

She goes to her room and contacts LIC through procedures she has been given. Top of the line are following requests: Suspected enemy is House Kurita. Any information of their agents and assets moving and/or hiring of suspicious local mercenaries hired to do it? Group size, movements, possible interception, allies?

Then it is time to sit by the computer and wait for answers...

Negotiation 6(5+1) 8 (2d6=4)

Investigation 1(1+0) 9 (2d6=10)


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #51 on: 20 August 2014, 06:49:24 »
Red's body tensed as the hound jumped in her direction. No word uttered, her teeth clenched in apprehension as the creature stopped. For a moment, she was unable to say anything. When she could, all that went out was "Keep your hold of the beast leash, man." She wanted it to have sounded more threatening, but it sounded just dry.

What the hell did these creatures have with her? Damn, and this was not the only one who would be used in patrol...

Just to be sure, she took a wrench in hands before moving again. Better to be safe than sorry.

Guard managed to pull down the dog away. Leaving Red and Ono to unload the crate.

Need a help with those? MTS-8s? TIR-7s? Fallen out of the LAAF truck, didn't they? a happy grin of the young men was almost larger than his face and directed at Red, when she tested the sensors and all but one flipped no-signal at the console. He casually kept the melding laser in hand pointing it in the general sensor monitor direction. You need to setup them on different channels. it's plug & play, but when you install this one on the same channel, all the previous ones are ignored.

I'm Bruno. he offered I'm turning this old fashioned garage into modern anti-mech bunker by melding out some holes in the walls. Want to help?


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #52 on: 20 August 2014, 08:27:38 »
Minerva thought that it was time to split and do her own work as discussion went from technical to banal.

She goes to her room and contacts LIC through procedures she has been given. Top of the line are following requests: Suspected enemy is House Kurita. Any information of their agents and assets moving and/or hiring of suspicious local mercenaries hired to do it? Group size, movements, possible interception, allies?

Then it is time to sit by the computer and wait for answers...

Negotiation 6(5+1) 8 (2d6=4)

Investigation 1(1+0) 9 (2d6=10)

Minerva's room was located in the second floor, in the corner of the floor.
LAAF hosted a public website on the planetary computer network. Using it as a start point she logged into her account and over encrypted connection she moved to LIC analysis center. Duty analyst confirmed second layer credentials and took the queries.

30 minutes later, she was presented with following summary:

- no Battlemech mercenary units are present on planet
- civilian security corporations/non-Battlemech mercenary units operating on planet have some military class vehicle equipment (distributed all over the planet, up to 2 battalions combined, can be conscripted under martial law), contracts below threshold of significance aren't monitored. Security threshold is currently set at squad level in vehicles (4) and company of infantry (100 men). There were no recent (6 months) contracts above security threshold.

Kurita related:
- Kurita agents are present on the surface, this is nothing special, Port Moseby is on the very border and from almost all sides is surrounded by Draconis occupied worlds.
- known (or strongly suspected) low level agents are monitored (there are 12 of them within capital/space port boundaries, and 10 more distributed around the planet) - this are some gang members, low ranking soldiers, low level employees of a capital city magistrate, as well as few traders coming in and out
- there are no known higher level agents on planet
- there is a consulate in the spaceport where a middle level diplomat named Yunako Miyakawa - she is suspected of spying activity, but nothing substantial has been found. She was involved in an attempt to buy off control packages of space port, transport, energy corporations and a major planetary bank shares through proxies. The attempt has been blocked under Lyran Alliance law, after LIC uncovered Combine source of the capital used, but not before due diligence report has been concluded (that means that Combine has access to all operating procedures of the targeted companies - specifically financial contracts observation levels).
- there is an observed increase in activity, but nothing major - current hypothesis are linking the increase with the upcoming meeting of the Second Star League Conference on Tharkad on November this year.
- Kurita employs small detachment of security forces in their consulate (28 men in total, squad of battle armors and a mixed squad of vehicles)

Further update possible.

Quote from: ooc
I've marked suspicious parts of the report - result of your MoS of 3 on investigation.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #53 on: 20 August 2014, 09:47:44 »

Kurita related:
- there is a consulate in the spaceport where a middle level diplomat named Yunako Miyakawa - she is suspected of spying activity, but nothing substantial has been found. She was involved in an attempt to buy off control packages of space port, transport, energy corporations and a major planetary bank shares through proxies. The attempt has been blocked under Lyran Alliance law, after LIC uncovered Combine source of the capital used, but not before due diligence report has been concluded (that means that Combine has access to all operating procedures of the targeted companies - specifically financial contracts observation levels).

Further update possible.

Minerva rose her eye brow looking at data: "due diligence report" is examination to establish background and financial condition, business operations and contractual obligations of a person or enterprise. She pondered the data for a moment while  choosing really good looking pair of heels to match her dark black one-piece outfit to wear in dinner. If Kurita wanted his head the ISF would be doing this and it would mean embassy and movement that LIC would catch. Thus it must be someone in Combine who is doing this on his own. Due diligence does open up the real financial position of the target company and as such reveals who who is swimming naked when tide turns. Perhaps Horst was playing both sides for fools? Did he took too many favors from a wrong man in Combine? Lost money from someone important who now wants his head?

It was time to go to dinner and leave a group of additional questions to LIC's data miners. Since LIC knows that Horst has deep connections with Combine it becomes one of combining the financial data to connections. Are there any sudden losses that were paid off due sudden surge in cash flow? Brand value changes to cover problems in company structure? Any major enterprises that are grossly overvalued for tomorrow yet have no income today? Is cash flow situation healthy? Any strange legal settlements? Strange stock market manipulations via dark pools? Anything to show Horst is now in trouble and/or he had troubles that were paid off with cash spike from unknown or dubious origin? If so, who was the source? Was it in Combine? If so, were they connected to infrastructure buying scheme? Sendic seems to run his own off books business, is there overlap with any suspects? Paper trail and legal documents should find things in these issues.

Administration 4(4+0) 8 (2d6=3)

Appraisal 0(0+0) 8 (2d6=8)

Career/Lawyer 3(3+0) 7 (2d6=10)

Interest/Law 4(4+0) 9 (2d6=12)

Investigation 1(1+0) 9 (2d6=10)

With machines doing the work it would be time to show off these perfect heels in dinner...
« Last Edit: 20 August 2014, 15:18:57 by Minerva »


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #54 on: 20 August 2014, 14:50:01 »
Sergant Dermot Canavan, 489th Alliance Heavy Infantry Regiment, 26th Lyran Guards Infantry Brigade. Retired... field routine kicked in
and you're?

Henning got one thing right, if we are preparing die Scheiße is already flying. It's only a matter of where it will splash, but if there are no 'mechs around this means there will be no 'mech bandits. They'll come on foot.

The reason for that no tripwires are on the doors is simple - Horst never wanted them, he has his own secrets. He even have vault camera switch in his bedroom. On some days he switch it off so I don't know what he carries to that vault. And he don't want anyone to know when he goes down. He trust people only as much as he wants, which is pretty null against anybody.

The upgrades you have are fine and I guess you're preapproved to make them. I can mount the monitor here, we'll have all sensors reporting to this console. I cannot remove the camera switch off, but I can link it with an alarm. You can take the intercoms from the locker. Channel 1 is for reporting and general announcements heard by all. Channels 20-50 are individual channels direct to this receiver only. Channel 90 is direct to Horst.

I'd pull down the guys from the walls. One man isn't going to stop anyone determined to get in. Singled out - they'll only werden tot, dort. Group them. Respond with groups.

"Name's Albert, but that's all I can tell ya, sarge. Orders, you know... Military or private, don't seem to make much of a difference, always got someone tellin' ya what to do."
He shrugged. He didn't sound too happy about it but knew the sergant would understand. "Did meet some guys outta your unit, though. Great men, great stories..."
Albert's gaze went distance for a few seconds, recalling some past events, but then he blinked his eyes and went back to present.
"Good idea moving and grouping some of your men. They'll be a bigger threat and less easy target, plus I'm ain't confident your normal security routines haven't been compromised. If the enemy made preparations to deal with the original setup, mixing things up works in our advantage."
He looked at the security setup and nodded approvingly. "Good, hook us up and patch us in. Mind if I join you in here later? Close to Horst, quick to the vault and another set of eyes on the sensors can't hurt."

After going over some guard patrol schedules and sensor layout, Albert excused himself to Dermot, explaining he needed to suit up and prepare.
But first he stopped by Minerva's door and entered the room without knocking. "We still haven't had much chance to talk in private, yet very much to talk about.", he jumped into conversation without bothering with pleasantries or formalities. "And it seems like most of it will have to wait a while longer, we've preparations to make. But first, I need to know how to treat you should we be attacked. I've never worked with civilians before... I need to know if you're an asset or...", he searched for the right word, hesitating to call a blue-blood or fellow agent a liability "...or in need of protection. I don't want people getting hurt on this op because we made the wrong plans."

He looked at the computer she was using. "You need any help with anything?"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #55 on: 20 August 2014, 15:40:04 »
But first he stopped by Minerva's door and entered the room without knocking. "We still haven't had much chance to talk in private, yet very much to talk about.", he jumped into conversation without bothering with pleasantries or formalities. "And it seems like most of it will have to wait a while longer, we've preparations to make. But first, I need to know how to treat you should we be attacked. I've never worked with civilians before... I need to know if you're an asset or...", he searched for the right word, hesitating to call a blue-blood or fellow agent a liability "...or in need of protection. I don't want people getting hurt on this op because we made the wrong plans."

He looked at the computer she was using. "You need any help with anything?"

If she was annoyed about his arrival she did not say, after all, business always comes first and it is always that way no matter how obnoxious her counterpart might be. Minerva turned to face Albert while putting the computer's kitten picture screen saver on. How do you do.

Minerva's perfect face appeared to change something that might be apologetic. I think I am not much of an asset in a firefight. I do know how to hold a gun and shoot it on a range but that is it. I think that I'd better stay indoors and try to be as close to vault and key personnel as possible when situation calls for it.

Then she tapped lightly her personal computer with her fingers. There is no information of hiring of a mercenary force capable of overrunning this compound in this system. Kurita embassy personnel is also not making a move. There are no recent arrivals of senior agents of ISF either. Thus it would appear that ISF is not participating in this, at least not in active role. Thus I have started to analyse other alternatives and possibilities related to Draconis Combine and will continue to do so after the dinner. Her voice is as even and colorless as a line drawn to a white sheet of paper...


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #56 on: 20 August 2014, 18:35:08 »
Guard managed to pull down the dog away. Leaving Red and Ono to unload the crate.

Need a help with those? MTS-8s? TIR-7s? Fallen out of the LAAF truck, didn't they? a happy grin of the young men was almost larger than his face and directed at Red, when she tested the sensors and all but one flipped no-signal at the console. He casually kept the melding laser in hand pointing it in the general sensor monitor direction. You need to setup them on different channels. it's plug & play, but when you install this one on the same channel, all the previous ones are ignored.

I'm Bruno. he offered I'm turning this old fashioned garage into modern anti-mech bunker by melding out some holes in the walls. Want to help?

"Oh, right. Those are... dè seòrsa. You're right." Red finished setting the sensors up after realizing her mistake, all the while making a mental note on focusing better on her job the next time, not on the remembrance of the dog's teeth. She turned around and greeted Bruno. "Seems like the garage could do with a little bit more than having some holes melded out, right. It would be my pleasure, but I'm on orders right now." Turning to Ono: "Wings, do you think you or Doc should need anything more? 'Cause if you don't, I guess it would be a good thing to reinforce the garage - it could provide some protection for the ones who would give us cover while you put your bird in the air before starting its fireworks should it be needed, right?" even before getting an answer, she turns around to Bruno "By the way, you can call me Red."


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #57 on: 21 August 2014, 03:02:46 »
No. I thimnk I will get the bird on the patrol te familiarize myself with terrain. If you dont mind.
Ono presses the com button...
Doc, I am taking of for the patrol, Ill stay in the close vincinity. I need to draw a map for myself. Should my assistance be needed, Ill be here in a few seconds. Ono out.
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #58 on: 22 August 2014, 15:40:16 »
3 July 2067, 1030 UTT
121/249 PY 1600/1845 PT
Port Moseby,  Horstwald 20 km north of Feintuch

Evening on this planet came fast. You're barely hungry after the breakfast, and it's a dinner time already. You heard that people sleep here for four hours a day routinely.

Minerva and Albert shown up in the dinner room and saw a large table filled with diverse, nice food with no particular fireworks on a table. Behind the table a person was sitting the they've immediately recognized from the mission briefing as Sir Thorsten Meier. He already had some salad on the plate and was vigorously eating it. The large wine glass was filled with ruby colored liquid.

He stopped eating, and with a grace, you wouldn't have expect from a man of his posture, stood up and came around the table to greet you. He looked (not offensively) but carefully at both of them and proceeded to greet the lady with an old gentleman's charm.
You look marvelous, Dame Cymbeline. Will you introduce me? but he wasn't waiting Thorsten, doctor of the house.


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Re: [IC] TOW - LAAF CIO - Port Moseby
« Reply #59 on: 22 August 2014, 16:07:47 »
With Ono starting engine and taking off, Red was left with a crate of sensors, that still need to be installed.
Bruno offered to help and they've both quickly proceeded to setup perimeter around the house.
There were still a trip wire sensors to install on the outer vault elevator, stairs and doors.

Need a help with that ones too?

Quote from: ooc
can you describe or mark on the map where you put the sensors?

