Author Topic: The Double Deuce II/II-σ [3053]  (Read 90581 times)


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: The Double Deuce II/II-σ [3053]
« Reply #150 on: 06 October 2019, 18:23:01 »
ECV Full House and ECV Ace of Drax
Outbound from Astrokaszy
17-25 November, 3053

The remaining six days of transit to Astrokaszy's proximity limit (the Inside Straight having repositioned to a pre-determined pirate point from the normal Jump Point) were consumed with training and watch standing for the majority of personnel aboard both craft.  Aboard the Full House, Richter's primary job was training ALL of the Double Deuce's troops on the 1200 LSS.  With only seven of the weapon available, this meant one squad at a time, then the other personnel in groups of six.  The techs were probably the least interested students, but the staff officers were easily the most challenging to keep focused.  The latter kept asking more and more specific questions, slowing down the overall delivery of material.

Aboard the Ace of Drax, it was only the second day out from Astrokaszy that the Princess had been caught with her hands on a bar of gold.  Adept Maddox was beside himself, but hid it well as he described in explicit detail the extra security he needed the embarked squads to provide until they could disembark the gold, the Princess, or both.  The only person aboard the tiny craft apparently unperturbed by events was "Chief" Craig.  When the situation was shared with him, he'd merely raised an eyebrow for a brief instant before shrugging.


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: The Double Deuce II/II-σ [3053]
« Reply #151 on: 20 October 2019, 13:43:41 »
SS (ECS) Inside Straight
Orbiting an uninhabited system one jump from Astrokaszy
1247 Ship Time
25 November, 3053

Precentor Hong rubbed her temple as the situation was explained to her.  Adept Maddox was perhaps a little more excited than he should have been, but the grim expressions on Adepts Mason's, Hopschnur's and Asadi's faces didn't make it any better.  The Astrokaszian contingent appeared to be legitimate defectors overall, but the Amira... she was something else.  While the recovery of the Canopian gold would be useful as they transited the Magistracy, the unstamped ingots were a bit of a dilemma.  The Explorer Corps in this sector had been starved for cash since the invasion, and though the unidentified gold was probably Canopian, there was no sure way to tell.  The Canopian government would likely accept it cheerfully, but it could certainly be put to better use in ComStar's hands.

The Amira also had several unstamped pieces of gold in her possession that she claimed were hers.  Only the gemstones she also had lent any credence to that story.  Who knew what unmarked plunder was available to the favorite child of a bandit kingdom the size of a planet?  Maddox was just getting to the part where he explained a complete inventory hadn't been conducted before the Amira was aboard his craft.  The poor boy was actually sweating.

With a patrician nod, Precentor Hong said, "All is well, Adept Maddox.  Relax.  Since no inventory had yet been conducted, it's entirely possible the Amira is telling the truth.  Personally, I don't think there's any chance of that, but legally there's no way to prove otherwise.  Let her keep the, what, five pieces of unmarked gold?  It's little enough to us, and honestly her too.  Those rubies and diamonds she has are probably worth more.  We will return all of the stamped gold to the first Canopian authorities we meet.  The unstamped gold will be transported to Hellespont where the Sector Chief can make a call.  Until then, the unstamped gold will be moved to the Inside Straight, AFTER a full inventory, while the stamped portion remains aboard the Ace of Drax for ease of transfer.  The Amira will be confined to the Full House, with no access to either.  Since most of the passengers and crew of the Full House are similarly 'confined', I don't imagine this will be a problem.  Any questions?"

Mason and Hopschnur looked to Asadi, who shrugged and gave a brief nod.  Even Maddox relaxed.  The weight of responsibility for the gold was now firmly on Hong's shoulders, and not his.


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 40578
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: The Double Deuce II/II-σ [3053]
« Reply #152 on: 21 December 2019, 08:38:17 »
ECV Full House
Docked to SS (ECS) Inside Straight
0900 Ship Time
26 November, 3053

The wardroom was small, but adequate for the current meeting.  Captain Mason was at the head of the table, with Adept Hopschnur at her right hand, with Adept Asadi to his own right.  An unhappy Acolyte Jiminez was opposite her commander on Mason's left.  Adepts McCann and Morrison and Acolytes Mattis and Craig filled out the remaining seats.

Mason began, "All right, this Amira has been aboard less than 24 hours, and is already causing trouble..."

Jiminez interjected, "Trouble, ma'am?  That's an understatement."

Frowning, Mason continued, "Be that as it may, I am formally requesting Adept Hopschnur provide extra security to keep people out of sensitive areas of the ship.  I understand this may complicate training and maintenance schedules, but I think we can all agree it's necessary."

Nodding, Hopschnur said, "Training schedules are flexible, and while maintenance is less so, the technicians will also contribute to the security presence."

Jiminez inhaled, ready to object, but a hard look from Hopschnur changed her mind.

Doc Morrison raised his hand halfway to be recognized, then said, "I'm also requesting a suicide watch for Jillani.  Acolyte Craig was absolutely right to have instituted one aboard the Ace of Drax on the way here.  I would prefer to minimize the change in personnel for that, if possible.  He's currently sedated in sick bay while I read up on treatment protocol."

Hopschnur took a note and nodded.  "Shouldn't be a problem, Doc."

Turning to Adept McCann and gesturing at Mattis and Craig, he continued, "Cameron, I want you and your team to provide as close an escort for the Amira as possible.  Additional security watches are going to be posted at every exit from the cargo bay and main deck, and around the more sensitive cargo, like the armory.  No more relying on just locked doors."

Cameron replied, "Roger, sir.  Can I keep Helhake's squad for that too?  They have the most familiarity with her."

Hopschnur considered for a moment, and nodded his assent.  "All right, any questions?"

