ECV Full House
Landing Field, Rabigh, Astrokaszy
1112 Local Time
13 November 3053
"Sir," Cameron acknowledged abstractedly as Hopschnur stood to leave. "Mach, I agree the competition already would have grabbed the stash if they knew what he'd found. I'm thinking about an on-world faction, most likely whatever local sources he was using for his research. It's been seven months, so running into them on-site now would be a hell of a coincidence, but you know what they say about coincidences..."
He frowned and began tapping at his noteputer. "So, yeah. I'm delegating research on construction and site security measures to you. With apocalypse-proof Star League engineering, I expect something will still be working. Also, see what you can dig up on geology and geography in that area. Quietly. We need to be ready to pull chocks as soon as the Emir decides to kick off his little op and we don't need any attention, so security takes precedence over accuracy this time. I'll see what I can pull from what's left of the weather sats..."
1331 Local Time
Fox-Two was on the perimeter, which was both a good and an awful place for a conversation. Good, because it was outside the bay and thus away from every idle ear in the Double Deuce and among the dependents. Bad, because it was outside the bay and thus subject to observation from anyone who cared. On balance, Cameron judged it a net positive... marginally. With the wind picking up and the amount of debris going airborne, no one was likely to get more than one word in three from a laser or shotgun mic.
The squad was facing out, doing their jobs, but Lasskiy was keeping an eye on their backs. He rose to call a challenge just as Cameron pulled the locally-procured shemagh away from his face. "Oh, hey, Adept," he said with a head-bob. "Delf, the Two's here."
"Lasskiy," Cameron acknowledged. "What's the word?"
"All quiet," Lasskiy reported, then qualified it with, "mostly. Got an OP in the three-story gray brick building, Charlie side, second floor. The window with the blue lampshade."
"Got it," Cameron noted without turning his head. "What're you seeing by way of activity?"
"Mark-One Eyeball only," Delf Helhake joined the conversation. "Three local males. They're dressed kinda middle-class for here."
"Roger that. Noted and thanks." Cameron tilted his head. "Acolyte Helhake. Walk with me."
Twelve paces away, in the lee of another off-loaded cargo container (not the one that had precipitated this whole detour), Cameron turned to face the squad leader. "The boss handed you and me a job. When you come off this post, clean up, grab chow, and get your kit squared away for a remote deployment. Minimum three days, max a week. Weather and terrain will be about like this but ten degrees cooler, worse at night. We'll be operating out of the Ace."
Helhake eyed Cameron, considered what little he'd seen out of the S-2, and decided he could get away with a small amount of sass. "Gonna tell me what this is about? Sir?" The pause was intentional.
Cameron raised an eyebrow and held it for a moment before cracking a hint of a smile. "Spook business, Acolyte. The deepest, blackest spook business. Can't say more for now, but I'll brief in full as soon as we're skids-up. Which will be about half an hour after the 'Mechs move out, whenever our beneficent host decides that is. Oh, and we're bringing Monchenigo and Mattis, too..."