Author Topic: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)  (Read 3429 times)


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2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« on: 12 November 2014, 02:25:11 »
In the years following the Dragoon Compromise, Clan Ice Hellion expanded their sibko program. A dozen new training camps were constructed across Hector, Babylon and Strana Mechty, ensuring that when the Wolf's Dragoons mission ended and the Clans could finally return to the inner sphere, the Hellion touman would be ready. Half a century later, with the first generations of these new sibkos swelling their ranks, the Hellions were defeated and denied a place in the Invasion of the Inner Sphere. The expanded touman would have helped them secure the wide stretch of worlds on the way to Terra, but it was simply too large for their holdings in the homeworlds. For every bloodnamed warrior, there were three times more who would never hold the right - and with no invasion of the Inner Sphere, there would be few new bloodname trials. The Hellion warriors, already frustrated by the growing stagnation in the relative calm of the pre-Invasion trials, came to the brink of outright revolt when their defeat denied their dream of Terra.

The Khans acted quickly, concocting the plan for the Fury campaign almost overnight. Their plan for the Invasion - to use clusters of young, inexperienced warriors to make up the rear and flanks of the invasion - was no longer viable. Instead, they decided to spread the inexperienced sibko graduates among established clusters, hoping that the skill and experience of their new units would help them learn faster. The warriors rotated out of these frontline units were then formed into a handful of new clusters, one of which was the 2nd Hellion Lancers.

Star Colonel Kraz Norizuchi leads Alpha Trinary, which began its existence as a medium-weighted striker cluster. After their first few deployments on Londerholm, most of the lightest units in the trinary were lost and replaced with heavier salvage. Whether this trend will continue or be reversed with resupply runs remains to be seen, as the trinary is too young for a particular specialization. Its members come from a wide variety of different units.

Beta Trinary is the lightest in the cluster, and is most frequently paired with the elementals of Delta Binary.  Beta is also the trinary with the most inexperienced leadership, making it the most volatile and unpredictable of the 2nd. Pack Zellbrigen is often taken to its extreme edge by these warriors, which has given them a dim reputation among their neighbors.

Gamma Trinary is the anvil to the hammers of Alpha and Beta trinaries. It is composed of the heaviest mechs in the Cluster, and its command star was pulled intact from Delta Galaxy. Lead by the Wolf abtakha Tanya Carns, the unit has come together remarkably quickly to embrace the rather unorthodox (for the Hellions) combat style of Tanya and the unofficial XO, Andrzej Urgans.

Delta Binary is composed entirely of elementals, and is usually deployed by star in ad-hoc novas supporting one of the mech trinaries. Epsilon Binary is composed entirely of Aerospace fighters and is lead by the cluster's XO, David Taney. Thus far Epsilon Binary has seen very limited combat, and their ability to function as a unit has not been thoroughly tested.

The Overlord-C Class dropship Freezing Wind, captained by Star Captain Yvette Hordwon, provides for the cluster's transportation needs.

2nd Hellion Lancers, Beta Galaxy, Clan Ice Hellion
CO: Star Colonel Kraz Norizuchi
XO: Star Captain David Taney

Code: [Select]
Alpha Trinary
Command Star
Ice Ferret Prime
Star Colonel Kraz Norizuchi (2/3), Tactical Genius
Mist Lynx B
Mechwarrior Rosa (2/3)
Arctic Cheetah C
Mechwarrior Gunther (2/3)
Shadow Cat A
Mechwarrior Andrew (2/3)
Ice Ferret Prime
Mechwarrior Madeleine (2/3)

2nd Star
Arctic Cheetah C
Star Commander Nikolas (2/3)
Stormcrow A
Mechwarrior Wanda (2/3)
Mist Lynx C
Mechwarrior Richard (2/3)
Viper A
Mechwarrior Konstantin (2/3)
Shadow Cat A
Mechwarrior Kyne (2/3)

3rd Star
Stormcrow B
Star Commander Margaret (2/3)
Timber Wolf
Mechwarrior Berta (2/3)
Adder A
Mechwarrior Wesley (2/3)
Hellbringer A
Mechwarrior Cameron (2/3)
Shadow Hawk IIC
Mechwarrior Dorian (4/5)

Beta Trinary
Command Star
Arctic Cheetah C
Star Captain Kellen Taney (2/3)
Ice Ferret D
Mechwarrior Dawn (2/3)
Fire Moth Prime
Mechwarrior Kent (2/3)
Fire Moth D
Mechwarrior Grigori (2/3)
Viper A
Mechwarrior Edward (2/3)

2nd Star
Fire Moth D
Star Commander Blake (2/3)
Fire Moth D
Mechwarrior Rupert (2/3)
Arctic Cheetah Prime
Mechwarrior Curt (2/3)
Viper B
Mechwarrior Inga (2/3)
Ice Ferret Prime
Mechwarrior Irene (2/3)

3rd Star
Viper B
Star Commander Serena
Ice Ferret Prime
Mechwarrior Brent (2/3)
Shadow Cat Prime
Mechwarrior Wendell (2/3)
Mist Lynx C
Mechwarrior Xander (2/3)
Arctic Cheetah D
Mechwarrior Arthur (2/3)

Gamma Trinary
Command Star
Timber Wolf A
Star Captain Tanya Carns (2/3), Sniper
Summoner D
Mechwarrior Kieran (2/3)
Hellbringer Prime
Mechwarrior Andrzej Urgans (1/2)
Mad Dog B
Mechwarrior Ailey (2/3)
Hellbringer F
Mechwarrior Alexander (2/3)

2nd Star
Stormcrow A
Star Commander Carol (2/3)
Adder C
Mechwarrior Quentin (2/3)
Hellbringer A
Mechwarrior Michelle (2/3)
Kit Fox D
Mechwarrior Peter (2/3)
Summoner C
Mechwarrior Andrew (2/3)

3rd Star
Stormcrow A
Star Commander William Rood (2/3)
Stormcrow I
Mechwarrior Joan (2/3)
Mad Dog C
Mechwarrior Claudia (2/3)
Mad Dog Prime
Mechwarrior Jeffrey (2/3)
Hellbringer Prime
Mechwarrior Christopher (2/3)

Delta Binary
First Star
Star Captain Diana Montose (2/3)
Point Commander Zane (2/3)
Point Commander  Martin (2/3)
Point Commander Franklin (2/3)
Point Commander Darien (2/3)

2nd Star
Star Commander Grant Moore (2/3)
Point Commander Allene (2/3)
Point Commander Boris (2/3)
Point Commander Reilly (2/3)
Point Commander Teva (2/3)

Epsilon Binary
First Star
Visigoth Point
Star Captain David Taney (2/3)
Visigoth Point
Point Commander Derek (2/3)
Turk Point
Point Commander Lisbet (2/3)
Turk Point
Point Commander Zach (2/3)
Visigoth Point
Point Commander Trey (2/3)

Second Star
Scytha Point
Star Commander Naila (2/3)
Scytha Point
Point Commander Vincent (2/3)
Sulla Point
Point Commander Ira (2/3)
Sulla Point
Point Commander Xavier (2/3)
Batu Point
Point Commander Jimena (2/3)

Transport Assets
CIHS Freezing Wind (Overlord-C)
Star Captain Yvette Hordwon (3/3)

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #1 on: 12 November 2014, 02:30:44 »

Kraz Norizuchi - Born October 3rd, 3000. Kraz was considered a ristar early in his career, and was one of the first non-bloodnamed warriors to be honored with the then-new Wolf Hunter Omnimech. To this day, he is one of the handful of Ice Hellions to still possess one with the original serial number, WFHNT-0024. This is a particular source of pride for him, and he has made it his goal throughout his career to 'reclaim' as many Ice Ferret Omnimechs as he can from his battles. Kraz won his bloodname in 3026, when as a Star Captain he lead a series of successful trials against the Cloud Cobra and Diamond Shark clans on Babylon. After winning his bloodname, he was promoted to command of Gamma Trinary in the 200th Attack Cluster, where he developed a fierce rivalry with another ristar, the future Khan Stephen Tyler. Upon Tyler's ascend to the Khanship, Kraz's career came to a screeching halt. He was not demoted, but was passed over for every promotion and countless opportunities to prove himself. When Khan Tyler's 7th Attack Cluster failed to earn the Ice Hellions a place in the invasion, Kraz found his opening - the Khans announced plans for an expansion of the touman in preparation for a major campaign, and when Kraz was again passed over for the position, he challenged saKhan Danielle Lienet to a Trial of Refusal. She exercised her right to select a champion, deliberately selecting an up and coming ristar fresh from the sibko as an insult to Kraz's age. Unfortunately for him, his youth was not enough. Kraz snapped the young woman's neck in hand to hand combat before she even had a chance to strike him, securing him both the command of the new Beta Galaxy cluster and the ire of the blood house Lienet.

Kellen Taney - Born November 11th, 3027. Graduating at the top of his sibko, Kellen was an instant ristar when he passed his trial of position with three kills at the helm of an Arctic Cheetah. He quickly developed a reputation for being able to wreak havoc upon an opponent, disorienting them with his ability to disappear and reappear in unexpected places behind cover.  His high-ranking placement out of the sibko drew him the attention of Geirmund Taney, Star Colonel of the 14th Hellion Lancers. Geirmund was a prominent voice within the Taney bloodhouse, seeing himself both as the future leader of the House and a future candidate for Khan. He took it upon himself to become both a mentor and sponsor to the young Kellen, and when Star Commander Vanya Taney was killed in battle against Clan Wolf, saw to Kellen's nomination in the trial of bloodright to replace her. He first defeated Point Commander Clint, an Aerospace pilot, in unaugmented combat. His second opponent was Drake, a Kit Fox pilot from the 7th Attack Cluster, and his final opponent was Xena, an elemental who he faced in augmented combat in front of the Hector Mechworks site. His limited exploits managed to put him into the list of candidates for command in Kraz Norizuchi's new cluster, though it was the urgings of his mentor Geirmund that finally convinced Kraz to select the young and relatively untested Star Captain.

Tanya Carns- Born March 19th, 3020. Upon graduating from her sibko as a mechwarrior, Tanya was a rare moderate amongst the Wolf Clan. She stood unconvinced by the Warden's doctrine of protecting the Inner Sphere from the other Clans, but found the zeal and arrogance of the Crusader leadership tiresome and short sighted. It was unfortunate for her that her first unit assignment was under a fanatically Warden Star Colonel, who took her questioning of the Warden doctrine and suggestions of compromise between the two sides as a declaration of Crusader loyalties. She quickly found herself amongst the cluster's Gamma trinary, the home to all the unit's outcast Crusaders. Her commander took great delight in sending gamma trinary on both suicide missions and humiliating bandit hunting campaigns, attempting to either kill or dishonor his Crusader subordinates at every turn. While entire stars of warriors passed through the trinary, Tanya managed to thrive, adapting and finding ways to strike victory from the jaws of defeat even when outnumbered, outgunned, or outskilled. She won her Bloodname in 3039, her sponsorship built upon her reputation as a master marksman and - perhaps more importantly - a bitter enemy to the Warden cause. The years of neglect and deliberate undermining had turned Tanya from a moderate into a near-fanatical crusader, winning her the attention of Conal Ward and progressively more suicidal missions for her star. When word came down of Conal Ward's attempt to have Tanya - now a Star Commander - reassigned to the Red Keshik, her deployments against neighboring Clans doubled. Honor was showered upon her as gamma trinary was put through a grueling month-long string of campaigns, culminating in a battle against Clan Ice Hellion's 33rd Striker Irregulars on Hoard. After her narrow victory, in which she downed three Hellion Mist Lynxes, she found herself the recipient of an unusual challenge. A Mechwarrior named Andrzej Urgans, a renowned Ice Hellion duelist, arrived at the border of the new Wolf enclave to issue a personal challenge to her. "I have been victorious in my last 9 duels", the Hellion declared, "and I seek a worthy opponent for my tenth victory. My challenge is for the warrior named Tanya Carns, who killed Star Captain Damien Rood and half his star in honorable Zellbrigen." Tanya herself was inclined to deny the challenge, and very well would have, had Star Colonel Raymond Fetladral not taunted her into accepting. The duel was long and grueling, but in spite of the advantage Tanya's Timber Wolf held against Andrezj's Hellbringer, she was unable to land a shot on the same place twice. In frustration, she stopped moving entirely to take a shot at the Hellbringer's vulnerable side torsos, but managed only to take off it's arm before an alpha strike from the Hellbringer ruptured her mech's engine shielding. She and her mech were claimed as Isorla, but her skills as a marksman and understanding of mobile warfare, along with her hatred-tempered Crusader's zeal, saw her reclaim her warrior status within the year. When Kraz Norizuchi recruited Andrezej Urgans for the 2nd Hellion Lancers, Andrzej insisted that his former bondswoman be included on the roster. She defeated all opponents in a trial of position and claimed command of the cluster's heavy trinary, fittingly designated Gamma trinary.

Andrzej Urgans - Born January 2nd, 3019. Andrzej has turned down more promotions than most warriors are nominated for in their lifetime. Having established himself as a crack shot and one of the most decorated duelists in the Clan, Andrzej has been pressured to accept command duties by countless superior officers, but has declined each one. He has even gone as far as to challenge his commanding officers to trials of refusal when they attempted to force him into command. In spite of this, Andrzej's voice carries massive weight among the bloodnamed of the Clan. Andrzej lives by a code more familiar to a Coyote than an Ice Hellion, prizing his personal prowess and victory in duels above even the victories of the Clan. He is one of the few bloodnamed Hellions to speak out against Pack Hunting Zellbrigen, though he has not gone so far as to actively oppose its use. He simply refuses to take part in it himself, preferring more traditional forms of zellbrigen.

Mechwarrior Dorian - Born November 4th, 3015. Born on Huntress to a Weaver-Showers sibko, Dorian graduated with only a single kill, having only distinguished himself in his sibko by virtue of simply surviving. He never truly excelled or drew attention to himself, but steadfastly held on throughout the rigors of Clan upbringing. His mundane performances lead him to be assigned directly into the 10th Jaguar Regulars, where he all but rotted away in obscurity for decades. He picked up a handful of kills to his name in various small time trials, but was never nominated for a bloodline or promotion. The spectre of a solahma assignment was beginning to loom over Dorian's head when he was defeated and taken bondsman by then-Mechwarrior Margaret of Alpha trinary. Having managed to disable Margaret's mech in the battle, and with the cluster having an empty slot after the death of Lydia Cage, Dorian was given the opportunity to fight again in the cockpit of a salvaged Shadow Hawk IIC.

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #2 on: 13 November 2014, 15:35:13 »
2nd Hellion Lancers, Beta Galaxy, Clan Ice Hellion
CO: Star Colonel Kraz Norizuchi
XO: Star Captain David Taney

"David" Taney?   ;)

...he challenged saKhan Danielle Lienet to a Trial of Refusal. She exercised her right to select a champion, deliberately selecting an up and coming ristar fresh from the sibko as an insult to Kraz's age. Unfortunately for him, his youth was not enough. Kraz snapped the young woman's neck in hand to hand combat before she even had a chance to strike him, securing him both the command of the new Beta Galaxy cluster and the ire of the blood house Lienet.

*cough*  ;)

It might add a little more flavor, if the unit was still rebuilding after the Hellions' Fury campaign and wasn't at 100% strength.  Make it an additional objective for the player to bring the unit up to full strength through trials either with other Clans or within the Clan (for replacement warriors, equipment, etc).  After all saKhan Danielle Lienet, while she was still in charge, would have to sent him the worst possible replacement warriors and equipment that was one step from the junkpile.
« Last Edit: 13 November 2014, 15:40:31 by Archangel »
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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #3 on: 13 November 2014, 22:44:04 »
Ah, gotta go and edit that I guess heh. This unit is actually before the fury campaign - all the games i've played and will play for it are set during the Fury, since that's the main thing I wanted to play anyway.  ;D

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #4 on: 14 November 2014, 00:28:10 »
I'm loving this fluff, Aleks, this is really well done.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1


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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #5 on: 14 November 2014, 02:00:28 »
Ah, gotta go and edit that I guess heh. This unit is actually before the fury campaign - all the games i've played and will play for it are set during the Fury, since that's the main thing I wanted to play anyway.  ;D

Then wouldn't it be even less likely for the unit to be at 100% strength since your Star Colonel has neither the Khan nor the saKhan's favor and more likely to get substandard personnel and equipment (with a few diamonds sneaking in unnoticed).   ;)
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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #6 on: 14 November 2014, 06:15:59 »
Then wouldn't it be even less likely for the unit to be at 100% strength since your Star Colonel has neither the Khan nor the saKhan's favor and more likely to get substandard personnel and equipment (with a few diamonds sneaking in unnoticed).   ;)

Don't worry, as Opfor, he won't be 100% for long  O:-)
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face


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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #7 on: 14 November 2014, 12:51:21 »
Don't worry, as Opfor, he won't be 100% for long  O:-)

At least let the unit off the DropShip before you open fire.   >:D
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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #8 on: 14 November 2014, 21:52:51 »
Then wouldn't it be even less likely for the unit to be at 100% strength since your Star Colonel has neither the Khan nor the saKhan's favor and more likely to get substandard personnel and equipment (with a few diamonds sneaking in unnoticed).   ;)

It could, but honestly I just didn't feel like going that route. Almost all of my units start out as crapheap units with crap tech, and I get bored of them quickly. I'm trying a different starting point with this one.

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #9 on: 20 November 2014, 01:02:59 »
Upon completion of the trials to activate the 2nd Lancers as a unit, they were deployed from Hector to Londerholm. The Coyotes and Smoke Jaguars were their only opponents on the world, and with the bulk of the Smoke Jaguar touman occupied by invasion preparations, the Coyotes were judged to be the greatest threat to Hellion domination of the planet.

    Knowing the Coyotes' fondness for assault mechs, the Freezing Wind deposited Gamma trinary in the grassy highlands at the southern end of the Ice Hellions' territory. While the rest of the cluster continued back to Cache 314, a recently-emptied Brian cache that had been removed from mothballs, Gamma trinary advanced into Coyote territory. As they crossed the border, Star Captain Tanya Carns broadcast a challenge to the enemy commander, laying claim to the most recent shipment of ores produced by the mining enclave located a few miles across the plains. The enclave, situated in the shadow of rocky foothills, was the nearest enclave to Hellion territory. It had the added benefit of being a small enough target to keep the trial small - the Lancers goal was to put the Coyotes on the back foot and disrupt any offensive plans, rather than to start a full scale war.

   The Hellions had a reputation that preceeded them amongst the honor-bound, duel-loving Coyotes. Instead of putting up with the Pack Hunting zellbrigen that they considered abominable, the Coyotes opted to turn the trials into a melee from the very start. The Coyote Star Captain's arrogance was rewarded when, in the first volley of the trial, an ERPPC from Tanya Carn's TImber Wolf punctured the cockpit of his own Timber Wolf, killing him instantly. This first blood dictated the pace of the trial, as the members of Gamma trinary took to emulating their Star Captain - who downed a fresh Hellbringer with another ERPPC blast through its side torso and into the engine - and the famed duelist, Andrzej Urgans. While their mechs took damage, and in some cases were disabled, the Hellion heavy trinary's accurate fire was too much for the Coyotes to withstand. With just under a Star remaining, the Coyotes requested and were granted hegira from the field, with the Hellions claiming all downed machines as isorla.


This trial is actually the reason I gave Tanya the sniper perk. She headshot the Coyote commander's Timber Wolf in the first round of firing, and downed a fresh Hellbringer with a blast to the LT that took down the engine.  It was an insanely lucky game for me, but figured it was epic enough to warrant the special ability.

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #10 on: 21 November 2014, 00:23:35 »
I would have been sad for tanya if her epic showing there hadn't won her some sort of perk or recognition
Шонхорын хурдаар хурцлан давшъя, Чонын зоригоор асан дүрэлзэье, Тэнхээт морьдын туурайгаар нүргэе, Тамгат Чингисийн ухаанаар даръя | Let’s go faster than a falcon, Let’s burn with the wolf’s courage, Let’s roar with the hooves of strong horses, Let’s go with the wisdom of Tamgat Genghis - The Hu, Wolf Totem


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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #11 on: 22 November 2014, 23:58:53 »
Gamma trinary's attack on the Coyotes bought the 2nd the time it needed to establish itself inside Cache 314, which was then redesignated Castle 314. Within days of the attack on the Coyotes, with the majority of the cluster assigned to establishing themselves in their new headquarters, Star Colonel Norizuchi broadcast a challenge to the Smoke Jaguars.

Their target was the farming enclave of Hartman, consisting of a small town and supply depot surrounded by kilometers of grain farmland. While the output of the enclave's farmland is significant, the territory itself was their true objective. Extending the borders of their territory was the first step toward global domination, as well as putting pressure onto the Smoke Jaguar lower castes. With the sudden shortage of food, the local laborers and merchants would be the first to feel the squeeze on their stomachs. Even though over a hundred years had passed since the Londerholm rebellion, the Jaguars had been forced to station additional forces on-planet to suppress revolts ever since.

Star Captain Kaia Yoshida won the right to defend Hartman with her combined-arms trinary. Consisting of a star of Mechs, a star of vehicles and a star of conventional infantry, the Hellions were initially offended by the bid. The bidding for the right to crush the solahma force was fierce, and quickly dropped far below the cutdown before Kraz stepped in and put an end to it. Using his privilege as commanding officer, he set the bid at Alpha trinary with one star of elemental support from Delta trinary - far above what the Star Captains thought necessary, but still significantly under the weight of the lesser-skilled Jaguars.

The Circle of Equals was set in the wooded region around Greythorn ridge, 5 miles outside of Hartman's farming complexes.  The Jaguars sent their VTOLs in first, making first contact with a high-speed strafing run. While it was impressive, the solahma and freebirth pilots did more damage to the countryside than the Hellion mechs.

While the Jaguar Indras unloaded their PBIs, Kaia Yoshida in her Stone Rhino and her XO in his Warhammer IIC set up in a wooded ridge, throwing honor and zellbrigen to the wind in favor of direct fire support. She casually threw her tanks and infantry into the Hellion blitz, peppering them with PPC and Gauss fire. What initially appeared to be her plan working - a star of Hellion mechs broke off and slowed to deal with the Indras and their infantry - turned out to be a horrible mistep, as Star Commander Grant Moore's elementals quickly tore into the unarmored infantrymen. Though the primarily-freebirth troopers fought valiantly, it was ultimately futile, as the elementals massacred them by the dozens. It was not without cost, however, as every star took damage from the combined firepower of the Indras and the infantry. Grant Moore himself was the only survivor of his star, though most of his starmates died attempting to swarm the Jaguar Warhammer IIC.
A handful of Hellion mechs were disabled or destroyed, but the Jaguar forces were in a near route. Seeing this, and knowing that his unit could ill-afford to take heavy losses this early into the campaign, Star Colonel Norizuchi offered the Jaguars hegira from the field, claiming as isorla any machines that could not leave under their own power. Interestingly, the Jaguar Star Captain accepted... with a condition. She challenged not just Norizuchi, but his entire unit to a duel - alone. Her Stone Rhino against the entire surviving Hellion force.

Kraz accepted without hesitation, commanding the elementals to re-mount their paired mechs and for all units to make an all-out charge on the Stone Rhino's location. Yoshida's greatest victory came when her mech drove a gauss slug through the cockpit of Star Commander Lydia Cage's Shadow Cat, killing the bloodnamed mechwarrior instantly. Unfortunately for her, her remaining shots could not score more than a disabling blow, and soon a PPC blast from Kraz's Ice Ferret punctured her cockpit and killed her... while her mech was torn to shreds by the combined fire of the entire trinary.

The lancers irreparably lost four mechs, though the equipment they salvaged was enough to keep the unit armed. Replacing Star Commander Cage was harder, however. Before the unit's roster could be restored, a new Star Commander had to be selected.

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: 2nd Hellion Lancers (3048)
« Reply #12 on: 23 November 2014, 00:12:46 »
Wow, what a great write-up of that fight (and I was looking forward to it!). It really captures just how epic and brutal it was.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
- Klarg1