Author Topic: Guided Missile Cruiser 'Gräfin Janine Aten'  (Read 2633 times)

dirty harry

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Guided Missile Cruiser 'Gräfin Janine Aten'
« on: 12 April 2011, 12:00:14 »
Guided Missile Cruiser 'Gräfin Janine Aten'

Skye is wellknown for its bluewater navy. After encountering several WoB attacks, some of those funboys thought of something more violent than a tiny Sea Skimmer. Plans arrouse to build a real bluewater naval vessel that could terrify most enemies and be a fleet-in-being. Skye Pleasure Craft was interested but had not had the shipyard available. Still, as one of the major blue water ship producers, they were tasked with the construction of such a ship that could fly the Skye colours proudly.
In order to face the sometimes shallow waters of their world the design team opted for a somewhat smaller ship limiting its maximum weight to 12.000 metric tons. The design would measure 150 meters in length with a depth of 7,6 meters, thereby able to manoveur in shallow coastal waters (but carefully...). Armarment should fill the enemy with fear, but most weapon systems were insanly large thereby killing the estimated size. Finally SPC centered its design around a Cruise missile/50 launcher, the smallest system so far available. It was placed as a VLS right in front of the command module with 40 missiles available. A single turret in front of it mounted a twin arm Arrow IV launcher with 20 tons of missiles in a hullmounted ammo bin, supporting it with a wide array of specialised ammunition. A single ER-PPC was added to inflict damage even after depleting the massive cache. A second turret was mounted behind the command module featuring twin LB-X 10 and twin heavy PPCs as multipurpose armament against any enemy who tries to close in. Four LRT 15 were placed along the sides to encounter submarines while several sidemounted medium ER-Lasers were meant for added protection as well as six AMS with enough ammo to survive an encounter. The rear of the ship was filled with a helideck and four light vehicle cubicles usually housing two combat helicopters, one cargo VTOL and airborne early warning radar. The command module itself houses quarters, a galley, an advanced communication gear and a single M.A.S.H. with three added theaters. The whole design was constructed with environmental sealing and armored chassis as the blue prints should be licensed to several other planets with a much more hostile outside. Propulsion was delivered by a fission plant generating enough power to speed up the ship up to incredible 88 km/h. Unfortunately this high speed will undoubtly cause damage to the impellers as they reach cavitative speed thereby shredding the metal. The other real painful disadvantage of this ship was its rather inferiour armor. SPC had only industrial armor available and using BAR 10 rated material, the best they could get, it was not enough to silence the critics.
The entire designs was halted after the integration of Skye into the Republic of the Sphere. Skye Pleasure Craft still tries to sell the blueprint to other worlds but it seems as the RotS will take down the entire project as it counters their peaceloving ambitions. Other people say it is because of the limited use of the ship, but those comments haven't been proved.

Leichter Raketenkreuzer 'Gräfin Janine Aten'
Type: Large naval vessel
Tonnage: 12.000 tons
Template C (5 hexes long, 1 level high, 2 level below the waterline, attackers gain -2 to hit)
Tech Level: F
Chassis modifications: armored, environmental sealing
Structural weight: 4039,5 t
Structure Value: 36
Engine: Fission
Cruising: 6
Flanking: 9
Engine weight: 5616 t
Heat Sinks (90): 90 t
Armor (BAR 10): 689 points
Armor weight: 36 t
Front: 87
Front right/left: 87/87
Rear right/left: 87/87
Rear: 80
Turrets 1 & 2: 87

Crew: 101 enlisted, 21 officers

Features: advanced fire control, helipad + 4 vehicle cubicles, 10 t communication equipment, M.A.S.H. with 3 additional theaters, field kitchen, 15 lifeboats and 234 t cargo bay.

1 Cruise Missile 50 (with 40 missiles), 2 Arrow IV (with 20 tons of ammo), 4 LRT 15 (with 6 tons of ammo), 2 LB-X 10 (with 8 tons of ammo), 6 AMS (with 16 tons of ammo), 2 heavy PPCs, 1 ER-PPC, 9 medium ER-Lasers

Section 1: 1 medium ER-Laser (front)
  Turret 1: 2 Arrow IV, 1 ER-PPC
Section 2: 1 LST 15 (front right/ front left), 2 medium ER-Lasers (front right/ front left), 1 AMS (Front, front right, front left), 1 Cruise Missile 50 (Body)
Section 3: -
Section 4: 1 LST 15 (front right/ front left), 2 medium ER-Lasers (front right/ front left), 1 AMS (rear, rear right, rear left)
  Turret 2: 2 LB-X 10, 2 heavy PPC
Section 5:  Helipad

Finally this was the maximum i could achieve. Its 155 item slots are filled to the last one. 689 points of armor are maximum according to TO and i am totally aware it won't last really long as template C still implies a -2 attacking this ship. I added environmental sealing to decrease the cargo bay. Without environmental sealing, the structure will weight 2000 tons less. First i planned the ship with only 5/8 but the cavernous cargo bay wispered 6/9. So this is the result.

