Author Topic: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg  (Read 16683 times)

Savage Coyote

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`Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« on: 03 July 2015, 07:49:35 »

So for your ‘Mech of the Week pleasure (with some Alpha Strike Unit of the Week mixed in) we have the Blitzkrieg.  This Coventry Metal Works product comes to us in TRO 3060 and was born during the Jade Falcon Incursion of 3058.  Martha Pryde and crew made the planet of Coventry and it’s valuable ‘Mech factories their playground and invited the rest of the Inner Sphere to come blood their warriors.  One of the casualties to almost no one but the Coventry Metal Works board of directors surprise was the Hollander.  Its weak armor couldn’t stand up to return long-range fire that the Clans tend to bring when they go on the warpath.  So a lot of them went down and they did a poor job of defending the factory.  Thankfully for CMW, the Falcons weren’t there to collect, just destroy, and they eventually left.  They also left behind several examples of intact Ultra Autocannon 20-class weapons.  This got the wheels turning and CMW decided to do something that on the surface of social generals, assault ‘mech recon lances, and general incompetence stereotypes of the Lyran people might seem strange, actually follows in the steps of many of the Inner Sphere’s greatest medium `Mechs.  Well, maybe.

So to start off with, we look at the weapon.  With the help of the Free Worlds League, who’d been setting the Ultra Autocannon 10-class weapon up, Defiance Industries developed the Inner Sphere Ultra 20-class autocannon and slapped it on their Demolisher II tank.  CMW took this weapon and decided to mate it onto something different.  Clocking in at fifty tons, the Blitzkrieg is in the upper bands of medium `Mech units.  It mounts the massive autocannon which, when the dice gods favor you, can dish out two twenty point hits.  This is combined with endo-steel and a 350 XL engine which sends said weapon moving at up to 119kph.  Wait, back up!  A weapon that has the potential to drop forty points of damage while moving around the battlefield that fast?  Well, yes, though the Saladin has been doing it for a while, a BattleMech has not. 

The Lyrans went one further and gave it four tons of ammo, which means that at full rate, you have ten turns of hurling lead down range.  This is decent endurance for most encounters, although in an extended, running battle or a campaign, you have to be careful of your ammunition expenditure.  Ten double heat sinks are standard and laugh at the attempts of the Blitzkrieg to overheat.  You’ll need some inferno or plasma help to accomplish that. 

One of the complaints of the old Hollander is that it has no secondary weapons to protect itself.  Apparently the engineers, in their haste to MAKE IT FASTER didn’t glance all the way down on the Hollander complaint sheet.   And since I said “one of” you know there’s another problem.  The armor.  We chose firepower and speed and left the armor back on the assault `Mechs.  At 6.5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor, you get a measly 116 points for a fifty ton `Mech.  Not good.  To put it into perspective, the bog-standard WLF-2 Wolfhound has a 119 points of armor on a thirty five ton `Mech.

So, using a 3F Blitzkrieg goes two ways generally.  You are either leading lighter elements that can keep up with you (at the time of it’s introduction, I believe only the Stealth could do that in the Lyran arsenal or the occasional Wraith as far as medium `Mechs are concerned) or you are waiting for an opportunity to race in and unload on someone.  Both are dangerous, though the latter has a higher chance of surviving.  See, when a weapon like that with a shorter range is on the battlefield, people tend to get a little trigger happy and send you extra love, no matter how fast you are.  While some people might consider 7/11 fast and fast enough for the Blitzkrieg to do it’s job, I disagree and have watched these things get blasted out of existence.  No one likes for some little guy to try and play with the big boys.  Some players are very irrational about big guns moving fast and will open up with their whole force to remove the offender.  That said, if you can hang out on the flanks scaring the excrement out of medium and light `Mech jocks and wait for that moment when the Wall of Steel is fully in the thick of it, THEN race in, well, now there’s target priority.  And because you can get in someone’s rear and really ruin their day, you may still die.  At least you made the choice tough for the enemy right?

Combating one is pretty simple.  It has light ‘mech armor and annoying but not unhittable speed.  Any time it is sporting a +3 THM, light it up.  It can’t take much abuse.  It can only get the magical +4 when it moves it’s full movement in a straight line or it turns once.  Pulse, precision AC rounds, artillery (what?  It’s a 7/11 UAC-20,) and targeting computers all make the job easier.  It does have to die though.  Any half-way competent player will be in your face spraying twenty point hits like a lawn sprinkler working over a yard.

Before moving on to the variant, I thought I’d also toss a little Alpha Strike love here.

Pretty simple to digest.  No specials, 3/3/0 damage curve, speed 14” which misses out getting a +4 TMM.  It’s armor and internals are ho-hum (people will kill this guy pretty quickly) and while 25 points isn’t bad for what you get, you lose out on one other aspect that wasn’t mentioned above:  no head capping or blowing open/off torsos for kills.  See, Alpha Strike simplifies things down and pesky time consuming things like individual hit locations are gone.  This is good for time, but bad for things that like to lop off heads (or blast out XL engines.)  On top of this, for three more points, you can get a 4S Nightsky which does everything you do in the damage department, except gains an armor point, the ENE and MEL special, and can jump, albeit two less inches so has to jump to equal the Blitzkrieg's TMM.

So, moving onto the 4F variant.  Like all of the `Mech of the Week articles that I've penned, I’ve covered units I’ve been forutunate enough to add a variant to during the 3060 and 3067 volunteer unit creation thank you that FanPro/CGL/whoever gave us.  We designed a ‘mech or two, submitted it along with a fluff reason for existence, crossed our fingers hoping it beat out any competitors, and then they announced what was chosen.  I want to say there was at least one other Blitzkrieg variant, but mine won out and the 4F was born.

My fluff reason was pretty simple:  The Word of Blake was in the midst of producing their own version of the Blitzkrieg to add to their armies.  When the coalition rolled into Coventry they found all the necessary parts to make a few production runs (two IIRC) and so with the factory already set up, thought why not?

Of course, in the real world, we were tasked with using the “newly introduced” Total Warfare technologies to create variants.  It could be as simple as tossing a small cockpit or XL gyro or much more extensive.  I chose to use three for this one.  The XL gyro, Heavy PPC, and light ferro-fibrous armor.  The weight savings from these and the weapon/ammo swap was invested into armor, jump jets, a C3 slave and a targeting computer.  And when I mean invest, I mean max jumping distance and max armor.  Gone are the days of “good enough” for the Hollander/Blitzkrieg mess!  Combined with the C3 slave, you have a spotter that can still issue head capping goodness, now out to a much longer range, or use that range and other spotters to send in highly accurate lightning bolts.  I kind of liked how it turned out.

I will also confess that my “Word of Blake version” had C3i and an ECM in place of the targeting computer and C3 slave, but that’s unofficial.  In my quick backstory the coalition used what was on hand (or something) and not wanting to use the C3i instead went with other components.  I was just getting back to BattleTech when this happened and hadn’t read how coalition forces replaced Blakist equipment with certain combinations of stuff.

What did the 4F lose?  Well, for starters, it can only ever do fifteen damage to you.  This means that you can't force a piloting skill roll.  Ever.  At least from range.  A 4F jock doesn't really want to be point blank with anything to kick or "punch" so he will need a partner to get another five points of damage to force that PSR.  Now, that fifteen points of damage is in one place and if you hit the head or go deep inside a torso you’ve ruined someone’s day, but there is no more “here’s forty points of damage!”  I’m a bit pragmatic and unlucky so the appeal of the UAC weapon never took with me.  I’d rather have the consistent damage than not.  Beyond that, the roll changed for the `Mech, with spotting and sniper duties being common.  I’d say armor improved, though the XL gyro is a gamble and makes it easier to slip gyro crits in when you hit it.  Both units rely on Inner Sphere XL engines to go zoom zoom so it's no surprise that if you lose a torso for any of them they are toast.

How to use one?  As I was just starting, it makes a good spotter for the limited Lyran C3 networks.  Sadly it is very expensive in terms of BV (1740) and that’s before any C3 BV calculations are added.   It’s a good skirmisher and lone wolf, as the targeting computer will help you land shots, even when jumping.  You do have to watch your heat a little, though it’s very manageable and with the jump jets you can afford to burn into the red a little.  You can play the finesse game with this one, keeping at medium-to-long range due to the weapons range.  You won't make any friends playing this way, but you can stay alive.

Fighting against one?  ECM is a good start if it’s networked.  After that, you shoot it with guns.  Lots of guns.  It’s armor will help it more so than it’s parent design, but the XL engine and XL gyro will make it more vulnerable to your fire.  It gets to be Wraith-annoying with it’s jets, though the Heavy PPC does have a minimum range to consider.

So, for Alpha Strike, the roll of the 4F changes to Skirmisher.  It's fast with decent armor and firepower, fitting the definition nicely (the author was able to get it changed from Ambusher, which was an error when you look at the Alpha Strike Companion definitions.)  You have six armor now and still two internals, and now you strike two damage out to all ranges.  It’s consistent, though less than the parent.  The long range helps with C3 nets, where it’s 33 points already has the C3S special figured into it.  The speed, just like it’s BattleTech self, allows it to be either a spotter or stand off and use someone else’s data.  The other two specials are ENE (no ammo hits!) and MHQ1, which if you are using the Battlefield Intelligence, can be handy (and tends to come hand in hand with C3S.) 

I think each Blitzkrieg has it’s place as they are different for how you use them in Alpha Strike.  They are fragile and neither’s head capping potential translates into this aspect of the game.  You win some and you lose some!  With the 4F, you do keep the duel nature I was going for in that you play the midfielder or backup spotter in the lance, and so I am glad that translation made it!

CamoSpecs has a few Blitzkriegs for you to see (I even painted one!!)

Check out the Blitzkrieg on the MUL:
« Last Edit: 03 July 2015, 14:00:40 by Savage Coyote »


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #1 on: 03 July 2015, 08:26:30 »
This is a mech that is definately built to go hooting and gibbering into the middle of an enemy force bellow WITNESS ME! and then cut someone in half with a double ultra burst into an assault mech's back.

Great review of a very quirky mech :)
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #2 on: 03 July 2015, 09:27:17 »
best thing about the blitzkrieg is that when you DO jam the UAC, you can STILL do 30-40 damage... Just charge them! :D

A. Lurker

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #3 on: 03 July 2015, 09:37:44 »
What did the 4F lose?  Well, for starters, it can only ever do fifteen damage to you.  Sure it’s in one place and if you hit the head or go deep inside a torso you’ve ruined someone’s day, but there is no more “here’s forty points of damage!”  I’m a bit pragmatic and unlucky so the appeal of the UAC weapon never took with me.  I’d rather have the consistent damage than not.

What it also obviously loses is the ability to force a PSR unless its pilot is crazy enough to get physical. Even in single-shot mode and only hitting the target in its best-plated spot, the 3F's UAC/20 can potentially knock an enemy 'Mech on its shiny metal keister all by itself, which occasionally comes in handy when faced with the prospect of having to make itself scarce again right the next turn. The 4F has inarguably better range (and should stick to it since its HPPC loses accuracy up close and personal anyway), but to unlock that particular achievement it needs a partner.


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #4 on: 03 July 2015, 10:09:49 »
With art like that, though, It's just begging to have a version with a turret.

Savage Coyote

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #5 on: 03 July 2015, 12:05:58 »
What it also obviously loses is the ability to force a PSR unless its pilot is crazy enough to get physical. Even in single-shot mode and only hitting the target in its best-plated spot, the 3F's UAC/20 can potentially knock an enemy 'Mech on its shiny metal keister all by itself, which occasionally comes in handy when faced with the prospect of having to make itself scarce again right the next turn. The 4F has inarguably better range (and should stick to it since its HPPC loses accuracy up close and personal anyway), but to unlock that particular achievement it needs a partner.

Hmm, yeah, I think that was the line of thinking I was going for, but the 4F section of the article was done while also chasing my almost 9 month old son who crawls in every direction at once.  I mean, it was, I just didn't spell it out.  Thank!  I'll amend the article to spell it out and reflect it!
« Last Edit: 03 July 2015, 12:25:02 by Savage Coyote »


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #6 on: 03 July 2015, 12:34:14 »
The Blitzkrieg is just weird, CMW found out that the Hollander was a Glass Cannon (something that was kinda obvious) so the try to replace it with another Glass Cannon? And you have to get in close to use that weapon (with Ultas, the closer the better) and that's just asking for trouble no matter how fast you flank. One of the more obvious solutions is to give it a Gauss Rifle and make it a crazy fast sniper like the Hollander it was replacing but it would seem CMW suddenly became obsessed with the idea of a fast moving Urbie (slapping a Heavy Gauss on the Hollander II )

At least the Blitzkrieg inspired the Legionnaire, a mech with the same speed and 3 more tons of armor. 
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #7 on: 03 July 2015, 13:06:46 »
I recently found that a good coating of inferno gel can really ruin a Blitzkreig's day.  I had one dash in on a fire support lance (three Longbow 7Qs and Stalker 3H) and double tap me so I let go at it with the Stalker, missed with all the lasers but hit with both SRMs and got enough inferno hits to max out the external heat.  Next turn the Blitzkreig was at -2 movement and +2 to hit, making it dramatically less threatening and much easier to finish off - although it did help that he double tapped my Stalker again (and missed) at which point I just drove him up to 26 heat whereupon he shut down - and exploded...

I've never commanded one myself, however, so that's my only Blitzkreig anecdote...
« Last Edit: 03 July 2015, 13:12:18 by Getz »

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #8 on: 03 July 2015, 13:09:50 »
I think they were going with the old idea that speed is armor, which we all know isn't. Armor is armor.

 Think about it this way though; as a security Mech defending an instillation it would work pretty well. The falcons come a callin again, use some arty to soften them up and send in the blitzys.

 I haven't had a chance ( yet ) to try alpha strike but I know in regular BT the arms work as extra armor to protect that fragile xl.
 It does suffer a bit from the new toy syndrome ( let's threw our new UAC20 into something!). I think of it as a bigger commando. Let the big boys play a bit then come in for the kill when other things with better armor are there. It certainly has the speed to do that.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #9 on: 03 July 2015, 13:16:53 »
I take it, that it has endo steel, and no hand actuators.  Using my HMP to remake it, going 50 tons, 350xl, and ferro, i can put the UAC20 and 4 tons of ammo in, but i only get 4tons of armor.  Shifting to endo though does give me the extra tonnage..

Perhaps If they dropped to a 6/9, and sported MASC they could have kept the feel while maxing out armor.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #10 on: 03 July 2015, 13:29:24 »
On reflection, it's also one of the stranger-looking designs out there. The autocannon in the picture looks rather more like some extra-decorative energy weapon to me (then again, maybe that's the 4F we're looking at?), clearly shoots over the pilot's head (or at least I assume those black panels in front are supposed to be the cockpit), and overall kind of seems to have been mounted with a concept like "if the 'Mech's going forward too fast, the pilot can just use the recoil to brake!" in mind... :)


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #11 on: 03 July 2015, 13:43:42 »
Shouldn't it get the "No/Minimal Arms" quirk?

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #12 on: 03 July 2015, 13:53:41 »
Hmm, yeah, I think that was the line of thinking I was going for, but the 4F section of the article was done while also chasing my almost 9 month old son who crawls in every direction at once.  I mean, it was, I just didn't spell it out.  Thank!  I'll amend the article to spell it out and reflect it!

Wait until he walks... then runs...
It's a good article, bonus points for getting it done with lil'n's around

I'm not a fan of any mech with one weapon when that weapon can jam so easily (I have bad luck with UAC's).  I do like the idea of a fast medium that can force a PSR

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #13 on: 03 July 2015, 13:58:02 »
Good points.  Both variants were released before quirks, but I'm sure it would if/when quirks are assigned to older units I'd imagine.  It is for sure missing anything resembling arms.

It does include endo steel and ferro-fibrous armor, both of which help it do what it does.  I will edit in the construction section to reflect that.  I guess I just got to "speed fast from engine go!" and kind of didn't comment on that!

The art is from 3060; to my knowledge the only art for the 4F is my miniature where I just whittled down the, uh, things on the barrel.

As for slowing it down, the Lyrans went and made the 6S Hunchback that does the same thing but... probably better.  it is 6/9 with a LB-20X, two ERML's, and a SRM-6.  I used one in MegaMek the other day in a lance with a Nightsky 4S, Gauntlet C, and Uziel 8S.  Having that kind of firepower keeping up with a lance that fast was a blessing AND the 160 armor points to back it up.  The intro date of 3063 for that Hunchback is also pretty funny, as it's almost a direct competitor to the 3F Blitzkrieg's mission (bringing a BFG into someone's face quickly.)


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #14 on: 03 July 2015, 15:10:12 »
Where is the 6S hunchback from? I didn't see it on Sarna?
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #15 on: 03 July 2015, 15:12:36 »
Where is the 6S hunchback from? I didn't see it on Sarna?

Edit : Nm. 3050 rs upgrades. Found it in the MUL
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #16 on: 03 July 2015, 15:28:01 »
I have a love-hate relationship with the Blitzkrieg.  I am absolutely infatuated with the concept of fast Strikers in Alpha Strike, and use them more than any other single 'Mech type, period.  I adore the Blitzkrieg in that light, with a solid 3/3/0 or 2/2/2 that scoots around the field in an 'armored enough' package.

I hate the idea of seeing them across the table, and since my primary Worth Opponent fields primarily Lyran units, the Blitzkrieg ends up on the other side.  I also play Marik, which means I'm obligated to hate all Lyran equipment on sight. :D
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #17 on: 03 July 2015, 15:31:03 »
Don't be a hater... Embrace the fist. Besides, there's always salvage.

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Savage Coyote

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #18 on: 03 July 2015, 15:58:28 »
I have a love-hate relationship with the Blitzkrieg.  I am absolutely infatuated with the concept of fast Strikers in Alpha Strike, and use them more than any other single 'Mech type, period.  I adore the Blitzkrieg in that light, with a solid 3/3/0 or 2/2/2 that scoots around the field in an 'armored enough' package.

I hate the idea of seeing them across the table, and since my primary Worth Opponent fields primarily Lyran units, the Blitzkrieg ends up on the other side.  I also play Marik, which means I'm obligated to hate all Lyran equipment on sight. :D

To be the bearer of good news, the FWL fields the Blitzkrieg via trade deals for their help on the UAC-20.  The 4F is only used by the Regulans in the Republic era though.  Check out the MUL, you'd be surprised by what the Mariks can get sometimes :D


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #19 on: 03 July 2015, 17:43:18 »
his got the wheels turning and CMW decided to do something that on the surface of social generals, assault ‘mech recon lances, and general incompetence stereotypes of the Lyran people might seem strange, actually follows in the steps of many of the Inner Sphere’s greatest medium `Mechs.
I think this sentence either needs a "which", or a but.
That said, insightful article.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #20 on: 04 July 2015, 07:51:10 »
Think about it this way though; as a security Mech defending an instillation it would work pretty well. The falcons come a callin again, use some arty to soften them up and send in the blitzys.

Can I pilot a different mech, please?
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #21 on: 04 July 2015, 09:58:21 »
If you like...
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #22 on: 04 July 2015, 19:05:47 »
Not sitting here with HMP, how crit packed is the original design?

I mean there are a few things that could make it interesting as time goes on- such as Stealth Armor or Supercharger.  Or perhaps some of the other advanced armors . . . would the Foxes sell enough FL armor for the 3140s Lyrans to field this against the marauding Falcons?

The other question is, would you like a different BFG?  We already have a HPPC, but what about a pair of PPCs with capacitors?  LB-20X?  yeah the rip off, a RAC/5?
Colt Ward
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #23 on: 04 July 2015, 19:54:44 »
Not sitting here with HMP, how crit packed is the original design?

It mounts Endo-Steel, FF armor, and an XL engine.  It's got precisely three leftover crit spaces.

I used to use this mech pretty often when I first started playing, it's a rather impressive death-or-glory mech.  But it's a one-trick pony that gets boring quickly.  I found that rather than using it to attack heavier enemies, the best success I had was to run down smaller mechs that the autocannon could kill or cripple with a single shot.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #24 on: 04 July 2015, 20:19:32 »
Well, the BFG takes up a few crits too which is why I was looking at some less crit intense options.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #25 on: 04 July 2015, 21:33:29 »
I've not seen a lot of good luck using this machine.  It's a bruiser for sure, but I've seen skid tesst done resulting the this thing sliding off maps gaming groups I've played use. XD

I have miniature of it, not caring for it. I painted (I'm not hot painter) in Red Baron flier colors from World War I as not to it's German name.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #26 on: 04 July 2015, 22:49:27 »
I've run Blitzs a lot. I usually run them in pairs and lances with Veterans. If they are caught in the open, They are usually done. But if you see them behind Trees or Level 2+hills just waiting for you to get close or lose initiative, then bubble of death doesn't even begin to describe the level of fear they bring to the field. an opponent can't make a mistake at Range 13-14 either those mechs on the field. Especially lightly armored or outnumbered Heavy and Assault Mechs. I use them like lancers during 17th century warfare. Rush in and blast or as mobile land mines.
Their is no problem Jump Jets and an assault class auto-cannon can't handle.


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #27 on: 05 July 2015, 05:24:19 »
I think it misses on an LBX version.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #28 on: 06 July 2015, 12:13:51 »
I agree, an LB 20-X version would be nice.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #29 on: 06 July 2015, 16:17:25 »
On reflection, it's also one of the stranger-looking designs out there. The autocannon in the picture looks rather more like some extra-decorative energy weapon to me (then again, maybe that's the 4F we're looking at?), clearly shoots over the pilot's head (or at least I assume those black panels in front are supposed to be the cockpit), and overall kind of seems to have been mounted with a concept like "if the 'Mech's going forward too fast, the pilot can just use the recoil to brake!" in mind... :)

Yeah, the panels near the front are the cockpit. There's an image of children playing around the ruined cockpit of a Blitzkrieg in the FedCom Civil War Sourcebook- took me a while to realize that's what it was, but... that's the one. I don't have a page reference handy at the moment though.

As for the Mech... both versions are favorites of mine, leading in other fast units. Dash in with several fast-movers, blow a hole with the big gun, then fill it with SRMs and lasers from the other units. Marvelous! One can only wish that an LB-20X version came along as a nifty little tank hunter. As it is though, this is a very flawed but useful monster. I very much recommend them- so long as you plan its attack very, very carefully. Don't get hit until you absolutely have to!
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