Author Topic: Battletech Long Island  (Read 164682 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #840 on: 24 November 2016, 08:18:49 »
Hi, Charles  (don't know if/when you'll read this, but...)

I want to offer a couple of (I think) relevant thoughts on the whole bargaining/arms for hostages thing.  I'm not trying to explain that I'm right and you're wrong, I just offer for you thought/comment.

Firstly, in character, the battletech universe is a place where ransoming lost equipment is not unusual.  Justin Xiang in Warrior: Riposte remembers a warrior offering a bottle of Palos champagne as a ransom to have his mech returned to him.  I may be wrong, but I believe that's the reference.  We are in the Clan era where that probably isn't as common as it used to be, and admittedly having someone threaten to shoot a downed mech definitely isn't as clearcut a comparison, but this person isn't Caesar, as an example, who has been known around this area of the Periphery for killing people simply as a distraction.

first Charles has never come to the on here that i remember lol

but my comment is simply this sooner or later the frustration level of the bogus radio coms may hit a explosive level soon it may come to a point when fielded units simply dont trust anything broad casted to them that is not directly from command central

with that in mind my commander will ask if we can we put in place a rolling code system with the government where it has to proceed any real transmissions and one that only our government contact provides every day so that the moles in the government cant get a hold of it and use it against us

this way if he delivers it each morning himself to the base commanders we give it to our people directly it is much less likely any unsubs working against the governor can get a hold of it

this is just a thought that my commander will present and she will suggest also that we be given permission to assume questionable transmissions are bogus  when on the field as the raiders have been using them over and over against us and vital time is being wasted trying to confirm them unfortunately we will have to be prepared that this may step on some toes but it seems a firmer stance is needed to solve the raiding issues

and while i myself am pissed off that the let me leave or ill kill your personnel card was played and i do agree that the loss of personnel and equipment is something we do need to consider we have just set a dangerous line in the sand that being that we will back off if we are threaten enough

i think we the commanders need to meet with the our contact and see if we can set up some traps to try and draw the raiders out of the wood work where we can leak info about some high level equipment being tested somewhere that can be set up as a trap, we can have forces hidden and wait to see if any raiders show up planning it will take a bit of time so it will hopefully give us time to free up our forces

just a few thoughts lol


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #841 on: 25 November 2016, 17:25:07 »
first Charles has never come to the on here that i remember lol

He has been on a few time so  ;)

but my comment is simply this sooner or later the frustration level of the bogus radio coms may hit a explosive level soon it may come to a point when fielded units simply dont trust anything broad casted to them that is not directly from command central

Your comms are set with codes. They are also encrypted. You have not had bogus comm traffic from your command authorities. Yes you have had to check on comm traffic from others but we do have other players on rock and things do need to be checked out.

with that in mind my commander will ask if we can we put in place a rolling code system with the government where it has to proceed any real transmissions and one that only our government contact provides every day so that the moles in the government cant get a hold of it and use it against us

See above about comms security.
As for others messing around only so much can be done. Also knowing who is tapping in works to our (government types) advantage

this way if he delivers it each morning himself to the base commanders we give it to our people directly it is much less likely any unsubs working against the governor can get a hold of it

See above

this is just a thought that my commander will present and she will suggest also that we be given permission to assume questionable transmissions are bogus  when on the field as the raiders have been using them over and over against us and vital time is being wasted trying to confirm them unfortunately we will have to be prepared that this may step on some toes but it seems a firmer stance is needed to solve the raiding issues

Working from that angle can be very bad. The one time it is not and you take action will hurt all involved. Better to play it save. But the players get to make that call.

I recall a mission were the team went in guns a blazing and how did that go.

and while i myself am pissed off that the let me leave or ill kill your personnel card was played and i do agree that the loss of personnel and equipment is something we do need to consider we have just set a dangerous line in the sand that being that we will back off if we are threaten enough

This is a double sided sword you are playing with.
1) You want to push it then others will do the same
2) That will put your units in the same class as bandits
3) Others will not show any quarter fighting you as they will know you will not show them any
4) Getting personal to work for you will get interesting as most will not work for you because what if it is them on the line
5) the unit under threat may be yours and the others not backing down. Think hard on this one.

i think we the commanders need to meet with the our contact and see if we can set up some traps to try and draw the raiders out of the wood work where we can leak info about some high level equipment being tested somewhere that can be set up as a trap, we can have forces hidden and wait to see if any raiders show up planning it will take a bit of time so it will hopefully give us time to free up our forces

just a few thoughts lol

That is for you the players to do if you want. But all players have to go for the plan as the missions are joint missions to keep all involved

This comes down to all players talking with each other. Working together. Players need to always keep in mind that you are separate commands, have different reasons why you are on world, but working for the same people.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #842 on: 25 November 2016, 18:09:19 »
Has my person on special assignment come up with anything?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #843 on: 25 November 2016, 18:17:00 »
Has my person on special assignment come up with anything?

PM me on this


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #844 on: 28 November 2016, 12:23:31 »
“Captain Elizabeth Cohon”
“I am Lieutenant Richards from the DropShip Broken Dream.”
“You are our transport to Nejiro?”
“Correct. I will show you and your crew to quarters. I understand you have been in space for sometime.”
“Yes. My team and I have put some many miles in on this one.”
“Well you will be on Nejiro in a few weeks. I’ll bet you and your team will be very happy to have your feet back on the ground.”
“That we will.”
“Just one thing from the Captain, during you time on the Dream our crew will bump you to Major so that we have only Captain on the ship. This cuts down on problems of command.”
“Yes, I have seen this on many ships over my time in service. Thank You for letting me know that your ship also does this”
“Very good Major. You will be quartered here. Your officers have the cabin just down the way and the rest of your team will be on the next deck down.”

“Nejiro Control this is the DropShip Broken Dream, we request permission enter landing traffic pattern. Over”
“Nejiro Control to Broken Dream your cleared to enter pattern. Over”
“Thank You Control. We are entering pattern”

“Nejiro Control to Broken Dream we need you to alter course to 273.8 by 175.2 by 98.4. Over”
“Roger Control 273.8 by 175.2 by 98.4. Over May I ask why to course change? Over”
“Nejiro Control to Broken Dream we need some of your passengers to disembark early. Over”
“Roger Control. We will inform them. How many will be needed
“Control to Dream two will be fine”
“Lieutenant Richards please inform Major Cohon that she will need to disembark some personal early”
“Yes Captain.”
"Lieutenant inform the drop crews to prep two pods for them.”
“Yes sir”
“Bridge to drop crews prep to pods for drop.”
“Drop team to bridge roger two pods for drop.”
“Lt Richards to Major Cohon we have a request from your employers to drop two of your unit on a different location”

Jack Nakatomi to all commands we have a new unit that is part of the defense force. Full introductions will be made after the unit has off loaded.
« Last Edit: 28 November 2016, 22:24:10 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #845 on: 28 November 2016, 16:38:06 »
Which player will be pulling the strings of these characters?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #846 on: 28 November 2016, 18:44:20 »
Which player will be pulling the strings of these characters?

Who was in charge of the last OP


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #847 on: 28 November 2016, 21:21:55 »
very nice intro to her joining the game welcome aboard !!!


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #848 on: 02 December 2016, 03:57:35 »
OK next op

the desert outpost from mission 7 has reported armed persons in the area. they need help to cover the area and have asked.

this mission is an infantry only mission. pick up to two units from your infantry. no mech or armored units on this one. the big guns stay home.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #849 on: 02 December 2016, 17:29:31 »
sorry i will miss it im going to be getting some culture, going to the nutcracker that day

fight well my friends shoot someone for me !!!!!


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #850 on: 03 December 2016, 20:21:46 »
I'm saddened that you won't be there, but I hope you enjoy yourself.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #851 on: 09 December 2016, 16:46:37 »

Nejiro News 1 update

Controversy and criticism  continue to surround the recently announced and Ministry approved plans for the new industrial parks and the expansion of commercial and residential districts in Hilo. Many of the dissenters are claiming  that the Governor is showing too much favor to a personal friend and that the expansion is too costly in addition to the millions already being spent in recovery and reconstruction. Other dissenters claim that expanding the city will make it the target of more raids and that there is not enough security now. 


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #852 on: 09 December 2016, 17:15:47 »
Are these expansions in the areas recently devastated by our little "accident"?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #853 on: 09 December 2016, 17:24:20 »
That would be yes


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #854 on: 09 December 2016, 17:43:16 »
Dr. Kira Musashi

Enclosed please find an invitation for your elder grandson Miyamoto to attend courses at the Marine Advanced Warfighting School. An acceptance letter and full scholarship offer for your younger grandson Shiro to attend Akai Yoake Military Academy. In addition please find bonus checks in the amount of five hundred c-bills for each employee of the unit. With the grateful thanks of the Governor for the participation of the Dragon's Clutch MASH unit in the Search and Rescue operations during the Hilo Emergency.

Also enclosed please find invitations for each of your grandsons and a plus one to attend the private celebration of Damon Saganami's eighteenth birthday at the Akasaka Blitz where the rock bands Sexy Zone, Kaikan Phrase, Black Tiger and Acid Black Cherry will perform. The party will then adjourn to the Skyline Ballroom at The Majestic Hotel & Casino. Rooms are provided to all guests through the weekend.
The ID bracelets will grant each guest access to the VIP areas of Akasaka Blitz and Ageha for six months.

Joy Yorokobi
personal assistant
Chu-sa Meiyo Saganami, Governor Nejiro
« Last Edit: 09 December 2016, 19:38:38 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #855 on: 09 December 2016, 18:38:38 »

Science News

Nejiro Air & Space Agency announced today that plans for the Senpu Arashi Observatory in Nakyoku have been finalized and approved by the Ministry. The purpose of the observatory is for astronomy and aeronomy research and will consist of three dual submillimeter and optical telescopes placed in a triangular configuration on the perimeter of Cotahuasi Canyon, a radio telescope array across the floor and perimeter of the canyon, and three weather observation stations in an opposing triangular configuration on the perimeter of the canyon. Construction will begin at the end of the current storm cycle and is expected to take no more than two years to complete.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #856 on: 09 December 2016, 18:54:23 »

ComStar AP News Service

It has been three days since the disappearance of Ryan Higa, CFO of Shepard Energy on Belvoir. Mr. Higa vanished from the crash site of his limosuine, the cause of which is still unknown at this time. The driver Maxwell Holly was found injured and unconscious at the scene and upon examination not all his injuries were caused by the crash. Mr. Holly has yet to regain consciousness and remains in critical condition. Today sources have confirmed that Shepard Energy has received a ransom demand for five million c-bills for the return of Mr. Higa. The investigational details remain confidential but the suspected perpetrators are Cesar's Bandits. There is no word yet whether Shepard Energy will meet the ransom demands.



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #857 on: 10 December 2016, 09:50:18 »
MustSee Travelogue

              Music: The Heartbeat of my City

[click to see images]

Dokutsu is an underground space with an audience capacity of just 2000 provides the opportunity for audience members to get up close and personal with great bands at one of the best live music venues in Hilo. Performances at Dokutsu generally fall into the rock, pop or metal categories and are by a mix of local and national artists. The venue also hosts exclusive engagements from jumpship concert tours. While some shows are seated, many times the audience is standing room only. Ticket prices and availability vary greatly depending on the show.

Zepp Music Halls are in every city on the planet. These Live Houses play host to many concert tours and are a popular stop among musicians. Each venue is unique and takes the Zepp name along with the city in which it is located. The Zepp Company is a subsidiary of Tower Music and Entertainment and are sponsored by Asahi Brewing. Zepp Hilo is a blue marble circular ampitheater in miniature. It holds a maximum of 3000 spectators and is elaborately decorated with memorabilia showcasing the art, history and science of music. Known for its excellent sound, the quality and variety of performances, it remains the stage to be on to break into national attention.

An unprepossesing brick building on the outskirts of downtown overlooking the Canawa River houses Ageha. Ageha is the spot to find the fashionable elite in their stylish suits and glittering dresses and accessories and is not for the casual party goer. The club boasts a vast main dance floor with a superb sound system taken advantage of nightly by a host of the best DJ's on the planet. The open terrace and pool has a view of the river regularly seen in films and television. There are a half dozen chill out spaces, an outdoor dance tent, and a romantically lit rooftop bar. The private beach and docks are favored by the yachting and sailing set. The view from the river features the back wall of the club, subtly lit so that the swallowtails, stenciled in gold, appear to be moving across the wall.
The Budoken Concert Hall is an octagonal building with a design inspired by the Hall of Dreams at Horyuji Temple in Nara. The building is known for its superb, some say perfect acoustics and the extremely enthusiastic audiences. Everyone from the Saito Kinen Symphony to L'arc en Ciel plays here. During the summer concert series many of the top acts such as Suzaku Blaze, Favorite Blue, Ya - Ya - Yah, Sexy Zone, and Chira-bi record their live albums and videos here and shows sell out within minutes. The winter orchestra season is also very popular and dates are often extended to accomodate audiences.

Yoyogi Park is a large man made landscaped park in the center of the residential district of Hilo. it has picnic areas, playgrounds, running and hiking trails, bike paths, sport courts and other such amenities, but the biggest draw of the park are the fair weather performers. every type from jugglers to musicians to martial artists to cosplayers. Sundays are especially busy as the fans gather around their favorites. The band stands are even more energetic in April for Notatakai Iwa a battle of the bands/ festival in which the winner receives a contract with King Records.

The Akasaka Blitz Live House is an intimate performance venue built directly over Akasaka Station in one of Hilo's central business districts, full of corporate headquarters and expensive hotels. Looking a bit like a big glass barn, this two story building is an excellant venue with a capacity of just 1200. The first floor, where the atmosphere is generated, is all standing. The second floor is more of a balcony that seats 200 in sections. Top class Nejiro and visiting bands are regularly on the schedule, many of the performances are broadcast live on television. The venue is often closed for private events. But the most interesting nights at the Blitz are Thursday's Open Stage Nights. The jam sessions occur weekly and are open to all comers. Anything and everything goes, musically anyway.



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #858 on: 10 December 2016, 10:36:55 »

ComStar AP News Service

31 Killed and Hundreds Injured during pirate attack on Brightwood

Explosive devices were planted and remotely detonated in forty five minute intervals at five different local malls in the city of Warszawa as a distraction for two seperate attacks. Most of the pirate force went after several power relay stations and destroyed them while holding off the militia; they wrecked three VTOL's, two tanks and severely damaged two mechs. The remainder of the pirate forces headed to the warehouse district by the spaceport and looted 500 tons of military inventory and other goods. The pirate forces then retreated into the mountains and were transported off planet by dropship. Due to the tactics and colors of the attacking forces the raiders are suspected to be Cesar's Bandits.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #859 on: 10 December 2016, 14:49:11 »

Hilo TV3 News update

This just in footage of the attackers at the massacre of the crew of the Taiyo Energy Hilo Power station [cut to video cuts of the Governor's Security forces engaging the armed attackers at the station] We also have footage of another unidentified group [cut to video cuts of an armed force moving in on the station from the opposite side] speculation on the reason for this additional groups presence includes supposition that they were reinforcements for the primary attackers, they were there to investigate the widespread power outage, that they were an independant raiding force that retreated due to the presence of the Governor's Security forces. The investigation continues.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #860 on: 10 December 2016, 15:06:28 »

Sentinel News update

Connor Noyakin, the Governor's Press Secretary, disclosed today that the Governor's office in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense, will begin an audit of all Clan and Militia combat and security personnel and equipment to asses their combat readiness. The Government will use the results of the audit to determine the necessity, size and allocation of the first major increase to the military budget in more than fifty years. The audit will be conducted by the guidelines set down in the Founders Agreement, no one is exempt.



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #861 on: 10 December 2016, 19:57:10 »
Can Comstar get us a list of units used by Caesar's Bandits?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #862 on: 12 December 2016, 11:34:22 »
Adept Sanchez to Epsilon Command dispatch foot infantry and transports to desert outpost for additional ground security.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #863 on: 17 December 2016, 23:27:14 »
“Hover one to home we have a group of 4 light vehicles moving to the outpost.”
“Home to hover one, warn them off. If they do not comply you are authorized to use deadly force to keep them away from the outpost.”
“Roger home warn them off and if they do not comply deadly force is authorized.”
“This is Stark security to group of vehicles outside of Silverbridge heading south-east you are entering a restricted area. Turn back or we will use deadly force.”
“Boss they are not getting our message or they are Baka because they are still heading our way.”
“Gunner put a flight of LRMs in their path. Maybe they will get the message.”
“Missiles on the way.”
“Boss that got them to understand. They are turning around.”
“Hover one to home. The vehicles are heading out.”
“Roger hover one. Any ID on them.”
“Negative home. They were not transmitting any ID.”
“Boss they may have been a group of kids. They looked like sand scorchers from what I could see.”
“Gunner can you confirm that?”
“Give me one as I lock back on Boss. Well if they are kids they have some way different ideas on how to fit out a sand scorcher.”
“How’s that gunner.”
“Well I saw what looked a MG on the roll bar before they cleared that sand dune.”
“Home, hover one that group was armed.”
“Roger that Hover one. Stay close to base but if they swing back you are weapons free.”
“Roger Home weapons free if the return.”

“Outpost to incoming security force we have 4 small light vehicles moving off to the north-west.”
“Repeat outpost to security force 4 small vehicles moving off to the north-west.”
“Be advised they are armed. Our security spotted what looked to be MG’s on said vehicles.”
“Recommend you alter course to intercept and find out what they are doing in this area”


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #864 on: 19 December 2016, 08:34:49 »
I took a look at the charging rules online last night, and the Mallachi brothers must have had ammunition in their trunks...  The charging rules state that the formula is weight*distance divided by 10, so it should have been 6 points or so, not 60...  Unless I found an old post or something. 

Please correct me if necessary....


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #865 on: 19 December 2016, 18:12:12 »
After looking in the Total Warfare book, John is correct.  The charging rules state that the damage of a successful charge attack is equal to 1 point per every 10 tons the charging unit weighs (rounded up) multiplied by the number of hexes (or inches in this case, I guess) the charging unit moved (not counting the target hex).
The charging unit takes damage equal to 1 point for every 10 tons the target weighs (rounded up).
Furthermore, the damage is divided into 5 POINT GROUPINGS using the normal hit location table if a vehicle is charging another vehicle or a prone 'Mech.
Therefore, assuming the Mallachi brothers are driving 5 ton dune buggies going at 15 hexes/inches into my Goblin, the most damage they could have dealt would be a total of 15 points per buggy divided into three 5 point groupings into each side of my Goblin.
In conclusion, unless Anthony is using an older version of the rules and as humorous as the Mallachi crush sounds in RP, there is NO WAY my Goblin could've been totaled by those dune buggies.

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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #866 on: 22 December 2016, 01:22:21 »
yes I know about the miss read on the crunch but like in the NFL the ruling on the field stands. the Goblin will be replaced by take your pick ... Blizzard Hover Transport, Badger Tracked Transport Prime or Maxim Heavy Hover Transport Fire Support. any one of these will get your infantry around faster.
you still get to keep the Goblin Turret as a spare. 


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #867 on: 22 December 2016, 11:39:23 »
Like I said, ammunition in the trunks...

"Recruit, where are those cases of SRM rounds?"
"Sir, which ones, sir"?
"Don't call me sir, I work for a living.  The cases that were stacked here!"
"Well sir, you said when we moved out we had to make sure to load them on the go-carts, so I figured I'd get them out of the way now, instead of trying to do it when we're loading everyone else.  I thought ahead, sir!"


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #868 on: 22 December 2016, 17:55:37 »
Twerp: Not even SRMs.  Those buggies mounted Light MGs full of ammo.  Most likely, the bullets went up with the cars (which can realistically happen) and killed my tank.

shadhawk: I'll look those vehicles and their respective costs up and get back to you.

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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #869 on: 22 December 2016, 19:39:39 »
You will not be charge for it. My bad so I will fix it in a way to help not hurt. So pick the one you feel your unit will get the most use out of it.
« Last Edit: 22 December 2016, 20:30:18 by shadhawk »

