Author Topic: (Answered UPDATED) Turn Modes  (Read 2373 times)


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(Answered UPDATED) Turn Modes
« on: 25 August 2015, 23:39:08 »
I could use some clarifications on turn modes.

Does the 5 MP of a WiGe lifting off count against the MP total of Turn Modes?

What if the WiGe utilizes the rules for maintaining flight level above otherwise illegal terrain driving up MP per hex moved?

Likewise for ground units what about moving through legal terrain that costs more than 1 MP, would these MPs also count fully against turn modes?
« Last Edit: 12 February 2016, 16:41:14 by Xotl »


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Re: Turn modes page 25
« Reply #1 on: 21 September 2015, 00:12:36 »
Considering I actually have a couple work orders this week I figure bumping this a couple days early so I don't forget can be forgiven.


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Re: (Research) Turn Modes
« Reply #2 on: 25 October 2015, 22:10:44 »
Late bump.


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Re: (Research) Turn Modes
« Reply #3 on: 24 November 2015, 10:49:46 »


  • Dominus Erratorum
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Re: (Research) Turn Modes
« Reply #4 on: 24 November 2015, 14:45:28 »
The passage has several problems, so it has been rewritten:

     Vehicles are not nearly as agile as ’Mechs: the faster you are going, the more gradual any turn must be in order to not skid, fishtail or even roll over. This is represented by a vehicle’s turn mode—the number of hexes forward (or backward, if moving in reverse) it must move in a straight line before it can safely make a single hexside facing change. To use these rules, a player must declare at the start of each Movement Phase how many MPs the vehicle is planning to expend that turn. This determines the unit’s base turn mode for the Phase.
     A vehicle can try a facing change without moving the required distance forward, but its controller must make a Driving Skill Roll, with a modifier equal to the turn mode minus the number of hexes actually moved when the facing change was attempted. If applicable, add any modifier for conditions in the hex where the facing change was attempted (as seen on the Turn Mode Table). MP loss suffered during a unit’s move has no effect on that Phase’s turn mode.
     For example, a player declares that their Medium Hover Vehicle will be expending 15 MP that Phase (giving it a turn mode of 3). It then attempts to turn after moving only 1 hex forward. The player would make a Driving Skill Roll with a +2 modifier (3 – 1 = 2).
     If the roll fails, consult the Failed Maneuver Table (see p. 26). Roll 2D6; add to this result the Margin of Failure from the Driving Skill Roll and the appropriate Vehicle Type modifier (as shown on the table) and apply the appropriate effect.

The answers to your questions would now be Yes/Yes/Yes.
« Last Edit: 12 February 2016, 16:40:24 by Xotl »
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Re: (Answered) Turn Modes
« Reply #5 on: 24 November 2015, 15:05:45 »
To me there is still a bit of a logic problem with counting full MP even if a hex requires more than 1 MP to cross but as a game simplification to even make the rule workable it makes sense in that regard.

Thanks for the answer.


  • Dominus Erratorum
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Re: (Answered) Turn Modes
« Reply #6 on: 24 November 2015, 15:47:53 »
I agree completely.  But really addressing that would require more rewriting, and I didn't want to have to change the table in errata as well as even more of the text.
« Last Edit: 12 February 2016, 16:41:25 by Xotl »
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  • Dominus Erratorum
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Re: (Answered UPDATED) Turn Modes
« Reply #7 on: 12 February 2016, 16:41:50 »
Updated to include non-movement MP as part of calculations for turn modes, as now indicated in Interstellar Operations LAM rules.
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  • Colonel
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Re: (Answered UPDATED) Turn Modes
« Reply #8 on: 12 February 2016, 18:19:30 »
Thanks again for the clarifications and I was starting to wonder if there were supposed to be exceptions for LAM Airmech mode, good to know that it has been updated for that as well.

